Show I j Married alb w albIt It came cane to us as a surprise but nevertheless an agreeable one that Walter and Miss Berniece Derniece Ber Der- niece Parry were married last week k kIn In Cedar City The groom is a son of Mr and Mrs Mn F. F II II 11 and Is a congenial ial tal affable and sterling young man whose friends will be bo well pleased to learn of his hia advent into the ranks of the benedicts The bride is a charming channing daughter of Mr and Mrs Evelyn Parry one who numbers her friends by the score She is a lovable young woman of whom any man might feel proud to call wife wile Tho The Record Joins loins with th the friends of 01 the young oung couple in wishing them thema a B long and happy married life Dont Don't you think it is about time we had bad a decent fence around the city park The one that now stands has served Ved its time and done its duty well in the keeping of loose animals out but it is now and should be supplanted with a nice substantial iron fence o oWe We read in the tho Tribune that the th B. B A. A G. G Faculty contemplates making mak fn lag ing a tour of the continent during the summer Wish we were able to do dothe dothe dothe the same thing lor Cedar boasts of having the best paved main street in Utah bar none Too bad the city is not allowed to enter the the mercantile game else it could dd do a a good business at the tourist tour tour- st park selling autos tires oils auto accessories gas ens together with food stuffs The park is an ideal location for a business of that kind We won won- wonder der ler that some one has never applied for a concession to operate in the park mrk In the north field we a are informed white top the most virulent of nox ious sous ous weeds has got a fair start Now is s the time to kill it by spreading a anice anice anice nice coat of coarse salt on the spots where the weed is showing usually along the canal and head ditches Better Detter attend to this before the weed invades the cultivated portions of the field ol lol lolA olA A greater reater acreage of small grains is to be planted in Cedar Valley this year which is hoped w will offset the shipping fh rn from outside parts wheat oats and barley this coming fall and winter W sanitary We have a sanitary inspector I Lets Let's ts t's have him make a tour of the blocks down the center of each and see how many unsanitary places he can find and have cleaned up We will bet a doughnut he will find quite a number Hor- Hor It is reported that along about April wool buyers will offer prices for southern Utah wool ranging rang rang- ing from 37 to 43 cents per pound The side ditches of Cedar City have havea a much better appearance now they are cleaned out than they had during the winter But Dut at that the streets do donot donot donot not look so well because the rubbish weeds and mud taken out has been piled along the ed edges s next the streets making them look like they were flanked with war trenches M ol MA lolA olA A suggestion The suggestion The city should OP or OPler tier ler a car load of coarse salt similar to that used in the freezing of ice cream and have hae it spread along the banks of every ditch in the city This will kill all 1111 tendency for foxtail burdock sunflowers white whitetop whitetop whitetop top and other noxious weeds to grow in border form on the street sides lo Should Shouldn't t wonder but Cedar will jome some day in the not for far distant future fu ft- ture have paved walks on every sidewalk sidewalk side side- walk in town Gee Geel wont won't it be swell when we do to 10 ol The excessive cold snap of the fore forepart forepart forepart part of this week knocked the socks off apricot bloom killing practically all of them Hof- Hof We a are riot not but boasting but we Wo claim that Cedar has some of the roughest side streets to be found anywhere anywhere any any- where in South Southern m Utah to o Cedar has nine places where you youcan youcan youcan can get a square mea meal And it seems each of them are doing a thriving business oM Last Sunday Director Maughan Maughan Supt Barlow Darlow and some others accompanied accompanied ac c companied Dr Peterson of f the A. A C. C and members of the committee who were here in connection with the Educational Ed Survey Surrey on a trip to Zion Canyon Canon and the Dixie country The visitors were delighted with the southern scenery ery to 10 o Its It's obligatory upon the school district to build another school build ing for Cedar Better begin to make arrangements now jot W Mrs Ruby Ames of New York City is a guest at the home of her sister Mrs Parley Dalley Daliey lot ol This is to announce that I have taken over the agency in this terr territory ter r tory for the entire line of F F. F EMyers E E. Myers Myel'S Bros Dros Co Pumps hay tools toola well equipment as well as the Stover Products of Gas and Fuel Oil Burning engines Ensilage cutters feed grinders etc and expect to give the customer the same personal a at attention t. t they have received in connection connection con with our Mill an and which they have a right to expect t Every being extended td d consistent with good business I can also supply your wants wanta foi fo Colorado Fuel Fuel- Fuel and and Iron Products i ithe ir n the way of woven and barbed wire E. E M. M COLVIN Agent Co Phone Advertisement April Advertisement April 3 pd Next I year it is estimated by the farmers tanners who should know that the alfalfa seed production of this valley will be doubled from what it was in 1925 Word comes from the easten II centers that buyers will b be I c ground in Southern Utah at II ing lag time prepared to costa the 1926 clip |