Show PET PETERSEN PETERSEN PACE PACE ACE I 00 Saturday last in St St. George two of I I Cedars Cedar's well known and highly respected respected re- re young people were united in marriage by Carl Snow justice of the thel peace of that city The contracting parties are Mr I II H. E. E Petersen and Miss Amanda I Pace the tho former being a son Ion of Mr I and Mrs II H. H. H Petersen of Richfield and the latter being a daughter of I Mr Mr and Mrs John E E. E Pace of St George Both Doth the tho young people have I made their home in Cedar the past 1 It I t two or three years and have by their courteous and genial personality won the admiration of a large number of the people of Cedar I I f Mr Petersen is the manager of the Petersen Drug Store and Is a young 1 I man man in whom hundreds of patrons of I Iman the firm have great confidence I I IThe I The bride has cis been identified in a public public wa way since e residing in this I f city nd by her dignified courteous I I and ladylike bearing has won th the e esteem of all whom whew she has become acquainted I The Record joins with their many man y I f friends in wishing for the young youn g couple the greatest happiness an and andI d I success in married life I I nn |