Show MARRIED j 00 We have been informed that Miss Ella Matheson daughter of Mr and andI Mrs A. A G. G Matheson was married I tied sled last week to George Foster in inthe tho the St. St George Georgo temple I The young couple havo the well wishes of a host of ot friends for their I happiness and success as man and wife I The bride is a young lady who has won the respect of ot many people I by her high ideals of lIf life honor to her parents and devotedness to duty 1 both in the tho home homo and the tho church to ho belongs The Tho groom is a well known and I highly r respected of Cedars who came from St. St George several I I years c rs ago to tomake make his homo home in Iron IronI County In both places he is well I liked and respected is a h capable I honest and courteous young man i The Record tenders sincere cons conI congratulations con con- to Mr and Mrs Foster I oo 01 |