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Show Deattaftms - I M.( VVilson I Efforts BeingMajaS to I Locate Relatives in I North Carqlina y' H Sunday nlghtin his office In Rlter Bros.' drug store, Attor-y ney H. C. Wilson, who has made this city hli hom for the jidst two ycurs or more, passed away after a lingering illness of pueu-moula pueu-moula find other complications. He hrid not been well for sev-eral sev-eral months and jlid not seem to have strength enough to overcome the ' first attack of pneumonia Jliat seized him in the spring Ho was cared for by Dr. J. E. Day at the Farns-worth Farns-worth Hotel for a season und later' spent two weeks at the iorin home of Mr. und Mrs. Alva Rhodes of East Garland In hopes of regaining ills wanted health and strength. It was finally decided to take him to tho Merrill Hospital at Tremon-ton, Tremon-ton, where it seemed for a sou-son sou-son that ho was Improving. He gradually grew worso and by his own request he was rcmov-ed rcmov-ed from tho hospital to his of-flco of-flco in this city. Dr. Day faithfully waited upon him und did all in his pow- iH er to lengthen out his days on earth, but "Grim Reaper" 'M .knocked at hh door, and he an-lowered an-lowered the call. HisLS.UnH T' i were taken to the PHpii'- - Stevens undertaking parlors 'a y. ' Tremonton, since when they have been embalmed and are being held awaiting some infor- , matlon concerning relatives. County Attorney LeRoy B. Young and County Sheriff J. II. Zundel and others went through till papers and books Monday in an effort to find some information that would lead up to his Identity or give In-formation In-formation us to his wife, sou und daughter, who ho often spoke of to friends here. Noth-Mig Noth-Mig of any importance was dis-rtnered dis-rtnered and the officers are now doing all In their power to find relatives or friends in North Carolina, where ho claim-ed claim-ed his wife., son and daughter resided. A gold watch and chain, some money, lots of good clothing, linen, etc., and a vulu-able vulu-able library and many impor-taut impor-taut papers are among the many things loft In his office. Notes In a small memorandum Indicate that ho has traveled und visited many countries. One pockctbook contained a card bearing the address of Thomas B. McMaster of Brigham City, with the articles of faith of the Church of Jesus Christ on the opposite side. From this ono would presume that Elder Mc-Master Mc-Master gavo him this card while on his mission In Scotland. Mr. Wilson was a well posted, refined gentleman and must have come from good Southern stock. Ho was about G7 years of uge und notwithstanding his 'H peculiar crltlzising and some-what some-what different nature from tho common run of men, ho was "well bred" and made some good friends here and through-out through-out the county who respected him. We are in hopes that his relatives may be located. Wo have had many pleasant con-versutions con-versutions with Mr. Wilson concerning the South and tho Southern people, but at no time did ho ever give us the name of the city or county in North Carolina that he claimed his people resided in. He has par-taken par-taken of dinner at yo editor's homo a number of times, at-tended at-tended tho picture houses with us and taken trips in our auto-mobile, auto-mobile, as well as mado many calls at tho Globe office, and during all our association with him we have always found him to he a perfect gentleman. In ever' respect, and wo have conslderaulo regard for him. |