Show JACOBS lutle girls were going to school Both little girl were rosy and eweel One little girl had to walk'by rote For her shoes were hurting her feet OIL lwo CURES PERMANENTLY Horse and Diseases Cattle For General Use The Anna’ Palace and Stock Car 1KS3 Oil aj collective One little girl missed winning a prise Her feet were hurting her every day: Each wore shoes of the very name size But they were made iu a different way ARMS & CO Inflammation U Swelled Ccldi My Limbs Neponsct 111 May 21 1SS8 caught cold swelled result: between and Inflamm her with bt Jacobs Oil limbs tion mare lump Cured THE CHARLES fore-legs LO At ivn VOGEIER A CO Md PAOKE OMilvrlveiired In Niene IIKIe PilU They also relieve Die from DysipsiaIn iguetionaud Too Hoar h Eating A perfect retu edy for DlzJnessNauaeu Drowsiness Rad Tash In tho Mouth Coated Tongue pain In tlie Side TUKHID LIVElt TheN regulate the Bowels Purely Vegetable Price 25 Cents Small Dose Small V W Laws That tho by women 'lie i 1 Mohsk & Omaha Women Tlinl tendency of Neb Price Would state a would bo to legislation tobacco governed follow Would that tho law had no they did not what of law but disregard and consequent would confus'on ensuo? forco Children Klsrd “You If Another Plan’s Wife Jacob Green scoundrel” veiled young At his good nclgfihor Brown— ‘‘You kissed my wife upon the street I ought to knock you down” “That’s where you’ie wrong” good Brown replied In accents mild nnd meek “I kissed her that I’ve not denied kissed her on tlie cheek But — and did It because she looked so handsome picture of bcautv —tho and health very What is tho secret of It?” “Well” lcplicil Green “i will tell you she ucc you ask it Pierces Favorite Prescription uses lJr accept apology Good night” “Fa your vnrlto Prescription"’ Is the only remedy for Iho delicate derangements and weaknesses of females sold by dmggists under a positive of giving satisfaction in every case guainntee paid for it returned or money alwuya SCOTT’S I I I I Cod Liver with Oil Hypo of Lime Is phosphites and Soda almost es palatable ss milk Children enjoy It rather than A otherwise MARVELLOUS FLESH For Jlnrare and bon Stnulc) correspondent A Tho hair who wont up describes Stanley to meet boing quite white ns ascribes imitation illations Hair ’ t country tho to privations the of lucidoiit regarding plorer friends As BEANS was sorno a which become the great twitted by years ago matter of white fact his did In long curious change the SMALL SIZE (40 little beans to the bot Thor are the most convenient suit all aces 1‘rleeof either Blso 25 cents per bottle have tie) KISSING nivuinvi oenu (coppers or stamps) lllih fffff Kind tor never Hut Mr so Letter words dye tho chanco of of kind this It good a grown another rather Is thdr present color should universally made known — bald like are heads— they can Popdlaritt Brown’s Bron Extended Troches have for many been the years populnr article in for relieving use Coughs and Throat troubles of in WITH MADE that beon London hair 7 F SMtTTT h CO "Bile Beans " St An Louis Mo r'TTHmTinn iiiiiinn'in'imii'wii chial most Makora I panel viowof awkward ex his WATER BOILING EPPS’S France is The F'rench the are suuff-taklng boss always country enulL to up COCOA When Baby When When she was When she had MADEWITH BOIUNQ MJLK llOK'I’i IOWA IS K1TDS Vi) I M I jTj 9 4 H 12pn ketst'hnlcoVegetflbleSeedi inelmling mio novelties tor 2S Or pkts Flower heeds including Iowa B auty Cts Pansy for 2V or 20 Choice llnuse Plants for $1 All good kino choice of varieties postpnti our Stamps Established2J ar"' Ciun'ogue Free lies Moines la years IOWA hKKl) CD was a sick Lata 3 Principal )ul war in yr $65 A It t )£! A Ail nniMM Urllilvl she bocame Mlsa sho A) commision clung to Children she gave them I' tn ighet IHT It I & A(U CO t I’H on 49 Bureau tty siuce bt ii years forty returns forty-eight had thirty-six bad and ten and In regard to took none twenty-four six were moderates nnd one Of used to n good deal of beer was ani nine fifteen three pou tle nnd Out thirty-nine and forty-five memory snuff was did sleep to not hrty of out sleepers good were bail and seven moderate the returns aver From thirty-five bed 9 time of going to was age but one retires at 12 and ono o'clock five at 7 ntll bedridden seven are Tho average time of rising was about but six ruse at o’clock 8 o’clock 6 nine ato IA O I M Stanley African tho explorer U old years T 80 DAl M'W Book Chicago 111 vital weakness or gering complaint Buffalo N Urn Helper free a Paris of the chronic any should send Y for to J g Health of copy a lin or I)r at 10 at 11 at one and 4- m p of forty-two twenty returns four had no teeth and irom thirty artificial eight had returns but four eighty the teeth yet in men about six number of teeth is only average in three women the In twelve returns age average when married umong the males was 23 nnd tho females 25 nnd the aver child to Sol safo and Jewels latest ever to good print her It in seems flew there to cab a loss and off found AYhen the pay recovered to them commission amount and called the in it that present £165 she was prefect de police was peace who her assured her in his that she could most plausiblemnnner not see the “rliief” without appoint whereupon Sarah exclaimed: ment “Why not? I can the see Prince Wales without appointment not the chief of police? Finding however argument effort avail no the police but la Imil advised returned would not tho law her that “knock off” tho Letter nnd their on return to to in was circum the the to — the i t See molds from school are wo Froo tiorn pains of all description But onen wo wero sick ns sick could be — Cured by tho "Favorite Prescription” A standard Seriod in ound in a Dr girl’s tho tho when life Pierce’s schools have sent threo beautiful tho resorted to regulating for remedy homo maidens of tho of systems puberty who need strengthening nervine ing Whether all 1 in those those — hoarding-schools delieato World’s Street Main the in Favorito “ entering a freo from supporting alcohol it is homes weaknesses Association critical “teens” ladies’ Wind or Take will lasses only girls just tonic and and injurious guaranteed to incident to Manufacturers a ap- quict for let cold or not it he in Series drugs correct females CC3 Henry Oppenheimer blacksmith shooing wife a left N was PIERCE’S the house Fnequaled 1 1 fat got The on off at the of was or tho snrpiise Valuable Ills tho to son mis and bumping ho to Her llnnk Won last week day Ono his TO TUB box with OMAHA whilo him Her HilMlc elderly lady re an having oor Tho j worked hard her all was summoned to residence to tho body for prepnro burial und while removlng the clothing It was noticed that the bustlo was rather heavy taker undo fact in tract tho spectators find secrocted it attention was to as and was open than iorsl ruck were therein fclbOO over Tho old lad y Instead had i at ripped money long ago established a reputation for exact and liberal performance Tna 0MAI14 Wonin-HsKAtn Its sprevlmg throughout NtlrH“ka with iubseribnr reputation of contracts aud promt Thousand of and Iowa now reaches hUosU the large towns and villagesof the northwest rentiers thousand added bear testnnoiiv not only to of dally and weekly and many every year the excellent but to Its prosperity nnd permanence To those who do not know the Omaii the if it fulfill the large of well and who wonder offer nmdn Inf 5N ohi ISkkalu nmy can premium suggests that inquiry bo made of those most opt to know how tho Omaha low the oitiD Hekaid Voitib-HtciiAio Ask your postmaster nk your banker nsk your stands in tho business world In Omaha or any friend you may have in Oinuha und you will feiirii merchant or write to any hank mnke will bo curried out fairly und honestly as every offer that any proportion the Wo!Uu-Iikiiaii Head tho letter from old suhacriliersprinted herewith They ex it ha hereloloro niude has been the methods pursued by tho Wonn-H kuatd in its first annual du universal satisfaction with press last when over ten thousand dollars’ worth of desirable premiums were trihutiun of premium year offered nnd the distribution mado exactly on the day advertised to the salisfactiouofall subsoribors Tho distribution is never postponed to Wmuu-llKiurD offer subsnrlhors who Bond In their subscription bo This year tho Omaha tiiu tho following Hat of splendid premiums tween now and March )JU 18 w in advance before that each worth from ono dollar to eight hundred dollars: It weighty so It hank notes spending her schools hots: hoarded e Woiu-Hkkaii to i) iu of every cvonluntioiis “ as ttliv sit to her looked out up his hat lifting Tho down him with over uous glint nnd loud ‘‘Young her in and I needs structure and it woman tho that fact not do I the matter emphatically exaggerating a sniti: sp ak called so to visit alono Ignorance think all at developed tlo d most you genial our in the sliop to and fat unable to compelled was tlie to out to brenk tlie Henry a Delta ask been wom a the in six-inch wilh dclphia occupyin’ foolish teach you to notice insultvespoctablo not w'ltyrtC'iit a ashamed nnd it scrawny ns pad inyselt young tried man tentions as not llT 'was thin and would go Izzard” nnd again to him off “Shutupyou I’ll pull cadaver or Conte back here again iu this link crack between She tho at AYorld two sit down and out and here I but find tlie the crossing— New car s glove my how least got idea tho at Cleverton) tho In Nearly It was lay sad a his on bed and by him man holding wife in hers and to greet forcing his sat the spoke falling weary eyes dear the tears the comfort cold he a hand his tho pale wife I turned face wan going” am John not jet not no yet” dear wile” nnd lie closed his “Yes “tho eyes end is Tlie near World about dark grows mist around nnd thicker is There me a thicker gntliering me nnd there ns through a I hear cloud the music of angels— Bvveet and sad” “No no John dear that in’t an gels that’s the brass baud tho on I’m tho dying man scoundrels dared to here when they know ’em wife at mo ray towering from could think hit old before and had lie opened tho Bhied that the rnge lushed window nnd tho band “Eve boot-jack see” And in a man jumped tiie husking gloes MtsliO In clio toilet coses long W 1‘Hhe op( pls( Moi gnu boot-jack leader Dutch any way” old later suit to when man dou’t leavo Remember pockets sanio placo Cloth — ell in went San well— Advice verbal deavor certain by to to dozen a Si-WaiWeu writing a executed (0 1) b) 41 00 ro wide and 24 U) 2 ro no 825 guns - side and e a a no ut no m loo each Nets carver buggy— hftidsnnio nnd dnrnWo vehlc Detmtlve camei wtili rluUiig frames etc ’lop HU 2o 6o rn Wt I a u) on o -o S3 high 85 lo ou i 0 jno 14) OU springs cros it) itf no ro no no i Wall tents Go d nnd slher watches worth from 810 to 8100 " 6 P xa Pnimi soap 13 10 Hotel hardwwter soap 11s’-rl singly and in sets InrlutPng rovcls A 1eiu-h ngo number of 1 1 polar broke at least SI premium wo-h Sever1 thousand other premiums too numerous to mention in this list enc i Agricultural Implements etc for which codtrtc s i a' e uot yet been il sud fio no as 80 V UO dictionaries etc s to A“ 81to worth from 83 2 IJo 11 0 lduQ Total AND DIRECTIONS CONDITIONS (M UO 60 INFORMATION ored-IIkhald YRVIt Tills SOTll HUIUI1 Third— Any subscriber can be present nt this distribution which takes place In the morning of nfiieo day named at the Would-Ueray-d World-IIerald without premium by paying 91 per Fourth— You cun subscribe for the Weeklt year in advance Is worth dollar and worth The World Herald Fifth— Every premium one many are more however gets them in pay for advertising and is thus able to make the distribution without loss at to its subscriber though great profit Enclose your remittance write your name and poatomce plainly and address WORLD-HERALD ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FEW A NEB OMAHA THE LAST FROM TEAR’S BISIRIBDTION l-xnmliie horses airy 1ms of admitting eat mirror tho I A I it Just with caro cat military been brought out at tho Vienna Prof Polanski institute veterinary and Dr Nchimldka liavo constructed an of tribution am well pleased with it am also pleased with your paper and the stand you took in not post poning your distribution thereby disappoint!: g your suhs ‘liber as many publishers do in such cacs You are puisuing the right road t5 success and wi'h (he as surance that heartily indorse the wsy you treat your subscribers beg ioate to remain oirs reectful)y tl nod Corn tihrllev tawrenee Neb March have re 188— Dear Sir It ceived my theller in good shape have tried it work well) well aatisiled with John Schneider I lelli apparatus lamp and tho tho horse's ustd with I 1 I Inspection examination through heretofore but through mouth larynx a Tho tiny a electric made thfi nostrils its 1 It it 1 not animal's Is Bradley tikes Jloth the Premium and Paper behold Snyder Madison Neb March IS 189— To the editor of the Obiaha World Neb— After srme delay write to tell Jucly Man Another you hdw much appreciatemy machine which wan re received ceived as Dwight Neb March It 180— Pear Sir: for to aubsenber the Omaha premium all your 10 foot l'erkins wind null all right am much Woild have tned and Unl right In every pleased with IU Yours truly respeet and we are also well pleased with the paper Thank you very niuth Y Uliam Neumayer Thanking you for your kindness am respectfully 0 Kale Bokannon Time I’ fee A Splendid Complaint JuiioMibfa Cornell March 18— To the Omaha World: Dear 81 Alexandria Neb March 189— To the Omaha Sir received gold watchtlo all ngh a splendid In the Pardon me for not writing eooner Wmld yonr late distribution w lucky win time piece ltoepeotfully Frank Brott ntr of the capital prise which onsitod of a valuable In city of lot the Omaha for which have received a warranty deed and & complete abstract of title irM Try It Again am entlro stmnger to yon and will ear as you are It Is with Oarroll Mo March 189— bear Sir prompt and take as much p tins in sending premiums to to let pleasure seat myselfto drop you lines few you suhsi'iibers fer did with meit Impossible you well pleased know that received my machine am complaint to follow The World is without exception will try with and mu b obliged to you you ogam the best pApor publishedin the state and if continued lire If Yours truly LiazJe lUck the same as at prsfnt it bound to be the lending journal in Nebraska before long Accept my thunks A Life fiitbcvlber and well wishes ltespeetfully Landkam£r W O’Fallon Lincoln County Neb March 19— Dear Bin Is a The watch come to hand in good time and II ell I’lcasrd daisy With many thank and will make us a lifo sub Hardman Ore May It 19— Omaha Weekly World eenber to your paj or whit we greatly admire for its 0 nt lemon revived from Freeman A Sons Manu tnitlifuluesa Yuutj very tiiicerely H lioetetter facturing company the Htrowbi h'gd sower drew in atn although your dhti ibutlon well htdaHcd with Cooper Wagon have not incd yet but from the look of think Middle Grove Mo March 1— Editor World Herald it will give good satisfaction Whdungyon success In Dear Sir: It received my wagon in good order a future remain yours rosiwctfully FisJ X’oppcn good one bettor than they make here tlilnk you will have to appoint me agent for Think Promts More Titan Fulfilled you can swell your list of subscript r: Wishing you success in fllrnix Falls Dak May ill 199— Editor Omaha the future A ML remain as ever yours baosett ol chest World The drew in your first premi In this drawing ai rived few dtts ago case yon um A 1’frtno for hte Dollar have more than fullljed your promise The chest as la Fairfield March 1889 44 —Publishers of the advertised was to contain 37 pcees and found World Omaha Neb Sir: Dear rccclxe the plauo than satisfied with tho investment and hope Am more — vesierday evening It is a beautiful instrument and to be around at your next annual pieinmm drawing has tine tone T am ever so much pleased with U Accept thanks from Yours truly Fomeruy thank vou ever so was not imitat'd at ail much for sending me such nice piauo Your friend One of the Itest in Vse Kate A Norrefl Lisbon Neb Jrne 14 —World Publishing company Omaha Neb —Dear Sir: My reetangular premium The Might Itoad to Success churn was received O K well pleased wih It am la 1889 (Vston March —Editor of Weekly and think of will one the et churns in use en World Omaha— bear Sir: Omnh'i received from the of subset iber for deavor to ‘end you a large the Tent and Awning compmy the tent drew in your dis E B World next ear Yours truly Kenny I of Is I I AalAlcrf If ’ell Gillespie III March M 188— World: I’ve roeetred the Union sewing machine and am well satUAcd with M The work it doee Is Just splendid Your truly Only I 1 1 4 It 1 I three men the horses have been Tho liavo been during tlio niotlu new hold to experiments which tho Vienna Institute at made required tho has d advantage of thoroughly allowing tho noslrils to be examined at the same time ns tho larynx diseases Is all impor which for certain hml lniiiiiKrmtoii The the iioiim ivniunii Russia of czar 1 X i h I 8 J 1 I Oiruoii become has Is a 1 is Rhiin)ant cron country ta tha Orgoa AddroM III Information fiuu A expert an -an t a It l (lie I'luiulim Oregon Ultrt rqunlilc rllrmup efrtiilnatiil J’ept ft tiff pntiii aiorlc gum nml Id 1 If 9 1 I tant Hoi 1 of 1 1 violin it It is It 1 X 1 1 1IIHY nil IIAVF IHOMiY llt X The Annie Lotioiy tf : Fot Innate Fifteen rartnortlilp ili of ilia th it I a Oawefro (N Y) rallndlum Jan B Houghton has been engaged dur ing the pa?t few days m presenting to each of fifteen UMvemiRns who §o were foitmiHle as to he implicated In a partnership Louisiana State Lottery tickets The fol on lowing nte the lucky iim "tors: J MeCheaJ OiH8‘ W MeJ)ocll Rasmussen ney ( has U Lewis Jules Wendell J South A V iek !nrimin Albeit Htzgcrahl oo II Oledinh Wiley Alono Admns Churchill Iheo Warden Aarou Colnon David Wright Colhcrt Cooper It drew The lucky number was No 3"flCl the fourth capital prize of $100001 In the of whit $’5000 fell to December dt awing the Oswego gentlemen they holding one fourth of tho ticket Mr Houghton sent the lucky ticket for collection on Thursday 19th and received the money tlie following Friday The This Is the second similar draw week has gicatly stimulated the local occurrence trade In lottery tickets t Mr D 1 I I X a It I 1 9 it Ollphant authoress the Is Cl years They dloapprar hot fundi” 6c tramp-“luiMril rakra Cigar X j other Many letters file on are those who received bljf and get a (rood paper In premiums Address the WORLD-HERALD last THE s before Try year Are the R producing for all sods and everywhereLuriy F I1 and large were i'rope packages Earliest rudtntils seed— climes for year I ' lUTtnV tU AN or 1 I’A’a xaveru Stanley family a IS OO package Ohoice lower Need pkge 1r rof Needling Tomato (new) l£Oc Woto Vege3m !)) sufficient from this WORLD-HERALD lublnmHeaiiUlul In of office luck your Omnlin Lonta Bt 1 If Farm like 1 I age en J20 240 1 X tlm llurae’ Inryux likely to Interest not only Invention stud hut also those intrusted ownos Mrs mer will experience have fol wise Tho contracts taught got Trade in tolerably is and Chronicle Men to bed to Francisco Trouble low chant back 00 i s ' 1 In-trun i2n i M (0 lu j-afh -1 li ho And SJ l Midtllci H Hr 10 hngllsli dn Fft Idles Target rules 9 Bieedt loaning doulle barrel shot nt-lioru M0 no F00 h eu ri useful book a h eiw athum lisa eitjh 5 u-h by t unit Ilian '0 dien ene ono dozen e worth12 eum of ss t said those let M In fur l ted tdde ccrs alligator luh siclieln at SI 0 "8tir u King” gent’ ghues a Sl00 frln llnon no l to-day In around Give dying? come tmets h tinoeneh bought iu ic'ft be each 4 as with of folt and to up “Jennie “Oh he him upon hand look words But hope worn back wandering She smile his 4i the was In uniform for Imitations by faithful nnd old The scene pal s Pair r 80 J" anno 8 Kanras m) mod um) 2 tho Mr 11 Is cheapened In every artlcla w production at expense of quality Electric Soap Is exactly what 18115 absolutely pure hurmless and Ask your gioeer for It Lookout of cost Dobbins' Iiayi B-pnge won 1 minutes tho at 0 Include $3 In money stamps drafts First— Each subscription must be for one year and mut order or postal note postal order express Wbekit W for oneyearwith Us Second— Each subseniier paving STgets the a ticket which entitles splendid Agricultural Department and Veterinary Column and he also get at the annual premium distribution which takes place him to one of tho above named premiums Is I Furnisher tho Heard few I Why haven’t — giving It to attended ball last (a trado oo fUHH 6 Pardon that pocket your — here — Look another dress you hire anything York He from remember Dashaway 1 Angels I there? (severely) I Clovcrton A Wasn’t llnpiieti (at tho ball) — but beliove (confusedly) Summit jio ft Will protruding it Miss V I ba klh ui A’i ordeoii 1 a Accident Miss Summit Mr Dashaway me 1 k 1W 1 would persist la bothering Martin the haldheiol monk dispatched bottle of Ink learn that a so we bottle of Ink might rid you of any devil but S a bottle of Dr Bull’s Congh "up will always rid you of any cold all It From — mill dama-k mu iidU'l' P jo JO JO 21 10 90 until It him wisely grave no op i No ho mm larin laitn Dozen L fiu Fhilar a Uu 80 jr 1 JU) jno JtU devil with that wo ier aud in you for reached last cut wnsp-wnisted winter had man young in say but she long-drawed you lmrd a The his best the were The de ladiein I’m are A to to Dashaway and I you from the Nuo 40 pi) it no ticlii V0 VW Physician Luther him time next fnt of them tft’Ol s Lot In l'nrkUnd addition) Knnapotls oiid t n lpe i 'a Hi it mutt a -nmnut -d y ‘ ‘ SR each pound metal farm hell Hfiv ie sheeting rn'b r coats nl 10 M en’B lu-l 60 1 mlies’ mher grv rui-ber gS uuei at Turkish httili tuwt i In luis i f o IU) Doen complaints Troubles that frank them they would with un wore incurablo and derstand as must godown thought would mortify me you all these people before why yer barkin’ the snplin’ I’ll up wrong let 3’ou know who’s to be mortified” The thin young man blushed crimson that lie nnd muttered “meant no harm” “didn’t notice” etc “Oh didn’t AA'ell you? you didn’t notice the otr new and urJ' o?C wilds of wonder- Africa” I by the This of worth he Brown will gives you large a it salesman put I'ou who certain that down save nine for for or a A nnd order deliveries nnd too -postpaid— Christian 33 The New York nnd Littlo Springs Ark Memphis i extended to fu A cqntains for n it signed a jury ten prove un sympathetic with is they consider party whom It is only the “under dog” a little it tho time but usually trouble nt in tho future saves a heap of trouble 1 100000 ROSES and PLANTS 846 lot Rock will nil should most of itself be yeast which vim like its by makes NaatH cardan and farm MAIttf la A- W BalmBgTS Cream How's This! One Hundred Dollars Reward for of Catsuh that be cured by any can not me taking Hull’s ’niinh Cure HLN KY A CO hops Toledo O F J J the unite rdgued have known r Cheney and believe him for tho lnt 15 years In all feetlv honot able buhiness transactions pei and linancmlly able to carry out any obliga WILL We tions unde by their tlrm hoiesalcDnurglstsToledoOMo West ATiunxV holcsale Drug Walding KiniutnA Murvm oledo Ohio gidS National Hshler Toledo E II Van lioef-cn 1 ( oledo Ohio Rank Hall’s Catnnh kn internally act uie is ing directly ujon the bloo and mucous sur foe faces of the sybtein Viiue per bottle all Druggists bold bv '1 t: 4 OF C ELY l ’l Balm PROS l to LIKE It It M Warren KIDDER'S St N 50cl Y PASTILLES 11riee Sacta M THE AIR SALESMEN GOOD (u Main Hook-keeping l wanted In every county In the U and t’anadas Kx LitmiHl salary paid to tell our by sample at hoivsale and re 12 and U ihird ave Chicago 111 S bvmail MOl Li 4 Charlestown STUOT Penmanihlp nJ SI thor m Ariilimetio Hhorlhand etc euirbiT taught hy mail Inwrate L’nculars fiee Muiu bt Buffalo N Y BUY ANT'd COUlLLiK4ul CT IN HeatUiuatier for Band lmtuumenta Biuiu L’oipj Outfit Accordant Violin Banjos Mandolins Uultarv Zlvhei-s Harmonicas Strings for every Instru lull stock of Sheet Music Books ment mad Baud ami OrciteKta Music Band Folios Instruction for fll Anyone sending in an Books Instrument to us Older will receive copy of Music FKKE Writ for price aud catalogues statiug what Mud of goods wauted PI AX 1YIEYEU Sc ItltO Neb Omali a nostril I I IAJI la warv Cwatv Jlhrawd ma t act aadr !traettM Secret Sarvlca Xipmcaca ei atocMarv Partlcaiar fra M ireaii ClaclaaitLft as lltactiT Barcaa Co II Mu-do II each aur MUSIC Children Apply la Era own oiler ( DETECTIVES in t'nMM Ely’s Thrilling accountsof his journey acrossth dark con engiaving A bonanza for tinent Over 900 fine Send 'We for outfit Circularsfree agent CO 101 at Chicago & State ItORLANH Hand for 9rv i’atalar' for on tains avervtbu( JOHN ln be t Have 84 I make gentleman a a cultivated thing acres We engage or before of the ear We Make You a year trial trip out antedate I j Turk Central the mnke tor writing times you custom chances in your be right etc writing in paintings dollars’ all is that installment sign tells memorandum a month nil for answer neces enters to Egyptian era by 3000 Culture docs not regular beet may be man know thousand Brown his is He a goods sign him a you responsible of ture A whom every in especially guarantees office in nrising importance sell to beehnrged to person of case business er pitcher to sit to H a 2o U trossing you tlie ex cunnin’ I an as am space that you have I’m fat but I’m not him shoo lost his Oppenheimer nearly son It was dose call for him Conrnd when his ma enme into the kitchen— Gladstone awful was 0) lOMifl -- K Rio 1 2 are lam when Of) iso ijr 1 nm constantly have through I wh women they KOO h 1 when late each t they too 60 r -u t 1 i tnto crammed and3 hore erone book (-omelet 1 that all Yes are up physiology generally Is Ko ht-ot !) as a tell and in suit ot I I just to aro allowod of lotullr Ignorant ami necossit ouif that dolicuto tho body A time human they awake to physical wrecks thought you while stands girls is in Hitchcock's addition Omaha Keh with rolling coulter weed mondn riding nors enoli bridge Dtoad lowers Freemnti buid tde niter lOlt-atcn Kutpiie chthe ringer 85 each n iu Ti a Volunteer nilie witngers M 10 PaDjr cloUi-s wringers! ke laninntU Nor & Martnon IV fO'd lttjr d uuiniu wlmimlll JO n ny okes ut dozen 0' B imudUm earn 10 Union new No I'liion IjOSucU 8) sewlna ma hhus N2 feed 8 Hnl timers ts each tauh 10 Koci angular cl ui ni No Urn iu farm null 1 8 A 1 womanhood comes she suppose — tho III our study heads in -‘Adam" anatomy at them under invited then tone about of many Into contempt a eyes angry man fat woman umlei Look II drift tho Women much d how tludr his sent of gracefully mant” Are averago a car was they first s j ask tho small now tho was first “Eve” “Who was woman I” the 22nd President of tho I' lilted Btatet” “Grover Cleveland" “What Is tho specific “Salvation Oil” cure for paiut” important cveryting she ns ho “The me Broadway thin WORLD-HERALD tho fare red WEEKLY In suddenly Kenosha droppod from trouble dead heart some says a l!alne Wisconsin dispatch to tho Chi Herald supposed Sho to be cago was life TO over away siding vmy OFFBKED Property SUBSCRIBERS before sees Jick’s of conversation and full horso and eyos his liandlo in Articles sandy is hs box undor him from rubs tip recover rolling engagod is Woman very a crowded a A nnd Fat with woman perfectly was tricate Conrad cut tlie head off to save and then he felt obliged to got tho head pilener PELLETS: pay clerk Insulted your Oppen Wednesday horse and Y VI! It PILL nn a One tiny Susar-coated Kmnllrit Chcapot Ilaaimt to take Pellet a dote Cures Sick Headache Indigestion Uilinus Headache Constipation Billons Attack and 26 all derangements of tip oeutt vial by druggists Stoinaok sad Bowels ill— work nt it DR at hens leaving his little son Conrad the dog alone with N'elmchadnezznr in tlie Nebuchadnezzar got his head rnilk-pitcher Buffalo Events of helmer’s his fast The weather rainy like and Is of violently OF a the sand hills at tho hoels of tho gau cho's steed for tho clover gontlomcn had managed to mako ono end of his lasso about French sary have tlie labored of his first sig produced a nature nnd the clerk apologized nnd Herald paid him his money— Chicago his hot whether cloudy day Hold your surface at right angles metallic to if the e the direction of tlie wind — wind is north hold your surface east but instead of bolding it and west inclino it about vertical forty-two degrees to the horizon the so that glances wind striking and flows over sight carefully ulotig Now a dam the edge some minutes at a sharply object and defined you will see the wind pouring over tlm edge in grace ful Make your observations curves nnd will hardly carefully you ever fail in the experiment The results better if tlie sun is obscured aro even A and grass stride first properly “Will you write now your name with yourleft hand now?” Theninn labored hard nnd he asked I'll answer windy a of straight a lmndsaw purpose experiment or with more large n surface metal is boarding when they building up Bickly pale and Medical her romping above illustration Prescription ” for generous chat to upon Young rosy-choehed delicate or derangements Dispensary just incident ills Prescription pupils poaching ( 1 is eho Favorito their ubo peculiar Tlie neck Intenlo Jumps father your stranger lie WORTH to littlo horso Ills of tho short tho can I flunks Ills over ho it enn’t tho over llo ns tlie “I man “Is the upon i littlo reply the “Have polished murky Three old nn corner” “AYhntl” i Republic n feet clear com they would case let her off with £100 and which was promptly to handed cab-man— fortunate London Levis tho the she considering of Take the of Whereupon How two edge part a i— St into faces signature of the man to whom sued the certificate of deposit” what was the Sarah there asked whether they remit mission formed stances £05 spurs leans tho sir” said tho clerk money “Why not?” asked the astonished this is not tho strangor “Because you Scotland yard nnd ask lowest they would take fore of different apparently to gaucho With Ills hat to stnilo ho takes off him farewell and digging his bds ap deposit many till tho mounts ho bullot a bueno skulks oil which Jack wrenched sanio man the cert id so send O O O S Johnny" will 1 Johnny and row" Jack’s this of Why appo grande trage dienne betook herself to Essex street her in this to her solicitor who told of enso side one was after”— imposition an see the of the on finding nnd to how percentage would and asked to The guardian attending to asked usuul property instance) site were vastly two nnd such catastro too is and the seven her jewels left sound furious wastes nothing Tho entire sewage city Is used In enriching gardening The this'll into getting from is ren six her jewels with his secs “Bueno pen of on his and taps up buenn Johnny horse sardonic sloop a comes aro not off said Jack you” mm Ills OVER HI of I Out nnd clerk Into gauulio author hack you At this day he did not remember he asked him to sign his man whenHe dashed off ornate sig nn name nature which the clerk proceeded to the first signature compare with young man five stout squeezed thirty-two one one the presented “If Is thieves the plains moderate smoked much thirty-seven As tho of tho gallop his nn me more of A “Hueno and It to sign later Sailor each A of forty Out As over took certificate and cer sir— it nothing week a found there that time the reappeared woman) take a for hand” clerk long issued women) two little (one three moderately (ono a woman) your of one slated as left thought eate not handed “Sign the a day seven seven being (four twenty-six their bad at to About ink fnc-simile that say six good Of little mnrli one of said: hurriedly he pen nnd money bo to One and are told by tlm Falcon" sitting ha'f w-ondeiful ten mod none two very lit took twenty-five erate amount but nnd he Cruje on ’ was cent ami saved tho alovo amount which “AYhen 1 was hero you d urn founded she preferred to tarry around witji her rather with than Intrust It to tho banks told me to write my name alcohol my I and did but I can’t left hand so It Is simply how a good thing a littlo A light way” dawned in write that gets known und appreciated la tho public small mal the grandfather?” twenty-five enters were moderate twelve large clerk first but years” strong them forty-seven miss Any man or woman who Is afflicted with kidney complaint nervousor general dcbilltv other our Adam 116 It but twelve get enough Out of lmd a good digestion Out of two good appctitics Of forty-six moderate phe Castorla had ono years many now on discovering Scotland yard Henry Claims ItO and one for tor Bernhardt’s Sarah Bernhardt’s Castorla twenty his considerable the counted The strn nger bent which money ink sign a “Tho him to asked practices chost Sli-alliK- wrecker Their a Hi alonq the southern races America aro described as coast of South professional sea when entered for deposit hur a native Tho conse One and banks in eroct many thorn “not cannot Dona !' hit crRK atlunie no pain or Inconvenience Book inn Mookor MtxUciue Co tlucaco JJU UH Omaha COb— 4 N W Prosecutes xammer U 8 Pension adjudicatingclaims MortpiiiNP ivm v K MONTH h or ! I used of peared ? r-o 'Successfully had not another roll hand” in misunder tormula stranger of tificate in manner upon “Sign there— a large the and these for ago con returns unions spectacles long fall them frequently usual loft your called they called is is: were for tho last twelve had been years ablo to toad without another them cried for Castorla she l PIciVOlUI'S IENSIOHV”'U'lislifngtony years used gave her Castor! we Child 12 t For Tho average seven did not but six bad used poor were forty age number of returns received GRATEFUL-COMFORTING r ginsses four stood twenty were five fut were from glasses to fifty years five four for ten for thirty to thirty-five twe for four to six years to twenty five for years” few “many two for a u ago not appreciate the venerablo which his locks gave gray white Use I’hoto-itravnrt 17’ 7°! size of this picture lie expedi BUlotisness PUk Headache cure Constipation appearance dial&rii Liver Complaints beeamo black again take the sale him They and certain remedy SMITH’S doal than they had more suddenly 7 used these his This l!ut those who met Mr Stanley formerly this country when ho was in will bo reminded by tho telegrams of an Stanley nt the tion had BILE of thirty theytire at so mechnneiul and often that of giving quently name cen were twenty-five of could 00 To slckliead"ehc Indigestion I’r Pierce’s Pellets nnd eight take Is aubatitutlom of biliiousuess constipation and Indeed and tho little lads and lassies who taka cold easily be fortified against a may cough that might prove serious by 6cott’s Emulsion taking after their meals during the winter season iso n PRODUCER It Twenty-five Out and of eighteen ried habit of fifty-two nine the to nre for directions upon strangor analysis respecting’ and dition figure Make arbitrary hardly can might obey knowing behind it? men pure tho it of these poor being females) spare tentlmontal bo Prohibition double In its most ox tremo form would almost certainly carry tho day writes GoUlwin Smith in the Possibly January Forum legislation against of Association of returns (eight Co Manufacturers Bhoe CAETEBHEE!CEEC0ftTEWY0a5 Pill portion n the Medical of committee nineteen (1 Small In know you tress 1 British tho bank just One pair of shoes were made too narrow turia ns are given of these sixteen were The ones made by Morse were wider’ and Eleven males nnd thirty-six females neat of these One girl’s toes were like those of a sparrow: females) were single (ten being Badly shaped shoes had deformed her feet five and thirty-six were were mnrried bought shoes everywhere One parent Out of fifty widowed returns three other bought The shoes made by Morse dbOi) only were in allluent circumstances They make and warrant every pair twenty-eight and comfortable To be properly shaped and of good stock were GARDNER Dtattri Baltimore TnroisT investigation the clerks Adrpl Hand Left With Tlie One little gtrl could eklp and Jump brought together a rem ark nble book For Morse’s 8chool Shoes fitted her right It is based on “Old Age” On the foot of one little girl was a bump upon the of Ou account her shoes being much too result of nn inquiry by tlie conducted Co Toledo Ohio June We cheerfully recommend St Jacobs the best for general use ou stock Statistics of Old Age From the l’all Mall Gazette Prof Murray Humphry has K 1 LIU popular tail Hot livi hue nt good Iks Dexter X ie OPIUM i Tlnhlt and y feiephaus The only certain 'Dr L Dr lure cure Lebanon J 1 guarantee TELEGRAPHY We posumn every a 1 to ' American School oX gooi aevlnf graduate TleiraphrJdaitUwa SFND lOets TOOL VVk'l1lutrmoia for Cataloguej 190 PACIEI 00g GOOD A CO BOSTON UAbd |