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Show <!.; •••"V-..- • - . . - • - . ; . - 4 OPINION Don't spend a fortune on books DNC was a Tuesday, September 2,2008 www.dailyutahchronide.com GUEST COLUMN Cheaper still, form a study group with a few people from class. Buy a book and split the cost, then assign book-custody days or weeks to the group members. Each group member becomes an expert on the assigned reading for the chapter and reports back to the study group on what it said. If you learn something well enough to teach it clearly to your group, then you know you really understand it. When exam time comes around, gather the group around your shared property and make sure everything was covered. This option means two of my favorite things: less reading and less money spent on a textbook. The previous option still suggests purchasing a textbook. If you want to sell it back for the best price, do it sooner rather than later. The more time that elapses could mean that more people have sold their books back, and therefore the bookstore won't want your copy. There are additional ways to get around paying for books. Ask your professor to put a copy of the textbook on reserve at the library. Many professors already do this, and I've never encountered a professor that didn't feel at least a little guilty for the price of the book. If none of those work, there is still hope. The bookstore offers a textbook loan program, but only to its employees. "As long as you commit to working the whole semester, the bookstore will loan out your books to you," said bookstore employee Hillary Thorstrom, a senior in English and history. "For free." Buying overpriced books isn't the only option. Students should look into other possibititie^Before taking the dive. grand party CHRISTINE ANGSTMAN D ENVER—History was made Thursday night as the curtains closed on the Democratic National Convention. In front of 84,000 people Barack Obama became the first African-American to receive a major party's nomination for president of the United States. This week's grandiose Democratic gathering in Denver, whether intentional or not, falls on a week full of historical events. Forty-five years ago on Aug. 28,1963,100,000 people listened as Martin Luther King Jr. demanded that blacks have full and equal rights as citizens in his monumental "I Have a Dream" speech. WILLUS BRANHAM/ffif Dtitf Utah(hronittt This week also marked the 88th anniversahroughout my college University in Charleston, 111., uses ry of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, experience, I have heard no another method. which gave women the right to vote. And combination of words more The university's Web site listed finally, it was during this week in 1968 that vexing than, "I'm sorry, your profes- the average textbook rental fee at riots broke out at the Democratic Convensor is moving to a new edition. We $298 for Fall and Spring Semesters. ANNE tion in Chicago when the party was bitterly can't buy your book back." The students check out and return ROPER divided over the Vietnam War. their books to the bookstore for the With the new edition of a law While there were no riots at this convensemester, similar to how textbooks book added to my already too-large tion, the good, the bad and the ugly was all on are distributed at public K-12 textbook library, and my go-to sites display this week as supporters and protestschools. wwwJIalf.com and www Amazon, ers gathered and watched as the emotional com yielding disappointing results, Since the example of other of 130 days, a quarter of 85 days and primary battle between Sen. Hillary Clinton I had a painfully clear epiphany: universities doesn't take any of summer, which is 55 days. and Sen. Obama came to an end. buying textbooks should be the last the bite out of textbook prices at "(When renting,) you don't take Much of the time at the convention was resort for students. the U, students can also rent their anyrisk,"Alan Martin said, founder spent mending the party from a split between books online from Web sites such as of www.Campusbookrentals.com. Several universities include a two very qualified candidates. However, both www.Campusbookrentals.com. The "Even if the bookstore buys-your rental fee with tuition. Amanda Hillary and Bill Clinton declared unequivoClearfield-based company allows Morley, afirst-yeargrad student book back, you'U only get back as cally that they want Obama to win the presitextbooks to be rented for a choice in the education leadership and much as you would spe*nd renting, dency despite their personal differences. policy program, said Eastern Illinois of three lengths of time: a semester worse case scenario." letters@chronicle.utah.edu On prime time television Sen. Clinton said, "Whether you voted for me, or voted for GUEST COLUMN Barack, the time is now to unite as a single party with a single purpose. We are on the same team, and none of us can sit on the sidelines." ith the Republican National Conand have lost many young voters (to the exThe theme of Wednesday night was navention underway there are a lot citement and charisma of Obama) whose betional security. The Pepsi Center was a roller of exciting things to hear from liefs are more accurately reflected by the GOP. coaster of emotion. Mothers cried as they .rm the various speakers in the Republican Unless this is corrected, this could grow into a thought of their children lost in Iraq, vfrhils Party. Democrats and Republicans alike were HEATHER larger problem for the future of the party. Mcothers chanted the evils of war. strocked to see the vice president choice John Cain should use the convention to reach out to Obama's running mate, Joe Biden, • BERG McCain made Friday. young, possibly disaffected conservatives. middle-class background and tragic past to There is a lot to learn about Sarah Palin, the A return to the conservative principles that appeal to the common man and connect with Idaho native, mother of five and governor of the Republican Party was built oh is a must. the gathered masses. He spoke of riding the Alaska. As the Republican convention conCommitment to the right to life is an everConservative beliefs such as lower taxation, Amtrak to Washington D.C. from Delaware tinues this week, people across America will important issue that must be stressed. There the right to life and the right to bear arms are every day to get to work and talked about the see what she is all about, including her voting are many abortion rights proponents considjust some of those core values Republicans wife and child he lost early in his political record, policies and personal life. ering voting for the Republican ticket this should stand for. Although on the surface career in a tragic car accident. Palin has a reputation of striking down corelection. This is one issue, however, on which these principles have generally been upheld, Outside the convention protesters rallied ruption in government, getting rid of unnecthere should be no compromise. A solid and a consistent application of them has been less in the streets chanting, "make art, not war." essary spending and writing checks back to strong front should be upheld even under certain in past years. Their faces were covered with black banthe Alaskan people—putting the money back pressure. Most importantly, the Republican Party danas. Police silently encompassed them as where it belongs. Energy independence has quickly become must unify behind McCain. As the Demoa powerful reminder that their actions would She has proven herself to be a fierce woman one of the foremost problems facing the cratic Party makes a call to unity within their not go without consequence as hundreds of and willing to stand up for what she believes United States. McCain needs to present a realm of registered Democrats, as seen rebystanders observed the demonstration is right without backing down. In the short clear and concise evaluation of what the GOP peatedly at the Democratic National ConvenThe front of the Pepsi Center was overtime since being picked as McCain's running will do, and more importantly, how it will tion with Hillary Clinton leading the way for crowded with people all with different purmate, Palin has already become a role model do it. Explanations of how the party plans to unity with her speech, the RNC must make, poses. There were those <jisputing abartioft for many college women. She certainly has achieve alternative sources of energy cannot the same efforts. Republicans need to come • • of course there were thosmfgainst McCain,1 more credentials than critics give her credit just be thrown out there with ambiguity, but together in our grand old party and work and even some who were stlorned in giant for, and the convention will give her the opneeds a precise explanation of plans. Whether toward our common goals throughout the pig outfits handing out flyers which said "tax portunity to prove that. it is nuclear power, natural gas or off-shore rest of the convention as well as the future. meat, not gas." Meanwhile, vendors sold drilling, America wants answers with numbers Between addressing Iraq, the Palin selection Several topics besides Palin need to be adObama buttons, T-shirts and posters, as well that not only make sense, but are possible. and energy plans, this upcoming week is sure dressed, however. Of the many issues, I hope as more unique items like Obama underwear to be exciting. the following are stressed: an anti-abortion Younger Republicans also need to be adand bobbleheads. commitment, a clear energy policy, an invitadressed at the RNC. The Obama campaign letters@chronicle.utafcedu Denver's downtown after hours were for tion to young Republicans, a return to conser- has shown the United States that the youth of partying. At the culmination of the speakers vative principles and a unification of the party America need to be taken seriously. UnfortuEditor's Note—Heather Berg is the Chair- each night, convention-goers filed out of the behind a Sen. McCain. nately, the GOP has been slower on the curve woman of the U College Republicans. Pepsi Center and headed for private parties where lobbyists went all out to impress the who's who of Democrats, from celebrities to politicians. At the Biden after-party, guests enjoyed t was barely tolerable to accept Research Center in February, 25 Being forced to face reality, many fine cheese trays and chocolate fondue. the defeat of Hillary Clinton percent of Democrats who support Democratic Americans don't know Patriotic cocktails were handed out in gross, as the Democratic presidential Clinton would vote Republican for who to vote for now. Extreme and red, white and blue labels ornamented nominee. Sen. McCain in an election against change is the primary goal needed bottles of fine liquor, while freshly brewed The agonizingly long summer Obama, They've even started the for the United States to recover Starbucks coffee was available for those ALICIA was spent hoping and praying National Association of Hillary from the devastation of the past needing their late-night second wind. WILLIAM through defeat after defeat, only to Clinton Supporters for John Mceight years. However, saying you Thursday, at the final stage of the Demohave her win once every so often, Cain, posting 1415^74 visitors to can do it and actually achieving it crat's convention, mile-long lines formed keeping the race between her and their Web site since July 15. are two separate feats. outside of Mile High stadium to hear Obama Barack Obama so close. Sheer will None of this was supposed to both of them cannot be president. Obama made a bad choice. Clingive his historical acceptance speech. Those alone should have won her the happen Clinton was the Democratic "In terms of policy, there's not a ton might have to accept some of in line waited for more than three hours in nomination. presidential dream. A woman with huge difference (between Clinton the fault, but still, Biden is the wrong a seemingly endless string of people. Cops Just as the anger of injustice was strength, knowledge, experience, and Biden)," Burbank said. "There is man for the job. Oddly enough, provided lukewarm water while people beginning to dissipate, the thought compassion and determination. some symbolic differences, though. McCain, with the support of some entertained themselves by making friends of the ultimate dream ticket— She offered freedom from the Iraq This is already a historical ticket Democratic voters, should have had and of course forming the occasional wave, Obama and Clinton—slowly began war, a reformed national health with the first African-American the advantage. All he needed to do which rolled through the line like it does in a taking hold Together they would be care system, a smart tax policy that nominee for president. If Hillary was choose the right candidate for crowded football stadium. unbeatable and create history. Then wouldn't cater to the rich and a balClinton had been chosen as the vice his running mate, and Obama would The event seemed to be part coronation on Aug. 23, Obama did the unthinkanced budget. She inspired women presidential candidate, that would able. He chose Sen. Joe Biden for his to demand more and protected their have made it even more historic." • have kissed the presidency goodbye. and part Woodstock. ITiere is no doubt that A McCain and Mitt Romney Obama is gifted with the ability to inspire vice presidential candidate. right to choose. While conceding to the complete ticket would have given Republicans through policy that will provide America Shock camefirst,prompting Apparently, there are several facloss of Clinton, one has to wonder a good shot at the White House in change. The Democrats left Denver united the inability to move. Next, anger tors contributing to Obama's choice just how much she played into the November. Instead, McCain chose and energized created the inability to speak. Then of Biden over Clinton for his runfactors responsible for her not being the unknown and inexperienced The GOP has a tough act to follow. total confusion led to the inability ning mate. Matthew Burbank, chair- chosen. Dedication to the posiAlaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Talk about letters@chronicle.utah.edu to think. Perfect—these are all the man of the department of political tion might have been the ultimate a totally missed opportunity to requirements of being a John Me- . science, believes an essential elereason Having only suspended her capitalize. Now we are stuck with Editor's Note—Christina Angstman attendCain supporter, which is exactly ment was the personal relationship campaign might suggest she is waitObama or McCain—the running ed from the Democratic National Convention what some of Clinton's devotees are between the two candidates. He ing with futile optimism for some mates are a non-issue. We need to in Denver through the;Hindcley Instiiu^of reportedly going to become. said a difficult dynamic that exists slipup by Obama so she can acquire call for a do-over. Politics and Shantou University Political jdhrIn a study conducted by The Pew between Clinton and Obama is that his candidacy. Ierfers@chronide.utah.edu nalism Program. /* >i-.."-? T GOP has a lot to cover at convention W Candidates need to rethink running mate choices I |