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Show Monday, September 11, 2006 THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE WANT TO MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU ATTEND COLLEGE? GUARDING Aiff AMERICA, DEFENDING FREEDOM Politics of fear Five years later, the administration is milking the threat of its failures n Sept. n, 2ooi, I watched the North Tower of the World Trade Center burn. I was eating my bowl of breakfast cereal that morning, watching and listening as black smoke billowed out of the tower. Various news anchors were musing about how a pilot could have made such a significant error as to crash into the tower. I was losing interest in all the conjecture when, from the right side of my television screen, a dark passenger jet sailed into view. I didn't even have time to appreciate this latest development before I watched the new jet slam into the South Tower and explode into a hellish mess. Instantly, it was clear what was happening. I felt sick. But I wasn't the only one who had that reaction. Across the country, millions shared the same experience. We all remember where we were that awful moment. We all remember what we were doing. Most importantly, we all remember how we felt. For that instant we were all one, bound together by horror and sadness. That wasfiveyears ago. Between now and then, a lot of things have changed. We've gone to war in two countries. We've lost our O ANDY THOMPSON once impenetrable sense of security. And we've divided ourselves as a nation. The very mention of Sept. n inevitably leads to harsh words and political debate: who should or shouldn't have done what; where we should or shouldn't be; who is or isn't to blame. And in all this noise we have forgotten how, as the sun set over a still-smoldering Manhattan five years ago, we all stood as one. Since then, despite remembering the smallest details of our various Sept. II experiences, many people have forgotten what Sept. II really was and what it meant to us as a nation. Who can blame them? It's been so easy. After the dust settled at ground zero, life went on much as it always had. Sure, the mutual fund didn't do so well for a while, and it takes longer to get on an airplane, but for the most part, life is the same as it ever was. Today, it seems as though the only THE CHRONICLE'S NATIONAL GUARD WORD OF THE DAY UTAH zeugma FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 1-800-896-4841 the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words when it is appropriate to only one of them or is appropriate to each but in a different way, as in to wage war and peace or On his fishing trip, he caught three trout and a cold. [zoog-mu/7] (noun) OR GO TO thing we as a nation took from Sept. n is a newfound hatred for the opposing political party. Whether an office worker at the World Trade Center or the Pentagon, a fireman who tried to save them or one of the many heroes who fought back on United flight 93, we owe it to those that died on Sept. 11 to honor their memory with dignity and civility. As a society built on freedom of speech and free exchange of ideas, it is important for us to never sit quiet or mute our voices, no matter how unpopular our ideas might be. However, we should remember that much of the division in our country right now is not because of what is being said so much as how it's being said. That day, when things were at their worst, we were at our best, and it is that attitude we should strive to recapture as we reflect on the fifth anniversary of Sept. n. We should remember that we are all Americans, and that while we may not always agree, we still share a common desire to do what is best for our country, as well as a duty to honor the memory of those we lost by working together to build a better tomorrow, letters@ chronicle.utah.edu Adj.: zeugmatic [zoog-mat-ik] WWW.GOANG.COM /. Willard Marriott Library presents The September Project: Democracy and Informed Citizenry Throughout September, people all over the world will come together in libraries to share ideas that matter. As a participant in The September Project, the j . Willard Marriott Library is collaborating with other groups across campus to sponsor thought-provoking events surrounding the theme of "Democracy and Informed Citizenry." FREE SPEECH 101: THE UTAH VALLEY UPROAR OVER MICHAEL MOORE Monday, September I I , 11:45 A.M.-1:00 P.M. at the Hinckley Institute of Politics Caucus Room, 255 OSH Additional Lectures MARRIOTT LIBRARY r h t UMIVtBStlf OF UTAH Joseph Vogel, author of Free Speech 101: the Utah Valley Uproar over Michael Moore, will speak about the experience of bringing Michael Moore t o the Utah Valley State College (UVSC) campus. A graduate from UVSC, Vogel is currently a graduate student and adjunct professor at Brigham Young University. In 2004, Vogel was the recipient of UVSC's Martin Luther King, jr. Award and was then honored as the 2005-2006 Utah Valley State Scholar of the Year. Vogel will speak at 11:45 AM in the Hinckley Institute of Politics Caucus Room - 255 Orson Spencer Hall. Vogel will be signing books at the U of U Bookstore following the lecture. http://www.freespeech 101 .net what's YOUR LIBRARY doing on THE U.S. IMMIGRATION DEBATE: LOCAL ISSUES AND GLOBAL IMPLICATIONS Wednesday, September 20-12:00 Noon-1:00 P.M. in Libby Gardner Hall: Rachel Swarns, Washington correspondent for The NewYorkTimes, will speak about immigration and the politics surrounding this current issue. THE BROKEN BRANCH AND ITS IMPACT ON CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT Thursday, September 21-10:45 A.M.-12:00 Noon in the Hinckley Institute of Politics Caucus Room, 255 OSH: Thomas Mann, Brookings Institute scholar and author of The Broken Branch: How Congress is Failing America and How to Get it Back on Track, will speak about the role and history of the U.S. Congress and its impact on citizen involvement in the democratic process. The Sam Rich Program in International Politics has sponsored the filming of this event. Mann will be signing books at Sam Weller's Bookstore on September 20 at 8:00 RM.www.brook.edu/scholars/ tmann.htm ^ ^ ^ September!!^ VoteProject THE HINCKLEY INSTITUTE For details go to wwwMb.utah.edu/theseptemberproject or call u UNIVERSITY Of UTAH 801-585-9521. |