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Show THE TELEGRAPH, OF ME SOMETIMES. eereeee A GABINET ORGAN! oIN = 3 our SALT LAKE CITY REFERS AND FOR EVERY MEETING Utah HOUSE _ AND FOR YOUR s eee HUNDRED years to collect, and given all she got to Ports- stayed overnight at Parkers- “The next day several prominentcitizens of Portsmouth took her case in hand, and she was taken to comfortable quarters. They know of her son, and confirm the old lady’s story that he is well off, and they are determined he sha! do what is right for his poor old] mother. ‘+,1en Mr, DeBarr read the writing on the card, and told her. what it was she could scarcely believe it; and when at length she comprehended it, the motuer’s distress at the thought that a child could treat her so cruelly was sad to witness, ‘Oh,’ said she, when she}. could speak, ‘he said that ticket, would bring me money in New York. Bs nutes Hundred ‘appié ‘hia Peach Wrees Girdled for the Fitth Time in the Michigan Fruit Region. (From the Benton Michigan) Harbor (Berry Palladium.] Again we have to Co., chronicle another diabolical outrage, ky which the value of the orchard recently owned by Martin oe Hsq:, and now the property of eater Esq. , ‘of© Fest | raat Ohio has been. jeopardized. When this business is to stop it is im- possible’ to say, but; from’ present “ap- pearances) it isto be contintiéd * tint the orchard is oS On Sunday’ attracting of the body. Upon GS @i Ee liver and kid- strenght and active principle was his aim. It must not be madeas housekeepers make tea, by boiling. It isa delicate tive principle would process. It. must’ be leaf, and its ac- destroyed by sucha be ° prepared in VACUO, and of.the long leaf, fresh and carefully Se-, lected. the Club or getter up of the we will give one gts Club, The Superiority of my mode of pre- paration acknowledged. DE. KEYSER, & HAMLIN’S Inowshijp BEST point (Cape 2 ia NEW YORE $100;--In SALT LALE CITY $135. The Organ is Five Octave, with one stop, one set of vibrators thtous ho.t- Improved Graduated Seli-Adjusting Keed: Valves; Improved Bellows; Tremulant, and Knee Swell. Solid Black Walnut Case throughou., back as we}! as sides aid front; panelec front aud ‘sides, with carved mouldings; are of Good gathered, large a MY FLUID CABINED ORGANS Worth to the Hope) where the Jeaves quantities. of . most’ important object was to offer to the afflicted ai remedy that was. perfectly safe, and could be taken by adults ~children. Ignorant persons, who pay no attention to dose. direction or advice, who might reason, “that if a teaspoonful occasionally did good, two and perhaps would taken do better, a bottle would curein a day.” Many have.broken dissipation and on down their health by this principle, but they had been years in doing so. What I would have understood injury can arise fiom its use. is that no It is as safe as any article of food, hut patients must not expect any medicine to rebuild a wrecked shattered few days, and constitution in a perhaps with a single bottle. Notwithstanding the number have been engaged in business those located at a distance that aware of all the facts, and of years I there may be may not be would like to be satisfied on allthe points. Having been ucated a druggist I append the following: Dail y or Weekly or From ed- the Largest Manufacturing Chemist in the Worid, We will tive one of the above named Engravings. an * to the Club or getter up. “T am acquainted with Mr. H T- Helmbold. He occupied the Drug Store opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his Pee and enterprise. . “WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN, MASON & HAMLIN’S 'Wirm of Powers and Weightman, “Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Browning ‘streets, Philadelphia. Nov. 15, 18 4.” : : TELE GRAPH, ~ oft the Cl ub, we will, give one of Woith in SALT NEW ee YORK $150 3-.-In CrTy. Oe up betwixt my Self and Wife and I ae csix” Cooeee brea with. ‘Six stboF twowets ‘of Vibrators tHfotiz Nout, and ane Octave of sub-bass connected with the manuals, Graduated scale and self-adjuste ing Reed Vazves; Improved Be lows, Tremular, and knee swell. Solid “Black Walnut case throighout, back as wellas sides and front, yanvled front and sides, with carved moldings; “carved antes. Stops; VIOLA, STANDARD DLAPASON, MELODIA, FLUG HE, « MANUALSUB BASS, and TREMUL AN T. Size: 3 feet 7inchesin‘ength. 2 feet I inchesin OF ALL, FAIRBANKS, GKEENLEUAF hight. 1 footllin depth. The best chan e ever offered in Utah to g*t a fine Organ for 2157 and 139 State st. Chicaggo. your ¢£clor, or for seventies and Bishops to ~ _ | provide an Organ for your piace of worship. Is there a xieating house in the Verritory of Utah that will now be Jong without an Ortgan® Wejudge not, and at the same time you azo. getting this desirable instrument DEALERS IN which wil. aid so much to the pleasure of Sunday services. Remember, you are gett-|. ing one of the best newspapers in the coun‘try for a very small:price, and a beautiful Ana Cloek Materials. of Every Dose steal plate engraving for nothing. Names with subscription may be sent as fast as obeription. tained, on :eceipt of which the prize enSole Agents for gravings will be sent by return mail, and the E. N. WELCH MF’G Co. z ey names credited to the club until the full NEW HAVEN CLOCK CO. number i is sents at whieh®‘time ‘the! organ will’ SETH THOMAS CLOCK Co. be delivered. 8 ‘and GILBERT MF’G CO). ‘Send iin sone eubsoriptions and et the 3 Cortlandt Street New York. Wb Lake St.» Chiergg,; 310, Sansome St, San: 5 doant know wether it is a corden to laiw or knot and I want you Sod reCord ‘it if it is lawiul and if i@ is not drau ome that is.’ FAIRBANKS SCA i i S , 0, CLOCKS, QEGULATORS TTME PIECES “BEAUTIFUL PRIZES. I propose to give evidence that this remedy.is not a Patent Medicine. The objection which generally lies against all discoveries and inventions in medicine is “Publicity.” Ifsomebody should discover a remedy to prolong life, or an infallible cure for cholera or consumption, what a monster would he be to withhold his knowledge. We have yet to learn from what chapter or verse in Scoripture to quote, ‘that men may not heal others of their fellow men of any disease.” ‘Nor have we asked Pickwicks, Affected Prudes, or, in short, men who are. possessed of every kind of sense but common sense, and Without prej udice i give yours, preceuexuce ba aise your tieuts, Buchu ) have vured for with its fotos of wuatever ea EC 11, seen H. EYER, With your On its Passenger Trains. EZ, SARGENT, Gen’l Sup’t, Chicago, 1.0. WENTWORTH, Gon’l Pans. Agt., Chicago, CHAS. E. NOBLE, Gen’! Hicstern Agent, 8 Astor House. New York Cits w h25dly one Froight in Chartered Car 8s from All Points in NEW All a Points in ERE WESTLRN Agents in all the in New York, New 8 claims for & loss, “rincip al Cities damage ov overcharge J. FARNSWORTH, &. CUMMINGS, oom. Se ack t, - Bs, OR PACIFIC TRAN SPURTAI ON COMPANY ‘For OREGON: For SOUTHERN RN For MEXICAN POHWIS, Steamer “CONTINENTAL.” Daily TELEGRAPH American Merchants Union xpress Ce PROPRIETORS. sEW YORK, Om = and Second MRO Af Gthiiek Direet Usuiestitns made at ie. ce Be SS s:) ris AB With Chicago and Northwestern, Chicago, Kock a and Pacific and $t. Joseph and Coun tufis Kairouds.and Missouri Kiver Line et Packets tvand from ali principal Eastern aud Southern Cities. _ CHELYENN Golden City; Fe; and all points New Mexico. KE, “Central City, Santa in. Colorado:: aad HRWYVAN,. With Stages. for the great Sweetwater Mining District. OcDE N. With the Utah Central Railroad: i * Salt Lake City and Southern Utah, wits, Central Pacific Railroad for White Pine ho and California. First class Hotel and ‘Eating Es Houses at ee , Points en the Pu iim. a Earace ea "Sieeping Cars mpany all trains. For throwgh ates on treight to Montana, Sweetwater Mines and. es umes apply to Agent, Omaha, Omaha CENTRALS& WESTERN PACIFIC| ion, apply to H. W. CARR, Gan OE T OE: 865 Broadway, New To see a specimen of the Great : York. Gen. Sup'ty YORK. FIRE EXTINGUISHER, -THRALN— LE ‘ WES Ls akp— HA aT. WARD EXCELSIOR te any Address, FIRE EXTINGUISHER ae bn: Junction, Stockton, pm; San . Daily. (Sundays + EPRESB, composed: of Pullmiau iPaldce coaches! with Restaurant: Commissary. sar attuched, runnin; on fast time to Omala without change o 2 urs, a leave San Hrancisco every \\ ednesay at 123 sa aha or Delivered ep ams Car excepted(, ‘Veiwes ‘San Francisco at 4] PI; Dan eee. 4350 pm 3 piorieoaa) 8330 Pp M3 are: uve Sueriamento sAds0 p lid LST nA iDiO’ = Daily (Bun= i tate eaeek Sacramento,0330 a ms Siockton, 8:20 2m; artive 20 Sun Jose, 12845 pil; San EAB OI COs: 12350 p in-tHE EOLEAL °@ Cae : INTERNA: LIONAL?? is siahkcd tu the Way Mail: Trains leaving pram en at 6520 a m, and San! Tansisco, 430 MOTEL. SIE PA. Baer Y. GS Teayes Ogden,5:30 pm; Elko, 9:Oi fin, 10:25 2 m; a 1205pueda, 4:50 p Wadsworth, no, 2210 4m; Col. 9829 a m; ib pin; Sacramento? 1:30 p:m; 3:25 p mM; arrive at San Jose, * 6350) Francisco, 7 C Op m Wal FRED, WILD, Agent, 17 Court Strer*, Boston, ee VAKLAND gcxPRESS, TRAIN - EASTWARD— DAILY. Leives’San Francisco at 8a m;.San OEP, - pr a ahi Stockton, 12:15, p.ma § ; Sacramento, 2 32 ;. Junction, pm Soltis: 5:60p m ; Reng: Lb a mn; SW salem as O-a m: Wi innemucea,, 1u:15 am; sien ia 3 03 pm Carlin,5 J) pm; Klko, 6:25 pms EN at (Ogde A 9 am, Umahay. 1:10 p m. KLSS aud fizrther informa- NEW T, HELMBOLD., = dangers of the Sea. 7 douse REGULAR RAILROAD HATES. For Bills of Tedine SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. EVERYCo WE Be , * : an-Four oon VIA BUCHU-—Its odor is strong, diffusive and ed in dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, enta§ neous affections and dropaye to San Lae ek cole RAILROADS BOSTON na¥e Agents at All Principal Points on the Roads over which we rv i. Rates J somewhat aromatic: its taste is bitterish, and analagous to that of mint. It is given chiefly incomplaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, morbid irritation of the Bladder and None are genuine unless done up in a Urethra, diseases of the Prostra‘e Gland, steel engraved wrapper, with fac-simile of and retention or the incontinence ef urine, my Chemical Warehouse, and signed from a loss of tone in the parts concerne in itgevacuation, It has also been recommend- we tals F.GRNAA Coa Piken ee ALL POINTS in the NEW ENGLAND STATES, Years, pre- $6.50, sp the General Engen & BRENHAM. Agen 6, California Street, San Teinoiseo, AND for 2 OUTE ¥F. COLTON, Gen’! Woleran In Through Cars to all Points tw the West, = Northwest and Southwest. NO, 594 aaah eay atsNe Ma per Buttle; BEE Peoples Despatch|# DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSES, Six. Bottles ie daily passene lraims, (orm: ing ib-ecurbection wit the Central Poe tic Rariroad an = For SANDWICH ISLANDS: Steamer, “IDAHO.” BEN HOLLADAY, paoon BOEbap Re e anu running Silver Mines, Helena, Virginia City, _andall points in Montana, Nevada Ida- CALIFORNIA: Steamship, RACIFIC, oe Capt, Dall, etree OR i ZABA, ? Capt. Jobnston, Leave nei-co tc; ios Angeles and an San Diego, ee operas. on DAY. FARMERS GREAT Vetety Ve PACIFIC ver, Steamship. MO Re TAYLOR” se: Metzer Se oo MMB,” Capt. Bolles n Francisco, tri: -monThis. abou t the Fifth, Fifteenth and ‘wenty-fifth of the month, for Portland, Oregoa, connecting with steamer for Victoria. Wa $1.25 BROe With Denver Pacific Railroad for Den- RE, OIE. anidly HELNOLUS ANTAACT BUCA Prices Hidde. napSupt. icago . M. smi : “Gen. Pass Agent, FACT EE THE hoe CATTE: and England and W eastern A See Medical properties contained in dis pensatory of the United States, of which the following is a correct copy: Hugh and FAST FREIGHT LINE, PHILADELZ HIA, Ge i Me DboRATL: STAL an 114 Murray St.,ae Yor has Oa aipeae heen 17 Court St. , Bostows, e of Califor- NO.104 SOUTH TENTH ST, time oe ger ENG! ANO STATES ie the and TERRITORINS. All Oren E Ba ks, Washington, D C, And many others if necessary. UEC gudick Col. KE. Y. Hooker 9 Westen n Age Be smith, niceee Agent! P je6dly i fusted promptly through our agents, at destina tion, without being referred to coe ee SHOULD GO 70 THE HT. HELM BOLD make 8. 8. Stev Gen. rete Council: Bhutts, L. Viel ane Freight oa NEXT IN SPEED TO 5HE REGULAR XPRESS. Bete: on Ast and 2d Closs Property same 5 those oh yrged by Railroads, ,Philadelphi A and q uorgh tickets via this a can be had at all Through Ticket Offices of the Pacific Railways, at Wells. Fargo & Co.’s ( fice, salt Lake City, and at Compiny’s Ofices-at Omaha and Councii Bhi ifs. TIME extensively + AT HIS est M. U. Ex. Co., Proprietors. ‘Transports orence, Philade 2. Hon J C Knox, Philadel eee Hen JS Black, Phan Hon DR Porter, ex- “Governor of Pennsylvania, Hstab'ished upward cf Nineteen pared ry the FAST FREIGHT LYNE, BOS T ON, advertised 1 cotisuited my family physician in regard to using your Extract Buchu, Idd this because I nad used ane kinds of advertised 1emedies, aud hadf found them worthies aud some quite iujuriou-; in fact, i despaired of ever getting we! and deierined .o use no rem< dies hereafter Lialess £ knew “of the ingredieats. It w s that promptedsiee Lo use. your ren en.’ rahe s you a vertised that it was composed ot buchu, cubebs aud junip r ve ries, it occurred to ive and my physician as an excellent com vina-~ tion; and, with his advice, after an examin= ation,o: the article anu: consulting again with’ tne druggis , Lconciuded-to try it. commenced tv use it about eigat m: vaths: ago, at whicu time I was confined tu my room, From the first bottle [ was astonished and gratified at the be ieficial etfect,"and after using it three weeks was able to woh Ik out. felt Much like writing fo you full state ment of my Gass at the time, ot thought ca improvement misht only be ismporary, and therefure coneluded to defer and see if it ecla sttecta pertect cure, knowing fat it would be of gaceten Vaiue to you and more sali-factory 10 uie. am now ane? to report that a cure is efsay after using the remedy for five m 8. [have not, used any now for three months, and‘feelws wellin all respect as I ewer did. our Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, w nice tonic andi invigoratur of the system, I do not mean to be witns out it whenever Occasien may require-its use on such affections MN COR MICK. Should any doubt Mr MoCoratney statement, A reiers to the followins gentlemen— 1H m Bigler, ex-Governor of Pennsyl- va etmn Thomas mag B Fl from over a thoroughly well constructed Read-Bed laid with heavy New Rail giving Passengers the advantage-of SPEEB, COMFORT ANG SAFETY COMBINED. 5 Both eee connect at Chicago ae Fast xpress Trains for the Has ggg tHANTS DESPA 0 YEARS’ gravel, preparat LINE” CELEBRATED Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and OES aliectio.s, during which time L have us d Yarious medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the must eit’ ‘ieee -ysiciaus, experlun ing but little re.ie liaving seen FALLS is now complete: vladuer years Palace’ Sleeping Coaches Central Route| American ward eo New Ears Two Express Wrains leave Council Bluffs daily upon arrival of Trains The only astern Line from wieee running the magnificent Pitts- i! tor up- And most of the date standard work: on medicine. Great MD street, OF TWENTY STANDING. twenty ISLAND, time ever made. between URI: RIVER $ and HICAGO is via this * FOR ALL THROUGH TRAINS. For the speedy transportation of all kinds of freight without trans-shipment, runs exclusive over the pa- arid all kinds of opinions but their own. The Buchu is a good thing—it has hundreds of thousands of living witnesses to. attest its virtue and commend it. It is the prejudice of bigots and the envy of “‘Quacks.” We offer the following evidence:* See ‘Journal of Pharmacy.” See-remarks made by Dr. a phrai MeDowell, eee physician and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the pan eue of the “King and Queen’s Journal.’ See ‘‘Medico- GhinrecieReuiows published by Benjamin Travers, Helt low of Koyal College of Surgeons, Londo e Prof, ove Taisahle works on the Practice of Physi See remarks m is by. the Tate celebrated Dr. Physics, Philadelphia THE cured Philadel phia, Ps, Juue2 fi. T. Helmboid, ae ggis Dear Sir—L he a be nb oO sufferer of PEN BETWEEN of CARS. AND ALL POINTS EAS7. “BLUE pete treme CASE td (00, Elegant NEW YORK, BOSTON urg, Pa A = CIRIC 8 AILR OAD This Line is well stocked with, Frewbt Route NIAGARA Ov par- effect on it, and Wood GHIGAWU RUGKISLAND GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE CONNECTIONS. Throwed Parse ger ‘a over all oth- name. your 1865. oT 215 OVER 100 MILES SHORTER, than Superintendent. EASTERN with it, more diseaser of t..e bladder aud idneys than I have ever seen cured wit any other Buchu, .or any other proprietary eompoun? EXTRACT, The Article Stands Pre-eminent, and is Known in all Parts of _ the World. The firstand its merits; TO sa honaey, Western Pass. and Freight Agt, , A. YOUNG, ICHIGAN C CENTRAL I nabs seen and used, as hetore stated, every form of Bueuu the powdered leaves, tincture, fluid extiacts—and J am not cogni“Zant Of any Breyer, .tion of that plent at all equal to you Twelve years experience ought, I fine ue give me the right to judge Dey THROUGH VIA DES MOINES & ROCK Talk Cental Route. , Mr. H. T. Helmbold. . Dear Sir-In regard to the question aed see to my opiniun abuut Buchu, L should say that I have used aad sold the waits ae various ferms for the past thirty years. I do not think tiere is any torm or pr eparation of itI have not used,or known to be used, in the Pees uiseases where such medicate agent would be indicated, You are aware, as well as myself, that it has been extensively em ployed in the vz rious diseases of the bladder anu kidieys, and the reputation it has acquired, in my judgment, is warranted by the of CHECKED °GEO, Lh. DUNLAP, ‘H. P. Stanwood, Gen, Supte Gen, Pass. Agt.. Chicago. HARRY ROGERS, - ERA EMEOAD Physician of Over Thirty Years’ Experience, «nd a Graduate of the J<ferson Medical Coliege, and of the Univer sity of medicine and Cilele of Philadelphia, Gs both Cos- aa Olin, Girard, Pa, merchant” David E Day, Girard, fa, merchant CG F. “Ro ckweil, Girard Pa, re BC iy, Girard, Pa, druggist A Bast< via St. Joe. and no ebange, edit ney. the “neys, to prepare it so that it. would retainits CARL ET ORGANS Welt Wunsee Whotesale and JRetail byZ. C. MET. organ Acting favorably upon A: Michigan man who did not live im Indiana,and had not the means of.getting there, conceived the idea that his witie was not his affinity. The lady kindlly coincided, and the two, after much diff- “AMERICAN cLacK were JOSEPH all engers having . choice of RRoutes Kast of Agent. roh7dtf eGo tl “Cutler, Girard. Pa Cit pines Girard, Pa, attorney CaptD W iLutchinson, Girard, Pa», attor- THE Se ster, drew up a dissolution of copartnership, and sent it to the county clerk, together with the subjoined note: Thiis ‘agreement has been maid and draud other our beautiful three cylinders were ficulty, but. without the aid of diseases insures connecti ons with ern-& SouthernRailways, pass-- The oe Ticket and Freight ~ Yours Py He Db. M. LAREN. fullowing gentle- Gall Dan Rice, Girard me ae Hsaq, Gina, Pa, kid- :_ | orgar s existing in the neryous system and liver were involved, oo All that could be done for the poor wornn’s comfort on the cars was done, ane “ These a spent $240, both sexes, a being applied when the air in the first becomes exhausted. In thisexperiment mouth, to her son. Now she was sent back without her trunk even, with. only five dollars in her pocket, and no means of getting further than New York. and urinary sound and healthy cond:tion of these organs ca, and eight weeks ago she arrived. that was left when neys, gravel as much attention as diseases of the liver or 150 Subscribers, she had the -alarm- ing increase of diseases of the bladder, pounds to the square inch, the motor propelled the ear, crowded ins side and out with passengers, at ordinary mule speed, andthe vehic'e “was twices thrown from the track by reason, off people pone upon the rear plat- carved rates? Stop; TREMULANT. S ze: 8 feet 5 inches in length; 2 feet 034 inches ‘form, thus lifng the front wheels. _Disinterested: gentlemen express. the in hight; } foot9 inch«s in depth. ‘opinion that the car can be run anyy.| distance by increasing the number off TO RACH OF A CLUB OF —_—___32¢—____ ‘cylinders. e machinery was by no A Thankless Child. means perfect, having been. erudelyy & correspondent of the Washington ‘improvised for experimental purposes,, Chronicle writing ‘from: Parkersburg, and the results of the experiment’ weree It appears to bee West Virginia, tells thiv lamentable highly satisfactory. story about an old German woman he believed in New Orleans that this modee of propelling cars will prove all thatt met in the cars: ‘‘Her son, who resides in | Ports- can be desir red. mouth, sent for her to come to AmeriFOR ONE YEAR, EITHER FOR THE Nice Port Wine, all, which by and OMAHA AND CHICAGO© me THE ago, prompted This being the direct ronte, a J 112 Bilies short of than the lower line, Saves 6 Hours in time, = coneeraing Freight D. 0: CALDER, Ms Laren refers to the and the happiness of the entire human famof For all information and Passage, apply te ES EITHER years ily depended. One i ceneeneenenEREREnRnnEREt: dint demmemenenmemnmentemmmemanel her little Leaving Ogden City at 6:45 a. m., and Salt ILake City at 5 p.m. Single fare wi'l pay for tirip and return same day. This train will sitop at any point to take up and fet off pas siengers by arranging with the Conductor. Passengers will please purchase their tickets at the offic:s. Fifty cents addition «1 will be charged when the fare is collected on the tirain, x FOR any MASON There’s nothing, ‘as people suppose, But his wife did not like her; she was too old (seventy-four), and her hands like a good, sound glass of Port wine, too rough; and now ‘he had sent her}¢especially for invalids of advancec But imagine an old lady drink:i alone, with no provisions for her years. ing, to get back ‘her strength, the Portt omfort or passage, except tickets ‘ina New, York, and the:follow- wine, bought at Stonington, Conn.,, iné “words written on some ‘old“busi- lately, and ‘analyzed by Prof. Silliman, The man of sciencee ness card: ‘Please direct the bearer of Yale College. of this, an old woman, to the proper found: lots of molasses, 21 per cent off uffice to get to New York, ae there alcohol, 100 grains of sulphuric acid ‘tc to 68 Broadway street, 1o the Gener- the gallon, and 45. grains of oxide of al Agency of the North-German Lloyd, lead in the same quantity. There’s za exhilirating, _ warmingg the Genral Agent. This was without nice, jovial, signature. As it was written in Kng- drink for you—‘‘with a hue as red ass lish, of which she understood nothing, the rosy bed.that the bee doth love teo ream in’’—the said hue being obtainecd |. she had no doubt that it was all that was necessary to get her safely back to from that unpoetical article—molassess. ermany. But'*still*she* was almost How long would Anacreon have livedl, heart-broken, for she had no’ home and how well could he have sung, om now, even in ‘Faderland,’ as she sold oxide of lead ?— WN. Y. Tribune. Ys oar and 3 a valuable suggestion to the pub- ie CARS. Pullman’s Palace Sleeping Coaches: rux through to Chicago without chango. TRAIN SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY & SATUR: HELMBOLD. Remedies, ee YEAR WORTH ONE DOLLAR. phen Te MR. to CHICAGO OF EASTERN CITIES. — RUNS EVERY yo ONE ENGRAVINGS quence of the construction of fishways on streams, and the re-stocking of rivers and streams in Scotland and Ireland, these fish are now so plenty in that market that they are frequently sold at two shillings per pound, it will be seen that no subject that involves a cheap supply of nutritious food for the peopie is unworthy of serious consideration,—S. + aminer. ACCOMMODATION Blabdcer Affece Seventy-eight Oi teen | Steel Prte))° at New Orleans, his “were made while engaged in the drug business in the city of Philadelphia nine- TELEGRAPH. don at less thaneight shillings j ponds used, and the distance run was about while, at the..presént .time,in»Cy eonse- two miles, At a pressure of ten that CHAK NGE ‘UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. BAGGAGE In addition to the above aa TWO.HUNDOAED YEARS, Daily or Weekly experiment in that city in running siréet cars by means of compressed air. The'air is contained in cylinders, one being in use at a time, and a fresh one | BENNET. BUCHU of SUBS ORIBERS to be trifling subjects of investigation and study, yet it has been demonstrated. that one acre of water can be made to produce as much valuable food as two acres of land; and when it is remembered that no longer ago See ene years.salmon could. not be had on- Trains leave Salt Lake City daily at 7:10 a.m.and 3:10 p.m.; arrive at Ogden “:25 a.m and 5.25 p. m,, leave Ogden City at 10:05 a. m. and 6 p- m.; arrive at Salt Laze City 12:20 p. m.. and 8:15 p. m. com- ‘Girard, Fave dilanch 31, 1869. Editor ia dinsuore desire, ay-an unso Keited tribute, tothe Seite: Gf Helinbold’s from the fact of being advertised, may not Buchiy ang for the benefit oj those simi arly allicted as myseli, ‘to say that, alter cunsuitbe classed. ag Patent eR eRipS : ing many eminent physic:ans and trying heer y ali the. bestadvertised remedies~ in thevain hope of pee relict from aggravaed idne un \dder diseases, trom which I have suffered eeease x ly for many years, briare Bus ne fina ly suggested to me Helmehu,which i cummenced using with ‘aud to apparent beneficial regults in one form or other has been presented by for abpat amonath. Attheexpiration of that every educated Physician for move than he owever,! thought[ commenced toe 8! ‘ight relief, which encourag d me to pe S¢ vere in its us , and now, at the expia ae f fourm mths, although I am an inb did mau neuwriy 78 years of age, and consequoltly edo: Les cdinot bee Xpectted to favorably affect me a- they Sen ervelie would, f haye iound such unspeakable relie: and permanent enefit from Mr. Ce es valH. T, HELMBOLD claims a superior mode uable discovery that I fee! I ouxhtt ub: of extracting its virtues. The experiments | | licly, record the fact, as an Se aiigsuant . The proprietor trusts PARLOR We will give to each of a club ONE. of April 12th, an account of the latest. J. UTAH, TO | Cure of Kidney and and tion ©f a Patient Yoars of Age. Territory, t oe Wm. Cogeswell, Wes'port, Conn JLG Cannan, Druggi-t, W Reet Gran Hf B.Wheeler, Bsu, “es port, Conn Bradley Hu 1, Esq aeesenint Cona Dr Wakeman, ieading, Con R W Robinson, “ eholesdle Dita ist, New York City, and many others if necessury. THE GREAT DIURETIC. IN whom, no doubt, the outrage has been burn the sawdurt, they have contended intended, -has no interest in the prothat it did no injury, and point to mill- |? perty. Probably the scamps think Mir streams into which” sawdust has been reen’s sale is a sham, because he sold run for a generation, and in i which fish the property far below its value. are still numerous, ee ees To ascertain the truth as between Hanging a Mam for Comfort. these conflicting facts, the Commision-|. ers of Maine _ have, during the past -- The Austin’ (Texas) Journal relates two years, made experiments and given the following: Tu dono or 1838; the just been organmuch time to observation. ‘The con- county of FOR clusions to which they arrive, are, that ized, and. the first ‘District Court was any reasonable quantity of’ sawdust held in a small room that had been used for a grocery. It was the fall term, a floating in° ‘the water has no effect on the fish ;if taken in the mouth it is not severe norther was blowing, and there swallowed, but passes out through the ‘was no-tireplace or stove in the room. gills without i injury, and trout show no A desperado was on trial for one out of hesitation in passing into and remain- ae murders he had committed, and ing in streams in which there is floating the Judge and jury were impatient to ‘The county was sparsely sawdust. here the saw-mills are be- end the case. Jow the gravel beds on which the fish settled, and consequently too poor to | deposit their eggs, and there are fish- make adequate arrangements for the jadders to allow the fish to pass over comfort of prisoners; so, when the the mill dam, the fish will go through jury brought in a verdict of guilty, the the floating sawdust to their breeding Judge. in pronouncing sentence upon Jones, you places, and the fish and saw-mills may the culprit, said: ‘‘ Bob have hada fair trial; you have been indefinitely use the same stream. If the gravel beds on which the fish found guilty, and the court adjudges breed are below ‘the saw- mill, the saw- that you be hanged by the neck until dust settles upon them, and the fish axe you be dead; but as the county is just. compelled to find some other place on organized, and affords no conveniences which to deposit, their eggs. As the to lodge a. prisoner with any degree of’ being no suitable young fish“ ‘invariably: ‘seek the place comfort—there where they were hatched on which to building. nor bedding, | not even blankdo hereby, in deposit their eggs, the stream whose ets, “the » court of his personal combaat is covered with sawdust will, ina consideration few years, be denuded of fish. The fort, ovder that. the'prisoner be taken fish must- have a clean gravel bed and to the'nearest’ tree, ‘and there hanged pure coid water for the eggs to hatch. until he be dead, and may the Lord And to The Sheriff As saw-mills, in most instances, are be-| ‘have mercy on his soul.” low the small streams where the trout then borrowed a lariat from a bystander, breed, it seems to be pretty well settled put it over the culprit’s neck, and led that the chief difficulty has been, not, him out to a tree a few feet from the from the sawdust. being run into the Court House, threw it-overa limb, and sticam—exeeptin the eases stated— suspended the prisoner till life was but from the fact that, until compelléd ‘extinct. by fines and penalties imposed by legislation, ishways had not been construct- Running Street Cars by Compressed ; igs take, CAEN ed to allow the fish to pass above the dams to the breeding places. We find in the New Orleans papers To the unreasoning these may seem vould MIOMAS property, and. that-Mr. Green, against to and BS saw- -mills entirely, merd all person similarly affected to try it. T have greut faithi - ats pret e powers. Ys “yr of medicine LINE OF The direct route fr om OMAHA WitHouTt Two Damy Turovan Trains leave the cote River, opposite OmsnA, up n the arrival” of Trains from the West over the Jos Se proprietors BUCHU, PIONEER ee the FLUID EXTRACT ia int Westen UTAH CENTRAL R. R, Cure of Bladder and Kidney arection of Long Standing—Stone Passe ed and to be Seen. Ww eer Conn., Sept. 5, 1869. ens Helmbotd, Dear Sir—I commenced taking your “Exe tract of Buchu” about two weeks since for an affection oi the gravel, bladder and kidneys. I havesuffered by spelis very much fora few days paste But y-sterday relie! came troug:: the effect of your Buchu. A stone accel from my bladder about the size of a large pea, and L now feel perfectly well, and entirely free from pain that I have suf fered with so hard. attribure my: cure to ‘FOR EVERY Ward School House. NORWAY OATS, TESTIMONY. CON CEN TRATED # cause ” MEDICINES. MEDICINES, HELMBOLD’S J BY, FAITH. DERRICK, en E rrie aS “4 LP afternoon last, some men passing through the orchard, discovered this ‘new outrage, and immediately gave notice. On examination, Mr. Cook, who Thinte of ne sometimes—T care not is temporarily occupying the premises whens © Hunter can arrange to move In tue busy Hause of thoughtless men, until Dr. his family there, discoyered that about At early morn, when the coming day First tints the east with its golden ray. three hundred apple and peach trees were again completely girdled. the Or, when the queen of night draws near, And around thee gather those most work having been | done more effectually than ever. It is impossible to’ tell: aear, ; when this fiendish work was done, but Oh, then may your mind revert to me probably within forty-eight hours of With kindly thoughts, such as I give thee. the discovery. The trees, no doubt,. will be saved, as the weather was very Many will woo while youth’s thy dower, But mee there cometh dark sorrow’s favorable, and the work of binding up and covering the wounds with grafting hou And then all pass from beyond thy ken, wax Was commenced as soon as practiThin’ of me sometimes—think of me cable. ‘his is the fifth time that this then. orchard has been girdled, and it is the strangest afizir that we ever heard of. Think as of one who will not change, It is” strange that the trees have not Whose h a from friends cannot be esbeen killed; but there are very few trange that are materially injured, the wounds One who, whatever shall be thy lot, ‘Will name ye among the unforgot. of the previous girdlings having healed over nicely. It is no less strange that Ah, then, when thy summer joys depart, the murderous work has always been Leaving thee: lone with a weary heart, done about the same time of the it matters not where ye may be when. That hour shall sppepe spar paiaic as me month, and on clear moonlight nights, tens: Ginn and that the men have not been seen, and that Mr. Green has not been able to form any idea of who the scoundrels Sawdust in Trout Streams. are who have perpetrated this crime. It has been generally believed that|# The orchard has been closely watched the running of sawdust from mills into until just before a new attack, when it ‘streams killed the trout and other has. been thought no further effort lish, in consequence of the floating would be made to destroy the property. particles becoming attached to the gills It is strange that this last attempt on of the fish, and in time_causing the the life of the trees should be made gills to become diseased. It is certain when it is well known that Mr. Hunter that on many streams. where there —whois a zentleman of high standing have been saw-mills the fish have diswhere he has formerly lived, and as he appeared; on other streams, with sawis an entire stranger to the people mills just as numcrous, the fish are as here, cannot be supposed to be the obpleniy as they were ever known to be. ject of any person's hatred—owns the Where legislation has been sought to THINK INN 2 6 STR p. UKNING, LiaViS OMAHA Priat 92154 m; leaves Ogden Saturdays at pm; arrives at San’ Francisco Mondays ° BLAS p me tickets and berths for tnis agin can be secured only at the Company’s e, £15 Calitornia sireet, San Franciscoe Two trains -duily (Sundays excepted) between peaepenta aud Marysville without. change of ca days naeere Base cante at 6:10 a m; and 210 ° Arrive at Marysville at 10345 @ mand 400: wm. Cc. DUNBAR, JAgont for Utah.’ DAILY TELEGRAPH OFFICE, P Leave Marysville at 9:15. m and 1;00 doiss. 3 , 3 Arrive at Sacramento at 11s25 a mm an Pm. TOWNE, Gen’] Buy’ T. H. aoopir 4 x Gen’l Pass. Agent: - Degom ber 8, 18609 ae |