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Show Fall 2001 The West View page 9 All is Calm Join us for the 2001 KRCL by Timothy Mason All is calm in the eye of the Music Film Festtrval! storm A peace filled with frenzy Plan on getting together with your KRCL family for five fabulously fun films, one each Thursday night, throughout the month of November. Check out KRCL’s web contained Reaction seeking accuracy Agony seeking solace site krel.org Fear seeking shelter Pain being Pain Grief being fresh Tears flowing free As six thousand stories for the list of films and show times. Vote for your favorite music film while you're there! untold Are told Once, then forever As earth is turned to receive ALL PROCEEDS FROM TICKET SALES GO TOWARDS Never underesti- mate the power of words. They can elevate the spirit or wound the soul. KRCL’S 2002 DAY IN THE PARK FUND...SWEET! by Jay Ingelby Do we want trains running through our community again? Isay no! Asa resident of Glendale, I am asking for all residents to get behind this issue and sign the petition, telling the Union Pacific Rail Road that we don't want them to reactivate their 900 South rail line. U.P.R.R. has not been a good neighbor by the way they have kept their property. As one of our residents has said, "If my yard looked like the R/R property, it would be condemned!" We don't want the many problems associated with the reactivation of this rail line. Some of these include: declining property values, increased transient activity, noise, pos- The 21st not yet begun Pride and Pain Truth and Shame Involvement by J. Michael Clara Hang on the air seeking ears to hear 12:9), As six thousand souls Release their dreams Into an endless stream Avot, the ethics of the Fathers, written almost 2000 years ago, Jews are told "Do not keep aloof (2:4). This directive instructs people to be active participants in all communities of which they are apart. It demands that people extend themselves, work with others, build coalitions, and be responsible to one another. This is a powerful message. It tells an individual that no one should live in a vacuum. You must engage in the world around you. The commentary goes on to say, "He who does not join the community in times of danger and trouble, will never enjoy the divine blessing... May this one that withdrew from the community, not live to see the comfort of the community." For me, social responsibility is born of the covenant relationship between God and Human. All of God's creations are sacred, and this sanctity must be protected. Any injustice, any wrong doing, sible derailment of trains that may be any amount of dissatisfaction on the part of any of God's creations is in violation of how God envisioned the world to be. Creation can be seen as God initiating a dialogue with humankind. What we do on this earth is our attempt to answer God. Tikkun Olam - to need to stand up for ourselves!> Prayers for us alll Caught in the storm Where all is calm where it means "Setting straight" or "setting in order". In Pirke loaded with hazardous materials, blocking of essential streets that lead in and out of our community, and lastly, having a school within 35 feet of trains where children might get hurt or killed. The people in Omaha at U.PR.R. headquarters don't care about us. We | Prayers for the young In Judaism there is a concept called "TIKKUN OLAM", which means repairing the world through social action. The Hebrew word "tikkun" first appears in the book of from the community" Railroad Dilemma Late September 2001 The 20th century Is over Community Ecclesiastes: (1:52-7:13; -Unknown author ashes Already buried heal the world. # In the eye of the storm alll is Calm. Residents Against Rail Reactivation! by Fred Fife Maybe you've read the recent articles in the Deseret News and the Salt Lake Tribune about the reactivation of the 900 South rail line through the Glendale and Poplar Grove neighborhoods in Salt Lake City. Union Pacific plans to reroute heavy train traffic from an existing industrial area east of the neighborhoods down through the middle of one of the oldest residential neighborhoods of the city. This is a reversal of their previous plans for the rail corridor, which were to abandon the 900 South rail right-ofway. Those plans encouraged a major neighborhood revitalization effort by the residents. In effect, the rail corridor was master-planned by the city as “open space" for conversion to a linear park that would connect the new Gateway project area with the Jordan River Parkway. New homes were built in the area, and an optimistic future seemed possible. A "green-way" instead of a railway was an exciting concept for the residents. Union Pacific's plan to reactivate the rail line with long haul heavy freight trains is damaging to the residential neighborhood. Property values, which are most residents’ major investments, will be drastically affected. Safety issues for school children and the elderly are a major concern, as well as emergency response to fires and accidents. We, in the neighborhood, are trying to find ways to oppose the reactivation of this line, which is a change of use of the railroad tracks from light to heavy traffic. If Union Pacific is successful in reactivating this railroad line, how will it affect you? A group of concerned residents have organized weekly strategy meetings, held at the Sunday Anderson Center at the corner of 900 West and 900 South every Monday from 6 to 7 PM. Come and voice your concerns. (Location subject to change) For more information, call Fred at 521-7383 or Edie at 532-1948. + |