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Show 4 Mountain West Minority Reporter & Sentinel, August 10, 1990 Miracle Rock Church Church schedule 131 North 900 West Max Jaramillo, Pastor Phone: 599-0056 Deliverance Temple Church of God in Christ Fitzgerald released from hospital in Netherlands Bishop exhaustion and dehydration, a hospital spokeswoman said. The 72-year-old singer was taken to the Bronovo Hospital in the Hague, Netherlands, last Monday after becoming ill in her hotel room. Dr. Clifford Booker, Redd one The comedian, who starred Chuck Berry Chuck Berry’s tour. Festival, which started Wednesday with a special concert in her honor. The tour also included appearances at junk man in the 1970’s TV series ‘Sanford and Son,’’ owes the government $2.9 million in taxes and penalties, according to the IRS. Seventy-six pieces of jewelry were scheduled to be sold at the auction at IRS headquarters in Las Vegas, said Foxx’s collection was the watch Foxx Says was a gift from the late Presley. Deiro and IRS officials displayed the jewelry several months ago, but the auction was delayed while attorneys from the comedian argued that the bankruptcy court should have jurisdiction over the items. The IRS auctioned eight of Foxx’s The prosecutor admitted that drug agents were searching for cocaine during the raid but found none. No charges were filed against Berry, but Hannah said he expected to decide by next week whether to file charges in the case. Following Hannah’s news conference, Berry and his attorney, Wayne Schoeneberg, met with Mountain West Minority Reporter & Sentinel classified ads reporters outside the prosecuting | Call us immediately if there is an error Support your local NAACP cor- rections necessary. However, we cannot be responsible for errors that continue after the first publication day. & U.S. = SAVINGS BONDS intermountain book 6582 486-4965 ! Murre y South Stave St. 261-4923 399-3103 Hours: Moncey so - she | cot vt a PeeRey New 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 o.m. THE AMERICAN HEART ASSCLIATION rs ve ~ Pastor Choir Rehearsal .............. 7 p.m Children’s Choir, 3rd Sunday ........ 1 p.m Friday, Prayer and Victory diabetes, ase Aa ge 7 p.m ie} om Helping Hand Floaehis 1250 Miller Street Burley, Idaho Elder George Foster, Pastor Phone: (208) 678-9140 Miracle Temple Church of God in Christ 10304 Claudia Street Boise, Elder Bowen, Pastor Phone: (208) 377-2383 Schedule American Heart Association * This space provided as a public service. Ogden, 6 to 9:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. in Christ Monday, Avenue Utah 84401 Schedule of Services Sunday School 07.0 Missionary Choir Rehearsal Schedule of Services Sunday School Momimg-sWorship’ 2. i203. 00.2. oc Evening Services as Announced eer eemraeeeese Ogden, Utah 84401 Elder R.E. Hurrington, Pastor Schedule of Services Sunday Schools v2) cin oes 9:45 Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11:30 SPW Wetec ea aoe mene ty 6:30 Evening SGEVICES: fh caea ee 8 Schedule of Services Sunday: School ic. 4c saat cadens. oc 9:30 a.m Morning < Worship. ies cris deck 11 a.m P Evening Worship .....5.. 0666656. .3 003s 7 pim. Wednesday: Fellowship. .. 1°12 Friday Evangelistic Service noon, 7 ‘pim. 1624 South 1000 West The Rev. Clifton B. Wilkes, of Services Stiaday School 32? Oe ake 9:45 a.m. Moming Worship.) vei A 11:45 a.m. Huesca: Bible Band) 6 7 p.m Thursday Bible aay CEE pecan tie, 7 p.m Pastor Phone: 972-8626 Schedule of Services Sunday School Morning Worship Mid-Week Prayer Service Wednesday | Wall Avenue eee seneeseesesees eroer Pastor Gaia 9:45 a.m aerseenesrese eeaseseseereeete Schedule of Services Sunday School Moring Worship Wed. Prayer Meeting and ' Mid-Week Services eee e eee eee ree ee ee seatraoseons eo reer mr eseereese Revelation Baptist Church 644 East 1000 North Layton Shiloh Baptist Church 10th North Buccaneer Drive esas eeeeosee Rev. Charles Petty 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. eeseeeeoeeeseeoores aes Phone: 825-9019, 393-4801 will share.’”’ Schedule of Services Sunday School Worship Service Wed. Night Prayer Service saw cess 2nd Baptist Church ' 301 33rd Street Ogden of Services eeneser . Salt Lake City, Utah Emmanuel Church of God in Christ — 7:30 p. m.- New Pilgrim Baptist Church Friday Night Bible Study ......... 6:30 p.m. Saturday Choir Rehearsal Office Hours, Tues.-Fri.: 1 to 6:30 p.m. “Have a.m a.m a.m p.m. “Tuesday, Prayer’and ‘Bible Band * 7:30 p. m. | BTU each Ist, 3rd Sunday evening . 6 p.m. Miller, 2 p.m. Christ 119 West 26th Street Rev. Isaac P. Brantley, Pastor Phone: 392-2211 Utah 84401 Saturday, esereoes Finley Temple Church of God in 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 Ogden, Bible ere Gea ain, 2nd Sunday, 4 p.m. evreveneses ores New Zion Baptist Church Elder John Mason The Rev. Curtis F. Sewwll, Sr., Pastor Phone: 731-7374 Rev. Wm. S. Beard, Pastor Phone: 392-8503 reese C.H. Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church Bethel Baptist Church 401 Fremont Avenue Pocatello, Idaho 83201 eee 6:30 p.m., College Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Bible Band Friday, 7:30 p.m., Evangelical Service Rhone: 621-8844 aeee night p.m. p.m. a.m. “‘Everyone is welcome here.’”’ Holiness ... at any cost. “Jesus loves you. So do we.”’ Schedule of Services Sunday-Schoolio.c0. eri see 9:30 a.m Morning Worship ................ 11:30 a.m Evening: Worship .2.2:0...4:5).45. 7:30 p.m, Bible . Rev. Reginald Clinton, Pastor . Phone: 546-9451 - Schedule of Services Worldwide Gospel Church Non-Denomination Christian Fellowship 862 West 300 North Sundays Schools i500 5 aii 9:30 a.m Morning Worship \..sciseet. (ae... 11 a.m Wed. Mid-Week Prayer .............. 7 p.m Rev. Willie Dunn, Jr. Pastor/ Bishop Phone: 596-0076 or 964-0098 Schedule of Services Morning Sunday School Morning Worship ................ 11:15 a.m Evening -Worshipiciccciik. iene) 7 p.m Friday: Bible Study -.......5:.562.5. 7:30 p.m 128 Broadway Boise, Idaho 83702 — ees ereeeeeee “Come celebrate Jesus with us. Faith Temple Pentecostal Church 1510 Richard Street salt Lake City Dr. Rosemary Cosby, Pastor Bishop Robert C. Cosby Phone: 486-5970 _ Schedule of Services Sunday: School. rere: Bo 9:45 a.m Morning Worship: . oo 0é0.0:.....050- 12 noon Wednesday Bible Class ...... As Announced Friday Young People As Announced True Vine Baptist Church 1323 East 1000 North Layton Idaho Alfred Lincoln sere Elder George Foster, Pastor Phone: (208) 524-4068 Schedule of Services AftemoonsSenvices 66a. Fre 1 p.m. Holy Communion ....... Ist Sunday, 1 p.m. Bible Stidy inh pak Pee os 7 p.m. Friday, Mason eesereresnerone Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band Priday; Youth Night... 05...00:..: Hope Church of God in Christ i eee 7 p.m. Elder Bobby R. Allen, Pastor 6:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11:30 a.m COGIC Training Union .......... 6:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship ............ 8 p.m. Church of God in Christ Center C.H. een Shiloh Church of God 2168 Schedule WORSHID Service): 15; uucceas oes 11 a.m SUNCAV SCHOOL gr cs ete 9 a.m MOULT SERVICE): Us yaks) acto ece is. 4 p.m Ogden Riverdale Shopping Lokotui, ea Sunday: SchOOh Schedule of Services ¢ Church & Sunday School Supplies ee A Ebenzer Church of God in Christ Inc. 820 South 300 East Phone: 393-9865 | “Everyone welcome’’ e Confirmations « Baptisms » Communions Sait Lake 14936 South 14100 East Manase Evening ‘Worship: 020i Holy Communion . Each ist Sunday Prayer Services). cisveiiis ccs Tues. 7 Mass Choir Rehearsal ....... Thurs. 7 Children’s Choir Rehearsal ... Sat. 11 eevee Tongan United Methodist Church Malu-E-Lelet 866 West 4th South Rev. Schedule of Services Sunday ‘School: yo... 9:30 a.m Morning Worship .................... 11 a.m one Methodist e Books Bibles ° Records & Tapes/CD’s e Gitts For All Soecial Occasions Cn oe Wednesday, 2778 THE GREAT AMERICAN INVESTMENT 1952 Rey. Francis A. Davis Phone: 355-1025 Christ stores Christian Booksellers Since e Weddings als torney’s office. Berry; 63, deniéd using 'drtigs.' He* said the drugs: found on his. property . had belonged to a woman friend who previously had lived at his home. Berry. also maintained he doesn’! drink and never has. Ella Fitzgerald 967-0082 in your ad and we will make any weapons, news conference to release the affidavit used as a basis for a search warrant executed Saturday at Berry’s estate near Wentzville, about 35 miles west of St. Louis. cars. in May, raising $49,555. NV PW Wes College Friday Evangelistic Service torney William Hannah held a brief Ze | Calvary Baptist Church 532 East 700 South ; 11 a.m details of a raid at his St. Charles, and more than $122,000 in cash. St. Charles County Prosecuting At- The spokeswoman at the Bronovo Hospital said that Fitzgerald was released. Saturday morning and was returning to her Los Angeles home. _The spokeswoman refused to comment on the singer’s condition. Sunday School... sci as eons Sunday Morning Worship Specs Evening: Worship: <0 000.3 .00e0 es 8 p.m. Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band 7:30 p.m. netted hashish, marijuana, Wed. Spanish Bible Study ........... 7 p.m. Thur. Native American Bible Study 7 p.m. of Services Chuck Berry denied using drugs Thursday as authorities released Missouri country estate that allegedly music festivals in Montreux, Switzerland and Antibes, France. auctioneer Robert Deiro. included in - Schedule denies using drugs Fitzgerald was billed as the headline act at this year’s North Sea Jazz as a Sunday Evening Worship ............ 7 p.m Tuesday Bible Stuay .................. 7 p.m. Bishop N. Jones, Interim Pastor Elder Wm. G. Golding, Assistant Pastor estate raided; he would cancel the rest of her European Redd Foxx’s jewelry, including a diamond and gold watch given to him by Elvis Presley, was be auctioned by the Internal Revenue Service July 23. Pastor Griffin Temple Church of God in Christ 2424 E Avenue Ogden, Utah a friend and physician traveling with her, said Wednesday that Fitzgerald had nearly recovered from her condition but Redd Foxx’s jewelry auctioned by IRS Givens, 3100 South Redwood Road (3060 South Lester Street): West Valley City, Utah Phone: 967-0082 Schedule of Services Sunday: School «3.00.2 iicne ety s5 ; Morning Worship ..............200++ 11. a.m VEVening WORSHIP 4) ioe ss ace cece 7 p.m as announced Wednesday me SUIdY: ancdessse 7 p.m Ella Fitzgerald was released from a hospital Saturday after being treated for M.A. “Upon this rock I will build my church.’’ Schedule of Services _ —Mt. 16:8 Sunday Morning Worship .......... 10 a.m St. Paul Baptist Church Rev. Ellis Robinson, Pastor Schedule of Services Sunday SCHOO’ oo 0. iiiecctssccccss 9:30 Morning Worship ..................68- 11 BINS 0 ced toh aaa ieee yids 6 BVenin® Services. 5 cssse tn cee eae. 7 Wed. Prayer, Mid-Week Service 6:30 a.m a:m p.m p.m. p.m. Community Church of God in Christ ae 1275 Bingham Street Idaho Falls, Idaho Elder Wm. Whitehead, Pastor Schedule of Services Sunday School _ 4 ij. es: 10 a.m Morning Worship :.4..0.\.;....:.. 11:30 a.m COGIC Training Union YPWW .... 6 p.m. Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band . 7:30 p.m. New Hope Baptist Church 513 “G”’ Street Rock Springs, Wyoming Rev. Grover C. Walker, Pastor Rev. Timothy J. Harvey, Associate Minister Phone: 456-6554, 546-6554 Rev. Harold O. Fields, Pastor Phone: (307) 382-8280 Schedule of Services Sunday SChOdl jos ieee, Morning Worship Wed. Prayer Meeting, Bible Study Schedule of services Sunday School ci is.c 2. csteente cas 9:30 a.m Morning: Worship 0) 6.23 fils cee 11 a.m Wed Rraver Weetine: iat os 7 p.m Sunday Bible Study Perse ees essere ersesens 1] a.m . 7 p.m sateen ree eter eresenne ANGIE Eh |