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Show Soe eporter and Sentinel Keeping Hope Alive as We Fulfill the Dream Serving more than 200,000 JUNE 22, 1990 VOL. 1 NO. 3 Barry mayoral chase in possible bid to revive legal talks Washington (AP) — Mayor Marion Barry, struggling against drug posses- sion and perjury charges, announced not something very important in the wake seek re-election to a fourth term. ‘“Now is a time for healing,’’ the em- of these charges,’’ said one source Meanwhile, six potential jurors questioned Wednesday said they who has spoken to Barry several times in the past week. ““The thinking is that would not be affected by either an an- battled mayor said. Barry hastily summoned his Cabinet evening he would effort to rekindle plea-bargain talks the jury may go easy on him if they feel he’s voluntarily dropped something so dear.’’ Barry decided over the weekend not to seek re-election, but posponed making the announcement because of that broke down over a week ago. publicity Barry has pleaded innocent to 10 misdemeanor cocaine possession of Jesse Jackson and others to act as mediators in Barry’s case, sources charges, said. Barry’s decision was expected to boost the mayoral candidacies of D.C. council member John Ray and Walter Fauntroy, the District of Columbia’s announcement. His move was apparently part of an one misdemeanor cocaine conspiracy charge, and three felony counts of lying to a grand jury about his alleged drug use. As jury selection crawled along, U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson said he hoped to seat a jury on Monday. best in the nation. President George Bush held the presentation in the Rose Garden at the White House. He congratulated and _ thanked all of the Head Start program representatives for meeting the challenge and.making the program - successful. President Bush re-iterated his support for Head Start programs across the nation and stated that in- from President administration. Bush and _ his pre-taped address Was News USA The actions taken by President Frederick W. DeKlerk since his election last September give hope for the future peaceful development of South Africa. The new South African government hopes to reach a peaceful negotiated settlement for some type of multiethnic government to eventually evolve. These actions by the new president include: ° — The October 11 meeting between leader of the African National Con(ANC) and seven other key black activists. — Following the Sisulu release, De Klerk’s decision to permit the largescale, ANC-sponsored demonstrations in Johannesburg and Cape Town. Namibia and Mandela AIDS, drugs meeting scheduled The second in a series of meetings at Shiloh Baptist Church will be held June 23. . The general public will participate in discussions on ways and means to stop the epidemic of AIDS and the abuse of drugs in meetings being held. Pastor H.J. Lilly said the ‘‘best line of defense is an educated public.”’ ‘‘We hear many things about AIDS and we read about its dreaded effects long way toward lifting the shadows’’ noted that some have called on to resign immediately, but said would be ‘“‘disruptive’’ for the Barry supporters organized a outside the courthouse. where the mayor’s case is being tried. Anita — The United Nation’s certification of the November 11 elections in Namibia as ‘‘free and fair.’’ This will lead to Namibian independence under the U.S.-mediated agreement signed by South Africa, Cuba, and Angola in December 1988. — The new freedom exercised by Nelson Mandela, who, while still in confinement, receives up to 84 visitors a week, including many devastating problems in our communi- ty,’’ a spokesman said. Shiloh Baptist Church is located at 1170 West 1000 North. For more in- formation, please call 531-7732. black activists. — DeKlerk’s announcement that his government will repeal the Separate Amenities Act during the next session of Parliament (February - June 1990). This will open all public facilities — such as parks, libraries, public transport, hotels, theatres, and _ restaurants — to all South Africans. 2 DeKlerk’s meeting with Mandela on December 13, 1989. circulated a letter to city workers urging them to attend. nouncement that Barry would forgo seeking a fourth term or declaration that he would run. Prosecutors had raised the issue with the prospective jurors. : Interviews of the prospective jurors ended Friday, the jury seated Mon- day, and opening statements made. Tuesday morning, said Jackson. Seventy-seven people have been sent into a pool of potential jurors since the process began June 4. Barry aides had floated the idea of a plea bargain last week in which the mayor would agree to plead guilty to misdemeanor charges, but sources close to U.S. Attorney Jay Stephens’ office said the prosecutor would not accept a deal that did not include a felony conviction. Stephens has said any decision Barry made on re-election would be irrelevant to the criminal case. But for the first time on Wednesday, lawyers raised questions with the prospective jurors political plans. about Barry’s ; Assistant U.S. Attorney Judith Retchin asked one woman if her work on the criminal case would be affected if she learned Barry was not going to seek re-election. No, replied the prospective juror, who had worked a number of years ago in a city summer youth employment program. Nor would she be affected if Barry announced he would run, said the woman, who reiterated her answers when questioned similarly by R. Kenneth Mundy, the mayor’s lawyer: Wanted by the FBI! News USA Civilians Control Security — And, in what the respected The FBI needs your assistance in the war against drugs. Last year, the American analyst, Dr. Pauline Baker of the Carnegie Endowment for Inter- FBI established its Drug Demand Reduction Program. This program augments the front-line battle against ‘drug. suppliers by addressing the con- national Peace has called ‘‘the most significant’’ of all Mr. DeKlerk’s actions, and ‘‘the first substantive action tinuing demand toward restructuring the architecture country. It is recognized that providing youth with the necessary knowledge and skills to be drug free is a key ingredient to a successful solution. of power in South Africa,’’ DeKlerk for drugs in this announced on November 28 the abolition of the security management system thus returning control of security matters to his civilian The FBI’s strategy focuses on three Cabinet. general areas: schools, communities, DeKlerk also reduced the military and the workplace; and involves budget, established a new policy cooperation with federal, state, and against cross-border military opera- _local agencies. Experienced special tions, and cut the two-year comagents serve as drug demand reducpulsory military service by half. tion coordinators in each of the FBI’s The sum total of these actions 57 field offices nationwide. within DeKlerk’s first 100 days apThese coordinators are charged pear to set a fresh course for Africa. with creating and assisting drug The new year of 1990 appears to open awareness and prevention programs in the door for change and democracy their respective communities. They that DeKlerk has made the centerpiece work with all levels of government of his policy. and the private sector to reduce the de- mand for drugs. in our daily lives; however, in these round table discussions we hope to ascertain all of the facts about these him that city. rally President DeKlerk seeks multi-ethnic rule gress The drug conference: the Rev. George Johnson and the Rey. H.J. Lilly. Congress. South African government moves toward racial equality Bishop Desmond Tutu, the Rev. Allan Boesak, and President DeKlerk. ‘‘A step in the right direction,’” as the Rev. Jesse Jackson described it. — The October 15 release of Walter Sisulu, founding member and yD / to will take office over other candidates’ campaigns. He Barry’s The Head Start program has been an important contributor to the success of youth in Weber County. It is an. honor and privilege for the Ogden Area Community Action Agency Head Start program to have received this prestivious citation of excellence delegate successor efforts Barry said public opinion polls indicated he could win another term, but he added, ‘““What good does it do to win the battle if in the process I lose Ogden community agency’s Head Start program commended by President Bush New Services. Community Action’s Head Start program is considered one of the non-voting Barry’s the January 1. Barry said his decision ‘‘will go a my soul?’’ creased funds have been requested to assure continued program success. After the president’s speech, the participants and guests went to the Health and Human Services building to review the history of the Head Start program and to cut the cake commemorating the 25th anniversary. surrounding ‘“Now is a time for healing, healing for me personally and for you politically,’’ Barry said. broadcast on Howard University’ radio On May 24, H.C. Massey was in- Barry’s campaign manager, Wednesday he told his constituents via a televised vited to the White House in conjunction with the Head Start program’s e 25th anniversary. Mr. Massey was selected to represent Region VIII by the Department of Health and Human Bonds, Barry “‘is seeking to portray himself as a victim, someone who’s given up to reveal his decision shortly before H.C. Massey, executive director of Ogden Area Community Action Agency. and television. Have a safe and happy Fourth of July! FBI Director William S. Sessions has said, ‘‘Our nation’s most valuable ally in the war against drugs is the American people. The FBI is current- ly working with citizens from coast to coast and all walks of life who are actively involved in anti-drug efforts. We want your help!’’ |