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Show ClIPE HVLN ¢: ‘THE BEGINNIN G OF UNDERSTANDING : W ORDPOWER?” Editorial Ofc. 975 E. 3300 South Sui Salt Lake City, Utah el: 86-9371 84106 ‘THE PEOPLE’S NEWSPAPER Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE 3.8¢ PAID SLC, Utah 84106 Permit No. 2205 Volume 1 No. 17 October 22, 1970 PUBLICITY DIRECTOR APPOINTED STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ° WORDPOWER Newspaper is independent, owing alligence to no one political party or established institution. It is published by Wordpower, Inc., a non-profit community organization dedicated to eliminating and is racism, poverty and injustice. It will serve as a medium of communication for the poor, the minority and the oppressed. This newspaper will attempt to establish a continuing dialogue between these people.and other segments of ‘society in an effort to avoid more violent and destructive confrontation, while working toward solutions to community problems. The Editor and Staff utilization. . Encourage a system of ‘eiuidte health care insurance for that portion of the population not Cancer Study Lesses Grant now fully covered. The Respiratory Cancer Control Study conducted by the and/or early detection of disease Respiratory Research Staff at Holy to reduce disability resulting c ross Hospital was established 3 from acute and chronic disease years ago with a 5 year grant by need for as well as the HEW. Cyril D. Fullmer, Project hospitalization. Director announced in the middle . Provide screening for undetected of September that a termination of infectious desease processes (i.e., funds was forcing the study to be ‘tuberculosis, syphilis, dental dissolved. This is a_ regrettable infection, etc.) to 75 per cent of situation because the study has the population through made significant additions to the multiphasic screening program. knowledge and methodology Effect a plan Through toothbrushes, floss, and of crevention issuance of toothpaste, dental instructions for use, assist in reducing future oral ‘disease processes by 50 per cent. . Demonstrate the target minimum An author and former OEQO Training Assistant has been named to promote the Community Health Poor’’. various neighborhood Volunteers cooperatives communities, groups and VISTA have organized and buying clubs Centers Foundation. Mr. Leroy Davis, who wrote Economic throughout the state. Development for the Poor’, a valuable guide operating to starting cooperatives, buying clubs and credit unions, will be responsible for making the community aware of the Foundation, its services, and for maintaining with the a close relationship various news. media regarding the Center's programs and projects. Davis was formerly a training 2. Community Health was of Economic responsible for analyzing in-service training needs of the Community Action Agencies. As a result of his book “Economic Development for the operate a The treatment. This type of reasearch and study is urgently needed and to cut off a program in the middle of their work seems an unnecessary step in attempting to balance the budget. The study also provided a volunteer severe abnormalities developing in any person cooperating in the study. Many of these volunteers _of five years. The oramunity Health Centers These are some of the things that Foundation project is designed to the Center will be able to provide: "private physicians. A great deal of ‘information relating cigeratte ambulatory and health care system Office and changes. MEETS THE FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 8:00 P.M. AT .group with a method of protection THE NETTIE GREGORY against silent development of CENTER, LOCATED AT 742 disease by alerting the staff to any WEST SOUTH TEMPLE. Neighborhood Health Center for. the lower economic groups in a Foundation Local He Establish cellular study has also detected unsus pected lung carcinomas which have been brought to confirmatory diagnosis and surgical cannot afford to continuethis type develop Affairs, 3. Provide a one-year planning grant for two projects in rural health for Utah, and abnormal Prescribed target area of Salt Lake County for a grant period assistant in the Governor's Office of Opportunity. who _ possess skills can be trained to. function effeciently in a variety This three-part proposal is designed of health care positions. to: 1. Provide a one-year grant for planning an ambulatory care ~ DON'T FORGET — THE SALT unit at the University of Utah LAKE BRANCH OF THE NAACP Medical Center, and that persons from area regarding the use of sputum to detect carcinoma of the lung and income a comprehensive hospitalization for the lower diagnosis groups of Utah. The project. will use existing health care facilities and systems as much as possible. 1. Make available to the patients the most recent advances in the and disease. 2. Adjust treatment of all : servies, hours, and other aspects of service to obtain maximum consumer and of diagnostic treatment through smoking and lung cancer could have ANOTHER REMINDER TO _been- gained from this study. VOTERS: Only two more days left Mr. Kaswell E. Miller, a volunteer in to register for the November 3rd this project, encourages interested election. Tuesday, October 27th persons to write their Congressman and Wednesday, October 28th. and Senator as well as local DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE VOICE YOUR OPINION. TO governmental officials in an effort to re-instate this program. |