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Show Volume XVIII Issue I The Ogden Valley news Page June 15, 2010 Memories of Huntsville and Its People Note: This is the seventeenth and last, in a multi-series of articles that is from the above titled compilation. Peter C. Geertsen Nephi H. Nielsen It is being reprinted by permission of the McKay family. The information was initially printed in 1960. I must digress now for a moment. I think the organization of Weber County into a stake has already been mentioned, but only in a casual way. Here are more details: The old Weber Stake was organized on January 26, 1851, with Lorin Farr as President. L.W. Shurtliff followed him as President with C.F. Middleton and N.C. Flygare as his Counselors. The Ogden Stake was created on July 19, 1908, with Thomas B. Evans as President and Hyrum Belnap and Thomas E. McKay as his Counselors. F.A. Hammond was the first bishop of the Huntsville ward. Uncle David McKay, who followed him as Bishop, was ordained by Apostle F.D. Richards soon after he returned from a mission on April 30, 1885. He had left on April 7, 1883. He was released from the post on September 10, 1905. His counselors had been Soren L. Peterson and Christian F. Schade. Uncle David McKay was born in Scotland on May 3, 1844, and was baptized by William McKay in 1855. He was ordained a Seventy March 28, 1869 by Apostle F.D. Richards. A.P. Renstrom succeeded Bishop McKay on September 10, 1906. His counselors were Charles S. Wood and John Halls. The following are the name of the boys and girls who served in the various branches of the armed forces from our town (Huntsville) in World War II. I wonder if you and I fully grasp what they endured, what they sacrificed, and what some of them paid to serve us. If we were to offer and give, in civil life, an equal amount of labor and sacrifice that they give in military service, I imagine the world would be a very much better place in which to live. I suspect we do not even remember them, much less love and revere them, for the lives they offered. Pauline L. Jensen Wave Gordon Hugh McKay Army Wanda Winter Wave William Allen Navy Christie Page Wac John Hislop Marine Don Engstrom Army Lloyd Engstrom Army Claude Hawks Army Darrell Harris Navy Ross McEntire Marine Dale Grow Navy Clyde Peterson Army Paul Burrows Army John Cagle Army Joseph Collard Navy Harold Hinkle Army Robert Jensen Army Laddie Shupe Army Mark Shupe Army Clyde Collard Marine Wallace Jensen Navy Eldon Harris Navy Jack Smith Navy Leland Burton Marine Keith McKay Marine Jewell Richardson Army Max Grow Navy Raymond Peterson Marine Paul Jones Army Elmer J. Winter Army Robert Aldous Army Melvin Engstrom Army Victor Newey Army Orvis Peterson Army Carl Ford Army Vern Stoker Army Scott M. McKay Navy James Marker Navy LaMar Bingham Magnus Nielson Kenneth Berlin Neil Shupe Arnie Bailey Daniel Hawks Kay Wood Jack Roy James Lightfoot William Rowe Bruce M. McKay Keith Renstrom Wells Wilson Durlan Johansen Vaun Johansen Fred Hislop Sheldon Doman Lowell Hislop Dean Bronson Wendell Hislop Dean Hislop Douglas Bronson Glen McKay Halvor Bailey Morgan Mickelson Quinn Wangsgard William J. Garner Douglas Grow Dean Allen William J. Ferrell Wendall Homer Norman Hawks Junior Stewart Llewllyn Peterson John McKay Sterlin Wangsgard LaMar Engstrom Stanley Wangsgard Ellis Stoker Army Army Marine Army Navy Army Army Army Navy Army Army Marine Navy Marine Army Army Marine Navy Navy Mer. Mar. Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army Marine Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army C. Guard Navy Frank Austin Carmon Thurston Adam Doman William Peterson Julian Brunker LeMoyne Hislop Max Dustin Marvin Allen Kolan G. McKay Jessie Tracy Orville Nelson Que Hislop Darrell Mason LeGrande Carter Allen Blaine Quinn McKay Robert Smith Don Stoker Robert Barker Navy Navy Army Navy Army Army Navy Navy C. Guard Navy Navy Army Navy Army Army Marine Navy Army Army Killed in Action William J. Capson Laurel Larson Lewis Olson James Smith Keith Schade Army Army Army Army Army Missing in Action Floyd Slater Navy Medical Discharge Herbert E. Smith Army Ross Shupe Navy Ernest McKay Navy Clinton Wangsgard Army Ruben Hansen Army Olaf Rasmussen Army Clifford Mortensen Army Joseph Shupe Army Denmark Denmark Charles W. Wright Great Britain Carl A. Johnson Sweden Jens Nielsen Denmark Richard E. Sprague Northern States C. Fred Schade Norway Isaac W. McKay Northern States David O. McKay Great Britain John M. Grow S.W. States Christian S. Sorensen Denmark Charles A. Burrows Southern States Joseph A. Sorensen Southern States Alvin Sprague California Emil Anderson Sweden N. Christian Mortensen Norway David O. Allen Northern States Angus E. Berlin Sweden George A. Burrows Northern States Albern A. Bingham Eastern States David H. Grow California Oscar Geertsen Southern States Fred W. Wood Western States Adam L. Petersen Denmark Arizona Denmark Anders Anderson Denmark George H. Hall Great Britain Australia Peter M. Jensen Denmark D.D. McKay Australia John Peterson Sweden Jeanette Morrell Central States Joseph L. Petersen Denmark Ida Peterson Carl F. Petersen Nephi Peterson William H. Burrows John Felt Joseph Bingham Andrew Peterson Francis A. Bingham Charles Isaac Grow Wilford C. Knuz (Died in service) 1892 1892 1892 1894 1896 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1899 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1901 1892 1898 1902 1902 1892 1902 1892 & 1902 1903 1903 1904 1897 Norway & Denmark 1904 Denmark 1904 Sweden 1904 Sweden 1904 St. States 1894 Australia 1904 Sweden 1897 & 1904 Great Britain 1905 Sweden 1906 Western States 1906 South Africa 1906 Switzerland 1907 William M. McKay Joseph Peterson Adam W. Schade Gustave Felt Hyrum Felt Angus W. McKay Swiss-German Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Southern States Idaho Australia Great Britain Swiss-German Eastern States Norway 1907 1907 1907 1907 ----1897 1909 David I. Tracy 1909 Thomas E. McKay 1900 1909 Ernest R. McKay 1910 Wilford Nielsen 1910 Alma Petersen Norway-Denmark 1910 Edward Evans Southern States 1910 James H. Nelson Eastern States 1910 Angus McFarland New Zealand 1911 Fred A. Berlin New Zealand 1911 J. Arnold Burrows Holland 1912 Eric A. Cramer Norway 1912 Charles S. Wood Southern Sates 1888 California 1913 Ammon E. Allen NW States 1913 Wilmer C. Jensen Southern States 1913 Nels O. Lofgreen Sweden 1900 Western States 1913 J. Earl Felt E. States & Holland 1914 James G. McKay South Africa 1906 Great Britain 1915 Arnold P. Renstrom NW States 1915 Floyd C. Jensen Great Britain 1916 Rulon S. Wood New Zealand 1917 J. Alma Burrows Southern States 1917 George Ferrin W. & N. States ----Wilmer Ferrin Northern States 1918 Rosabell Ferrin Northern States 1918 William W. McDonald Southern States 1918 Israel Ferrin NW States 1918 Joseph Felt, Sr. Sweden 1900 Western States 1913 NW States 1919 Erwin T. Tracy Northern States 1919 Milton E. Halls New Zealand 1919 Benjamin F. Lofgren NW States 1919 Nora R. Mortensen Eastern States 1920 HISTORICAL cont. on page 10 Historical Photo This town of ours has acquired publicity in several fields. A native son is now President of the L.D.S. Church. The wonderful progress accomplished during his regime, in all parts of the world, is something that thrills the hearts of every member of the Church. There is another service in the same field that the town can be proud of, and that is the missionary work. Since the town was founded a hundred years ago to the present time, there have been more than two hundred men and women serve on missions. This does not include so-called “home missions.” The time they spent amounts to more than five hundred forty-five years, and at their own expense. Their names, the year, and the name of the mission follows: Francis A. Hammond Hawaii 1859 United States 1869 Mary Jane Hammond Hawaii 1859 James Hawkins Hawaii 1869 Elizabeth Hawkins Hawaii 1869 C. Fischer Schade Denmark 1872 Erastus Bingham Vermont 1874 Doren L. Petersen Denmark-Norway 1874 Hans Jorgensen Northern States 1874 Peter J. Hansen Denmark 1874 Dallen Alanson Ohio 1874 Francis A. Hammond, Jr. Arizona (Died in service) 1876 Peter A. Lofgreen Sweden 1880 Joseph R. Linwall U.S. 1881 Andrew H. Anderson Sweden 1882 Angus McKay Arizona 1873-’76 So. States 1882 Scotland 1883 Niels E. Mortensen David McKay Andrew J. Anderson Ammon Allen Daniel Orin Allen John Feet, Sr. William Halls, Sr. George Halls William Halls, Jr. Peter C. Geertsen, Sr. Wilmer W. Bronson Andrew P. Renstrom Lars K. Petersen Albern A. Allen Fredrick G. Froerer George Langlois, Sr. John A. Anderson Eli A. Tracy Denmark Scotland Sweden Indiana Terr. Hawaii San Juan Sweden San Juan San Juan San Juan Denmark Great Britain Sweden Sweden Southern States Switzerland England Norway Southern States 1883 1883 1883 1885 1880 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1873 & 1886 1886 1883 & 1889 1889 1890 1890 1891 1891 1891 Circa 1 20-21 Front Row: Howard Beckstead, Carmon Thurston, Lloyald Olsen. Back Row: Carl Stoker, Otto Grow, Lamar Engstrom, Homer Brunker, Eldon Grow. If you can identify the missing name, please call Jeannie at 745-2879. Photo courtesy of Erma Wilson of Huntsville. Laura Warburton Now Accepting Most Insurances Natural Hoof Care Practitioner Kenyon Tew, Ph.D. Phone: 801-458-2997 E-mail: Barefoot@ourbigworld.us Child, Adolescent & Family Therapy Dr. Tew has over 25 years of therapeutic experience working with children, adults, and families. His experience includes treating anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, Aspergers, A.D.D. and school related problems. 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