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Show November 24, 1982 Newsprint Page near golf course on Handyman Special partly Neola highway, 5 minutes remodeled older home on from Roosevelt. approximately one acrejar-bedrootrailer needs little ge living room, three work to get ready for winter bedroom, one bath, garage. 150 month 100 security $29.99500. 8 Vernal. 2L135 deposit, no pets, references or 7 ask for required. Ken or Pat. Neola. 20163 For Rent T-w- m 789-091- ( 789-473- 5, 789-309- 2. 353-452- MOBILE HOMES for rent 1100 square ft., all electric, 3 New Duplex bedroom, range,' frig dishwasher, disposal, washer, dryer kids and pets OK. Country setting, close to town. Call days. (REAL ESTATE) lots in for .carpenter Roosevelt Lots are near golf course. Ask for Ken. Neola. 2L103 353-452- bf uUlul Ntol work. Free, estimates. References. 789-431- 7. llvi Kre too small. Double US carry contracL Will consider trades 2 to dowii CiNTerry ar Ken 3534527. Vernil 2L104 privacy. D Fencing, 2W1 00 722-382- 0. e. p, 789-229- JMl 'how Ca" 789883 s. 789-268- all furniture, kitchen Solar Basin and Energy. Maeser Corner. 789-959- furniture, plus many extras! m SeLa,ha,1:SilhCal1 ! !. HannltshlE ISnnpr 250 N. w 2Q0 apt11.B before 5:00. Vernal. 2B129 T''tea-cu- o rnale ourmies bred but unregistered P students fure each while they last. 3728. Myton. 2B134 CRAFTS FOR SALE 789-851- 722-289- excellent business location for sale, with giid monthly in.come: CaH Becky ISCC5m?eal,y789' counties in both 250,000 and 7 size at Bitter Creek Books. Vernal. 2A104 ,or. Chevrolet, For parties, offer. Call trailer. Excellent condition. weddings or dances, book 2B137 3 anytime. Vernal. lloliLvaseffionsrlCal0Steve Culom Framing: 21117 Mise. Items For Sale: 6 and MUSIC! DANCE 789-549- 3, acres pasture, natural spring and Lapoint 180 with river. Call Becky Accord 247-230- 8. Realty 789-812- Becky Realty 2 acres prime property. Call Accord Vernal. 247-230- 8. 789-812- 2 slicing your vegetables and fruits for canning. 30. Sold Call new for Duchesne. 2A109 60. , acre in Vonsville. Excellent terms.Owner must sell, make offer today. Call Accord Becky 2 Vernal. Realty Roosevelt M 789-812- 2L119 Ballard p. estimates. Must Sell! desperate, before foreclosure, 1972 mobile 10:30pm. Duchesne. 2A111 Bedroom Set: end 789-035- from 9ood covo,ehun,infl s,ock- Greyhound Pups For Sale: 789-161- and More basic heraldry. 38' Wilderness 1981 NO ll( 789-939- or contained travel trailer. Well 2 insulated, Vernal. 2L130 YOUR "GIVE large fridge, COM 722-429- HOME LIFT" Let 789-582- 789-468- 789-069- 8. 0-5- 789-382- 4. 789-100- landscaped Becky Realty acre. Call and excellent condition. call Accord Fully 21165 Vernal. Vernal. 2 2L118 Mobile Home For Sale: 1971 12x70 Diplomat 7.500. Air 5. For on lot by owner on property. Good terms can be ' '.arranged. Vernal. 2L134 1 391 M i it 1 E. 1 100 N. m111, ,i i . i 20. Ph evlUB8.S789-399- - one 789 9387 -- 722-585- 3 evenings. 6 por sa8 one two bottom, two days. way jg jncf, pOW One Vernal, 21103..; v bottom one way plow. CaU .Vernal, l2B 1 . . ! 789-022- 1 vv 1 vvvvvv ' ''i; v iTiTTTTwT !7. 1 homes built Architect-designe- d with our Therma 2000 construc- tion. Lower Monthly Payments! You may pay less per month for our new home, get better interest appreciation and rate, long-terloan. a longer-term I R: K II SAM MAY Plus handsome exteriors, customizing features and more! Well build your home your way. You cant afford to wait. Dont takeachanceon pricesgoing up. A new Boise Home may never again be this affordable. Come in today. w m autuonxad oai tor 3vM..WBMCsnHS HOMES ROBB Em ioe South ill 722-M- or Venal 789-766- 8 h U3-4JS- On All Accounts Paid Within 30 Days! Road Base 'Drain Rock ' Minus Gravel Minus Gravel r 789-573- sale or lease. Option, see at when our homes offer you more! More comfort, space and quality. 'Rich Loamy Virgin Top Soil Sale: Custom made beef. ham. stove. wood sandwiches, conditioned, German & & reuben. heat pastrami, washer dryer, gas Ye Olde Deli and after 5p.m. or appliances. Can be seen at1 sausage. Sandwich Monument Trailer Park. Shoppe. South weekends. Vernal. 2LI42 Main Roosevelt. 2B113 mile west of Jensen. Space House 1012 for 191 trade equity in our home for a small lot. or for a 28' to 4 35 trailer house. Call Will Ol Il'HI Notice is lurch gixcn on the .VHh dux of November. 19X2. at 1:00 p.m. a public sale Hill he held at XOX North 2500 West. Vernal. I'tah to sell for cash the follow ing collateral to wit: 19X1 Yamaha XV750I1 19X1 Harley l)aidsin XI.S Roadster Said collateral is being held to secure an obligation rising under a loan and Security Agreement h liasin State Hank, the Secured llirtx. I he ( ollateial is prescnil stored at 'and max he seen al XOX North 2500 West. Vernal. Mali. DA III) this 10th dux ol Noxemher. 19X2 HSIN SI Ml BANK 13 MISC. FOB SALE 789-277- 1. self-contain- ed 247-230- 8. 789-812- 789-431- 1. I IO WHOM 8. 789-920- Dont stay in a mobile home Weve got plans for you! Over 40! 1) self- - kC m motivatfon A FACE Twin Bed mattress, box with us help head board your with springs storm windows many other Interior 6 2B142 Vernal. redecorating M0. plans. Transferred must sell 1982 options! Call 0 after Call our specialty. painting, Close Out Sale Diamond Hills factory built home with three 5;oo p.m. Vernal. 21161 Vernal. 2F128 0 bedroom, two bath on leased Gift Shop. Most items Private trailer space for rent. Take over payments off. November 20th through ground. in Vernal HANDYMAN. on private contract. 366.32 Located 30th. 590 West Main. Vernal. Vernal. 21162 Vernal. 2B156 We do it all. per month. 2L133 Travel trailer for sale 28' 2FI03 FL Duchesne moblie home on Roadrunner. very low miles 789-139- 5, 6 after 3 available. Call 4:00. Vernal. 2A113 meals provided. Reasonable available. For information 530 Vernal, send SASE to Coat-Tre- e rates. Call East 550 North (89-.12F120 Rosevet Utah 84066. 2B139 Quality Concrete Work.24 years combined experience. Free to good home. One year Drives.floors. patios, walks, old huskieCollie mix. Likes footings and yard curbing, kids and enjoys running. CaU 6 4 0 ask about "Bernie. or etc. Call Rooevelt. 2B140 Vernal. 2F122 789-100- 1. acres, has trailer hook-u- p also. $45,000 or best offer. Vernal, 4. mattress and springs also canopy courses in mother would like to advanced in top condition. 3 Loving in my home. European. Ethnic American bedroom,' 2 bath. 8800. babysit Preschool activities and and Heraldic sources Call collect & 2 789-849- table, Dresser mirror, home 247-230- 8. 789-062- and between 7 mile north of Trailer for sale take over farmground, 360. Down, Ballard church. Call Becky payments. 789Accord Realty JHIl wseJL c6c?ct 8122 Vernal. 2L120 MeadowVtrauJ' Park or call House For Sale by owner, with Vernal. 21158 789-992- tnem nomeio lucky Jna(K 738'2062 y0r 789-431- Orem. 21157 lots home ie ner wiii here at Ben Franklin help you 21132 bedTrailers chose iust ,he ri9ht frame dav Hat tor it. All the labor is free, all Six Used Homes to choose for rent, all good for hauling for is the materials. Vernal. you pay from starting at S750000 to wood. Call 2B138 $13,900. Four 3 bedroom 2F150 Course by mail. Genealogy units, two 2 bedroom units. Covers basics as well as Two wood fireplaces . PAINTING Financing available prices Free estimates. References. more advanced areas. Consultation available with include delivery and set-uVernal. 2F104 We serve and deliver Vernal knowleYlable professional. Parnentrv-1vr5 pxnpripnre area! Five Star Homes, 4 Roosevelt. 21144 1 247-230- 8. Call surrounding center diamond set in 14 k..white gold. 34 W. 738-234- 2. Wedding Ring: Women s two Piece set. 14 small diamonds 722-367- 2L117 rti Jth Mortgage Financing Available For Sale: Nearly new. Handy for 789-584- 2, Vernal. 2L116 Vernal 35 development FOR RENT DU RIP TRUCK Vernal. Then move up into a beautiful new Boise Home! RIVAL ELECTRIC MEAT SLICER Vernal, 738-234- 789-494- 1, TOMWI? 10 789-277- 53 789-655- "OL. & reinforcing steel some stock lengths, 15 wood pallets. to 1 bolts, nuts & washer codium plated. 1 doz. empty 55 gal. oil arums. Make offer on 1 or all hems. Must move!! 1 Phone 722-58day, Vernal. 9387 evenings. 2A106 Are you craft project last hiding your 1976 .18 foot Road Ranger at the Sound Company in your closet? Or, is it travel trailer. 9044. Vernal. 2F148 proudly displayed in your Sleeps, six. Excellent Have Country Western Band home? Show it all it 3 condition. anytime. wjM pay specia, parties. Call was a lot of work and time. Vernal. 21118 1 after 6 p.m. ask for Or use it for a gift for a used Roadrunner Trailer for Vicki. Duchesne. 2F149 birthday or even Christmas, trailer. Call isrrnME and Dagget Duchesne shop early off-Aft- er Roosevelt Cal 78 Topographic maps for Uintah, 789-655- 0. Mobile Home Owners 722- - "I.., deposit, Tiicliir has 1 789-568- 3, drinkers, smokers, no pets. In country near Vernal. Call 2L114 4 or 9 Expertencetf 789-609- cleaning 789-959- 9 789-584- 789-234- 789-154- no - 4- 722-999- Mercury outboard 789-514- 789-736- 91 home. $425, unfurnished, $450 furnished, per month. $200 789-137- 722-211- 1. 722-999- two bedroom Foos Ball Table. Excellent 8 condition $225. Call or see at 58 North 3500 West. 789-655- 789-609- New Down 7. Christmas. Also baby ,eddy bests. 039789-584- 2 wl11 also "ems-Vinety J 5nT?F14l' on take crafts consignment. water and sewer $99 down We contact Edda Bingham at 763 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 12 month at $350 1972 Marietta 12x70l Located Excel in interior and exterior South Vernal Ave. Monday 1 or in Roosevelt. interest. Call Very nice, only Vernal. 2L110 0 Carports, thru Saturday 10a.m. to 5:30 cash. Two remodeling. $10,000 7 for and p.m. or call windows additions, or For Sale 10 acres, Brush bedroom. Call 722-99doors. Anything for Home appointment. Vernal. 2B135 0 Vernal. 21114 Creek owner asking, c Improvements. Call ares0 ,,,1RS Vernal. 1975 17 Foot Open Bow. V- at 78934,000. 8 h0le lugs white rims. spoke Sl44 VerS 2L139 hull Wes Craft boat with 115 200 or best for One Bedroom House tor sale in Roosevelt. Big yard, city Ski Parka, blue, cost $100 dollars. Sell for sixty. Size 10 ski boots, New 789-307- 0, nAple Computer can save you 1965 12x56 Mobile Home on Vs acre ,and in Roosevet. city sewer and water. Only $800 down $400 month for 5 1 or 789- years. Call 6090 Vernal. 21113 4. .. used ten times, retailed for Vernal. 2A1 17 1 also. for sell sixty We will take on trade Heal and brown and white. Buy your genuine Magic Mill $235, 2A118 Vernal. Estate, or truck, as down Available, ready to go. Call wheat grinder and Bosch Vernal. 2B119 kitchen machines in time for Portable Log Splitter for rent, payment on Solar System Solar Basin and 2 Vernal. 2A121 Call Holiday snacks and relish Christmas. Call for holiday Energy. Maeser Corner. Vernal. For Sale trays. Gift selection at Ye prices. long wide bed topper 2A136 Olde Deli and Sandwich 2BI59 3 S20000 anytime.. Rival Meat and Food Slicer for Shoppe, 292 South Main AKC Registered Teacup Poodle Vernal. 2A123 sale nearly new $30 was Roosevelt 2B124 Puppies, very small, choice of For Sale whirlpool dishwas$60 new'. Call after 6:00 chocolate her 5 wash cycles. Call SLENDER ME! Ultimate diet three colors, 3 p.m. or all day Wednesday. Vernal. 2A126 plan is here, lose those extra brown, white or silver. Call Friday. Saturday, inches and pounds for the Craig, Colorado 303-82SOLAR KIT! Vernal. 2A147 holidays; also earn extra 3395. 2BI60 hundreds by doing it Tree Service Trimming. cash for Christmas. For Sain Rpct pprtinn nf save ourself. Call Valley Solar topping, detail work, take Fantastic ground level imported and domestic al your solar for ystems. (jowns an(j complete clean-needavailable-Calmeats and cheeses: Ye Olde 7 ;PPc0rS?s r Vernal, up. 12 years experience. Tom Deli and Sandwich Shoppe. V2.0 ?. 34133 Greer. Call evenings. 789- details. S.L.C., UT. 2B128 South Main Roosevelt. 2B1 12 3456. Vernal. 2A156 Moving. Everything must gol All We will take on trade Real living room furniture, plus Estate, or truck, as down TV's and stereo, all bedroom payment on Solar System. 789-535- FENCES We build Em" and fix "Em all. No job too big or Null Stori 1000 to 5JM0 in FuSile:28'x8'Travel Trailer. XJ"SL 5. Vernal. 2F102 722-286- .Jeff evenings until 10:30789- - Vernal. One Three Year old Appaloosa 2B118 mare 1000. One two year old Appaloosa mare 800. AKC Sorinoer Soaniel 3 Lapoint. 2B141 puppies-.-Blacand white, Call 789-273- 247-264- Cement JVI Roosevelt Sale k Midas Apple Computers at a special 16,000 Only price! Regular S260000. miles. GMC Chassis, "party" complete system for only model $13,900. Call Hap 722- - $199500. Grand Opening 2411 or 7 Roosevelt, special at THE COMPUTER 2W112 STORE, 46 South 600 West, 26 Ft. Road Runner 5th wheel Vernal. 2F129 camper. 1981 ModelSself- - ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS c o n t a i n e d , a i r c o n d . , OWNERS!! If your paper work j generator, TV hook-uout of hand, then getting excellent condition 789- yoU need a computer! If you 4501. Vernal. 21108 have someone to do your For Sale: 12 x 56 Mobile books, then you need a Home, two bedroom on computer! If you are acre land. 22,000, s700 confused about your down. Payments s400 financial standing, then you month. 13 percent interest, need a computer! Come to caTr781VemaLilTd' The" Computer Store at 46 mini-hom- hook-up- s, work. PATIOS Going South? .1976 22' carport, garage, patio, Want to trade building services ) Hay For 1 1 per ton per ton per ton 3.50 per ton 3.00 per ton 3.50 2.30 2.30 247-266- 0 .. . Pick Up Or Delivery Fast Service Paved Roads m i i it n i ! |