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Show lVigc 10 Newsprint November 24, 1982 Basin Newsprint 1981 Buick Riviera CARS & TRUCKS Diesel-a- ll New Two bedroom adult townhouse 1ft bath, 918 sq. options except Extended warranty, all foot deluxe living, carport. maintenance records. 25,000 355 East 1st No. Inquire Tom miles. Heber. Howcroft. 7 or sun-roo- f. 654-272- 7. 5 speed, low ;i97g condition. excellent mileage, New Ken transmission, new steering, new brakes and other new parts plus new paint, must 1976 Special Edition: Dodge like new, washerdryer hook-up- s. Storage shed. Ramcharger 4x4 318, 66.000 For Sale: 1979 Lincoln Town Car. 58.000 miles, loaded. 675-257- Buick 1972 original miles, cruise control. PS. PB, 3800 or 1 best offer. Call Vernal. 2S155 LaSabre. Auto-tran350 engine, new battery. 2 new tires. s300. offer. 789-895- 5, s, Suburban Van 327 automatic, good 0 condition. Call JoAnn 8 after 5:00 or 1967 ps, ac. Tires 7. 789-715- 2. 2S107 s8.300. Phone Rangely after 6pm. 2S108 Two Offico Spaces For Rent 353-452- 7. Vernal. Motor orily-mak- V-- 8. 789-494- e 789-068- Vernal. 789-242- 1. Chev 789-769- 0. Two - Two Bedroom Duplex's For Rent! All electric. 400 a month plus 200 deposit. 1 Two children only 789-487- during working hours. or 25109 1972 Honda 350 Motorcycle. New battery, 400 Call Vernal. Datsun Pickup with camper shell and 1981 Kawasaki 440, Intruder 25110 snowmobile. Call after 5:30 For Sale 1982 blue & white p.m. Vernal. 2S160 Chev Silverado, ft ton 4 Jeep 1979 CJ5 like new 46.000 wheel drive, AM-Fmiles. Very clean. Take over cassette, tilt steering wheel, 2 ask for payments. cruise control, air conditionBret Burr. 2S161 Vernal. 789-936- 1 For Sale 1978 semi-choppe- d. 1. 789-658- 9. M 789-431- ing. S11.000. Vernal. 2S114 789-057- 789-372- 2, 1. 3 bdrm. No. hook-up- s. Pets! Children O.K. 450 a month. 200 deposit. Jerry Vernal. Radiator. 20110 789-064- 3. full bdrm. Rent: 2 For 789-615- 3. 5, 1. 789-329- 722-347- 6. VPWWWWWV Registering Your Bedroom Duplex 1ft bathroom, stove, fridge, For Rent 2 washer dryer hook-up- s, storage shed. In city near 8 school and shopping. 0 or Vernal. 789-453- For Rent two Lovely new spacious bedroom 350. Call apartment 789-716- 2 and register your you to come preferences to family and friends to avoid needless duplication. - PHIff n - Sheets Corelle Condr Expr jtakHii - Coming -Pyrcx - Cutlery Viking Glass Ware -Brand Name Appliances - Rubbermaid Brand Name Cookware - Woodenware Oneida Stainless Flatware Holiday Design Canisters Llnen-Towe- ls -- weekdays ask for Brent. Vernal. 20170 Nicest Spacious three bedroom in town. Kitchen basement, Home& with refrigerator, range, 500. Ref. dishwasher, disposal and Land. Vernal. 20112 car garage. 789-182- 0. 789-282- 789-691- 789-729- 789-281- 789-934- Buick Park Avenue large pantry. Immediate For Rent three bedroom diesel. 8 loaded, Completely occupancy. Call Darris 1978 Kawasaki 450 excellent excellent condition s9200 or apartment, new, unfurnishor Vernal. condition, low mileage best offer. Phone after 5 p.m. ed. Modern appliances, 20171 s1000. . Also saddle in call collect Lori. dishwasher, garbage excellent condition s250 2S16? disposal, church and Vernal. 2S116 call hospital nearby, small pets 1978 Ford LTD Landeau. permitted. Only $400 month $250 deposit. Located 250 with 400 engine. Loaded. S3.00000. Excellent For Rent: 1981 - 14' wide. 2 North 200 West, Vernal. See 3 condition. anytime. bedrooms, 1 bath on nice lot. Vance at 6B or Carol 2C : Vernal. 20114 2S119 Water, sewer, garbage & lot 1 6 in. mag wheels and tires 4; rent paid. Couple with one Need a Roommate to share 3 bedroom apartment $200 for Chevy Blazer $75 or will child. No Pets. 20101 Vernal. Roose-velt. 3 Call month which includes deal. 2S121 You may want to move! utilities. See Vance at 250 2 North 200 West 6B For Sale 1974 Blazer S150000. Beautiful new apartment for Vernal. 20115 and 1970 Ford LTD $1000 or rent in Roosevelt. Super best offer on both . Call two bedroom storage, two large bed- Two rooms. everything! 350 per duplex's for rent, out in Vernal. 2S138 8 after 5:00 Country Electric $400 month. Custom Van 1977 Dodge, 20103 Roosevelt. pm. month plus $150 deposit, power steering, new tires, two children only. For Rent: New 2 three fully carpeted, fridge, sink. 2 or Vernal. bedroom unfurnished See to appreciate. Call 20139 Vicki or Dave. Vernal. apartments with dishwasher. Small pets allowed. For Rent 3 bedroom duplex 2S145 1 400 rent. 250 deposit. brand new, dryer, washer, 1982 Kawasaki 750 LTD with Located fridge, stove, or drapes, carpet. hack rest and luggage rack 200 West 250 North. Vernal. Vernal. 20143 3000 miles. Best offer for 20104 Trailer for rent two bedroom. down and take over for rent. Low for. bath, annex attached. Duplex Garbage 1 payments 12 paid a month. 300 and stove 100 fridge. payments show room disposal, S250no S40000 No water month. no condition helmets included, deposit, paid, pets. pets. 8 after 6 p.m. Located in Neola. phone call anytime deposit. Vernal. 20117 The most important Neola. 20151 Vernal. 2S154 1981 789-706- 789-932- 789-007- 20169 carpet, duplex, washerdryer for Duplex , 789-506- Vernal. 20109 Vernal. 2S159 789-242- Close to town. 400 per month. 200 deposit. Call 6 Vernal. or 20108 789-084- New 6 789-229- sell. Need money for school . See to appreciate and make 789-243- 9. Scout good 789-535- 74 Ford 4 x 4 Ringer XLT, new offer. 0. condition. Just in time for 1750 West 1000 South, hunting season! Call across from new Sheraton. Vernal. 2S148 Approx. 900 square feet. Air 34 ton 79 Ford for sale or conditioned. Carpeted 450 2 or trade for down payment on mo. Call Terry Neola. property. Also have tires Ken sizes 16. 13. 14 and 15. Call Vernal. 20106 Vernal. 2S152 Fourplex for Rent2 bedrooms, Vernal. 2S102 2. 789-551- Vernal. 20105 63 International tires. Air. 7,900. Call 789-229- 789-353- 2S147 280ZX. rent 1200 Homs For Rent 3 bedroom has square ft., 2 bedroom, full stove, fridge, dishwasher bath down, ft bath up, and wood burning stove. carpeted, drapes, deck in Outside garage and storage. back. Carport and storage, Near Elementary and Jr. fridge, range and dish- High bus stop. Phone 600 deposit, 600 washer with washer & dryer hook-ups- .' Well insulated per month. 2016t with triple pane windows, For Rent one bedroom apt. in large landscaped yard in city city. Refrigerator, Range, month. 50 cleaning limits. 425 to 450 rent. 275 month deposit, you pay utilities. Mobile Homo for rent in 200 damage deposit. Call drapes, carpet 9 or 200 deposit. Call Vernal. 20154 Roosevelt 270 a month, Vernal. 3 or 2 ask for John. two bedrooms, no deposit Small One bedroom home 20157 Vernal. 20162 20174 near remodeled golf newly course Neola highway, five minutes from Roosevelt, no 100 month pets 295 security deposit, water paid. Reference required calU353-452- 7 ask for Ken or Pat. We invite in Neola. 20164 country duplex for rent For Rent beautiful new two bedroom, draped and duplex. 2 bedrooms, 2 kitchen, living carpeted, appliances bathroom, room and furnished, washer appliances furniture, dryer hookups, storage shed carpet and storage sheds, Vernal. very nice inside, nice quiet, $450. Call 789-127near schools and churches. 30121 See to appreciate will be Bachelor Apt. for rent, ready before Thanksgiving. kitchenette, bath, ?150 per call Vernal. 20173 New 2. 25 Wet Ma,n OQLrrrwo I HOn lUI O Vernal 789-30- 33 9. ( RENTALS YOUVE GOT THE POWER ) 789-584- 2 789-655- 789-243- 9. 722-580- 789-584- 789-832- 7. 722-419- 789-487- 789-057- 789-232- 789-372- 6, 1. 1. 789-170- 789-584- 2. 789-714- 789-778- 0. 789-535- 5. 353-437- 5. factor affecting your electric bill is . . . YOU! You and your family's energy use habits largely determine how 722-346- 8. Its For Time To Get Ready A Woodburning WINTER!! Why Take Chances With A Dirty Chimney? We Offer Prompt, Courteous, Cleaning Service for Fireplaces, Wood Stoves and Fireplace Inserts . Basin-Wid- e I much energy your home consumes. Identically weather-ize-d homes have been found to vary in energy use by as much as 60 percent a difference based on living habits. You can make an impact on your utility bills by: Turning off lights and appliances when they are not needed. Setting your thermostat no higher than 68 degrees Fahrenheit in winter during the day and lowering it to 55 degrees Fahrenheit at night. CHIMNEYS WEST MOON LAKE Chimney Sweep Service 789-529- Installing flow restrictors on showerheads and faucets, and . showering no longer than five minutes. Opening drapes and shades to let the sun provide some of your heating and closing them at night or on cloudy days to prevent heat loss. Operating major appliances such as dishwashers and clothes washers only when they are full. Looking for energy waste in your home will not only keep your power bills down, but will help to make sure we have plenty of electric power in the future. 7 ihMHW.M t liM i JiUM. . 6, |