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Show The Touch of a Masters Hand...and Scissors.. .and Blow Dryer...and... Page A Touching Story At Realtor Banquet Page 2 3 News Features and Volume 2 Number 56 Clas!' tah Basin NOW ONLY 10$ There becomes a time when we must stop and count. Laving aside all of the pressures of business, social obligations and selfish interests , we simply must stop and examine the source of every thing nr have to use and enjoy. If what we have is meager; if we have been dealt with unjustly; if we are in the middle of adversity, we need more than ever to stop and count the things we can term blessings. We are built in such a manner that we can only maintain ourselves in the world of reality b v stopping perio.dically, andSmdingeen intenseysyajchingjQr. something tof e grateful for and then expressing We gratitude for it. It is one of the most essential medicines for both physical and emotional cannot survive without it. We may have asked ourselves such questions as: well-bein- g. -- Am I cold?" "Do I have something to eat?" "Can I see or hear or walk or do many of the things that many people are deprived of?" Answering yes to some of these questions can bring a sense of gratitude to us. That sense of gratitude is one of the greatest sources of strength that we can draw from when yeface the world. Without a sense of gratitude we can easily slip into feelings of depression and fear, loss of hope and destructive self-pitWe sometimes have a difficult time stopping and counting. We may have to visit a rest home or hospital or a person in poverty or offer to listen to a neighbor with real problems in order to get the perspective and spirit of gratitude. If that is what it takes, then take time out and do it. I promise you that it will give you a new outlook; a lease on life. Stop and count. It can save your life. v. Garth Nuttall |