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Show Section Ilugc 18 Busin XICKEL ADSA't-miriii- i 1 X V sV S XS X N & ' '& '' N N N - SN -- 'r'-'- - - - NVVVNS i. V.''S fm "V-- Scptcnilxrr 2, 1982 USED CARS "o. 1970 Nova 350 motor, headers, automatic transmission. $700 or best offer. 1973 Ford Maverick: 2 door, hard top, 302 engine, auto, trans., air condition789-369- ip war M For Sale: 1978 Dodge Power Wagon, four wheel drive, orange. 40,000 original miles, new tires & rims like new, asking $5,000. Call after 5:00 722-37cruise control, slide rear Roosevelt. window, paint dual 4123NNA0901 tanks. $6,050. Call 789-671978 Chev 4x4 pickup, fully Vernal. 41 41 NNA0901 loaded. Great condition. Lots of extras. See to 1978 CMC Pickup Sierra Auto-tran- s. 9 Grande 350 engine. appreciate $4800. Runs amfm 6 Vernal. after good, p.m. cassette. Power pack, dual 4109NNA0901 6 1650. Call 1978 Dodge Omni fully speakers. Vernal 4093NA loaded, good condition. Gas saver, 4 cyl., standard ton 4 x 4 trans., $3000 or best offer. 71 Chevrolet good hunting truck 1500. 9 Vernal. Also 67 Dodge 4 x 4 K ton. 4110NNA0901 truck. Good wood-hauli1977 Chev Pickup, original Bums oil. 800". owner Silverado. Has every Vernal 4089NA0901 option equipped except 7 air. $4,500. Call For Sale 1973 4 wheel drive Vernal. 4105NNA0901 Ford in good condition $2,100. See at 144 North 789-646- 9. carry lite- -; - n one indusir.tfestmeni Heavy rolet Landau, AM-Ftrial, air cooled motors and stereo cassette, air chrome steel casings are conditioned, rear defrost, just two of the many fine all power seats, windows, features of thes mills. Call tilt steering, cruise control, 789-557- 9 Vernal if no wire wheels covers $5,200. answer Call 1980 Dodge p aaju Avipa Prospector, 150 AM-Fstereo. AC, tilt wheel, 4125NA0901 4 Call or Can be seen at Hey Loft during day. Vernal. 3795NA0818 Mills in Executive Car and pickup 1980 Monte Carlo Chev- Vernal. 789-77- ing, good condition. $995"". S N &1J' - VV Asking S v Have you anything that you want to sell or trade.... Advertise where the advertising does the most good! Basin Nickel Ads 789-193- 9. 789-677- 350 Chevy Engines rebuilt complete and ready for instalation, s845. Roosevelt. 2259NA0616R 14 722-270- 0, 72 Dataun engine and parts all new or newlv rebuilt $250. 1 Call Veral. 4039NA0901 789-705- 789-648- 1982 YZ 250 for sale. Less than hours. Phone 15 or 722-502- 722-23- 789-095- Roose-vel- t. 6 2890NA0714 1978 Mercury Bobcat $1,000 or trade for truck. Can be contacted at Day's Thriftway. Ask for T Smoked 789-648- & R ng Meats. Vernal. 789-896- 8. 4000NNA0901 1972 Pontiac Catalina make offer. Call Vernal. 4098NA0901 789-85- 789-450- S :iLet Us Clean And! trade 81 Kawasaki 1000 LTD for a late model Call pick-uVernal 4074NA WIN Service Your Propane Heating Systems are proud to offer 3 qualified;! 74 Ford 4x4 Ranger XLT: new transmission, new steering, new brakes, and other new parts plus new paint, must sell. Need money for school. See to appreciate and make offer. ire DENNY GIB ROSS 789-226- 1. p. servicemen to serve you better: LOU HARRISON 400 West, Vernal. 4144NNA0901 Vernal. 4134NNA0901 789-24- DEINES 1979 Cougar XR7 Auto. AC, PB, PS, new AM-F: cassette stereo, new radial : tires, custom seats, 302 engine. Extra clean. Call i llhe Fiepeie SpeddlMe Utah-Co- lo ISIS E. Highway 40 Vernal - W. M ; LP Gas Inc Highway 40 RooeevettJ . 4142NNA0901 789-126- 9. This Weeks Special! CHECK OUR PRICES SEE OUR SELECTION WE HAVE YOUR PICKUP 2 WD 4 WD 6 Cyl 8 Cyl J Toyo 750 R 16 8 Ply Radial Includes Tubs & Only Mounting $11495 Bronco Highway Toyo Traction Tires Ranger Supercab 12495 Great For Hunting Season! B00am-6:00p- O' Q:00am-5:0Qp- WeekDays Saturdays - T, k i .... , ' .r Ashley Valley W. Highway Vernal 789-887- 1 40 Uintah E. Highway 40 SHOWALTER FORD 100 East Main, Vernal 789-381- 6 Roosevelt 722-55- .M.V.V.'.ajlV.V.VM.W.VJ.WAW' |