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Show r 't Scptcmljcr 2, 1982 Ikuiin NICKEL Recreefion Land - A perfect 1 fline to buy. Your purchase is not a timeshare or lundivided 1 ASSUMPTION! Enjoy the benefits of home ownership with payment lower than rent. Nice 3 bedroom almost new home. 6 feet interest. Deed and Title Insurance at completion of Mountain ; purchase. Cedar Properties offers 5 and 10 acre cabin sites 90 miles east of Salt Lake City, IS miles east of Strawberry and Soldier Creek Res- evoirs on both sides of Highway 4a Prices from 595 per acre. Good roads, lots of pinion pine and cedar trees, power to many Lots. Look at a few reasons why now is the Perfect Time to Buy. I. Interest rates on home and auto loans out of sight. Our terms -- 10 down, 1 1 interest - 10 year monthly payments. Warranty ' chainlink fence around large back yard. Landscaped in front, ready for you to move into, FHA assumable loan with no credit check. For more information call 0 Grimes or 789-741- Vernal. 3084NNA0728 789-041- 1 nt 722-223- 789-729- 789-1569- 372-231- 399-560- 549-336- 789-156- 789-229- 12x 64. $7,200, Vernal. 3591NA0811 apartment fridge, washer, dryer hookup, TV hookup, walking distance of Main Street. Very deluxe 415 month. 6 or 200 deposit Vernal 4905NA 2 Hotneyl 3 bedroom, new roof and new siding, you'll love the huge fenced in backyard. $49,000 terms. Call Karen, agent Bastian or 0 789-22- 789-156- 789-229- "I WOULDN'T - For Rent Duplex, 2 bdrm., fridge, and draperies with p. 92 Vernal. 4147NA0901 789-691- 300mo. No 258 pets. 3758NNA0818 South 200 East Vernal Beat The High Vernal for Phone Rate. Owner will finance at New Townhouse 1 4 bedroom house on 2 rent. Two bedroom, 4149NA acres, 3 miles west of washer A dryer hook-uRoosevelt. $65,000 with dishwasher, garbage Nearly New 3 bedroom or disposal $250 deposit. home in Tridell. Fireplace, $20,000 down. 722-28commonth. No pets. Call full basement 722-273- 9 Roosevelt. $450 789-42Vernal. 4118NNA0901 pleted. $50,00a 20 year 4001NNA0908 contract at 12 interest. Brick Houee for sale. Low down payment Call 2 Rent for $98,500. 1 year old. 2100 Apartment before 7:30 a.m. or after 5 stove, sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 2V4 large bedrooms, Phone 353-49dryer p.m. baths, fenced yard, fridge, washer, Roosevelt cathedral ceilings 789-71- hookups. No smokers, 4117NA0922RV 2215 E. 3500 So. drinkers and no pets. Couples or small family. Vernal. 4103NA0908 350" per month, 'iSt Ballard view lot 2 acres! Good soil! Only '5,000 Farm Home Financing, cleaning deposit Balance easier than rent Vernal 4080NA cozy and cute, 3 bedroom, 1 34 bath, lots of extras, with no down and 5 years 13 acre lot make offer. For Rent Store space and on balance! Financing by owner-age5. Call Lois, Agent Western office spaces at the Dean Frandsen. Roosevelt Sun Realty, 789-64Rendezvous. 2750 W. Hwy 1137R Vernal. 4053NA0901 3. Vernal. 40. 789-336- 4. 2. p, 980 down gets you one acre lot on county road in Gusher. Owner financing, 4 terms negotiable. Call Rooseor velt 068R 722-961- 722-472- 1. 04 39 00 91 789-617- nt Near Neola on highwayl 5 acres homesite and ranchettel Full Indian water right! Best of pasture and hayland! Only 5,000 per acre and discounted '1,000 per acre tor cashl No down payment if qualified and balance 5 financed by owner-ageyrs at 14. The perfefct nt place to live! Dean Frandsen 722-223- Roose- 5 velt. 1136R 722-223- 64 789-097- 4078NA ( RENTALS ; TREAT MY BIKE THE WAY YOU TREAT YOUR BODY.? 789-691- 789-847- 1 Judy loHerty On Main Street rooms for rent Utilities paid, some cooking, starting $120 1 per month. Call Roosevelt 3240NA0804 For Rent New 2 bedroom four plex apartment units. $400 per month $200 cleaning deposit No pets! 4 or 789-73Call 722-969- For Sale: 4 acres with or 4 class E water 10 acres of secluded pines shares, 2 miles east of Roosevelt Phone A cedars NW of Starvation 3174NA0901RV Lake. Right in hunting A no with '7500 fishing. down. Bal. monthly over 5 For Sal in Ballard, 17 acroa of Claaa E Shares of years at 12 by owner-ageBallard. Dean Frandsen. water. 722-47- office spaces at the Rendezvous. 2750 W. Hwy 40. 789-097- 3. Vernal 407BNA When Judy Lafferty prepares for a race, she checks every part of her bike. Because she checks her body the same way, she discovered a lump in her breast a few years ago. Sne discovered it early. And these days, 85 of early breast cancers can be treated successfully. Judy has since had reconstructive surgery, too. And she feels like herself again. Alive, vibrant, ready to get on her bike and take on the world. Judy Lafferty is living proof of the progress we're making against cancer. The American Cancer Society takes some credit for that progress. But credit won't finance our work. We need your money to help us win this race. without 722-340- 2. For Rent Store spaces and THE COST OF LIVING. I GIVE TO THE AMEXKAN CANCER SOCIETY. nt 722-22- For Rent nice three set up in Country Village or Lovajy Naw Home on Vi bedroom apartment,, .no discount to move. Phone $3,000 down 10. yard work, has dishwasher 4 Vernal. 9 financing. Theda Only one year old. Call 3965NNA0901 2 VernaL or $475 a month with $200 deposit. Vernal. Be a land owner. One acre 3948NA0825 4130NNA0901 lot paved road. 6 miles CUTE STARTER HOME in Vernal. 3992NA0825 South of Roosevelt withcity Duchesne, 2 bedroom, just For Rent two bedroom apt. Renter To Share expenses. water and on a school bus IO. Owner near Todd School east of New two bedroom apartrwte Owner seiiing and painted financed. low down, large Roosevelt $300 month ment $300 month. Utilities financing. Call for details paid. Full laundry facilities. Phone $200 deposit Call 545-253- 2, Roosevelt lot' 2only $1950 No dopers, no smokers or Duchesne. 2 or 1317NNNATFN 0 Vernal. 3985NA0901 drinkers. Roosovelt 3790NNA0901 FIXER UPPERI Just needs 4004NNA0901 specee torrent, a little paint I can get you 3 Bedroom Duplex, 1546 Two office West 1000 South, into this one with less than East 1500 North. Carpet, 1750 Rent 2 bedroom duplex across from new Sheraton. For In Roosevelt. 755 E. $1500. Priced at $33,500. one bath, washer A dryer 900 square Approximately Call Karen, Agent, Bastian hook-u- p. Call Jerry's $350 per month. feet, air conditioned Lagoon, Call 789-28or 789-22$200 lator Service deposit. carpeted, 450 per month. 4146NA0901 4113NA0901 Vernal. nal. 3446NNA0901 2 or Ken -Call Terry Let me Interest you in a Pasture lor loaeeSO acres Neola. For Rent: 3 bedroom 2500NNA0630 business proposition. 35 of apartment. Only one year good pasture in n acres prime Crescent Route 1 box For Rent New 2 bedroom old. Only $475 a month ground now available in 202p Rooseveelt. duplex, cerpets, drapes, with a $200 deposit. Call Vernal. Great potential for 4022NA0909 Vernal. Sorry no kitchen appliances, TV and 789-58contractor. Water and A dryer hook-up- s. washer pets. 4132NNA0901 Now Saver Home Energy boarders power ground. Country Look into this today. by Nelson Construction. Deposit required. no pets. Call Furnished Bachelor 2 Accord Realty or Three bedroom, one bath, style9 living, Apartment $185. First and Vernal. basement double carport, 3349NNA0804 Becky last. $100 deposit with all brick, walls ceiling 4046NA0901 reference. 789-244- 8 for rent in Vernal. vaulted trader One spaee livlngroom, Acre lot plus $72,900 FHA assumable Choice Dinosaur, Ceratroussas 4107NA0901 parcels in Lapoint. Has well loan. Contract on balance. and 5th. Phone 7 water and culinary 625 No. 200 W. Owner Vernal. 3106NNA0611 3 Bedroom Houee for rent irrigation, water uitilities in builder or in Altamont area. $300 a front of property. Owner Two unfurnNew Bedroom Pleasant month. Aleo 28x28 office terms. easy financing, ished apartment $575 a Grove, "ut 401 1 NNA0901 space for rent Call 454-39small interest. Phone 789- $300" month, deposit for more information. Roos- - NO DOWN 2 bedroom 9 1402 or utilities paid. Bluebell. 1166NA0901R Binalow priced way below evelt. 2428NA0623 .Small children, appraisal on $39,500 and 4 Call or f Home In Maeaer within no down Call for 789-40payment For Rent lovely new, two Vernal. walking distance of school, details 789-36Vernal, '3507NNA0811 bedroom apartment 450, double car garage, three 4092NNA0901 8 831 So. Vernal Ave., In the . bedroom, bath and or Vernal 240 Acne south of Ft 2 bedroom all 4087NA0908 fence, patio, chain-lin- k Duchesne $65 per acre, country, shade tree, electric, 521-1acre lot fully landscaped, must sell immediately. 0 corrals. First A last months assumable loan. 3791 S.L.C., UT. rent and deposit Call Duplex Apt two bedroom 3 Vernal. 4137NNA0922 Phone attar 5:00 pm 8 or carpeted throughout. 3747NNA0818 Mantua UT. New 3 Bdrm. Duplex in Deposit and rental 4040NA0908 All for Vernal rent kitchen 10.7 references required. No On Pactive Solar Children or Pets, No on heat appliances, draperies, For Home, save 70-9- 0 Rtnt Lovely new 9 bills. call Theda landscaped with trees. Call bedroom Drinkers, Dutch John, apartment 769-- after 5:00, Ft Duchesne. 2 or Bastian Realty 1569 Vernal .nrtKI. 4?96NA09P1 Vernal 3947NAJ3825 789-191- financ- Went to get Into but you don't hsve much 789-402- er 1 789-303- 9. 4127NA0908 789-754- Vernal ing. 4129NA0901 789-925- 789-375- 98 Page 17 Section For Sale or leaee two bay shop and office on four acres in Duchesne, Utah. money? I have just the home. Quit making your landlord's payment and get hook-uin here and see Tom Clark washer-dryagent for High deposit required. No at 425, duplex. Available imme- petsl Call Vernal. Country Realty. This home is In town, has three 4066NA diately. Call .789-182- 0 bedrooms and two baths. Vernal. 3799NNA0818 The owner said he would 110 BTU 7800 Whirlpool House For Rent or will volt, air conditioner works throw in new carpet for the consider lease option. Call living room A hall before good, $75. High Country Realty and Vernal. 3846NNA0825 you move in. RW-- 1. Vernal, 2 or 4138NA0901 ask for Darris For Rent duplex 789-28Vernal. 722-41- 225-605- 2 bdrm. Kitchen appl., For Rant: 722-258- Brokers Welcome. Orem. ter $6,700 dish-Vern- al. or collect 20 Acres Pines! Indian. Canyon! Very native! Deer countryl Mountain topi Only $500 per acre! No down! and 10 years at 12i Owner-agefinancedl 5 Dean Frandsen Roosevelt 1135NA0611RV Pre-C- ut Log Cabin shell package 23'x27. Retails 2. During the next for $6,500". Sell for $3,800 inflationary period Mnd cash. Phone 484-06SLC prices are undoubtedly Utah. 3467NA0908 going to be pushed up and House For Sate New two up. 3. With the completion of bedroom house, close to the Central Utah Project new school,. $4,000 and your property will be in the take over payments or of the fastest finance. For more info cill 4 Vernal. growing recreation area In , the state - 5 lakea, 4 rivers 3457NA0818 within 15 minutoa in any 12 Utah Housing tnoney direction. 4. Population in the oil available. Houses from low rich Uintah Basin predicted 50's in great location. Bastian. Theda to triple by the year 200a 5. Reservations for every Vernal. 3488NA0811 major campground in the For Sale, Lots In Dinosaur, state are already reserved excellent location near for holiday weekends this achool. Trailer (1974) year. 14x70, plus deck is If you are interested give us available with one lot, a call for more information 2 Dinosaur phone and directions. Call Sail Colorado. Lake Ogden 400QNA0901 Cabin collect on Low Down and low 9. weekends monthly payments on nice 9 Two Three bedroom older home in city. 2 or Bastlans mobile homes 12x60, 292-641- House For Sale take over For ftentl Brand new loan 8 interest. Also spacious 2 bedroom woodburning stove and duplex. Large country freezer cheap" $50. Come kitchen with pantry, self see at 638 No. 300 W. cleaning oven and 4139NNA0901 washer. Large bedrooms, 3 Bedroom duplex walk-i- n closet, cleaning FHA appraised at $82,500. deposit. No smokers, Reduced $75,500 for quick drinkers or petsl 4 Roosevelt. sale. Fully landscaped, or carpeted, draperies and 3581NNA0611 appliances. Call 789-86For Rent New 2 bedroom AI)SAirii Roosevelt. 1137R Tfo quite cwmbiiidciapvhlft utmu 4119NA0822RV 789-584- 2. 789-493- 738-25- 64 738-234- 722-266- 769-853- C1SDA CHOICE ROUND STEAK 40 92 789-064- 3 Ver-Vern-al. 789-229- 353-452- 7. COUNTRY STVLE PORK SAUSAGE 789-612- 789-293- 247-23- 06 789-145- 79 65 LEAN GROUND BEEF 722-921- non-smok- 4 789-105- 63 789-896- 789-716- 2. ALL MEAT DINNER FRANKS 789-302- 646-307- 789-156- 722-440- 789-229- - ,40 J7JVAQ901 M U.itLtlUAV ; ! Uintah Packing 400 North Vernal Ave. 789--208- 2. .v. $J79 |