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Show irt s September S, 1982 Busin XICKIiL AI)SAiriiit Full view stoves has Stova headquarters of the Uintah announced a price Basin featuring full view increase of approx. 50" a and Bicentennial free stove. Effective Sept. 15, standing stoves and inserts 1982. If you are in the prices start at 295. market for a stove and Western Auto Vernal. 789 would like to make a 2609. 2574NATFN purchase prior to the increase, we have a large Bernina Sewing Machine selection of stoves in stock sales & service. Western with more coming weekly. 60 day layaways will be Auto, Vernal. 2572NATFN excepted with 13 down. Western Auto, Vernal, 789 For Salt: Jersey cow. Call 2609. 4081 NA Woodburning 789-260- 9. 789-65- evenings or 60 weekends. Vernal 4069 For Sale: 1972 hale two-horse trailer. White. 789 4082. Vernal 4033NA Trade Solar Equipment for chimney brick work. Call Valley Solar at 789-268- 7 Vernal. 4112NNA0901 Yard Sale: Saturday, Sept. One mile west of 4, 9-Roosevelt Junior High School on Hancock Cove Road, then 2 blocks south. Look for signs. Roosevelt Wanted for Female Lonely 4152NARV companionship with man 52, will give tender, loving wire care to right woman. Photo The New Fulhriew "Teledish 6. Your Chancel Special Introductory offer: Janeil & from mesh phone number apprec- vision's New Dimensions" Satellite Dish 2995 not iated. Box Write 731. including tax or installafor your perfect satellite tion. Three only! One only Vernal. 4133NA0901 reception! The obvious for 2795l Many option advantages: very litin- ..:nd and styles available LOST: Drill team boots at resistance, minimal snow the old Roosevelt Element- buildup, blends into t. television-NEDIMENSIONS. 1673 N. 3500 W. ary School, Saturday of environment and ve.y Vernal. Financ- U.B.I.C. week. Please call competitive price! 1673 No. 0. Deanna 3500 W. Vernal. ing. Vernal 4145NA Henderson. Roosevelt but best of all, its manu4150NA factured In Utah!! MuHMamHy garage Bale: 4100NATFN clothing, toddlers to adult, Viking 2000 Sewing STARCH original Machine in cabinet Perfect The shoes, furniture, appliBLOCKER not a cheap infant car condition! ances, 600" or best imitation. seats, For sale for aj books, miscellaneous. offer. Call Deanna limited time, at wholesale Henderson Friday 9-- 655 W. Lagoon. prices. Call today, while Roosevelt 4158NARV Roosevelt 4151NA supplies last Vernal 4034NA new Like For Used Sale: For 8 air washer and 789-925- 6. 722-341- 789-92- 722-341- 24x64 3 bedroom Centrny natural Home is Loaded. 2x6 sidewalls. All hardwood electric, This insulation, R36 Roof, R19 Sidewalls, R22 Floor, Firepaneling, blown-iMuch More. Much place, Microwave, n Was .' dryer. 4064NA 789-454- 4. Vernal. Automatic 20 Yard Sale: 6.7 mi. North Call Roosevelt 4156NARV Whiterocks Road. Stereos, Browning Gauge .400. ,V5 Oven For Salo like new, avacado green $100 or make offer. Phone 722-20Roosevelt. 4120NA0908RV ' For Salo heavy duty 7 foot squeeze chute $700. Call Neola. 4116NA0901RV 353-45- For Lease: Commercial building on West Highway 49 2000 square feet with shop and three offices. Call 7891569 Vernal. 3487NA081 1 722-359- 2. tapes, For Sale: Atari Video Computer System. Like new. Comes with three game cartridges for 125. 789-966Vernal. Call 4076NA Now $38,995 Hillcrest 24x52 4 bdrm. 789-925- puppies only 2 left, 6 weeks old. $150, 12 789-320- 6. Ask for Soni. 3882NA0825 Vernal. Saddle excellent condition. Plain leather. 700 firm. See at 2946 W. 1000 N. 7892314. Vernal Hetser n,?.r!cJ?n.. FIJ a'fettOwks. fama between 10am-5p- m Now 5,005 24,900 Hillcrest 24x48 3 Bedroom This Front and Rear Model has 2 Full Baths, Sliding Glass Door in Dining Room, Mirrored Doors in Master Bedroom, Nice Utility Room, Much More Accessories. Was 31,800 Slashed 5,200 Now 26,600 We Have in Stock 14 Wides w2x6 Walls, Shingle Roof, Woodsiding, Natural Hardwood Paneling. Have To See To Appreciate The Quality. old, on ft-- 789 4633. Vernal 4068NA Similar Savings On Our Many 14 Wides In Inventoiy! For Your Hunting SuppHee come see Ponderosa Feed and Tack, next ro Glen Mar Art. 7893072. Vernal. 4t66NA0901 Roosevelt stoves, H54NARV 29,995 Slashed 4157NNRV For Sale: Refrigerator 65". ATTENTION FARMERS Electric stove 50". Metal P'P Gates, and fencing, wardrobe 25". Gusher Cattle guards. Also wood 722-472- 1. Was window fan, 10 x 15 five hole, Ford rims, convection oven, misc. items. No reasonable offer refused. Fri., Sat., Sun. Rooaevelt 6 Beautiful Doberman Home for Larger Families. All electric, heavy insulation, 2 full baths, lots of goodies. Wie Right trunks, floor polisher, Rabbits For Sale all colors y, ton P.U. Trailer for sale $3N each. Call Jerry's with rack ideal for hauling Radiator Service 789-06firewood. 200. 7897331. 1546 E 1500 No. Vernal. Vernal 4028NA 4124NA0901 There Are Now 10 SatelJOHN lites you can receive television from. Even cable TV gives you only a few For Sale: Brother sowing channels from ONE satelmachine, just like new 70". Sofabed in good lite. This is the future NOWI Three models from $2795. condition 65. Call 722-TELEVISION'S NEW 4228 Roosevelt 1 167R DIMENSIONS Vernal. 3982NATFN records, steamer, $49,900 Slashed $10,950 0. 789-181- 8. Custom barbecuers. built. 722-90- Roosevelt. 4010NNA0922 Section CLEARANCE SALE W V'. 11 1982 SUMMER Will Systems le iMive sslkmag ENTERPRISES 1540 W. Hiway 40, Vernar Phone 789-763- 6 mobile homes NEWSPRINT delivers:: To Your Door Every Wednesday! 789-97- 40 awMavaffS 1 |