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Show Section Iutfc 8 Ilusin XICK1LI. AI)SAiwsirim Scptcinticr 2, 1982 1 MOBILE HOMES Shopping For A New Or Used Car? SKYLINE ,1 Check the Used Car Section in Basin Nickel 'oXu Ada. v HOMES BOISE, IDAHO Come See Our New Model With Cathedral Celling On Large Comer Lot Ready To Move Into. Trying to sell your old car? !T V stun I BASIN NICKEL ADS ire- i Sme? 7i. SNACK 789-360- 14 a 70 Ctoan Kay Largo 3 bedroom, 2 bath Expando. Priced to aell, now! See at Mobile HOmes. Uintah Vernal. 4167NA0901 789-752- Cabover Camper very good condition, includes two loading jacks, butane Ft. tank $600. Call 545-24Duchesne, UT. 80 4143NA0901 $300" Per Month small down, 2 bedroom mobile home, set up in Maeser Park. No pets. 789-74- or Vernal 4171NA0901 Demo Sato: 14 x 70, 3 bedroom, 2 bath KIT, includes cooler & skirting only 18,900 at Uintah Phone Mobile Homes for Rent in Dinosaur. Colorado. 14 X Mobile Homes, 60 furnished, rent $250"' Vernal. 4168NA0901 lor trailer plus $120" for space, deposit $300"". mobile Children, pets OK. Call For Sale: I960 or 4000 14x70. home. or see at offer. Down assume best space 13 Blue Mountain loan. Call 722-487- 3. Village. Dinosaur Gusher. 2044NA0611 3771NNA0818 ! " " ii I! II It ; II II : ii - 789-243- 9 1st No. 5th East Vernal. Utah 789-752- 5. smaiEQE The World's Number One Builder of Manufactured Housing. 12 a 65 Used 1972 13 3-- Housing 789-939- dry storage will consider New 24x52 Skyline Allison. trade for mobile home. -- I G- -- 1230 sq. ft. mobile home. 3 bedrooms, front and rear, 2 baths and utility room. Shingled roof, masonite Roosevelt. 5 I1 mum ROOM MILY Glen brook. Nice '7500 with 1000" down. Your little profit dealer. Vernal. 4090NNA0901 Mobile Homes. 1339 West Hiway 40. Vernal 1976 31 ft. Yukon Delta 4062 House Boat with cover, in 722-428- "i Meadow 0 57 Jensen. 4061NA0901 IAN-FA- Compare Then Decide.- 789-763- 8. ! 11 tfnVMar' SALLEY For Sale or lease purchase 10 x 55 set up in park. w 11 kA SB Bill KITCHEN 2 BATHS CATHEDRAL CEIUNB (IBS SQ. FT.) '62 Shasta Traitor 18 ft. For Rent 8 x 40 Trailer. excellent condition $1 .200. Jensen area, privacy. Space $200month S.L.C., Utah. 4102NA0901 through April. Call I - 789-97- 40 3BKH 56x21 1 IEDR00M -- ii MUUriM a V Mil 4104NNA0901 Buy From A Dealer WHh Integrity, one who'll give siding, dishwasher, prompt sjrvlce as well as garbage disposal and the lowest prices in the many extras. $28,975. basin, that's the little profit Housing Plus Mobile dealer. 3-- Mobile Home Homes Sales, 4 miles west 1. of Roosevelt. Call Sales. 4083NA 789-939- 722-245- 3929NNA0902 8 FT. CABOVER CAMPER. Includes roll on loader, Mobile Home for sale. 1971 boot between. Phone 789-45- 12x70 Diplomat $7,500. Air Vernal. 410BNNA0901 conditioned, wood stove, 07 S,36 0BS washer & dryer, gas heat & For Sato: 1972 Champion appliances. Can be seen at Monument Park 1 Sequoia 14x72 three mile West ofTrailer Jensen, space two bath 20 bedroom, 7 Phone $10,900. Call 789-43- t -- S- 789-938- 07 evenings. Vernal. 4126NNA0901 789-39- ft DriftwoodT ravel Trailer for sale. Fully factory, air. awning, T.V. antenna, sleeps four, lots of extras. Asking $4,400. See at J.C. 346 E. Main, Vernal. 1973 28 722-585- 4021NNA0901 Now 24x48 Stucco, Sheet Vi i inch Rock Interior, dishwasher, garbage disposal. Solid Oak woodwork, shingle roof, Latex paint and wallpaper throughout, 3 bedroom, 2 4065NNA0901 full baths, see this to believe it Set up in Vernal For Satol 965 Pontiac Chief in Ashley Creek Mobil Home. Two bedHaskey. Just room, stove.and fridge, $41,855. Ready to move asking $10,000 or best into. Housing Plus Mobile offer. Also.Bonavile two Home Sales 4 miles west of 5 door car make offer, Roosevelt. Call Vernal. 4035NA0901 3421NNA0804 Park-Manag- er 789-020- B-3- 2 days. 3 evenings. Vernal. 722-245- 1. S 3 s j r-- - f r- --- Great Lakes 14 x 70 Set up in deluxe park Prime location Sod yard Skirting Wood siding Garden tub Walk-i- n closet Pre-hun- g interior doors Dishwasher Custom deck 789-396- 2 1 $ 19,900 1173 East 500 South Vernal, Utah 84078 |