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Show Section 1 Iugc 6 Busin NICKEL AT)S'c-sj)rin- September 2, 1982 i MOBILE HOMES 28 Ft. Road Runner 5th atsmwimwtiencwiiKMwwwcfcCTMciciticiMP Air 5th 1978 Kountry Ft Coachman 24 1983 3 bedroom, double wide, only $310" per Vernal. dition. J89-093-3 d, month with $2200" down!!) generator, 3960NA0825 1152 sq. ft. of living space. hook-uT.V. excellent 1874, 12x65 Fleetwood, 3 Five Star Homes, 722-361 condition. Phone bedrooms, gas stove, Roosevelt. Five Star, Your Vernal. 3756NNA0818 air condi- double wide headquarters refrigerator, tioner, couch and chair, for the whole basin. For Sale 74 Ronderosa custom made 3766NNA0818 14x70 with tilt out, 3 bdrm. carpeting, wheel camper. 1977 model Trailer 1981 in very con- good self-containe- p, 74 789-450- and American wheel loaded with extra's, For Sale 1974 Home 14x70, Mobile generator power plant' microwave oven, cooled by swamp cooler, dishwasher, forced air wood stove, trash compac- 3 refrigeration, new carpets, heat, sliding glass doors. tor, skirting, lot Like new very, very bedroom, Itt bath, or Call 7821900 available. reasonable. Call Craig, 7826741 Vernal. Colo. 3890NA0901 3781NA0818 , 303-824-33- 1975, 6 ft. cab. 3rd A1 over camper. Good chape. Garage Sale: Sept 3 4th 1486 West 1500 South Vernal. 2 Three ladies, 25. speed 3869NNA0925 biker'' mens bike, 1972 Trailer for sale 12x52 PTO wench, hoist, CB base already on lot asking with digital dock, lots of ... , Will consider misc, clothes and other A $6,000. owner financing. Call 782 things. Vernal 4136NA0901 - 789-589- shed. draperies Very nice, on Skirted in on private lot 8 lot, $14,500. Call Excellent condition Vernal. 3883NNA082S $11,000, can rent lot or be 5 Vernal. For Sale 29 ft Holiday moved. Rambler trailer, ref rid aer- 3878NA0901 ated, air condition, Awning 978 14x70 Predicts 1 12 baths. 789-434- 769-765- vacuum Reese mobile cleaner, fans, bedroom, hitclv, Eyhaust home, three one bath, radio and refrigerator, AMFM, range and atereo. Large Fringe deep swamp cooler. Priced for freeze, TV antenna, quick aale. Call 789-657- 5 beautiful condition, sleepa days after 6 pm 1 4. $8,800. Call 789-33Roosevelt 3971NA0625 722-385- 23 Vernal. 4063NA0901 Own your mobile home? Sick of a trailer court? Get out now and on to your own acre or half acre. Now available In Roosevelt $1,500 to $2,000 down. Owner will carry contract at low monthly payments. Own your ground, don't rent it! Accord Realty 789-81or Becky 247-23- 08 14 X 64 2 bedroom, wood stove, delivered and set, only $8,500" with $1,000" down. Payments of $158 for $98" per month. Five Star Homes 722-367- 4 Roosevelt. 3769NNA0818 14 X 70 3 bedroom, . ath, $1200" only $10,900", down. Will take this one. -- Five Star Homes, 7223674 Vernal. 4045NA0901 21 Ft Una Craft travel trai- Roosevelt. 3768NNA0818 ler, waterbed, Coleman 1981 Skyline manufactwall furnace, 3 burner stove four bedrooms, ured home, Must see to appreciate. 1800 square feet, on two $1,100" or best offer. 782 acres, other extras, 8215 Vernal. 3065NA0728 $63,900". Phone 789-87Vernal. 3512NNA0611 FOR IMMEDIATE 24x65 Great Lakes Home, 1977 Champion Titan three bedrom, two bath mobile home, 14 X 56, two immaculate condition, minor fire damage must be bedroom set up on lot in moved. Appraised value Esquire Estates. $1,000" $28,863 will sell for below book value. Phone 1 call 7822374 after 5:30 p.m. $14,999. Vernal. 4002NA0923 Vernal. 3732NNA0818 84 789-530- For Sale 1970 Winnebago Have Trailer Space for rent $160 a month, Maeserarea, 24 ft. fully 2 Vernal. owner will help on Phone improvements, 7825616, 3936NNA0901 789-854- Vernal. 3886NA0901 RV e e Wide Headquarters For The Entire Basin Five Star Homes And Fleetwood Home Builders Present Double V & SflNDPOINTE Mobile Home e e e Ft. tor only 18,900 dellrerti ini set Tip KS&mw'm i Spaces Vernal R Standard Naples e e 1049 Sq. I) Hwy Bonanza Park r Manager BY FLEETWOOD Foirar ring Bnfitt 40 Utility cshiniti Solnxo doer with itorm Brakfutlar hood Foil beta (semi Itth exhsnst Jensen models) ikn Carpeting thronghmt Inorgy savings poekogo WATCH FOH OUR OPEtf HOUSE! 6000 SOOTH 1500 EAST Call 789-848- 3 Ashley Creek Mobile Homes FIVE STAR HOMES 722-36- KEH BUTGHAK 74 West Hwy. 40 Boomvtlt door j |