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Show Section 1 Page 8 Basin NICKEL ADScmprint September 8, 1988 For Mk Adorable, tomtit puppy. Will bo amoll, groat with children. Wonts a loving homo. Only '10. Call EARLY BIRD 789-752- 6. SPECIALS Vomal 4085NA Eoportoncad Carpontor work by )ob or hour. Interior or oxterior. Froo estimate. Coll 722-228- 8, Quohor. 3888NNA0B18 Wont To Trade building lota In Roosavalt for lots ora carpenter work near golf course. Ask for Ken 353-45Neola. 3587NNA0915 FENCE OFF Do You Need a New UINTAH BASIN rea-ident- lal Regular Rates 789-570- 7893214, radio dispatbh 0 unit 8723. Fra Firewood) 789-420- estimates, emergency Spring Special From service, Vernal. 721NA0TFN "The Woodbox" Cottonwood in log form 4 to 10 inch diameter Basin-Wid- e Cleaning Service for Fireplaces, Wood Staves and Fireplace inserts. 85 McCORMICK MASONRY: will lay your brick or block. 4 for ootlmato. Call Vernal Per Ton In Truckload Dolivered 789-487- Unsplit Firewood Per Pickup Load Split . Firewood 50 Per Pickup Load CHIMNEYS WEST iataWte TV 125" par month for 3 years, 24 hour movies, full length sports weather, kid channel, total entertainment. New low price and torme make this affordable for anyone. Home Entertainment Center 145 West Main, Vomal. 40 Chimney Sweep Service 789-529- Vomal. nwooo . We Offer Prompt, Courteous, BACKHOE for hire. Call Mika McKo at 789-384- Through September 18th 7 Coll 789-733- 1 Wtnd-ahM-d? 789-844- 9 o. woooooowo - For foot one day service on moat modal trucks and cars. For auto for apglass call pointment or quota. Cut-Rt- te Pleas. 390 East Mein, walls, totally oneloaod. Security 24 hour ourvoil-lanc1 583 Wnt 500 South, 6 Vomal. Call or 789-516- 722- 382a stool doors and flro $5Our Roosevelt. Fencing. 27 SELF-STOR- AGE Commorclal and Wo bui!d "Em" and fix "Em" all. No job too big or to small Double D Vernal 1658NATFN The Bull Ring 789-699- 2 Is Having A CRAZY DAZE 'CHS ft XJh s Across From BII in Vernal Open 9:007:00 Mon. Sat. PRICE SALE Carhaidt Mens Bibs V4 Price BACKHE PblKwK1 CUSTOM. SUPREMO Backhoedump-Vama- l. 2927NAP721 faring Mach in treadle trunk loader sarvica, Vomal 789- water line installation, ditching, trenching, Singer sale and service. - excavation, sowar and Ben Franklin. 8142. 3728NA0818 Friday-Saturda- septic tank and drain fiakto. y. Licensed contractor, Qilmr Custom Swathing, dozer 2343, odd work, light trucking, jobs. Phone 789-385- Vernal. 2930NA0818 60 Channato of Incredible! And TV- - the A. 789-440- dlipttch 1 Chivars, or radio 8 789-42- unit 00 7soo. Vernal 113NA0326 Ptonoa For per thats month for 3 months can be Rent-35.- 00 applied to purchase price. prog- ramming Is terrific. Home Entertainment Movies, full length without Center. 145 West Main. commercials. Exclusiva Vernal. 1660NA0TFH sporting events- - flood custom" Framing: Fain- -' invaatmant, increases Inga, needtawork, photos, value of yourhome,new low i 200 prices. Homs Entertain- - ;(rMM to ttwOM mint Ctnttf 145 Wst sin you iwcde any shape, circles Matting 1663 NAT FN H 4 Ben md Used Fraezor and retrlger- . ator, recondition and Framing woom, veme. guaranteed, will pfokupiMlPaver Brick orange your old epplianoee andqjgpFand rust shades, atone haul thorn away. Hove veneer, otf white with hint aeuraal rebuilt com pres- - of gold, priced to sell fast, son for automatic air- Vernal. conditioner GM. Ford, 2324NA0624 Chrysler, and AMC. Will make house calls on 14 PL Aluminum Bool 10 appliance repairs. 25 years hp, electric troll motor, new oxpariance in auto, air battery, factory trailer, 15 cond. and refrigeration. hp motor. Two Quarter Phono Von Duncan 247-24- horses. Know Id on 353-42La point 2354NATFN Roosevelt. 789-093- 3, 55 CHRIS'S 67 CUSTOM TILE: 3152NA0728 wi'sissipwft tssstrwT5 guaranteed fJjglloiS xceHontwork, Call Bridgaland. 646-335- 0. VeroaL 2880NA0714 McCORMIC BACKHOE L 100 25 in. RCA color SERVICE: Wo specilizt In T.V. Brand new, best offer. sowar septic tanks and 1 Phone anytime, hookups. Beat price in Vernal. 3801NA0901 X-- ALL FEATHER HAT BANDS & CLIPS Vi 789-457- town. Coll 789-467- 4. Vernal Price Water Repellant Nylon Quilted Parka Fabric & Windbreaker Nylon Also Cotton Blend Quilted 15 OFF ew N Save 397 So. Vernal Awe. Vernal 789-285- 0 UMM |