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Show . A,. V' U1 'd?'. .. J A 1 Builders Union. ij; ''; . ft r- XL ; ; Trade ri ,i Depot: First North V. - t , iSt- - ; Iost Office. ur irfAll. OEOUilJ cti - . St-No- ' , f r A U. ., ... ,, , . J $1 ;000 Plano Only $255. Plano. Tbreeirlns Grand' sirt PLAHS, SPECIFICATIOBSr Ar prepared to furnish t . ; : V BILLS (iFMATKRlAL, to And all other in'ormation in regard v.: tho ; erection of all kinds of building. employ a good corps of Having under steadyMakers, we are preparedBuilders and Cabinet to to erect Stores, Dwelling Ac., and also proof duce all t . . tNITU Lvun'b er. on the shortest notice. PATTVPIAWOBitetet -aU; '. ic tuny Unified. Three UN lilnl octaves. 1ull ngrairj scales i&wewoodcase,aliround carved leg andiyre. hravy serpentine mrrs, ImiuiI d top inoiUlinipmLlarouu'ltlioMso.hacknniidHN! name front. New MeriNtntino, vritli Peat tys very latent full fra men. barn and extra brace, Improved he vr scale, inn 1 haw, French grand action. fret desk, carved ijrertruuff ' daUsolidnMevoMli:uiulilliig,ivorykeyfroiit,canpod . . fcmmovs.agr.iir'i treble. and every Improvement wiiich n In any way tend to tho perfect ion of the Instrument is been added. This instrument I a magnificent PLino-fl(rtfalmlomOrat 1 wrnnerery nrriris offer may cwar 1 ;Krd ar It. It Is a more tlian any other offer, iprrlil mako on anlilKrsl instninient rmti tn!nr imnfaetuivrrannirr'jr ftaiMi. nnp?rnr qul'l n.ul were it not that 1 do bust host :sonilrlrllrnh i, 1 would not lie jnst 11'1 inmnk-- r it. In prvwntln:r llii f:stnirsiMit toiho world at this low price, Ido ho with nneye to the fm ure, knowing i" fry locality mill remit In inn king l ititslntrodirtionlntoariy my tedcs dtirfylo nnst bo; admiral ami its intrinsic rditic highly endorsed. ilflcrnt Bosowond (iwo. Constantly on hand. 3Ml O' O Si-- c. rally.Warraiitsd for Six Tears. E . esfljlg 5; H h. ga iSftLl g w o x. 2 S aB CD 1 ., si o a 3a? t EJ O H . 4 S 2. ss 1 S: 2,' h- - : g SS Hi'l rrer. Onl?r at owe, ns every Plano when intro-r--e i in a new kwjJIty sells ot her. wv ail know a good liMo is a standing advertisement. ,Boitar retail price re'i liriiid MlSninalbT thi noBMUIshUirati. iW ,0:KI. TI w.l aril this iu;B0mit Plaaa, based aad de. ered tut heard rc4. t the rrailrn r this paper, la order te H ore ' ; praerally Mradarad, iv H , for only$255. nPRi 1.1 anil the int ru-l- l vnnl luiois fully tested at yonrown home. If In any way nit I Ufactory you areuniler nooblgation w iat owr tokeer la 1 will vlHwrfuilytakc itKsck and pay freightchanres P h way, t .Ifew lhirlor Oigua $6 . to $440. H'uslmted Newspaper, , with much wforxuatioi lmteosl of Pianos and Organs sent free. youronferbYlettoroptelcgnph lint will he khipiiedat once No money required until tho 1 P-'-- t DftUddress DANIEL F. BEJATT.Y, New JersU.S. A The Organ i lllsedl Cu aGn mH Is 'a EATT. muM, AT JOHNSON S s' viMSiEssr |