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Show - wSSSiA ,k p?yfiMf! i, i v . A m-'- I - r.. t- - .... r7 0,,hvS: ARTHUR'S; ,V 1 s .. V An advertising nicdlum having a 'general circulation throughout Washington County; - .Taking a literary rank, with the ;best perl of it claims to be;fo.ita p., being diitributed gratuitously. Terms feent on cals theday. 1 ie: -- ,P Hpijlicutiunk' f -- '. i . C. E. Johnson. Job-- - (; JV - t,- J? t:.f J lUilgailuu ut ua twwi viui unv uwi not only as a power for good; but as a companion and frlehd.n .i-- i Printer, St Georg. Utah oMfiyis Ho another, col They, hr prepared tq erect houses. on short notice, and har ou hand a large jjtoclc of hotnfe. v made and imtibrled furmturo.' ; , r 01"! e styles., 1 - - ,-- . - it, never! See adv. of U. G.MeQuurric, who will furnish i lanel Poors,. Screen-Framami all shopwork cheaper than ever before offered in town. REDUCED RATES FOR 1880. , One Copy, on .vea r, . fbVt! COfllb'? es 44 11 Three Four Eight . ' - and 1 to gettcr-u- p of clubKn liutterifk? l'attorns In every number, Send ten cents for specimon copy. rr T.S. ARTHUR & SON; 7 South Oth St. Filadelfia. lafrr : 11 ,n a copy, of a new book just la published, entitlod Glimpses of Gotham a and being a compilation of porCity Character? tion of the writings of tne late Samuel A. Jlac keever. The book describes thor many strange rasos'of Life in tho Metropolis after Midnite. and tb those admiring this stylo or literature, wil prove very interesting. The book contains besides this, several full-pag- e portraits of beaua copy, if you lack enter tiful actresses,-Secbr- o tainment- - Only )C' by mail. Address, It. K. Y. Fox, Cor. Spruce and Win. Streets, ? r 'ArfchurS'is .Magazine? &lwaykc with the,times.'v-;t ; up ' Its serial and shorter stories ar from the some of the best writers in . the country;:; of ' Its literature is t pure and elevating at never contains a line or .word offensive to: ?: taste,: JW-fIts illustrations of Fashions ar practical giv help, and not bewilderment and disg' those who wish to know.Uio new and prorarr All kinds of Job' Printing executed ou reasonable terms audshortnotice at this office, and dcnrt vou1 forget' Wo liav roectved t u-li-ve. t. I uu pU fim Jin lull 5M'Sf(Ua33llte 13. BM Munufrand Dealer in l ; -- Ilf! In! v . Have you taken any of Johnsons Pills yet this spring? If not, it is high; time you did. One pill every morning will tone up your constitution and by laws and make you feci P R NIT UR E 13 ill It It F.0 8iiill!HpWAKailS?, t as lively as a camp, meeting with a l,rt 1p wasp s nest among.it Heaven, held back your lightnings! Don't- strike him just yet! He (inly charged the girl ten cents for bringing a dollar from ALSU. GBNEUAti CARPENTER AND -- BUILDER Pwnl - Jnii North StrooV . 4 t ; 4 Did you vote Schools? If so, then you know what kind of a hairpin you are, because you were told (you sinner) ut meeting last Suuday. Dont you forget that you can buy IGF wholesale and retail at the residence of C. EJ Johnson. Cool mi !U t St. George. m r i rh mm HI i hcdis against Free (?) Wholesale & Uctail I 4 & 5 cents per . your daily bitters. 13 sW"Frr : i - '! 111 at the Residence of . - V. E. Johnson, Sf. (iurtfrt i il |