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Show V 4 pTnywT! Pilblishod as often as conreniont andremu-tierativ- of at least once a weok and distributed throughout tho county. W ill be mailed regular jy to anybody who will send their name and pay the postago. C. E. JOHNSON. Job Printxb. KATBjToP ADVERTISING. . . cts five and first line Ton Cents per insertion, for each subsequent insertion. ....LOCAL. .... - i . Married. Imhi cty, on the 15th Inst., Mr. Jos. Earl of Mezquit Flat to Miss Eissie Bunker, daughter of our esteemed friend Bishop Bunker of Bunkerville, Lincoln Co., Nev. The couple have our best wishes m . - CTree-Stru- ng Square M . a-- P th . of three-fourth- . 1 ft over our city leaving the whole country covered to the depth of half s af an inch, followed or by bright sunshine which melted it all off ere night- Since then we have had severe frost every night, the last two of which ha likely injured the fruit buds of Apricot and Almonds. No blossoms open yet for their prosperity 0 ,000 Plano Only $2 Piai Grand (Itn U Tho clerk of the weather went gloriously back on us last Friday, for no sooner had we gotten the item in type, "spring has come for sure5,, than a snow wave passed - ORQAMgg)PlAl See adv. of A. J. Macdonald in another column. He has on Land some very fine "liquid." Potatoes in St George, pr lb 3 34 cts. Flour 6 cts. P at d it BEATTY BASSI&r to M Magnificent Rosewood Case. Julcgontlr finished to Arises. Weight when boxed, over 10001ml Seven third octaves. FUllograHo scale. RoeewoodeasoJ Ci comers, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy sct and top mouldings all around tlio case, back finish as front. New serpentine, with Beattys very In Iron frames, bars and extra braces. Improved nr overstrung base, French grand action, fret desk, pedal, solid rosewood inouulings,l voiy key fronts, igraffo treble, and every Improvemen way tend to tho perfection of the irwt: teen added. This Instrument Is a magnlflecr. l KJTThls offer may appear fabn!ous.lmt rnr fit. It Is a special offer, more liberal than rd knonufoctarcr con safely make on an Instrument n lh suMsipfriir puliilNf snd yrro it not that L ness on a strictly cash basic, 1 would not to Ifl tngifc, In presenting this instrument to the worii very low price, 1 do so with an eye to the future, k that Its introduction into any locality will many soles. Its style must bo admired ood its1! qualities highly endorsed. CC a s 'Tally Warranted for Sis Tea Benton half month test-tria-l. No money n liano Is fully tested at your own home. required Iwanttli tlful llano more generally introdiccd,hence thb allclod Oder. Order at once, as every nano who; duccd In a new locality sells others, ffe all know article Is a standing advertisement, Bfmliir rrt asked fwnrh Mlntrawstbr the manwlhti' serai viU soil this Mfiilrfii nuo, boss 91,000. liMt(i on board cars, to the readers ef this yapsr. la tin have It were fCMnlljr latrodneed. FOR ONLY $25 letter Forward yoor order by or telegraph and the r.irnt will lie shipped at once. No money required a 1l.uioij fully tested at your own home. If nany i noobllgotlon whatever i ft, n 1 rlilehecrfullyfiako It bock and nay freight ( IwtU wara, fJTNew larlor Organs $65, $75, giu, I" istrated Newspaper, with much Infor t'.t.'t about ocmc of llanos and Organs sent free. 1 Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U . Tho Theatrical Co. have in prepa ration for the 27di inst. a farce en- titled "The Wandering Minstrel." ' . Job Printing of a'l kinds executed on short notice at this office. The Organ (1118$ am iD3 ftlto IrluOO Id m a IMTfl f |