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Show .. r1 ' ' r , , , i s t - .'' .ji I', . , 1 6BKS ; r: I lasr: Lit Life r;t Illustrated. -- ! v ' ) ' ; . .t - v ' .-' ... 4 I, ;' " ' ' ' , DEMORESTS I - if' - - ';j . NEW . ; A S' S.fcHx1 ' Ji'V ' .. V . ; , , , ; - "-'-zi- ne. -- 4 n '. ' y w v t i '' I 1 - Vr. " r , i ' ir, !;? A combiniation of the entrtainingjthef juseful 'and.theibeauti fill ;with fine fArtf EngravinggandOilPictarea ineach num-- i jber. It, is the: acknowledged model parlor magazine of the world, Containing J the .VHOIIM. POLICE CAZETIE essentials of all others, includin' Original ' I !n 1 Poetry, Sketches and; Stories,;, by the best ; 'are realistic ana faithfal writers in every branch of entertaining and ) WYgrk, which Itares from real life The illustrations useful literature. ia enriched with fine; best the artistic talent attainable, and the Steel Engravings, exquisite ' Oil Pictures,; tibns are from (he pen of the most sifted in colors, and other beautiful illustrations' list and brilliant writer io Americar who, worth ten. times its cost; also Floriculture a rchiiecture, Househol d .matters, teliable conceded, has riyalledthat 'paiBtlngrbatrJeifiichcjMa Itisfufflcieut; Faahlcns, and fidLsize patterns,' with others rare and beautiful noveUiea ' calculated to that New Yorks Gaslit Life will most, striking, viv id and , truthful pic-- j elevate the taste and make homeattractive the undercurrent of life in New York ! and b appy. Each' yearly subscriber at $3 that have ever been presented tothe public. is. presented with a' Marvelous. Prize, a $10 great picture Conso- n-- . ; j2Jlr rale by all newsdealers, price 10 cents per copy of Reinhart's Itfr ,or Pr year. The National Police latiov; kize 20 x 2S inches. This wo. ' & . 4 . t . J . , ma-hand- at pre-Iranflt- he of ? dronsly beautiful art and parlor picture! which is done in oil .colors, has been.; so accurately reproduced that they cannot be eopyiitsitntlo and appearance, distinguished from the original; or a selec; ad ton cenjta( for.apccpieg; popy. tion may be made from twenty other valua'JJjJ idress,1' lticiiAKD K. ox, Publish kr, ble premiums, a list of which with sam rf v Cor. Spruce and William Sts. lihh will be sent post )lmp New York City. pie copies of the magazine1 imnl free for ten cents. Addbess at tli stto has mo connection with any ether pub li in of its olass, who, for gain, as far, as possh itc&lf - owir trins u itun a beat nnpa ) lnln iU JJOO i, vri ana iMi irder 9w J UNKINGS W iakbi - i E EM . DEMORKST, ' '' East 1 4th St. New York. ,17 jluzof e foil assortment tr sale at A Johnsons. intr ntflOj itura lULc i.s ruit, Shade, Ornamental! t at Johnson's. ? f ' t p 4 iiM' f.!nh tr4:'T!: dr.'; ' t i t i 1 1 "' th 1 i f,( ii iVi r. '.z JI". f v i AT "-t- 3MJL ' wX.Ei ' I .i . v |