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Show - Publishod as often ascbnvohient xnd remunerative, at least' once a wook and distributed throughout tho county Will bo mailed regularly to anybody who will send their name and pay the a ' - .SjjC. n Job Pm-tthb- ; -, RATES OF ADVERTISINO. Ton Gonts per, lino first insertion and 4 five cts ; i i for each subsuent'lnsempn. - , r 1 f , LOC A U. & The Swiss Oottag. ' s .3 5 Solon SWriSli; ! ' ' f i. " Jt . And Dont you Forget It. Everybody busy gardening, but crops are , prin-cipally- m. r Weather brighYand pleasant, and. Spring has v ; apparently set in for surP. "fT.V All kinds of Job Printing done on short notice 1 at this : office. Whitehead is a whole team as- Solon Shingle tho old Yankee Farmer. Secure ur tickets. - .. i w Dont think of buying Garden Seeds of anybody but the old pioneer in horticulture J . E , Johnson. See ad v. i' .JMj .v i Ml ( Mr & Mrs. DjIlvAIcAllistor leave town on Wednesdays st age for a visit to their fribnds in Salt'L&fce City. ' Tra-la- ! - , bt . AUcgantjy Hnlshed. tfagnlflccnt Rosewood Case, over lOOOlos. Seven and ory tfi Weight whn boxed, mini octaves. FullogralIoacale.Rotewoodcasellroun comers, beautiful carved lew and lyre, heavy serpentin ind top moifMings all aroandtliecase, back finished son , o SlrTa?)w . Tbv'atlldeiri llpion'bu purchased the old Bakery biiiii - by j Jos.' Oxborruw, removed the n von, finished up the building nicely and moved and iinitortod their. large stock off home-made raaicntlsamagniii forte. F WTMs offer ynppmf fatal Wus.bUt 1 rur"t (d irerd m It. It Isa spot hi offer, more liberal tluin any otlwr' an instrument rout lain numvffacturcreansshly roakoon h lamnitor qialllM! and weto it not that 1 dOlra ness on s atrirtly rash ba1, I would not be 1 ostlded lu inn! ng it. In presenting this instrument to the world at th ro: mnv sales. its styw musiue ou:mnju anu its mtrfcu e luauics highly endorsed. J h Pully WarmtedKofor Six Years, until tl money required lent on half month Is fully tested nt your own. hc:no. 1 want this beat :lful llano more generally Introduced, hcnco this nnpa i He led oiler. Order at once, ns every Piano when intr iuned In anew locality wlls others.1 weall knowa goo irtlclu is a standing advertisement. Pcrular yrtsU pri best-tria- l. furniture thereinto. Business. iM.ino Social Hall, A Dome. The St. Geo. Club intend to add to their present hall an auditorial, oq the west side thereof 33 z 50 feet in tho clear !thiecoming Summer and otherwise an Inslranintt by tho moaopolUta ayrnts, aW DdiS fur and 4 will veil tMf atagalfleeat liana, bo 11,000. to the rradera of this papor la order llTrrrd an board , ; , . , hare It more yenc rally Introdneod, improve it.' This addition, when completed will render the building capable of seating over 600 persons, and will give a good stage with 20 xdO foot opening, and sufficient room for Messrs M. P. dressing and waiting-room- s. Romney andC. E. Johnson have been appointed to receive subscriptions of Capital Stock, and the books are now open for reception of the pay of the country, labor team-wor-k etc. N ow boys rattle along the subscriptions, and lets have a fit for for a nest Christmas Ball ! place . - n-- FOB ONLY $255. letter or Sendfor-- tpecimen copy ' of the Police Gazette or Ucmoresta Magazine. In either case you get ten times their cost, in pictures. The have in preparation a thrilling drama entitled The Midnight Watch' for which now scenery will bo made. Theatrical-Compan- y i telegraph and thelvstr FOrwardyonr order by neat will ho Slilppedntonee, o money vn::Ired until U cianoisfuUy tested at your oown home. If tunny wnjn atlsfactory arpunder n obTljatlnNvhateor toky boui cost 6t ricnos aud Organs sent free. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, wi i a si nri ra, i '.iu. I ; The1 dDsed Qjrj ) U-- S ,n:i Organ i(h iedal ils itf'wlvrl IMTff, I |