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Show - lrt - rnni - ii Hi n nwiiil ,1 fiP WUrtlHlitfri't - ' ' - ; . ' 1 BRIECERS FRUITSTORt J7 mestic frruits. Candhstuts, , ; REPS constantly on haftflforeigriand do and 4 t .1 . . fc y: X -- ) I- ' Main Street, Silver, Beef m r v I jr y faj' ,f I r , , Sells Wpocl or Coal I ItrtlA lii'lji'jt:) b 'jiu y5 COOKIHp STOVES.. COMPLETE. Kiaeit Fruits- InyrTown V' No. 7 for $35;: vNq.;8 for ALSO v -' ' ALSO 0. CIGARS PINE ANTOBAjCC ; All kinds Fresh Oyster received flail , .1 HXftj 1 V , ; 1 X v -- irti)I) Pr(dliic5! - ; . -- -- - pfQaJntbJce ware and Tinware. t HEILBRONHER'S AUCTION HOUSE TBE LIVELIEST PLACE 121 V TOW XI Where you can buy anything jou want, at your own price. All you have to dp is to bid on it and away 1 ' j,: & HAIR. DRESS! !fG j T ' i LtMSr0 Rising? Kil i i PLlTMiliALIiSVTOtllE t'lllITT. NIG IET tf AUCTION - IV&.Y. (J I Otherwise goods sold, atttubtion . . prices. I - t n : -- ''' patV1? ) ! CltlXCUfi ii fcllVLT Bo.f - -. 1 1 fI S i!" tli;U ljt ill l1 1 located l-- c iV.-L--l.t v.. : . Four l)op nhovc Ihr ltnriiuni.ltp(n(iriiii(. F. M. BLOMQ.UIST Cull ud xuiuiiie wjrk and price? tliet.T. :idAnislt the natives i!! iC ohs, fjijgn & Ijiinmitc.nfal v OREENBAUMS NEW STORE a Just received, a PAJiHTIRj- Proper. Borders; also Utah. Silver Reef, . SH). sm b (B&i&Ii mHIS m w Br.kery, next door to Riccirall, DcuDlUb. ir-l- l oi cn on Friday morAjng, The Ust hinl of French, Gcrnjan amlALier iriiu lixciid, as well as Cakes and Picscte., 7' will oonslantly be on hand. AS! orders for parties, ChrSfijinas or New Years pakis vill be promptly executeiL v ; . bCHEEn A IIAMER3ICK. r .r Job Office. WE arp now prcpndsd to ppnt Posters, lTnmU hilb, Curds, Letter and Billhead?,; business blanks of iJl kinds, and ,any;: Aesiril sort of. jobs, with ncntacLS und tliApatch. Oilioc in Johnson's Buildings. CENTER STREET;' - - SILVER ' II & W K 1 NS SHAV1KG & HAIR DRESSING 9 iT)" j One doer below Palace Saloon. ; R fciADY TAP.KlibTHixO,J j As line Liquors as can be had irk towiii sold at a bit a Jrinfc., Tiy themj and youj will bo convinced. Also a full stock of General Mer cb an disc. ' .1, fine lot of Wall T ' REEF. fi- 1 If youjiovorwas satisfied with a twenty Sve dollar jjiotui;, try a four-b-it onQf Taken fin- ibis. week only at: j ohnson's. Second to noud in America. - ; |