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Show Vlfc f f t House, Devoted to tho'intereite of the Bvslpcii lie ,if t liver Reef and the Harris Comedy Company of Sale Lahe City. Ppbiiihed .Daily and . pircjijated at all the Business ;HotiMS, Theatre, Race Track to. ' C. E. JOHNSON? Job Printer, Silver Reef. ?'.'? . ' 'i v ; v: 'fi-- . .. V P. Frophr, ATlStTORS will find at this place the best aepopiiuodation. that can. be had ill the j The Harris Comedy Company .country, gqdslcap soft and well kept. make teirlast appearance in Silver' t j Reef to night. Tis with feelings of much regret that we give thepia final hand-shak- e and thank"' tiiem? heartily for' the fund of amusement they have for & STATIOffiV DEPOT. the past week furnished to our hard ' i Four doofi South of nJ)icr, working population: They leave and for Salt Like City At. ir, 0. Hogcr News and Stcij oiicry D.c, we can "only wish them a pleasant pot you will find all the latest Newspapers, and Periodicals, than any place in Voyage homeward; and shall be only town. Also, lipo cheaper Cigars, Gaudies, Nuts, C hew- -; whento listen them, top hapgyjjp ng and Smoking Tobaccos, dae shall to convenient find it ever they (ft malseus another visit. -- which .we & hope will be in the near future. f. . ' I h i ROGERS MS . . . . .. . t ' i . . to-morro- w, This is the last number of Footlights for the present. In "the sweet bye and bye' however wo Dealer in hope to again make our appearance before the curtain. In fact. Foot lights is not dead, but sleepeth. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS Thanks to our friends for the many kind expressions of welcome with which our little sheet has been received. . JVor doff , out tile make pur bow the bell rings, and the J. E. Johnson. J !Curtaih Falls 1" , I Those wishing to see something good should attend the Theatre tonight. Harris plays Terence. . . mum'"' 4 Main Street. Silver Beef Sells Wood or Coal COOKING STOVES. COMPLETE. No. 1 for $35;! No. 8 for $45. ' . i . .I I I ALSO . ' - NUTS, CANDIES, RAISINS, ChOCOLATES, ti&mm fromy, J I , . , Groceries, Provisions, PAVSKIV OmGBSiSe. ... i All kinds of Heating Stoves, Hardware and Tinware. e k. Pm F- - |