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Show u WHAT HAFPENED AT STAKKENFELS Br IAFAIL SAMT1HI (Copyright, bjr Joseph B. Bowles.) Who la there that has not heard ol the beauty ol the Prioress YolaT And who that has heard will have dlfflculty dn believing that It was to my heart, and not to my ambitions, that I fell a er of bur garrison. He reorganized our defenses and the husbanding of our resources, until the soldiers came to look to him for orders, and less and less to me All this l might have endured had It not been for the dally Increasing favor shown this leather-cla-d soldier of fortune by the princess! I witnessed this, the growing coldness wherewith she treated me, and the Indlnerence she betrayed for those verses of mine to which a little while ago she had lent so ready an ear, and 1 cursed the day I hud suggested Starkenfels to her! But I was little prepared for that which I chanced to overhear between them one evening when the siege was a month old. Chancing to hear their voices, heralding - their approach, I slipped behind the dais that stood al the further end of the hall. Perchance you who read these lines will despise me for an eavesdropper; bethink you though, how much I had at stake. "Helgh-ho- ! she sighed, we shall all die here together." "To live and die, princess, beside you," he answered, passionately, "Is the greatest good heaven may send me." How so? she asked, faintly. Because, he began; then paused as one In fear. "Because? she murmured. "Lady, because I love you," he whispered, and faintly I caught her answering whisper: As I love you." Amazement and disgust Ineffable sank Into my soul together with those words. "You love me! he cried, a great StSWWWtSWWWWWWStwetBtZtStWMWWgWWWBWWWWWWMtUHWIlWMWIKl Disillusion Her? Dont tell your Intended that she Is an angel unless you can keep up the bluff after you are married. Why NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. taken as part paymsul Old or broken Disc or Cylinder records Nsw Ones. FREE TRIAL AND EAST PAYMENTS. The new UM modele of tho COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONBB embody all of the lateet Improvements in ths talking maehlne rorld and are the standard of perfection. ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT In exchange for the latest types, and dont forget that A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Backed by the Largest TalHlng Machine Company In the World Goes With the Machine. THE FUTURE TOLD I will answer all questions you wish to know; give you advice In business affairs or affulra.of the heart as easily by mall as at personal sittings. Give 1. me a trial. Madame Terms, Sclinleder, 48 West Third South, Salt l.nke City. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH So. Main BL Both Phones. City of Mexico and Return, $69 AO. victim? April 25th to May 5th the COLOFor months I worshipped her from RADO MIDLAND will sell round trip afar, as pious ones worship a saint tickets Salt Lake to City of Mexico Despairing, reverently, ecstatically. and return for $69.80. Good for stopwas love for her, realizing too, my overs up to sixty days. Your choice that while she was heiress to the of three excellent routes. Illustrated throne of Lichtenstein. I was but one books on Mexico free. Other dates ef the minor satellites of the court later on. Write L. H. Harding, General Agent, My princess was chosen by the Salt Lake, for further Information. states of Such sen berg and iJchtensteln THE MIDLAND ROUTE Is the line to become the wife of King Heinrich that has that through observation car. of Snchaenberg. Few were there at the Court of Vaduz that were not Dr. Leroys French Tansy Tablets. privy to this, and few whom the An acquaintance with these tablets princess flat refusal to enter Into the will result in a pleasant surprise to alliance did not fill with consternaThe ladles safesuffering women. tion. She had never seen the king of In cases of painful or guard. Sachsenberg, and she openly vowed menstruation THEY SUCthat she never wished to see him; that CEED. Price, $2.00 per box. Ai all she would not be bestowed like unto a drug stores or by mall, securely sealed. chattel for purposes of state. Doull Drug Co., 338 Main, Balt Lake Then did It occur to me that haply City, Utah. the princess had already given her heart to another. Could It be, I asked BOY8 AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. myself, that my ardent glances had not been in vain? I will not dwell here upon details of Many bright boys and girls are makour flight; they Bcarce concern my ing $5 weekly after school working for story. But so well did I contrive that us. If you want the same chance, send in three days my mistress sat safe us your name and address and we will s. within the walls of her castle of send you $2 worth of our We were prepared for a Household Specialties. When sold, siege, and I had victualled the place iso that a score of people might hold send us $1 and keep $1 for yourself. out for a year, if need be. You can do this In one day, We will On the eighth day of our coining to furnish you permanent work. . Starkenfels I held parley with one who Address N. H. Groesbeck "it Co., rode up in hot haste to the very edge 8pringvllle, Utah. of the moat From the battlements I Inquired on what errand he was come, and In answer he pompously announced that his it 10,000 pieces of Sheet Music 10c .business was with the Princess Yola of Lichtenstein. Then there came the & per copy. rustle of a gown beside me, and the V V was at my elbow, gazing princess k down upon that leather-cla- d clown. "Who la this, Geristeln? k I know not, madams It pleases him to be mysterious" "But he Is wounded!" she cried, a S 89 Main SL, Salt Lake City. look of pity glorifying her matchless eyes. "And you leave him at the kPianos,' Organs, Talking Machine gate?" "BECAUSE! The graceless dog, perceiving her, Catalogue Free. doffed his grey beaver, decked by a wonder In his voice as well there j soldier. be a me, simple might a lace broken goose quill, disclosing I ears not who or what you are. I that was very pals know you to be brave and honorable abhe then began, stopped "Lady," DA You Yant Work? and true. Because of this, $nd because ruptly. The hat fluttered from his because forsooth ybw gigl such a WORk FOR EVERYBODY, " grasp; he sank forward upon the f you. withers of his horse, then rolling from you are I love tdr.. Teamsters,' Laborers, Always Bo great a joy Was In hi Yola! the saddle, lay Inert upon the turf. All Kinds of Help. Furnish We voice that of almost the It had ring "See to him, my lord," the princess DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. srlad. "He has fainted. Have him pain. He urged her with an effrontery turned me sick with rage to wed; that the Into castle. 62 First South, Salt Lake City. brought In that very castle. There wad BellEast Ind. Phone 923. Phone 1872-The wound was a mere scratch, him Anselm, the priest he would perform blood as much had his flowed, though as soon as might be. sodden sleeve bore witness. With her the ceremony WE ARE 8ALT LASERS. as I stepped from behind the But own kerchief she bound It up. when they departed I registered Why trust your treasured pictures to dais "Poor lad," she murmured, "he hath a vow to scorch forever If I thwarted strangers? lost much blood." not these nuptials. As she spoke he stirred; a sigh esIs Utah a Ours firm, managed by Utah took In the evening the wedding caped him, and he opened his eyes, to place In the great Rlttersaal. The inmen. find the princess mirrored In them. of the castle were all there as- Pictures en- mates g In India Ink, Then from those eyes of his there Saplo, with the exception of one larged, mounted sembled, flashed with returning consciousness and myself. That sentry with on cardboard or 3 Water Colors sentry adand look of such bold wonder a k or OIL dagger at his throat I caused tc stretchers. miration that my ladys dignity was my Then by Pictures sent by mall are as safe as If throw down his partisan. aroused by It dint of threats and promises I played brought In person. My ladys brow grew dark, and upon his feelings, his hopes and his FRAMING A SPECIALTY. stern her eye. fears until he consented to help me UTAH ART CO, "Come you on behalf of King Hein lower the bridge. rich?" as as ' Across It marched softly they UTAH PHOTO BUTTON CO. "Nay, your highness, on my own, some twoscore troopers of the and a sorry traitor do I hold myself. might army, headed by a young offiH. N. Winter, Manager. princes Yet, madame, that which Is a foot cer. I placed myself beside him and seemeth to me so foul a thing that I led the Campaign, 8oclety, Advertising and way to the Rlttersaal, without had no longer esteemed myself a gen- waiting for speech with his highness, Photo Buttons to order. We copy from any slse or kind of tleman had I, Anthony Von Turgen, since time pressed. return same uninjured. Phopicture warn to rlfaden not you." Very pale, yet calm, the princess ne on Cuff Buttons, Brooches, Pins, "What Is this warning that keeps stood beneath the dais, and beside her xckets, etc. Why trust traveling you a gentleman yet makes you a swashbuckling bridegroom. strangers with your choice photos traitor? "Lay down your arms, my friends," when permnnent residents guarantee satisfaction? "Lady, the prince, your father, ac- she commanded, quietly. Cabinet Photos, Stamp Photos, Phocompanied by the king of Sachsenberg, My hour was come. Buttons. 49 Main street, Balt Lake. to is on his way hither with a thousand I from the "So, pretty lady, quoth . P. O. Box 130L 27-3- 29 BALT LAKE CITY. General Agent FAST FLTEBS DAILY BETWEEN The Atehlaon, Topeka ft Santa Fe Railway Company. 411 Dooly Block. Salt Lake City, Utah 3 OGDEN AND DENTES: CHOICE OF BOOTES. PULLMAN THROUGH TOURIST AMD SirBWf NOTHING IS CONCEALED. PROM OflDBH OS SALT LAKE TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANCE OP CARS Free RooHiisy Ohtlr Oars. Dining CM Bervife a to earls on all m rough train. eta. Booklets, L A BENTON, Q. A?. XL BALT LAKE CRT, OTIS REMEMBER. IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THI Oregon Short Line RAILROAD to E. MATHEWS ft FLEGAL BVRLEY, Paychologiats and Phrenologlota. Coneult Prof. B. N. Matthews. He gives you name and tells what you need and wish to know. yoi$ Hf asks no questions and confines him. self to the truth. Prof. Matthewf holds the secret of power and pen sonal Influence. He reveals your post slbllltlea snd enables you to resllzw them. Everybody he reads for Is asi aured of success. His sdvlos on 1ovl marriage and business Is sound anil reliable. He settles all disputes anc$ helps you to get the money or prop &P.OT.A. UNION PACIFIC RLimcn, AAI.ST.A THE OVXBLAI.D BOUTE 1 B1MICHUI W - BOUTS TO MB All ICBOftgAEV 0 BPBBD COMFORT . GT BBT OREL KPBTY 201 erty that justly belongs to you. He tells you when to make investments aad what to Invest In. If it Is not convenient for yon to seAilm, It will pay yon to write. This gentleman 1 truly gifted and the wonders he ha T TNIOft PACIFIC JL NAM IT. Unexcelled LAki an. salt VTAB. . rogrbsswi (THE OVERLAND ROUTE) - form accomplished 11 1 1 nuunutnur: mtmttttm 44 44 44 44 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 44 44 of- - oon visited. are esfriends lost or stolen. Reading, $1.00, Room 36, Gladstone Hotel, 11$ Main St., Salt Lake City. 44111 THIS 4 111! I II IIHH4H4 BEAUTIFUL 0R6AN H 11 4 4-- 4 4-4-- 4 4-- 4 4-- 4 Palatial Vestlhnlod Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. Ob-serration. Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Bleeper, Tourist and 4 Dining Car. J 44- H t-- the topic rersatlon in every city be has The sceptics and the helpless pecially invited. He locates and relatives and anything 44 FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. - 4q - suffered half so much. almost Imperceptibly, Gradually, that vile ruffler out of Sachsenberg for such I ever have, and ever shall hold him to be wormed himself by a score of wiles Into the good graces of my princess. Gradually, by virtue of the favor she showed him weak, shallow woman that she was and his knowledge of the coarse trade of war. he had rendered himself the command s C. F. WARREN, Imusic company.! servant For a month sat the Prince of Lichtenstein and the King of Sachsenberg besieging us, and in my whole life 1 can recall no other month In which I and-Plain- Ticket Ratea and Lit THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE. POUTS St Telephone 967-kdoorway, meseems I have discharged Enlarging, copying, reducing, etc., iny debt You were bold enough but my kind or slse of picture In photo, see boldwe If shall that yesterday; .rayon, sepia, pastel, oil, etc. finest ness shall avail you when presently trades consistent with price. Every your swashbuckler Is strung up with- grade of work absolutely permanent will not fade. Frames and framing. out cried 11 sizes and grades made np to order. Fear not, sweet mistress, with his von Turgen, supporting h-The treacherous dog Ilea arm. ORDER OF US. Bay you so? I mocked him. "Here comes one who will prove It otherwise the king! Goods delivered at your home at I stood aside, and across the threshSalt Lake prices. old there stepped a very courtly figure, followed by two attendants. To my Try our Mail Order Department and satisfied. be amazement of all and the preshorror ent, he fell upon one knee before the Groceries, Dry Goode, Hardware stalwart soldier of fortune, and: Everything. he cried, God save your majesty! BARNES GROCERY CO "Why have you tricked me thus? cried the Princess Why this deceit? 143 North First West Street, Yola. 8 ALT LAKE CITY. "You would not listen to my suit, although you knew me not," he answered, and because of it I came American Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. hither to woo you as a simple soldier European Plan, 50c up. of fortune, and had I failed, Yola, I should have I as swear that departed HOTEL HALLS. I came, and the siege had been 8. M. RIDDLE, Manager. ended! She smiled upon him, tears In her Corner Third South and 8tats eyes, and as I looked I grit my teeth Streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. and called myself a fool a dozen ttmea Then, holding out her hand to him: wsw&z 9 w; w she murmured, and ho "Heinrich! 8MOKE LAPALOMA CIGARS1 ? understood. They're High Grade and Union "Let the ceremony proceed, father," Made. he laughed, turning to the monk. M. MARCUS, Manufacturer. This Is the true relation of what 155 East Third South Street. happened at Starkenrels, and this li 8ALT LAKE CITY. the true motive of my retirement from the Court of Vaduz. Mountain kind. Aak me , There was a moment's pause, and white grew the Princess Yola's cheeks. "But despair not, lady. You may yet escape, leaving your castle garrisoned. Bid your men hold out for a month, and then surrender the empty nest to the prince. But, lady, you must hasten, for he draws near! Yola put her hand to her heart, and looked about her with eyes that for a moment told of fear. Then "Here will I remain," she said, "until these tyrants shall have starved me. Do you save yourself, sir, and take with you my thanks for your noble effort" At the princess command a fresh horse was brought him. In this there was some delay, and when at last he was mounted it was too Iste. The prince's force was within a couple of hundred yards, and I could not sanction the lowering of the bridge. With a careless laugh Von Turgen dismounted snd flung the reins to a Over than 45 hours, demonstrating that 8anta .Fa" track, equipment and omployeea aro of tho orators. quick-sellin- g men." 265 Miles In less GENL. CO., SCOTTY" SPECIAL. THE Probably YOU wouldn't care to ride fast You prefer the luxury ef 3 Regular Trains from Utah and Colo rado to Everywhere East and South sffb-preBs- , The Lond Distance Record. ao Btark-enfel- ; tat Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or writs to J. L. Moors, Dlst Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles ft Balt 4 Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. 44 44444444444444444444444444444444 4444.4 444444444444444444444444444-4- VV Wo hav just oomplotod arwith the largest rangements manufacturer ef Organs in the world, whereby wo oan now offer to our many patrons bars an Instrument delivered at your own station for what has ordinarily boon known as FACTORY COST. This g an arrangement that hould be Investigated thoroughly before you look eloowhtro, aa we are our it will appeal to you. REMEMBER wo gave yon from $36 to 375.90 on one organ. Tblo la certainly worth aarlng. BAST TERMS. You aend ua 13.30 to I&.00 per month, to cult your convenience. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. We will deliver one of thene organa at aay R. R. station In Dtah or Idaho without any additional charge to you whatever. Do not imagine that it la lnapoaalblt for na to do aa wo say. Our system of handling our outside buslneae Is eo perfect that we can without any trouble whatever make delivery to tho smallest tows In this western section. WE BUT IN CARLOAD LOTS and aro thus enabled ta make the ridiculously low prices that we da TOU OBIT THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS. Write us at once if interested. If net. see that your friends hear of this great money earing opportunity. REMEMBER we have Men In business hare for FIFTY TEARS the oldest house in the Bute. OUR GUARANTEE en as instrument is absolutely good. We fully warrant everything we seiL If you doubt our financial rating look us up. We refer you to any Banker or Commercial agency in this Btat 44 THE DOCTORS WHO CURE Mm. Ml throat tro Mo Narrow Din. mo Bladdar oad KMnay Unr Disease DImomo of TroubU Haorl Dtaoooo Pile tho atonoeh oaS Bowel oad Racial DImomo, Ihmala Chronic Dhow, of WoComplaint Rlchat man and ChSdrm. Spinal DooTom Skin DUmw Trouble Asthma Bronchial and Lang Trou-bl- o Rhwimotlom. Hay rover. Ur and Bar Dio-- Hyotarl (Mira (or Ms sack). Vartooeol Loot Manhood, ots., Blood Dlaaaaa Scrofula, and all Private Dtacaat o forma of Mm row and Chronic euro arc (that ourebl) orWo no say. Sore tho liquor habit ta ir Flo-tnl- o Ntu-rolsl- a. Dlo-oao- A tow ft ulck OUR MOTTO: cur mild and palalaao tnatmont. or by latter free to all. Can ar writ nt a dlataaea All Do not dMpolr bocoaoo you lirenow DV HOME mrotam of Shorm front the city. Dr HOOT TRBATKHNT makw It our to lit aaport advlco and tnatmont nt bom SIomm cnnblca thorn which ta of aymptom Thatr now romptom blank oorors every trouble what can ba don. ter you. and what cm. and toll you what yourIf UM and new oaaaot ter their aymptom you call, WRITS tWaoot of tho euro will b Whothar you toko troateioat or not, EXAMINATION. Ukandrantese of tho the advtn osata you nothing. CURES ay malt ur 1 mi Cared Pay When n REABrat Week Men won aulter team " PER-bon- WANT TO TALK Ta ohm In Wo haro by CHRoeno curing tho pobltahlag maw rohmtair uotlmonlnlo pic tuna parol gtetog WN CANT PUBLISH OUR CURES IN PRIVATE DIf KABXS k would betray oouHd.ua Homo wo haro ta proro our .kill In tblo clue of troublH In anetkir way. Tblo to our n OSIro how t m. to I p a Nooning DBS. SHORES A SHORES and that aak you SONABLE PER whw you aro sand. Tea eon dwond upon our war thoumado ef MOW WE pot! ante haro ladoreod B WANT TO CURE TOU wtth tho dtettest wdnutandtng that wo win nt PEE until wo euro yen. TNa appllao to Loot Manhood, Bomtnal Wonknom Vhricoool matorrboo Dtenoao of Promt. Olmad. Unnatural Loom Ot itioa Gloat. Stricter OMtdgtaw Blood Potoon and all WEAKNESSES of mo CbwullaUon aad advtaa fro ta I; Sunday, aad HaSday IS a to U W. euro aay of tho wwknuom or dtemam caaoed by laaomac ARE THE VERT aontagtea TOU B ol, T Clayton Music Co.. : Leading Mnsio Dealer ll g. Main Street, Balt Lake City, Utah. 109-U-- Expert Specialists, Please mention this paper. ! 144 1 i i I HriI i Ilia H-4'- 1 i I |