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Show '"' i'JV;.- ! ;; , a' fthi ' ' -, ' i' V i'- ?.: .'.'- - - Vv - : v.j-' jii, ' ' m'V - f'-l- w !, Salt Lake,' among Its other distlnc--1 tlons. has that of being the producing place of bqmha and other ' Infernal f apparatus used by ' malefactors elsewhere, . ' THE MINERS CRITICISED. l- The Tribune recently had a head.,'!M line saying, "You Cant Cuss and Be " Tbs Western Federation of Miners Christian.' This;' if true, cuts down ts said to be raising and sending the Christian elcmebt to painfully low proportions.' large sums of money to the aid of the officers of that organisation, now unThe sheriff of Balt Lake county was der ' arrest and awaiting prosecution lined 5 the other day far not providIn Idaut The action of the federa- ing one of the courts with a bailiff. And so many bailiffs, or men willing tion is doubtyess misconstrued by to be bailiffs, too. many who seem to think it is an endorsement or at least In aid of those ., The' pugilistic fraternity haVe been Zion in unusual numbers lated criminals and visiting who are them were the fallen Kenly. Among therefore in . justification - of the tucky idol, Marvin Hart- No.engage- crimes themselves.'. .Tf Is proper at ments were jnade here. w ff,. such a time, when such momentous This paper has received ; several Issues nre upon us as are involved in complimentary mentions from promithe matters spoken of to be more nent men on. its recent article, "A It seems to considerate and look upon the situa- New Deal or Defeat tion In a calmer .'and more comprehen- have struck the keynote. sive manner. ' Royal marriages are quite frequent Iq the first place, the accused men in Europe these days. As long as in contemplation of law, gre Innocent they srp in Europe and let this counalone . we can all afford to , say, until-frothe evidence to the contrary try Bless yon, my children!" appears. : That they are restrained of JJnless something very much out of their liberty pending such determine the usual order ensues the flockmas-ter- s a of nature while tlon, inthe prim! will reap a rich harvest with the tlve proceeding, is,' of course, but is woll clip by reason of the good qualin no sense evidence against them ity and the heaviness of V nor can it be used to their detriment The price is unprecedented and the will undoubtedly do well sheepmen to as the lor disadvantage relates this year. final outcome. They cannot be tried The question now agitating swellwithout being defended, an may provide themselves .with such, defense dom Is Did Annf Gould (that was) break within the law as they and their becauseup ofwith Count Dude Castellane the latters extravagance friends may be able to provide; and In financial affairs or his naughtiness ifunable, the assistance must be fur regarding other women? Anna ws nished by the court, or at the exfiense pretty badly taken in, . no matter which way yon loo at it, of the state. ' Naturally, the accused and their fraternal friends would preDr. Maxwell has had a lively, even He fer to have 'defense of their own se- though undesirable, experience, lection and in securing It neither they was wanted back In Ohio and p requisition was sent here to bring him; nor1he defenders are properly liable having made other engagements he to reproach, and it costs money a fought the sufficiency of the requisigood deal bf iti in such cases no mat tion end was discharged and arrested ter how innocent the accused may be. again so often tbat bis status at times must have made him delirious. If the Federation or any other body 1 .' In a few days more the senate of of men were upholding or in any manner abetting crime, 4ut more par- - the United States will be invigorated with a return to Its investigation of ' ttcularly,the crime of murder, by the the matter wherein Rebd Smoot is the means spoken of,' it would be a differ-- central figure. If any readers have ent thing altogether, although even not heard of the case and desire to then the accused would be entitled to be posted their wishes will be comwith if they will let os know in the benefit of counsel.' AH good peo- plied what part of Africa ple hope that the cowardly assassins France and Germany have been of Steunenberg and others may be their teeth at each other brought to condign ' and speedy pun-- . showingover the Moroccan situation. plenty . wants punish-- Each is afraid the other will get the ishment, but nobody ment inflicted until guilt is clearly bigger advantages and of course neither will stand for that '1. France determined doesn't want to fight; the memory of 1870 llfet vivid; but It can fight when FALL BACK ON THE TARIFF. it has to and lta contests dont always terminate aa they did then, ' When the leaders and organs of the either. party cannot think of 'anything else to attention to fall back upon as a proposition Joi theA correspondent calls fact that those who are rejoicing anion they take up the tariff. They over the apparent defeat of the Philare at it Just now apparently forget- ippine tariff bill may be standing 1ft ful of the evil fate that has overtak- their own light He claims that the Utah-mad- e sugar In en the Democracy when it has mon-- . trust is selling than here, and asks Chicago cheaper In .the the restrictions upon competition keyed' with that subject. of abounding national prosper-- ' should not be loosened up by reason ta at libIty, and with the government receipts of that fact. Any reader . to answer. ' erty ' giving their own refutation to Democratic assertions that the Dingley A contemporary declares that the there is a de- Dingley tariff drives ' manufacturing law is a deficit-make- r, mand from many Democratic fluar- - plants to Canada. Yet our commerce with the Dominion last year reached tera that, the tariff he made the prln- - 1166.000,000, the largest amount, on ' cl pal issue- in the coming campaigns record, and far ahead . of Canada's and that efforts be .made to unite the business with any other country. In case where actual figures are party with this as a rallying cry. And every the Dingley tariff maintains its given they are seeking to employ the old identification with the period of the tricks. They deprecate the term greatest foreign commerce of the free trade as applied to the particular United States. Rt. Louis brand ' of political economy which they favor, and at the Rame time arraign the present tariff, of Republi- Flowr of theVihlta Phlox. rlth peat, casing happy can origin and enactment, as oppresejva. tiie tranquil deptfae of August sive In its exactions and prohibit ivo Up to klea. -That bend, cloud flecked, afar. In its effects. Tour bloseoms nod to mo speak Of course it is only necessary to my heart. And bid It ataud a little while apart point to the enormous development in From sordid things that are. our foreign trade, with imports swol-le- n Was It not such as ye. oh. starry blsoma, to unprecedented figures, to indi- That pesrlng through tho qulat twilight 1 glooms cate the absurdity of the charge that Of old. sweat summer days the Dingley law is either oppressive flaw her 1 loved, pass with a geatle' But an analysis of Betwixtgrace. or prohibitory. your snowy ranks from plans to place its operations effectually disposes of Along the garden ways? other contentions which are put forth White Phlox the moonlight falls sortes her grave. (to show the need for a radical change. The sunshine slumbers, or tha wild For Instance, there have been wearistorms rate; see And vat, I her therm some iteration and reiteration of the As oft I saw her In the long ago, ini the present Above your clustered whiteness bemdlsg charge that all rates tow. law are too high and some of them Pure as yourselves and fUrt utterly nnwsrranted. The official Whits Phlox a host of Md records show that the average duty aad collected is little if any higher than Of ghostly joys, of Are blended with your it was thirty years ago, when a law Maught of tho present da much less protective was in operalooks tsll. tion. In fact, it la lees than for one Bat of tha past tha past I loved fan are most aloquonL year at least under the Democratic Harper's Gorman-Wllso- n law. Child Torture. EDITORIAL NOTBB. Tha British National Society toi tha Prevention of Cruelty to Childra The robins are here and look like bee a remarkable museum where, within a glasa case, la a collection of stayers. Implements of torture. Straps ol Has spring really come, or are we every description are there, sticks buncoed again? clubs and ropes, with the knots still. The Boosters are on the road. Look In them, that once held childish nut for them' and have the glad mlt wrists fast There are also twisted hooks, bamboo canes end a chain with ever ready. a padlock by which an imbecile child How long could even the crowned was for years fastened to a post heads stand these high-clas- s weddings Hanging by itself ( a straw basket two feet long and a foot deep In with the costly presents called for? which twins were found on a baby Mr. Longworth and wife, nee Miss farm. Alice Roosevelt, are at home in WashNick and "Alice dont go ington. Datee from Twelfth Century. any more. The grotesque knocker on the sane The next big day In the calendar la tuary door of Durham cathedral, St. Patricks. and in anticipation of It which bean a rather distant resemwearin of the green Is already large- blance to a lion, la said to be of the twelfth eentury. ly in evidence. 7aafii EDITORIALS . & . V y. X ,.'; ' ' : m A, . - , - they-resid- - - . y . . Globe-Democra- t. -- - COi TIME TABLE. .. e time I .pestiferous Menus army. This he captured our supply wa were hungry and s that carrje our money North. According to the stories told about our camp-firehe was generally in about five different places at one. and the same .time. He was a bort of a bugaboo to the foragers and stragglers of the Army of the Cumberiand. If we went out In advance bf the army ha was there., It we foraged la the rear he was there. "P used hla cavalry to prevent us from living off the. country in our. front and to scare up out of the country in our rear. He was nearly always Just where we didnt want him to be, and had ao mercy on wagons loaded with provisions or with the nicies drawing thp wagons. His men horned the wagons and sabered the mulee. and a good many teamsters lived in the hope that in after years they might tell Wheeler just what they thought of him. I was on the point of meeting him about the time of. the Stonfe River battle,, but I had 1 had been no. remarks to make. slightly wounded at Lavergne as we were moving mi MurfreeCboro, and was In the wagon train for transportation to Nashville when Wheelers cav- And make lire Nag. but the' I think t 'heard the laughing of .. Was that, the ash upon' Or li rtSe blue bloom of a pulpy Within my corner's nippy A cloud of chimney wisnrd sprites - the i means allthe ysnKe And fcsmf msny-colornd Gsn I mistake, or was'! hut ycdtie I saw the firefly dance the fairies reave? Was It this morn that from the apfiere of - name? Lore stooped delflc, uttering Surely no mualo or of flutes or Lika child's voles this Afternoon I heard', U it fare, Through what meridians of light Oh. lovely Life, and through whft "iitresa you bear My wandering aoul to this aerener1 lair! Harriet Prescott Spolford, the January Century. iJ. ..... w ,'ii ' 1 ' rail-train- i- The Laet Days ef tha Waflr , When we read of the fearful Slaughter of the Russian and Japanese!, forces In the late war, little do we. whi never came iqto contact with such terrible realities, know .of their me tnlng, ays a writer in the Boston Poet . , 'In hunting for an old diary ; eater-da- y I came across a Journal kei t during the War of the Rebellloft by a captain of Company I,. the Fifty- - rightb Massachusetts Volunteers. I have taken from the reeprd if this soldier two pen' plcturee, and 111 let the faded pages of the diary t U the tory for him, which, though 'Md in alryI Interfered. . always believed that-- I received yean perhaph, never folia in. fascinamy wqund from one of Wheelers men . ; tion. that night at Lavergne. We bad drivI should name. his 'It Perhaps give Is CapL Nahum Leonard,' and If alive en the eneidy from the town and were I should be veij glad to' hear from establishing a line of outposts along a him, for I hold in my keeping hla story stream, in pitch darkness. The stream of the Fifty-eight-s part 'In the war was the only landmark to tie to, and between one bnve army and another; the pickets formed along the northern On the 10th of April we arrived at bank, with reserves a little to the rear. Farmvllle and went into' camp near Pretty soon cavalrymen came to tie south I) auk to water their horaea, and, the city. "Then we received the Joyful news supposing they were onr own men, we that Lee had surrendered. .The terms asked after the health- of Joe Wheeler. had been arranged the day before at This gave us sway,- just aa informaAppomattox Courthouse, but the for tion came from headquarter! that no mal surrender of Lees army did not Union cavalry were south of the ' stream. ' take place until the 11th."Meantime our sociable cavalrymen ."We did not have the opportunity of seeing the ceremony It waa joy in front were concentrating, and we enough to know that the war was vir- opened fire. tTftey returned the fire, ' and our reserves biased away in regs tually over. , "The enthusiasm of; the aoldien ular volleys. It was a beautiful little knew no bounds. Cheer after cheer fight, but I went down In the beginrent the sir and a general handshak- ning, and two days later waa in a wagon turned rearward while the ar:4S. ing took place. "The stout hearted and the weak my waa miles to the front, in contact with Bragg's srmy. My wound was alike wept tean of joy. "Then wen a few old aoldien that not serious; and I had Just decided to sneak frontward, when were mute perhaps the foot that tha get out and end had cpme was too mighty jjto be something happened. Wheeler's cavalry came down on the trallT like a I comprehended all at once. "A detail from the Fifth Corn had scurrying horde of Arabs, and in a few we were told we were pristha honor to receive the armepf the minutes This-didnsuft-n- , and defeated army. ' Amidst breatKTesa oners. climbed out ef the wagon to take obalienee (it was said) the vanquished , . veterans stacked their armfi and servation.' waa wild "It seen"-looked upon. s marshed away. Nothing like- a Jeer or s taunt waa heard, nor did a word 1 soon saw there was- no chance for of exultation escape the lips of the escape. Gen, Wheeler eat on hla horse not far from me, urging hie men .to Union soldiers.- "It' waa natunl that respect and quick- action,, giving hfs main attention even pity should be felt for thlebnve to a- larger train near ns, in which bnt fallen foe, and as they . passed scores of wagons were burning. He along In front of our camp the words rode off In that direction and in not Good-by- , John- many minutes there was a diversion. Yank, and Good-by- , Climbing into the wagon, 1 saw a line ny were frequently exchanged of blue charging. , It waa magnificent, news of "The the assassination of President Lincoln waa received while and before the- wounded had been pathe soldiers were yet rejoicing over roled the train had been recaptured. "On other parts of the line our men the surrender of Gen. Lee. "One evening at dreaa parade a did not fare so well. Wheeler swept along the rear of our whole army and communication announcing the dreadful news waa read to the officers by waa in line with his command in time for the battle of December 81. He Col. Whlton. ' We were cautioned not to give the waa a scorcher. Later 1 learned to Information publicity . immediately, like Joe Wheeler very much; and I fear that trouble might en- waa glad when he waa honored by through President McKinley :and Congress, bnt sue. "Before sundown, however, the In December, 1862, and lta September news waa known throughout the camp and October, 1868, I had no use for and a state of wild excitement pre- him. He waa given too much to rushChiing in where he wasnt wanted. vailed. . .. "Troopers were at once detailed to cago Inter Ocean. guard the buildings end other proper ty about the town and to protect fami- "Aunt Lizzie GOne to Her Reward. Mrs. Elizabeth Aiken, better known f lies from molestation. "It waa a thankless work. I The to many thousands ta "Aunt Lizzie families consisted mostly of lfetnen, a name which was a sySonym for genmost of whom were bitter secession- tle ndniai ration, for bands that alleists. and they indulged in remarks viated Buffering and wftrds that ban-- , about the assassination which the ished. the fear of death,' among the soldiers hospitals during the civil oldlers could hardly endure. I Then comes tfie story of the home- war who died in Chicago, Jan. 17, ward march and the meetig at ,had. attained the ripe, hallowed age of 89 years.- - Grand veterans Army Petersburg of many of the company Just released from prisons of the throughout the land will mourn her as South. "Some of whose stories were the kindly, woman who dressed their wounds full of sadness and gave a picture of the Buffering and starvation of. the or lifted cooling draughts to their lips Union soldiers that we had never be- aa they .writhed in agony after being carried away from some fighting batlieved to be possible.. At Alexandria wives, sweethearts tle line. Aunt Lizzie Aiken was one of the and other female friends of the soldiers now appeared upon the scene, most famous nurses in the federal d making camp life at last a positive army, and her patriotic, devotion to her arduous duties is aldelight a party attended most without a parallel among her One ..Sunday church at Alexandria. It waa said to sex. She served through all the terribe the chnrch where Washington used ble years of strife la the hospitals of to worship and they were conducted Paducah, and Memphis, with hardly a to the very pew (as they supposed) break In the continuity of her work, which Washington tised to occupy. never failing, never flagging, never Beginning In the early But the charm of the adventure faded discouraged. when they were told that the church days of 61, without special training, had been remodeled several times she . became so proficient that she since Washingtons death- and that saved more lives than the surgeons, his pew had long ago been removed and was able to take up even the duto Independence Hall at Philadelphia. ties of the physicians when the emerOthers became highly enthusiastic gency arose. She left a sick husband in and while visiting the tomb of Wash-lpgto- to become a volunteer displayed groat seal In collect- the cause of freedom, and renounced ing pebble stones from the inclosute. the duties of home until there was no But their enthusiasm s bated ; some- linger- need for her in the places what when told that a cartload of where the human wrecks picked up were gathered in these, atone waa every day emptied from battlefields Into the Inclosure In order to supply swarms. .; visitors with relics. Whole Family of Coons. ... Eight coons were found hidden away T Gen. Wheeler In the 608. In'-hollow tree which was felled "I am sorry about Joe Wheeler, near West Rutland Vt.. the other dar. . i OVERLAND LIMITED . i ; the new LOB ANGELEB CHICAGO LIMITED ' Strictly Twentieth Century, Electric Lighted Steam Heated Train operating Pullman Palace Sleepers; incomparable Observation Library and Dining Care of the very Veeti-buie- Z ONLY 48 HbURST-BACtlA- KE ''-- I t CHICAGO, Ticket Office, 801 Main - City ' ' SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. . ; x - " ' 7 Beesley. MusicCo., .TO v .s-- Organs' And All Musical Instruments ;. V latest manufacture. 4Bouth Main-Stre- et, Salt" Lake City, .;' ..' Utah. St. : AMU THE KStfLtiV CUHi. Dnmksnnsaa Cured. ", A pcetttve aad pccmancet aad the optam ! li There la ao publicity, no lichaeBi dice treated as privately aa at that own hemes. The Keeley Instltato. BM W. Temple, Salt Lake Olty. UtaM. aieleMaettBeetjaiL SdOMfflt JhKlKaiL Ahaadi ealation of Sr wlantiae jnaraaL lanel eta.a Traa.SI raar: foafBaolaa.il mm kraU xewadaalaia, i . o': ' i - . V ON TOUR NEXT TRIP EAST ASK TO HAVE YOUR TICKET READ VIA o ..' . , if. - Chicago, M ilwaukee & St. Paul VA v , Railway . 4 TWO TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAGO --OGDEN TO CHICAGQJOR DENVER TO CHICAGO. ANOTHER GOOD ' ROUTE TO THE EAST IS VIA KAN- 8AS CITY AND THE FAMOUS SOUTHWEST LIMITED. NO EXCESS : - a'- - . ' FARE. " t TICKETS OF ALL AGENTS, OR OF . . ' . C. - - . S- - - , fV f P - has moved fiom Main Street to our own premises on State We like the change, Street Our trade is growing very Our Lard is nicely, and we can , give you better service, guaranteed absolutely pure. ' X - 749 Robert Sherwood. & 751 Wa Gmri Sava You Mohy. Utsh Dental Co., 234 Main Tha Moat Sellable Dmtlata In tha City. Teeth extracted without pain our ariMiqq method a. Free with other work. by OUR SPECIAL REDUCED FBX0ES. V. Gold to Will BrUnrubber). work, beat, II Gold flllluca, 11 end up. Other fllllnsatOe U 7Sa TWELVE TEARS PROTECTIVE OUAEAWmww ep.ua., Sunday 10 to 8. Phon lnL. IM; B4I. 8-k- OptUl ., aa lTM-T-- .d EXAKTEATIOE EBEE. BSiMa a Bt ! DR. KTirarwwaraar ffwwMWMwwwwiRwiBRSwsisiswwwwamamaaBRiRSiR Good Service - Good Company Good Mekls. That la the happy .trlhlty that! makes happy travelers on Rock lal id through trains. Through Standard! Blcspor daily Salt Lako and Ogdan .tol Chicago without ehango. Arrives Inti Chicago in the morning. Wo also run through tourist cars to Chicago and? 8t Louis. Steamship tickets-o- n sale to all pointa In tha Old Country.. Lot uo knew whpro you want to g0 Wo will do tho rsat "Nothing flnorS than tho Rock laland Dinar. - - - f . Both phonos 245. N. L. DREW, General Agent, E. DRAKE, Dlst. Pass. AgmL8 800 17th 8 tract, Denver, Colo.- & A. BIBLE, Trav. Past. Agt,5 100 Wcat 8econd 8outh ftL .1 or 8alt Lake City, UUh. . 'i M N . ? ew x State Street, Salt Lake City, Why Pay Aore? - v Both Phones 5ztrjmiiMiwwwRKrjtiwiwswRsiKrw.iti!KststitststitstitiDms hlgh-soule- i wsisisitiaiiiriiittrtsiaiGiiaaftriiMN SHERWOOD'S MARKET great-hearte- y. AAA - jMWsMisiiWsirtflsMaieWsiaiaititmtwraa . -. Williams. Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. ! ; . -t . .,' - I Pv MMHSMBBMWnMMdllHIMffi ' S This Includes the famous As wr Vt 1r j Wi.Jto I,,,. -- 1 Arrives. 4 Leaves.' Stations.;,;,. 11:15 a. m.V.i.'.v Mercur.;v..,il:46 p. m. 11:00 a. m.'. Summit: .1:65 p. ml 10:80 a. m., Manning .?Vli:96 p. a. 10:05 a. m.l,. FfleIdV,4.'8:ifp.in',1 V- ,'f : v"', Arrive, Leave re-mo-st $ - .. Eastbound.1 v .. r f IflL, 1906. j V i Westbound.,! .. 7 Effective December , ' . - M- |