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Show rittnri ,Vv.,-- 1 l ' ; y.' w i ' i - ' , v' ' ' " . i. :!- it s. - r. St; GeorgeHma; ' " ' . tv ELEGTRIO DRAMATI G CDMPAKY. ' v wr v - ; ' if K MEALS SEASONABLE.: JOHN PYMM; GARDENERS1' CLUB HALL.' : C. E; Jay, :' SAT.EVE.APRILI9TH PROPRIETOR: ..'''ALSO' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 AGENT FOR AND DEALER IN Fish ;Bros. Wagons; Timbers, Flows, ' 1879. Reapers, Mowers, Extras, WILL ' REPEA T for the- lastiifne ' this season , ' - ltf '' etc:'., etc. The fine DRAMA fir 4 acts, (for1 which new scenery and costumes have been preparedf) entitled: - . - v: KATHLEEN MAVQURNEEN, OR ' j UNDER THE SPELL! p Seventy-rfiv- SYNOPSIS op PLAY and EVERTS. e pages--30- IlluitT&tions, 0; with DfBcriptioua of thouBaitda of the best Flowers and Vegetables in.tbeworld.and a TwoJ Cent Interior of David O'Connors farmhouse on St. Ihtway to grow iAm-rall.Patrick's Eve, Sunset, gradually becoming postage stamp. Printed in English and Kathleen and the the letter r j 4 Acrjat, Scene 1st. 4 ( fo moonlight.' Squire Terence and Kathleen, v and ring I f ' J. ti" f Scene Act 2nd,4 I V w German, Address James Vick, Rochester, N. T 1st. Apartment in the Mansion of Bernard jKava-nag- n Kathleen i unhappy Terence's voice O'Cassidy and the certificate. Atr 3rd,' Scene 1st. Street, Kavanagh and Black Rody. Terence. Scene-and- .The Black . E.T.RIDING, BOOT & SHOE MKER, St. George, Utah'. ltf. Xhrag The grave diggers The thts and arrest Terence's knife. killing . Scene The Prison' Terence and Father OCassidy ACT4U1, . VICKS v ; f ULUSm?EI the farewell. Scene and. - OConnor's house March 17th. Tlie whole to conclude with a laughable Each Number contains Thirty-tw- o pages or reading, nanv,fine? Wood Cut lllustra- and 0 nt Colored Plate A beautiful SOMETHING ELSE t printed on elegant paDO HOT FAIL TO SEE IT information. In . English and full ojf per, and Germah. Trice $1.25 a yeir:or five Store Music at Whitehead's sale for Tickets 5. v.: . copies and at the Tithing Office j Address. James Vick; Rochester ft . Y.. 1 I ... Garden-Magazine- , |