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Show (' - r.; I ? iLir ' vii .) I tf t t . .1 ;. J ( w 1 0: i . - of i ' v.i - m , ?. . i J ' ,. ; , . .J Ik wr 4 St. Geoie,Utahj Tuesday Evening, April 15, 1879. , No. 6. f. : ; t BY f Vol. 1. i ; - i corruption and fraud;1' The Tribune continues1 hostile id. Grant and does not think that the .present enthusiasm . y . t : Special to the Telegram; 4tt forhim' willlastlong. , iv H NewYork 14,: if .. New Yprk 14. ' The 'electric light is evidently into According) accounta.business; or tWo places prcgress-bn- e terests of all: sorts and in all quarters making of amusement in the bowery wtfre are the of looking decidely country lighted tin Saturday for the first time. a m. World, The, leading brighter. r The New York Post Office will be j : If the article4 this morning, says,; lighted this week. nomYork New should of Democrats voo iji:-New York 14. inate Tilden injl 8tJo aVthe1 command The Times ;W ashington special of Tammany Hall,1 (knd stranger thinks Congress will not adjourn Jhe things have happened in New York The sm&llries's'of the DemoWorld recqom-men- d 'first; would ihe: politics;)' not only its Republican but its cratic majority in the House and ?lhe of increasing it are Democratic', readers to abstain .from) urgent 'necessity facts whieh seem to be fully appreciavoting. The World publishes ex--' ted by Sf lingers; Committee on Ejectracts from Southern and Western; Democratic Journals going to prove tions. A meeting has been called for, that Tildens nomination would be po-- ! early this week, and the work of litical suicide. The Tribune says; ihrowingrout the Republicans will There is an end of all doubt at last. begin without unnecessury delay. The Times saya, editorially, on 'its repent Every sane man knows that the vote of the' solid South is quite as vice: political enterprise Jfe hardly remuch we. may have but defiant;' sectional revolutionary; peat, that however noilr-in- g and dangerous afrit was in 1 861. It anticipated this verdict,' we did. to promote, that, however, matured has not- changed, forthe better, but has only; adopted less manly and more we may, regard it, under existing poinsidious methods. - Now- as then, litical conditions je do not , welcome zeal dr, saiishction. then, th$ it with any Vparty v i Rm pr;nifnf-';Now;'.ar U. ew.York South is made solid by infamous des renews the ap- The Tribune potisro and the Nortb is divided by -- r 1' . i . - i . h f , .. . . - h ; ; r" ' ; 1 1 ' t 1 i ? , . ' . :s-- ! 1 5 : - . s - J j . . m to-da- J I rt i y ; . . t t i . - . r.; .i'" f! n j! |