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Show fir EVEHING TELEGRAM. gUMlEMm Published eVery evening, (except Sunday,) by ). W.CARPENTfcH, in advance. Month ' c iuwjablj. v A.t 30 cen? p$r i . . i . ", Advertising Kates: 75, cents' ft line per month; 40 ds. per line- fora weelw Transient advCrt&emejts 5 cts per' line each insertion.' ' - .v -- xjiLMiiiBm r ' y ,1 J. Mi,itMMMM,fli I . s- . ' iff" ; i i : . ?! i BVENiN;a , '' &c.; done oashortptic f tr ' i HN THE ta antl.rensoij a ufe'. i...hFm.m..m Saturdk Rvening, April 12, 1879. r ..vft sj . f; r; ' !fSR rC - O! BENNETT, YV. ; exchange. HIM A C ALL.ggj BOIVB f Vi We rspebtfully invite the busibsss men of this city to step forward with their advertisements wid aid in; sustaining; the Evening Telegram. FFICE, AND UFFICE .WaRKWvHaIDTp i A J ' and Cracker Bxsoult Bread, ; O -- ' .- r if Y ' 'Jw Sl. ( George Bakery.) Flour, Grain, Butter, Eggs &c. taken in Published rery evenirg, (except Sun? y day,) ad distributed at the po .. 1 . !p .. - ins.-'- PUBLICATION, iar Corner of WASHIHM 1 &2' HORTH STS. An 3T.EORDE, UTAH. .1 a . 1 I j and Local Gives ail IhTelfgraphic I, News oflportaiice. Try it 1 f 4 . ; " f O Only - . cetmmpntb, I ' i1 15. cents, a -- Jgle copies ce'nts ! r .5 rkEAD Ill IT I BOY. - .week l . .r. Are the BEST in vxistekck V "Mi-ih.-t- ' n t ! |