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Show i : ! if a . ELECTRIC DRAMATIC COMPAHY. t CLUB GARDENERS' C. - Jay, SA;TURDiA'VJ-BVENINAPHI- iatb U -- A WASHINGTON CO., U. T. Manaor. L m fr J- A in 4 MU, Will be presented) the fine. DRAM costumes have . . . KATKLEEH MAVOURHEEH, - : :T . SPELL ! ,f ", UNDgR.rj. HE i CAST OF CHARACTERS Capt Clearfield, i- r Black llody, . . 1 Grave. Hed. Barney, . Uiggera Jr i Darby Doyle,', Dennis. J i : ip-.ye- t I and Father, : O.Cassidy-t- he - f SCENE'ln'd. i7th - James Booth. April 10; 1879. ; i . ; j: ? . . H. MOQTJAE.KJB, CABPSNTKB & DlllLDES. : Tickets for sale at AVhiteheads Music r. snd at the Tithisg Office. . ( V o . . t.v- respectfully give notice that I shall quit work. in St George on theA laM day. of April, for t this.. year, 1879. lliivirg just received Jfew Instruments, 1 am nojL only prepared to give satisfaction :to one, but-t- all, in Am-br-e type, and Photograph Pictures adteRer knife. arrpst-jTercu- cus h t I j:yr The 4 )ie .'Cnigahc ; yThe.JIlacK OConnorShouse--Marc- . ' , farefcvelL ' ? ' A ,wrt mm ! Prisorf-Tere- acf J yrzxzi 'I.. SYNOPSIS oy PLAV and EVENTS. Act. ist, SpaNKUt. , ...; OConnors farmhouse on St. David Interior of Patrick's. Eve; Sumtr gradually , becoming moonlight. Kathleen, ahd the Sqiufe the letter and ring Terence and Kathleen. ' ' ' Act and, Scene ist Bernard Kava; Apartment in the ;M&nsion of voice- -; Terences nash-- r Kathleen, unhappy Cassidy aiil the certificate; Act 3rd, Scene ist. Street, Kayappghqd Black Body. Terence The t v, Letters! of .Administration baying been, issued toiti undersigned by the Probate Court of Ibis Coimty9jipon the Estate of CommodorePerryLis--ton- , deceased, all persona having claims against s a id Estate are hereby notified to present them, duly authen fica tjedp' within fOurmomhr'lrom date hereof and ( ell persons tming Vtiid Estate1 or e it quested to Settle their ' y . killing and the i lr 1879. vSnSli Y1 ,n A. Kcstam. Mr. . . .. Miss JessJc:B. Johnson, Miss'Porothy.Kayinagh,. ..Miss . Mi Jphnon. Soldiers: '? i - rf F Farnsworth, .. j Si. Geqrge, IL T. Apr Officer,. t Kathleen OConnqr,. ! : Moses. Turnkey,. . t-- indebtedness forthwith'. Elizabeth R. i Litton, Mr ... Mn W. Hunter. HJ ' Dw - ,'fH . n;.i iS,. 'A,. ; (for which new scenery and been prepared,) entitled : probat e Court OF HAIL; Lxsssx' - - IN ;tore ALL WORK GUARANTEED, .. , ;, - .. - v8TCEOROE UTAH.; i i |