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Show ', V : . v- - J-- - ,p ' i fcJT . 'i- .' I tll !' f EVEHIHQ .TELEGRAM: . 0! : V ') ay$ CARP ENTER,'. , i , i -- t!V At 56 cents pcir Month? invariably in ad vance. I4 f Rates :75 cents a line pet ct P line for a weeks.' Transient , advertisements 5 cts per line each insertion;' '&0.Z&0. General Wood and Iron 1 1 fl" 1-l- Scroll-sowin- g. J Warren Hardy. ro X r C. W. BENNETT, Bread, Biscuit and Cracker . THE EVENING , . TB LBS' RAM . ( St. George Bakery .) Flour, Grain? Butter, Eggs &c. taken in o- - exchange. Published every evening, (except Sun day, and distributed at the PO FurxxmjBTi' Ripping &c., done on short notice and reasouabta'tpnr.si 2nd North Street, East of town.jTi . ' ,i Friday Evening, April 11, 1879. . .! V ! EAdvrtiitff a .... r4&VW IftSMfM$! I. T 5 Published everyevealngv? (except Sunday,) by ; ,? 1 T S O HIM A CALL. gGIVE ELEGTRID DRAMATIC COMPANY. FF ICR, GARDENERS AND (IFF1C8 OF . C. E. Jay, PUBLIC ATION - CLUBJIALL. - Lessee & Manager. SATURDAY EVENING APRIL rath Near Corner of 1S79. ? Will be presented the fine DRAMA in 4 acts, (for which new scenery and costumes have been prepared,) entitled : WASHINGTON & 2d. NORTH STS. i ; . i KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN, 8T. GEORGE, UTAH. -O- Gives. all the Telegraphic and Locaj News of importance. Try it I nly 50 cents a month, week I 15 cents a Single copies 3 cents BUY IT! READ IT! UNDER THE SPELL ! t3?A play which had a run of over 300 night when first presented in London, England.SEl . . R-- DO NOT PAIL TO SEE: if I I u Tickets for sale at Whitehead's Music Stoic and at the Tithing Office. |