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Show 0 ' r1 fi , ; r HV' from t8frxommittdeiiis'from!daj .day, until finally disposed of. the tojgaintakethe Second place ofmaniJ There is Presidential iicVet. fold evidence that he. has said this V " London 10. ' With, an1 evident willingness: that it should be published. Reports come from Kieff that the political, prisoners there.,are cruelly ; treated, andi.msny h&ye;rbeen , sljqi .i .i Peadwocd n. ' while attempting to escape. A party of Indians attacked SerA dispatch . 'from Rangoon, says1; jeant Kennedy, lateinal Observer The Burmese. Government wishes for at Be&dwood, and a private soldier peace, but large masses of Burmese named Bader, of the 2nd Cavalry. soldiers, aye . moving towards the The two men were eating lunch at Loughov garrison which has not been Mezhoh, 46 mites from Fort ; Keogh, reinforced. their, destination, whfcn fired' tipon. Bader vras instantly killed and Kenne: i, dy badly woiinde i The latter crawl' London 10. ed into the brush and kept the Indians The Standard has good reason for off with' a six shooter until assistance stating that France and England will arrived. Bader was scalped. Kenfirst approach the Khedive in a firm will probably recover. bat friendly manner and afford him nedy an opportunity to retrieve his deplor-abl- e blunder. Should he fail to himself thereof, the porte will be i T seritiusly invited to take the matter inI hereby give notice that 1 shall to consideration. quit wprk in St, George on the last day of April, for this year, 1879.' New York 11. Having just 'received New InstruThe cry for Grant in the Republi- ments, 1 am not only prepared to give can party does not come merely from satisfaction to one, but, to all, in office holders, past, present, or pros-pe- c and Photograph Pictures. live, though' that class 19 substanJaues Booth. tial ly awaiting in his favor. April 10, 1879. r i tr . 1 . ; ( . , i a-v- ail LATEST! . i I 1 Am-brety- i - , Chicago 11. The Tribunes Washington special says there is a great deal of .agitation among the Democrats at .ihe author; ized announcement from Gov. Hendricks that he will not consent to a-- ' ps f R. G. KEOQVARRJS; &. BUILDER, ALL, WORK G UARANTEK .CARPENTER. 8T. GEORGE, UTAH. I. |