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Show k9 EVBNIN G vr ;,tii No. 1 '. ' ' am St. George, Utah, Friday Evening,' April ll, TELESRAPH. Special to The Telegram. - - . j m . , 4 ! r t 4 1 4 Vo). 1. . 0 E During a thunder-stora meteor, which looked while in the air, about a foot in diameter, fell to the groud on the south side, bursting into many pieces, just before striking. It was white with heat and the fragments resemblod clinks. 0' ; Glaring against two leading candidates. The Republicans favor the nomination of Blaine, and1 Democrats would be best suited with Thtirinon, blit would vole For any one that is likely to be nominated. California. last evening, Chicago 10. . i879. l' BY .0 Blaines position on the bill endeared him to the Cal. heart and his name is now in highest favor with the Republicans but Grant is so nearly there with him that circumstances may turn the scales. The Democrats are nearly -- Anti-Chinee- se . . solid on Tildes. 4 Oregon. In Oregon as in CaliforThe Times has sin article of 3S col- nia, Blaine lias strengthened himself among (he Republicans by his support umns, with views from every State in of the .bill, and adarge the Union, on the political situation, majority of the party prefer him to where in it is proved that the Repub- anv Candidate. The Democrats of the licans' first choice for the next Presi- State appear to be entirely suited with dent is Grant, and that the Democrats Tilden and will support his munition." -- o will be compelled to accept Tilden. Washington 10. The Times lakes it for granted that The House yesterday, by a decidifmade a tremendous Congress has sive vote of 130 against 09, authorized its three Finance Committees, ference in favor of Grant. The ing. opinions, interesting to the Pacific namely, Banking and Currency, Ways and Means, and Coinage, to report Const, are embodied in the Times ar bills any time, ar.d provided further iicle : that a simplo majority of tho House Nevada This State holds an ex- may make what are known as conceptionable position on the list dc- - taining orders for consideration afbiils New York 10. v w 1 Anti-Chinee- se . |