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Show ; EVEHIHOTELECSAH-.- i Published every evening,' (except Sunday,) W. CARPENTER, ,J. ly j ' Invariably in advanceI ty"AdvcrtisIr.gf Rates 75 cents a line per iniitiih ; p ets. per line fpr weeks.' . Transient iine ad vrti sements 5 els per each insertion. ; At 50 cexits per Month," , 4 ' - . i , 1 1 ' VVedncsday Evening, Aprii 9, 1879. vvg,''V ',-- - J GenefkT n6Viand:I ron Tinning Scrnl!-- b 4 wing, Rippirg &.e, d9i'e ouUort notice and reason ah' e tVhw. 2nd North Street, Eaft of town..rtj 1-- 1 ID 1 : ?. WaRRKN HaUDV. Bread,; Biscuit and 'Cracker ' AM . G--F ' ' C. W. BENNETT. EVENING TELE piJPPpCG - V! ? 1 THE ' b ( SL George Bakery. ) Flour, Grain, Butter, Eggs &c. taken in n- - exchange. GSTGIVS HIM A CALT,.'gJ) Published every e venirg, (except Suti day and distributed at the 1 ELEQTBIO DRAMATIC COMPANY. POST OFFICE, if; OFFICE OF K C. E. Jay, PUBLICATION, . . Near Gorner of & 2d. . NORTH STS. t - - - Lessee & SATURDAY EVENING APRIL . WASHINGTON CLOB HALL. GARDENERS AND r Manager. 12th 1S70. Will he presented the .ine DRAMA in 4 nets, new scenery and costumes have (0r whichbeen prepared,) entitled : . KATHLEEN MAVOiNNEEN,: -- OR- ST. GEORGE, UTAH. , Gives ail the Telegraphic and Local .New8 ofimportai.ee. Try it ! UNDER THE SPEDT-!- " , C:ily 60 cents a month, week .. . 1 : BUY 15 cents a Single copies 3 cents IT! BEAD IT! play which had a run of over 300 nights 3 when first present! irf London, England. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE IT ! ! ! i 0 I Tickets for sale at WhiteheaV MuV.c Mere and ,at the Tithing- Office. j - . |