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Show 0 has been received that the Gheyennes $ are on the war path; They Broke from camp and started in the.di- ' . fir reclion of "Western Kansas; r r f i-w-ay Vienna dispatch states that the rinderpest is increasing in Bohemia, Sevei al hundred places is now affected Agriculture in many parts is at a standstill, draught cattle being locked up whenever the disease occurs. A Leeds is at'piesenl a perfect 'Are the BEST in existence garden- The apricots are as large as peanuts, while the apples, peaches, etc will soon be tempting enoughfor first-clacase small boy 8 to catch :of the cholera morbus. Miner 1 -spot. ss LATEST We respectfully invite the business men of thtfr city to step forward with their advertisements and aid in sustaining the Evening Telegram. t I hereby give notice that I shall quit work in St, George on the last day of April, for this year, 1879, R. Having just .received , New Instruments, I am not only prepared to give satisfaction to one, but to alt, in Am-- ALL WORK GUARANTEED. . . , bretype and Photograph Pictures.' James Booth. April I0r 1879. ASir Subscribe for the Telegram. J i MGQWARRIE, CARPENTER & BUILDER, 8T. GEORGE, UTAH. |