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Show I i EVEHIHOTELECRAMr Vr ' - , Published every evening, (except Sunday,) by j. ceils W, CARPENTERi .1 V. wfJ w ? v a n ' ' , -f n i v. ,7$ Wnod and I rori General Timing Scroll- is'wlng. Ripping &c., done on short notice " ! - amBnaMnaaHBfiMWMiNMHmaanaaaMBaHHB 'amt 1 . rnsoiih ' i Friends and patrons, wo present you the first number oP our little Telegram, hoping it will meet with your approval, and lhat you will use your influence to induce your friends and neighbors to subscribe and pay foi'.it one month, if they have no!, already done so. Our terms are in advance, rnd we hope that those who have not . paid their subscription that they will hand , : : e terms. Street, East of town, (6?,?nd.Nortli : Warren Hardy. i Moptlay Evening, April, 7, :1879. SALUTATORY. t Kl PPING ;SOKO,IrSAWINa, .r V? &C. &6.y k. 'rS 4 !'- :..r-.f5nr&sraireA'- Montli, invjxri&bly.iii advance. p$r ' ' .i aB Hates cents n. line, per Advertising month ; 40 pts'. per line 'for 2 weeks Transient advertisements 5 cts per line each insertion. At 50 !, C. W. BENNETT, Bread, Biscuit and Cracker ( St. George Bakery.) Flour, Grain, Butter, Eggs &c. taken in . exchange. IQGIVB HIM A C A I LL.J) Dramatic Co: lEGTRie CLUB HALL. GARDENERS it over immediately so we may bo enabled to meet our liabilities We rospectfully invite the business men of thic city to step forward with their advertisements and aid in sustaining the Evening Telegram. C. E. Jav, - - - Lessee & Manager. 1 Have IN PREPARATION the exquisite MUSNCAL DRAMA, entitled, KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN, OR- - UNDEIi THE SPELLS J2TA play which had a run cf over 300 light when first presented in London, England. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE IT , 1 Date and Cast of Characters will be announced J improper time. . : i |