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Show lv : Mi l .,igi mmm in Ill It! .: 0:;:;;: VOL. l.-f- LAKE SALT 41. lo. X;:'?.. ',ji t-- 'i .'''i FEBRUArt TUEGDAY MOnniriC. UTAH. CITY. r- ,W Cntff Per 1878. 19, Ooveruineut bonds, except by the jae knowlttdnivnt j that the apprehouded diaiwttroiii eonfteqaeiicea of the- euact-uie- nt of the tSilver bill upon public credit Lad Iweii vastly ' exaggerated, s It is conceded that 'the ailver coin certificates provided by Booth amendment, although made receivable .for. public dues only,' will practical y be accepted an full legal tenders for all private debts aud :be .employed in businesN tranauc-tion- s to precisely the same extent as National bank notes ' V;''.7.':' Tfeie St. JLhikIs Dos; Hkew ; 18. The Louis St. .Lorn, February bench show open at the rink on Tuesday., morning. The regulaX' premiums 3,UUU cauli, oesides which aggregate there arc offered in special prizes $3,U0U in money and sporting articles. The number nearly a thousand dogs and the aliow promises to bo the' largest ever held in the. country. ' Sevonteen setters and poiuicrs from the best keu-ne- ia vof JSuglond,. brought over in the City pf Berlin, are en. route to the "show and will arrive Tuesday by special cars Nine-tentof the entries are morning. Kportiug dogs..; The exhibition will lust four days. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. FOREIGN Ma-WS- . 'FwiiTnmica-lV'- 3l FVbjrmuy";; 18. J MtSCELLANEOUS. MERCHANDISE. GENERAL Steamer Old Colony,; from New York 8. H. LEWIS. for Fall: river this morning, when off lVlint Joiicm Thiuks of the I Object of the Point The Prime t Judith, broke her walking beam, la Kllvwriflill Xow? v?q; ATTOBXEY.AT.XV.,.Cra BUY jl-t- f her machinery to the extent Alliance. damaging Triple of 97,60M. No onjB waa injured. :.The JAMES N. KIMBALL, accident was one of the : most serious Flood and Storms Terrible A Iost which has ever occurred in this vicinity. Couple Spliced OAec ottr AT LAW. Royal ATTOBXET Un-Ih Culiibritlu, It is a matter Of, general thanks-givin- g tank. Salt Lmk City. f Vv "'y- :'Nia?ht.-;:thatlives wre- lost. The no of the after end walking beam, together S. J. JONABSON, Teu Mongolians vlrowned with the anadkKf bar and connecttng Old. Bismarck A TTOBSFV.iT.l.lV. Oflri onixwita Walk. j rod, went crashing through the upper In the: Flood. Jt. mt Bratiwn' Dank, bait Lak City. -I'tah. Hornpipe. deck thence ; through the. main stair P.O. Box, Ui. ' ease, carrying the floor of the deck inside of the doors leading lo the stair F.TlLTOBD. Hmi, A Great Dos - bliow in Chi AnMliin The ease along with it into the: hold below, Populace TILFORU A HAGAN, where it brought up with great fores Slankcriuc For Gore. the KT8 - AT - LAW. OfflfM In keelson, and it is a wonder the upon ATTORN UuildinK. Main U. otw Waafeva mass of iron did not break through huge Imc L Bion Telrgratb Utnc. and sink the vessel. The the bottom Sax FuANciico, Fvbrauiry 18.Thciro V the Triple Alliance. force of the fall ean best be imagined Object Where ThAv Are u th han atomi dtiring biu very luavjr, - IVokdoji, lfecaiCK M. Kaiomx Cham. K. Oiuuni. Vienna when it is takeqinto consideration that February 18.--List Vwtuty tour y- lionni, .f extruding aays Bulfda eagerly deferred the broken Iron; wejghiug ' upwards of G ILGHRIST Sl kAICHN, thiuughuat UiV btatt. t A disputcli iron ' Prince Bismarck's views when the twenty tons, fell from an cisTOtion of to a EiH-W and Collectlanaenta. JavJtwinVAiinulur couutj', jtay b thcrrii u latter, at Austria's solicitation, intimated forty to fifty feet, vof Jaoknoa creek, hall of Uua CuineiM iika tatf, UkU; was strainto ho " Gortschokoffthai Prince IX a general Law ISaMnraa. uivc aitvial at;'' A Kerkme Fir, iiwepi away and eight qaaitiAt were tention tu Land and Mlulug Matter. Sutmrf CilMMUtH'D ing ; the ' situation ' beyond reasonabfo ftlUL tWU WVU1CU Mi Buowu t. New Yonx,' February 18. This eten-in- g jl-la i4hMi. bounds. A rupture between Austria and minor be uiuwu.d. CunxiJi-ntldt- i broke fire a out in a six story 'iron Itussia was imminent a week ago, and in front KncU Jrnui r is oi knowu.as the Excelsior tiuviiuu Mpaipwaed nil ExpraaS building sr prupeiiy by RotMry an Augio-Auof the u Kaiserbaud, ; place .'v. Mriairr. Twenty-thir- d Block, street, near Second qiuurivM. UpjMrr buvcauiencu ltiver X'. on the poiut of Aveuue. A L V W. New Yobx, February 18. The Times tnan combination wasSuited office orcr t c i vcq iuii uudii ulkhI learid. The street Twenty-thir- d BisATTO RNETS-Prince established. It being huu vt X. K. Jcimm, Main tn I, men were three on ehuxch Chicago and the says dispatch east, VimtfM Presbyterian iS-. Btlwrm aad Bait Lake City. marck to a certain extent that Austria tho Scotch ; Coveuters nrreatvd there fur robbing a package Praabytsriaa be ' 18. should but at variance, ThV aud liussia it San Fuixcxbvu,'' iVUruary. 35.UIH) on tht Union Pucitiu mil Sdvruitii-uiwas altogether contrary to his calcula- church 'on the west sid s were entirely titer w Li;;lier iiiiH moruing wuy.iu Augticft, is7. was lue juoiiey destroyed.. Total, loss is variously 'i'iio Awm rrcuVered.;;. It is --- LAW. Ofiic tklnl 'duor Uiuii I'VtT lK.ivre iaiuwu r.n ucconi- - tions that Austria tohouid form a separate that from half a million to a.:, million ATTOBSET AT nuA of ulliauce:' tiiti not he with and had iMMrrMilauk. cu jivcr lit very Liii, ruh tilice in the robbery was the express ine England, dollars.1 The. third and fourth floors of w.tirr ayiiitiht tU IvVeu ojiiiBito ..i:x senger on the Union Pacific ruilro id and been appealed to in time, he would have the Excelsior, building were, occupied as : the German before himiwlf expressad - and .: oftiot-rJ. D. LOIWA)(, have to drill rooms by the an Omaha, gone armoryKvi-ris tichtiibid us Parliament in terms that" would have 'Or- of hiu. reuiment the National guard. Eighth Laia Citj, l Uh. iutun, s. YTTOBXEl'-AC-LAW.Smade matters periectly clear tor all i.ir-tie'niud; .io .iVVi'ut it ;f The building was built in 1870 by James lllll fa Oati th Hoa ; There are wide still A shcCviw. and tktiti with fnr divergencies ii. crevnsHe, JLugersou, aunng ine .:.auya:. oi tne ill ihe loret uu tho .'iT'.AVASHiNcsTusr, Felrnry, 18. The Sen between Ilussia and Austria. E M. BAMMUM, ruak Ljih ate bill Silver ttcut to the llouae -- Pnuce Biaiuarek will' complete the Tweed ring.' and is said to have cost will be rivt-1'olu ubout h imlt iliu Kide ti , Salt Laka Uty 400,000. A rol.er skating rink Was beATTOBXEV-ATAW"being nlready eujrosstil lor reconciliation, at the Congress. bektw WHsbiugtun whicli b:i umowiint t Mr reiifVttl Building. ' that puriiose. v .lt.w uuilcrstood thatlho up in it aud the workmen were t Kuuland must look to herself. She ing fitted the iretuurr mi- the y bill of us busy the the using hot air in preparation passed by has iuterests at stake which she will in the iiiutiBtuiiM uud provirsious ' has benate-vurof thu floor, to the ::;':,..:::;;::p:,:.:i-;J. .M.HOLLAND. M. D.t V. D. ' ruining h kiiuwing I tiot-liiliuccoptable : 5.'. ' generally be i called upon .to defend. j. j aviSy m ilia, v.iiiiya nul certainly in tha Home, thougfr members' Thcro is not a statcsmun on the contilliu Mire. ui4 iiuiv 'risi-i- i riif inajoi-itPHYSICIAN. ii Acute and HOMEOPATHIC .off tmiitt-ur-- I col iiayc. will uudouot nent, outside those 'directiy concerned, m i aJ ly CniCAdo, February 18. The Journal, itity. bufiauiviitu City, i uaJoulnouly ill ttvor a mothiicatiou lew, So. fa, aldtt vulrauvtt to Xa lur Uuu. off tue paru- - that dues not admit the chief jtfd'.y urge of i.rt1' d but 'onsiJtjiitt.i" object imao KvviiTf, siecial : says a : meeting of Wasiiiugton yjo-- A ' wanh i;raih restnctinir couiagt- - to a luiiuaiiiiu alliance be to the annihilation the flic and will be held thrtniiioiit Silver Unimi vuiivy.the lorli:d triple vi two niiliious and a maximum of four of British iutluonco abroad. discusJ. ft. CitAWFORD, a out uu tlivi i'iM&t-rTiltiiTvaiKto ruiinoiis i. in., session stormy ad expected lODiithly. Iudications. at ...pres- A Berlin dispatch apparently coniirms sion over the Senate amendments. The jiwi. abtive.' i'iMiiu. iii- siu;-p-.- u DENTIST, tcuiid bourn bt. uwr tlur Pubt rilivui, two ure.. will houses that the unite eiu VVi:l. i a of the foregoing. It says, it Union intend to reach an agreement on Uutt.1. Abridge d is pomon if Prince Bismurck will the bill btfom: the House: votes, on it, doubtful par Cit vii tnu v;untiru:u t:j;d lv&ou upon a iiueasuiv which can bo "V: Of the make a full exposition of his Eastern The Couimiilee 8UFFfcREt FOM I OO 2 it.ii;d an i trraii to WW Wlirailahd. l.avv ?7f th.? :vU. on the District of Col KT"? ll will probably hold a cauctts on policy iu the lieichstag on uJ t s.v. llfl'U The tracX lie s..uih floor WMntlt'l umbia for the rest of the the haw Tuesday. " ffllaJr alki.Wr 1"B. S. H. CAWSOX, Dentitf. Lnipwrlunt . t.'a.lli ITfilla to ex- day according to the speaker's decision will probably be moio will tntr.! tveta WlUi tut uruat- - eiucru ih cJQi i.t i. uuuer waifi. X Baildiuir. t paaalula vanr. , Call afca aw Inui. tMe-Auita uud t'(iui.a a hf iii CI plain his views conlideniiidly ut one of inr, .aumd nwvr, uuivnuui jsuiiuluy. hi purliameutary soirees; NEWS. tuiiige 15 tul i:iig. tv.i4. citriicd, awy C0rJ3RSSIyNAL TSLEUnAPUIC BR&V1T1BM aiid two iuil of track-- are uiuU-r- dwii The United Stalvs aud Cmrr. ;S Tue bust in the rity. J wttit'r. bmtill wash oiiU aii along tilt1 li at-- , A raris dispatch says two iron-dad- s jlOOT MAKER. tu Losoos, February 18. The ObtTvtr uuur uortliol CWuor' lhvi itsviri? 14 bidvu onioi , AJ 8aiie. Lloyd miMfed Wheat luuJ from the. French snuadron at ; Smyrna to believes Kiistia has. rtprcseutod Eng .ji-t- i tuiUmg. Try iuyd'a uuctH. tiu ltrtir rircruiud tlir traris cirnod away 'i Wi:ijxoTON, Fubvuary is a grout have goiie to tho entrance of tho Dar United that the Mates land, ill i'Vei'nl llOiti; ..Si IrjiUH tu d.iy of the ritixens.of maritime Power aud should "P'--.'PprcswuUil a participate dauellcs. hu.raUiniu uud Voilfj'). 'Jiite V'nvri'u couuty. Indiana, praying for the iu obnot has FRAhK FOOTt, An Enfaula (Ala.) disnatch so vs four congretis. England bridge bt i.iw iMvisTido is throw out oi renionclizatitfu of thu Kilver doll ariw ml halt lk .iry. aint. lias taKen advantage ut tue tceu stores at". Midway, Bullock eouaty, but ARSaTEK. Jifcia jecteu fr.-u- i drilt. uud ;iu." Th of uUiii act. tha oi fr.it reral Mue. iiLiii;ubIe resumption to suggest that Grei-c- ulso be Alabama, wcre: burned htst night; Jobs, aUution p.t-- ti Muiti burtlea" aua i: 1: cat np Hint ., uill ! referred to proiosal It to allowed take part in the congress. Utttlauf "tlillilun." Itauiyli-- mtut I1X4U uio Nof.h.Tii id t i Fire caused by a kerosene guO.Olh).. piid V.Yat-i-r- a t!i 1'oaiuiilUe on Finance, under the t.avi l HtoptJ. 'l"hi; itt!iia U.;ui rtlutun stated that Itussia has suggested lamp. "' is It ..' .; on fwliuwiutt day. Cuar la Fast Seeoming u:e a!l hg ii. ia.st clftQ. i'.n.itio r iwaMUabltt. of removPorte tho to the ..desirability jv-jA uuii drtiiu iv v....Voirhevs The ropaal of the specie London Ctiusid rututf dispatch coiiflutiug flays the Mussulman population frjui wiitfi- hi toiU-vtoact is yet to come, and I hape it will ing iu tlirf expLinatious are given of the reason and v: SALT LAKE LOi NO. I. Bulgaria. ' r :.' character of. the German.. intervention ul Siu-- uat'Hi.' city owI:y to the i .soiu . from". HlMlater Laynvd. which j seems to have tided over the OF UOXOB. JtfcU W0-- . bduw ths . Yiu A rtsolntion, that : the ' 8etiRte should A Telen-rnry it hut,. Lid 1TEMPLE lily. . 7 iuuij4 uVWk.at C'ikk-r'lirMiay.aTviuujcat jiitii' t hM-k- . '"' LiutDOS. February 18. I u the Hoyse tveeut crisis. Th.trtti..:.' , Church at Sir eoniil-- r the lulls on the cakiidar not :Cv T:X ' , tlviWll of l IJclfU-lLords to.'-this W:l2 a wea biWII afternoon read Viri:iu Truixiiar ' l d irf.lll:ty, .. to tn, Nup attt liii. Dtrby aTi luvilj cU.lij 4AMM OOut05. i. C. i'. Tiu-- 1js.I1 to ouaMc the Indians to Lut niriii. niiJ vttUittvteiii'i't miiKr di::i- tck'gvam from Layard, denying for hiui- -' MISCELLANEOUS LC.14 J. SKUiCV. W. it. ciuJt-.-nand Server Pasha the statement wns fakcu up daring the. aelf ji;ti . . '. t no:uc uajs i y Ij ;iV .!Ul .i.;: i::s i.Sjiy io b.' ngo wiai o fiver j U:U-ibyto hpoxe tn uioiuiiig L'jnr, uud CcT&fJi.lAL R E if T AU Ail T. 'i it inn iii iloU: utorninj. of thl Pashii declared that p Turkey had o'n'LtiMi. At tb: exim-alio1 as a itauract i th.: rear f 'XlliEitEia Air-tiiH:nj Xv t t!ih Iiiiuruiu;; hoiii further ejuhidtriitioii of bcu mislead aud encouraged to lijht bv in 14 '4eh aalHoa. ru- ha bill WmK po:.tpu.ii-till Monday by j.V.t.j. of Mlvvr. itf Uilit lat. VltvU next:-;- c K 'juit a Kauuni Meal. VUhlitUiiui;I:y j iiVi.w iVtFi'vtsv 18. Xht-rChalfvie introduced a. bill; to iirovide GERMANY. . V . ; ; tW the Uoclioti o Uov. rnor,' Secretary, , .77 ..TOUB.. . V 1re consiilvied Jiji tiiate- - Laud otner Terruori:tl olliccn. ju the uev- - r S Another Rayal SXarrlas-ebill to the JiiuM f HEAL ESTATE AUEN'CLBd. . Territories. Ileierred. t DEBtist, February 18. The mani 1 ! Ukl ll'iUiUji If . ..! Princess Charlotte, daughter cf th of ... , resolution to; Iho . t.i.t. ...iiii... :'i.L inquirb ...jj.Vt. a a v v. r aWtnv ujt nn Miti riiMJUi tu.1 Crown Prince, fand granddaughter of to the' IcjiHlAtum into uceded; prevent ' lu;y ui the Treasiii-- is' t.vi riiCiinl to the intxiHluction of yellow lever luto the Queen Victoria, to Bernard, hereditary the hitvi-- utter ct:iim,.e, but may COUbtry . L. . VA & CO., S. :':.. ';j:;; Prince Duchy of Saxe Meinigoa, uuil of it i tue treasury aiuiply va ietition of the Priucehs Elizabeth, of Prince Cameron prebeuted u:.iu lit- - h'nil htte VxliiiUMi-t- l the prin AiiiPiicau Iron aud riteei Atrsociatiou, Frederick Charles, todaughter herediAugustus, eut KtUy luihiitUs surplus oi gold how iu rviuonHtratin ch iuge iu the. tary Priuco of the Grand Duchy of any ajaiust thu itviKury uud any .. uddjiioual gold STOBK f! (iBocEBT rates of - duties on : imports; Oldeuburge; are to be soltiuiiiMed this nviuu,- - tht io.iv' : bis riinivid. .. This present - v.;. .:": v,;''-llfferred. : evening. The ceremony will bo would bi- - iii ftcconlituve with therxampk at 7 o'clock in the chapel of the K. D-- : T: .'i'.-f-;.;:llaev off France w Lfch has ""been l cadily re- E K I E II , ; Old Palace. The King aud Queen of WAsaisoToiti February' 18. The Sil- the ccivujg silver aud payiug out sold. 'It Belgians, Prince of Walts, Duke of ver bid,, with ..the - Senate amendments, iitiKs, tnerelor-- , as ii Mivtr jnnuimu Prince of Orange, heir to Connanght, fcauuot bi lnndj effectual for at it- leirst was retur ed to the IIoiiso: immediately the,', tlirone of : the Nctherlftnda, Practical Tailor, nud . two Ti 1 to ciiue. nnlcHH' the of after the. coiiiiucJiceiueiit of the session mauy. tier man Have Urn iijraann- - to i.ffer t.t tfcflr and a royal nicely pi "a iid.-itfatrunji lacwl ttpouthe Speaker jer ; their- torce todnv, and romout ligation con sonuges nave arrived, to witness tho J of j m bUsiuc-- s . the ir.. W JgwlAtibt' table, with onief A of the miurrutge.-unique feitui'e ili.-fLiilI be : uvowidiv and which has iiieccdence. After the read' fentivitics. ISiiAineiiM Properly, which have been devised on A fo-- dttors below: the': ralsre Bath Honse, ' ' XT Ja. was roll X XV called .uiLt-.orCuiuuiercial street, t preband sad is inilation. It is tlyub.cd ini of the icnruul, the in a grand iunle,,will be a triiditioUi'U dance oat the iiilU. taming wiil j uhituertue luaj 'T'w nnjii i;4v ite of twelve Ministers of the niy bt cither hou: 't'ho bill ct'iuiiicns itlng f Ooorge 1L by torchlight to aiiuidy theiiMi lvca ' by at KlCisant iCeititleiieos, jvousent Bismarck will tuke Cabinet. Emperor's . I taurbtiiir in instruct ttUi adnuuistnttkm '.?.:.-'Giddiiigs f tv mail service rendered priir part iu the wttdding festivities, aud to iiuy the interest ou the debt iu silver. to the war, wa& passed; yeas 152, nnys walk at the hood of the ministers iu the Fine-Co- t . OF j whilo thu tru.utury has jfolJ-It is urged taCH, Cerexaouial dance. v X, t)n" motion of Ewing the Bland Sdver hat if lue treasury xj;iiuiiuns : the ijosi Imu siiggiated uutil Uia proposw-- iutcr-n- bill, with Ihe S. nate ameudnuntA. was Cheap IIouMCM RUSSIA. noiiiereiiee sui!l have established ordered Minted. Oood ats cuarauteed at t&s Lowest Possible word introduced The' following bills coiiuunu rates as between , the two met .'' '.,r Disappointed. and als, cojipr.rtively little harnf cari flaw and referred:.St. from our "silvur remonvtiZittiou,. exci-p- t Bv. Mr. Kobcftson A resolution of is the Petersucuo, February hero bt disaiiointmcnt "' favor of .the cuuso greatest aoects ' our the Louisiana Assembly iu jLjOte' Etc.," in no rar as ? it tho " people expected the moral AND BZPAIRXSiO DOKW. Bland the 'crudit Silver aud abroad bill and 1'acifio checks Texas refunding ' support of ( Germany whereas now they k v ' hunr that tho of Germany in At pricett tbat dufy cosj&prtltlon. PraiprcUuf tii Mirer Hill FurtWar By Mr. Sou thai d A joint resolution of his. speech fromEmperor throiiii referred to the lrtut hcnslar Jaam the Ohio Lceisutture. uecjanns mat the programme of the. CoiiKtantiuople Washitcotox, February IS. Scttaior t t ir Ilnres and Secrelary Shet confercucu as basis for settlement. y . belief that Jones the xiirt;sriui onuobiti'iu to the Silver their maij:riii Wa nave also a few piccvii of all the Senate Hmcudmcnts to the Silver bill, do not renreseut the views of the CURED. bill will bt adopted by the lliiu'e to- ueoultf of j Ohio. . . J M. SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CHEAP, morrow under a snspeuHion'of the rules. ; liy Jlr.ltiddle AO proniou uie orgamOenth, of Kxplorers. lit says hn has no doubt that the liec- - uttiou AU rafferers from this Af sesm tbat are anxious aro tho of national banliing associations Bbussels. February: 18. An official to bn enred sbimid try DH. XlSMtElttl CELE BECAUSE T'lSnwSbT retury t the Treasury,: will efflcii-iiiOn the fnstaliinent plan.. xistintf laws, and the under CoXliVMPTIVE POWDEKM. Thr.-the UUATEb telegram from Zanzibar annouur-ecarry k:i rroaiws Into ill-.cby ntuu of. those how in operation. nreiue tnst known will powaer nniypreparation . Crefitt-1cure OONHUUPriuS aad all diseases of tbo tug tli the available capacity ; of tho Bv Mr.Burchard To iiromote tfte ae- - deaths there of Mm. Mars and of r silver pohit. of savings ana tue reiunuing tn who were sent by the King of tho Bel thuuat asu liUHUStndeeil. no strong Is niiuts for- the our faltn in theia, aad alan to convince yon tnaf gians to explore tho interior of Africa. Iioan and XkTerotiato BXoney bullion, i aud thit, in the event of th national debt. .:'.; tbey are no uauitrag, me will forwanl to eve oTUacr's munifetsving any dispositlou that Bv Mr. Coriett To incorporate a post uald. a yUEKTBlAL U11T. sufferer, ' We dun't want to restrict silver coinage; to the base National Pacific , Raihroad.: : ; , your money until you are pen "fV On Beat Estate at loweat ratas. fectiy satisfied of their curaUvs ponrs.'flf mininiuni of two- - niiliious per mouth, At 2 o'clock Oie floor was awarded IS your lire is wi;rth saving, dont delsy In glvlug which seems to the Chairman of the CommittUeof the BECAU8ETIPUSm"l? Erescribifl by thubvbill, rl sume members of the District of Columbia' for district busi tv.v i?? you. v ?'f SoxE. v'February 18. Manning De tare Price, for law box, S3.00. mni to any part of for be will i either it any . very House, nrness. falloux an about tue endeavored United Status or Canada, by mail, on receipt to ltting .'... back a bill Searchlna of Records branch of Congress to Ktiiuulatu his ac- Mr. Hendce renorted pro ra eomcnt bv which all thu foreign Cr-' an of tion by menus admonishing resolu viding a jieruianent form lor the govern- dinala shall vote unanimously in lite ASB nODBnUa, Made a apeclalty. which tiou. ment of the District of Colombia, conclave. The; TOmbiiiation failed, the iVtf 9S3 Fulton street. Brooklyn, X. T. The inpfrperatifm of Booth's amend wnn mado snecia! order for - March 4tn. Austrian Cardinals refhsinsr adhesion. Ottes M flowWasatehfiulUUn. ment try the Senate into the bill has de- TLe House then went into Committee of The Ultramontane Cardinals, however, iv&Promot-Mott- o. BECAUSE Attentfoi lotne cidedly stveugthened it with Ilxase the Whole, Springer in the chair, on are working actively to obtain the elecleaders of ailver remonctizing, . and has bills relating to the district; but, without tion "their rartv lt is stated ..Al.' 1.. I!- - Zi:t: that ' ofTnlurimiicea THE PARKER CUH. obviated the danger of "bringing the law ' a larce scale on clerk la Surveyor into accumttla-tiou- s were bills introduced through The Ta.BAILRT, lats .chl .JContjua to Rome unpopularity following k are nrenariniE. and L'Ua. w 3 itixfi-- i of unwteldly, silver: .coin into ,;he And ..referred : and CnlUd Statait sarveyor ut tna nubile landa fur ctglit vesfs. hands of bumVs ftrina and institutions .. Ay r JU.r. urarneiu ao. proiuo jw A London disnatch ' says up to Sun ' convenient means of .,; handof railroad without more thorough investigation ExaTXaAiisravEyoHWbTAl cirri. ' ' day; W; evening the; foreign office had re v:;:&v.:?,A;'- V. ';' JtT POBLKJ A.HD HEAL Eril'ATK -- ling it. accidents. ;"Vsi,'LV';iV:.. ceived no official information indicat' Treasofficial BUOK&M.AlHAOSttiA' of the ; ' very promiueBt By Mr. Banks Granting tho privilege ing a Russian advance AXW ATTUBKEk. on Constantiury Department, unfrioudly to the Silver of the;; floor to one reireseutative - of 1 , :V i or nople f4 "' Gallipoli. nnwananet haTiuff daily :talff AUeods promptly totiaptfoa'ati4 Home,' bill, says that prior to the. adoption :6f evid-ar : mineral A of i intuUtion the amcndmHiit nunga communication San the it pra, Fraueisco FOR CIRCULAR was' with iSCNO says aiipiicattoua, regard dispatch STAMP Sbt Washing graphic bmorn ..and Scada of alt kliids- - the Dfisrimeut io furnish a perfect glut tonr UoutvV adjouTliedi ; New York about ing tho telegram-fro- T4sD':i the 'establishment- of a branch of tho 35tostis:ind-Cases- , ts?'. ib the confidehtr vanta, tiaoae and Janda, otdlvor to ' 'iii: ' thtfl Nevada Bank, the statement is author ItiaaStaadesnd iiegoUatedi.anawers all letters hop? that they wohli soon become disindleate Athens Advices that from ?f iVmum hiLmc land fustieni,. waea sump Is an- Greek covernmeot is likely to ally.itself ized but no building fcaa been securea WEST M E RIDLvN ,CT . gust ad vdth its unwieldinessj k;"-'He also evnf Msed himst'lf unable to ex- - to England in the ereut o war between for that tmrnoser and the statement so pbijia yesterday's IsU to gold ard rise ie be iaMer and Snatl. farni pre! - ... ta-Cf- T Hd M : - WkelasAli .;. ' rroita, - - ; J- lance a Vegetables,' Salter, , - T-i- -- en-hi- es -- oLUlr 'lriat::;: Jl-3- ut .: : ? Bennett harknes, T-- ius .Qf aad -- A v hs tl Cleaerai llrecwrieev ::'!.; '. THE .. 1 CHEAPEST vo.es n eon-tuiiiin- o etiti-mat- ed ESTABLISHED fJAY 1; 1878 . ! tefcsCr JlsV '' r.O.Boz :. s i if ' ti j. Mcknight, cd:; OamTsraia . Jl-l- as & sal BattU Oasleu la Utah aai ... A AVoelr . ATTOBNEYS - AT - LAW. ; y Ut To-dn- jr The Public of SattvLak ! Bavetofsr appraciatad our efforts to eeotUaV r w, ? - liivyc-W.il- TASHtOW, to-da- in-L-- : s, -- . . y ul-t--r Yn-kttl- . ' ' t. to-d- ay - , i-k-, With tailoring, that our preeent pramleea m far too small fur oar Increasing trad. Bavfag tnVeted a baae for a term of years far ther woole bf.lbe building wo hops to pnt onnwlvas :. .. . H. 1 .A.--- A x ' 1 S .'-I- . u a pt&oB, wiu ow incisastf luc-Ubc-d More than double our prM u TEA POT STORE , ! ent ht:-ttttn- -M pt-titio- ' t-- e - : laitct-pntiuittl- A'ice-l'reidd- nt y uj - orrdste tHR tempiJ? d m : . ' - ; - ;':W."--- i be-co.-s- iv; , ui.-ucj- . VH Itanl u o - pular d e where the .traveler and tunrise can And rest. One block from Main streetand three blocks from the Railroad Station. ear or omnibus will fain Either . - .1. street ! - TI . SI.0O TO SSL PER DAY. SpHr.1 rates ijM,vcK. ' JOHN p: H0RBN897?, - . - a.. I i;.-o- lK-k- ' Prepfieiar. ; y r l-- nu- j Ad-pted- ' oal Estate FITS EPILEPSY, - falling: SICKNESS . - - PEBMAXEXTLT CUBED STO BUHBUO BY OXE MOSTU'S liUAOE OF DB. GOUCELEB BATED - INFALLIBLE FIT LARD FOWDEBH. To convince aolUrcra that tneae powders will do sll we claim for UStta. we will tend them by audi, POST PAID, a FXEETBIAL BOX. As DK Ooulard Is tho ohiy pbvla-tha- t Baa over made this diaeaKe a nterlal atady.v ''.'-:- n s ;: ;;:":--.';- ' .. -- fiiv-nd- : r ; - tA y : f--r y and aa to onr knnwledgs tnoasanns. aavo been FEBXAKENTLT CUBED by tbo vaaof WILL UUABAXTEX A FKK. MABBMT enrs In m. or BEFUXD - u . :. atOXEY BEST ; 1 1 d on, EXPENDED. YOU-AL- AU nnVrtrs-tdwml- - WORK D-t- SM f ASH BOBBOrs, altoastreet. Braoklym. X. T . ..' al - .:' ' " . . 18.--Th- : . ere . : ''-- !. ..FOB ' Tnc. ' :. ' Fn-sideii- to-da- ; DAILY IHDEPEIIDEI1T POSITIVELY ' 1 y o s x -- TBB re-char- ter : : ; BtjST. rCDluW ADVERTISING .. ; : ; - -- .'ii1!-'.:- ' -' : . r - '" .' a i-t- ; . : . : v :.' ; G;: F. 6uLMER;. m : " thtr-peonl- e, : 'A:i.-trt- One copy one yoafj. One copy ats i. -. . .... 1 . Due copy threa Byeafrlrr per ".' .4.,' : .'. :'(;' '; ... lOe imn.ni.S,;:,;, I fAddress a jbualaeWto 7; ant laUtMo . .; - T ; V tit-- ..:;V .iri i":.' '..;;' .t. :j:; ' ' ::' :4- V'.?Sl 1 L d give these Fowdrrs aa early trial,- and be roatincod uf thrlrenrative powers. Price for large boa tSM. at four noses fori (10.00. sent by malt to any part of the Vsitod Htates or Canada on recaipt of price, or by Address, ... ! eouifurtabie-House- , II is a quiet; clew airy, s .. Salt Lace Gxzt,' CtaR. - I ol.j'-elet- aft -E VALLEY HOU8 E : ' til-Ji- Jt-t- ' MKfi Main SL. Opposite Walker Houm.' Try-111JCKI- : . . b.-dJ- y s ' ti - ir, .. BuslneSaU. Oeatlemca have no occasion to go ithM-- ' Bast or West fartholr cloibingtoiirovstiMXaei. 18.'-Voorb- KM llljaffi a rvnvmMmM |