OCR Text |
Show ' ,v ' '. - ''v.,' V ; 5 . . City. - . . AcliYltj E""?.; .Wm. s Wo. '.Bunn Marshal 7? ' ' . -' -: t s . .. '"'5, yj; -- . , , . s . J fc r w fc8fflieij 7? ; . :'.; ?': - . fir .jiy . , ' . ; ' .Uf , - i .7 '..'. .y; j .., , : 73 , v- '.. V- i m iaim j I :v j- - '"r.:- '.v - ::;'"e-- f. ':- -' - : SBOperUgold SAX FHAXCiMCO SETOCK AXAUKKT. I u. 1.70 ; Virginia. 214; Justice, BaUforn, 11 V; Tiptop. 3 .VO; C Fvint, 4.10; bavage. 10 ?, ; a Brisa. 114 ; Ophir, 51; U A C. B; Bunka Cua, 45; Balia lala, 40c; Trojan. 60; 8 hevada.4; Utah, 10; Day. VUc; bdvar Vriae, (Wc, Foreneen Bwmk 32, 524. Ophir. 51 S. Hexlcan, 11 ' 110 U a 250 BkB, 111. 145 California. 20 , 20 405 Savage, 10 4 gso Con Vlrgiuia, 224, M4b5, 50 Chollar, si 130 195 C.i.S li 23 HAS,4.9S.9Vb5 Paint. 4.20 60 Jacket, 104. 10 4 63e 440 405 355 C Imperial, 30 Kentuek, 3.20 65 Alpha, 94.10 110 Belcher. 4 It. 4.30, 4.30 0 Alpha, 10 115 8 Nevada, 4.40, 5 360 Utah. 10. 10. 10 3.05. 9.70 895 Bullion, 540 Exchequer, 2.10. 2.15, 9, IjM 5 Seg Belcher, 36 105 Overman, 14. 14. 14 1040 Justice, 11. 11. 11 55 Succor, 3 180 Union. 5 485 Alta, 8 &J0 Julia. 2.10, 2.05 300 8 Nevada. 4b5 50 Senator, a 100 Wood villa, 40e . 5. 4-- The 9U0 Ward, 70c, 73U3 Trojan, tec 1. D R. S P IN N EY 4 22; 22, 225 11. llaS , 500 Ward. 75c 12u Con Virginia, 23 820 Navajii, 1.7l to California, 37 ' & C O.. Talley, 20 Eureka 45, 550 Oila. M, Co 85 N Belle. 19?i loo Pautber 3o 100 li AE, 5.'5 800 Beiuwut, 50,55 4jo Levpird,31 SO - 650 600 39U5 1453 Siai 9.'0 50 575 6H0 C--- I U 41 Nluju, Belle 25, i k. a, 4 Duy, 0.i 575 InvUiN-uOrui'-500 S Prize, tivj Hurutt, 1U0 51 t- 15 ' . 70 - IiT Mr, 2.40 66 Hauiiiurg, SOW, 3 4i Day, 4i 1310 Tiptop, 3?;. 3.7, 3.00 60 buUi-- r Street R IB 19 . tain our interests iu the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. The Timet hopes Russis will admit ths force of Lord Derbys protest, and will not, from perfectly sentimental motive, order the Rnssian troops to take up a menacing position, which it says is wholly unnecessary for ths protection of their real interests. 11, 1- -a 17. Piut, 114.70, v 4. .3-- Savage, 11. Jacket, 10. 10 Dg 50 Uould A Curry, 8 SO 66 300 609 60 230 400 90 10 British .fleet-i- yf ?.? BUTTER-KNIF- E (t-l-'l- - Carle CoMAHIwr nnimCa-l- ,- ?- .. Addnsm MERCHANDISE. MEW-YEA- GIFT-- 1 RS iXlSCELL.ri20L-S- the : v ano 1 BUY YOUR ECLECTIC DAILY IHDEPe. ax jO Or Jt. ES I Wf 3D rrBI.INRXD KTEBY Mi r (Mead.ye Juu.yt.it Literature, Science and Art! I. rEK.,.. Whoro Thov Are Tbs atm ef the ZCLBCTXO i. te be la-strective without being dull, and entertaining without being trivial. White each number contain, something to intercut eveay member of tho family ' slrcle. It addreiee. lteelf par- - Hculorly to that greet ' body vf Intelltgenl , leaden who seek profit os well ! BIST. NEWSPAPER U71H. IS . .. - THE CHEAPEST! . . ML will Every Bay eeetain Ail the Xt TELEGRAPHIC NEWS I Of the Assooiatstl PretB Who may be eeSering from the effect of youthful fotliee or tmdacretlon will do well to avail laid themMlvea of tkfa. the grvateat boon everBPIX-XBY at the attar of auffiertng huuiantty. DB. will guarautoe to forfeit 9300 fur every character which be undertaker and fulls to curs, lie wonfil therefore nay to the' unfortunate auf. ferars who may read thia notice, that you are treading upon dangerous ground wben you longer delay in seeking the proper remedy for your comnlalut. .You may be In the first itage; re caee Of weekneee .or diaeeee of any kind or Editorial Doiiarltnonit. There ora many men who die of thle difficulty Ignorant of the cauM, which Is the eeetmd stage of seminal weakness. Dr. B. will guarantee a perfect cure In all such caeca, and n heal otlon of the organs. thy Koto J nr communication, atrlctly confiAll letters dential. Medicine., packed eo ee not to exetie curiosity, sent by express. If full description ef case is given. Ctfice Houre 10 to 4 anil 8 to 8. Sundays from to to 11 a, in. Con.alfatlon free. X borough examination and advice, $5. I ganito-urluar- y FThe Editorial Depart menta are Literary Sdiicm, Forelgu Bitcrory .Nate. 8eimce, and V.rletW, and they are, ae Its Editorial Column . made e and ewuiplete ee pwtaibto. . ouprhui s Are In charge of able and lata, who in the tiratmei.--t npnir, of N.ttn moitcro will aMmiue a thormglily i TEA POT STORE tone, favoring no parly or or rclllnu.i. xcept te the virtues may KKmFind. fWMirt " la mmr matte. ! Itffl Kncrarinsf, Call or Address Miniiij? Fast Boeosiinr Za ohr MSo le eo artlcUeally Ulus imprint the Eoeh number coo-tejivtic. a Fine blind Biitcraving on soire ; trated h tains aatfiectot gcntral inturwt usually a portrait aud each year, vol Uii.ee contsiu twelve or more of the-- e engrsv. ." lugs, whirh ore executed In the beet manner by tho beet artists. These enarevlura ore of itermonent value, add much to tho , and ef the ZAO 11 ' slight-damage- British-'- DO CTO R A. B. SPIN N E Y . THe opula S7rwiut :f : 2 8. Russians entering the capital, is untrue. The Sultau will remain iu ConstantinoNew Yarn tltecka. Xaw- Youx, February' 15. Silver ban, 1.19 ple in any event, ,1 neanbacka. 116 sold; allvtr: cuin, Where Che "Fleet Is, v Raid closed, 2 ; money eaay, 43; Wwt-si- u CoxsTAXTtxorBE, February 15. Ooveraiurnu itrong, blRher; etutika Cult;Central uUksiIVLT, 17; Union, 70; Hornby's flagship, Alexandria, Facifle. 32; Mwripu-- a, 11; Walla. Far. A Tcmeridre, Sultau and Achilles, arrirod Faiiaina. 15; Y Erie, 0; Cent.. 4ka. 81; H off Princes' Islands at 8 o'clock thU 123; Unien lacifle. 67; BoiuU, lU4;Cent. 1V4 . ?v. Facifte. morning. Ths Agtncourt and Swiftsure remain at Gallipuli.1 ; The Raleigb, HotXxw Yoax, February Iron Ram and Ruby an at Besika spur, ' Minins Board; 8100 Auarlcan Flag. 21f$22c; ' Msgaalue. 1 1 KEARNEY STREET, ta ' . I Scion. : i?4.! " f onetast Bepoffla Home 3fews, and ffle public may coufidautly look for lntoUl gent mention of oveiy Incident ef the day worthy of mention. Ae e Local Paper the LtH FEXDEYT will he feud witheut e rival. of Intellectual aetlvlty gives largcrapace ether magsetneiu the world set ssy ozeleelvely setouim. r1,1 1? Eclectic - Jv ii W-5-- ' Ao 1 ooo th r Prlofflff BECAUSE Thlowest TEUMfi nd iff BECAU8E ' ",y m easts ; one aepy. W In advance; two copies, 49; ave Trial snhccription fur thro munthi, i, The Lc lactic and any other (4 to one address, 98, or Eclectic end Eurth Ameriue Bcviaw, $10. Futcge free te all eabaaribam. ,F5V 'topic, no. - -J .s- -7: i. .Mngte eopiea, Prompt- - BECAU8EAtS7nSfi . Committee on Indian Affairs to-da- y v.. 7 arguments of representatives from five civilized Indian tribes against ths bill authorizing the election of Delegates to Congress from Indian Territory, and also against tlto establishment of the Teixi-er- y y I'- '! Y'f - -- 'iP-- s .v, : W. IS g) no. ICsBoging jBdltev. 'J'. K. t Stmt j ..... ';.' .j1.1 PiSfirt ' nr:: Jlf ADDRESS R CUEMEE (GL of Gklehem, '"rt; ys" " .'' VS' A' S5:3r&;;v rer wees, by eierler.. i n't rv-.- heard OP SUSSQRIPTfOIf. ggf-qir.:::r.:::- Bay. Indian TerrlCerlnl Matters. lYASBU6TOX(Febrnsry 15.Ths Houss TERM nub-Ucatl- i orricE. KA ' K:y ' ' Vice-Admi- ICO V" .w. : . 8wc, 8. Rukill, FJUiDB. . C--'- 1 . - Bcrtba end Edith, ,15C8l7e; Barrosae, CB71C; 4 .43 ; 3uU Kiutf'o MaantHn; 3. ., eets, the milhrwithout an-- . - - y tor cain pis TIi Looal DepartmSnta . tele-grip- ed : Arreng and rriii - TAG88itF 20; Sint-- '&: 46; Cos, 8 ; California, 28 ; Bavago, lu ; Alta. The rcpoit that tho Cabinet has decidJustive, llhliitill', ; Navaj'j, 1.13iS Belle, 11 ; 25 ; Ciektqaer, 3.10; H A . 9 ; ed upon the departure of the Sultan for Caltrornte, H Xevaila, 4.U, 4A; Ojiiiir, C2 t Grand 1'rtze, Droussa, in Antelia, in event of the 17; tj: 7 ; Ambassador has.' Lord Derby that the Sultan, has a disputch from the Czar stating that his troops would occupy .the neighborhood of Constantinople iu a friendly spirit, and with the sumo object protection as the British fleet was of Lis subjects The After the Beard, 1120 t ind! SwtSSSm to PV tQjgjl and packiuz cliarf, k Clnrlr Eerie Gold iMItivnaiiaf la,lM FJtu OUR GENERAL . e..h t M Mini Mlw-tt- W i I toaetber with One Duller difl Rt pact, alette c twindi voted to you - One of thRiships struck a sandlunk, roctiviug 10 Star, 2 . l" Blwzant frel of 4W l!' February 15. Tho expected, to enter the s Bosphorua 8:10 r. if. Fkutcma, Fcbniqr44IS, hi Xale, V : Caledtmla.3 Belle Eureka 10. MV s-- o- X Sllrerwaie Avmtum Ordrr. - l'eore to rr rtw , altiro la t.ltt psy tniae. paekmg IT.' CojniAHTCtoPBE, AIlia, M Hill. Premium Rilvetwara rwlero.end xr.! Elu. wtrect. cmeluuats. Vv.VmrGin t' II KEARNEY STREET, VBOCXBT In a Friendly Mplrit, ef Cewrse Exebetjuur. 2.15, 3.39 Saecorj 2 Union, 5 M CSlffc W ri.ariNO Co.. l AND , TEASPOON8 Sund v for naverwir tm ran. a ftr tur, couely, iu4 Will., A4Jfs all ei3ir liie eauie te lull, with K- - TURKEY. 4.00 Utah, 19, 10 Cbullar, 33 Imperial, 65 Savage, tbr mhlcii; - 23. 40 of HlTJarK English Interests all Right. 27. 273 Cruwu JTe- London, February 15. The Timet says the significance of sending the fleet to Constantinople is even greater than its immediate importance, and s very powerful force is now iu a position to main- Beinionl. 50 Hi TliuuAa, 25 SoO buccur, 2 ,2.49 335 California. 635 Cun Virginia, 22 400 31 Star, 2 v , 2.30 2200 Welia, Fargo A Co, IS 150 Jiu-tleHi 390 U A 11 170 Julia. 2.10. 2.15 1 170 Juatica, 6f4l 8 Nevada, 4 300 Bairlier. 4.40 4)0 U Prize, 13 1500 Ward, &i 60 Mexican, 13?, 13 15 Overman, 14 30 Mew York. 1 10 Opbir, 52 25 BAB, 18,. 7uO Ywr-Yeat- It 00: Siivtr, S'O.S, 75 2ir, loo M 300 Brc.is, Is. i.'ii 4 .11 O Ariz.. Lii i 36 Yuung America, 40 IM 3ImJc, I.) 11 475 60 . errrT out tiiiu obdek. am it m wobth ; 1910 Moiluc, 30, 25 150 PJ eii-- i DEXJYERED ' t g kba fill Yrwftro to thou I . awii-I- - New Ccwu.i.'JO 15 ntsiuUru, an CCS yHi fbU'iwinz sttLvmi beKMfur Goths u anu 1 Germany. The : Ifailjf JTeiet professes to give a summary of Lord Derby's dispatch to St. Petersburg, relative to the threatened the occupation of Constantinople Russians, which was referred to by North' TREATS ALL OHROHIO AND SPECIAL DISEASES. cote, as protesting against the view taken by. Rossis. The dispatch is coached in , moderate language. Derby says he is hosno Russians the that have gratified tile designs in advancing on Constantinople, and that their object is to protect Christiana. He points oat,' however,1 that the Rnssian army has recently been member you ora approaching the look Xf you engaged in hostilities while the .British are bordering upon the last, and ore anffertai fleet is that of a friendly nation, Lord sons wall of Its UBeffects, remember that 1 Well known as s founder of tbs Montreal lu pmemetlnatton ths time must you of entrance psrslat the the fears also that Derby Medical XnNtitate, and late E.) come when the most skillful pbyetclau can ten. exRussian army would produce greet BptaDeyvlUe InOnnery, weald meet reepect-- yy, der you no eeetscaaeoi when the door of hop Inform hie patten te and the afflicted gen-lcitement in Constantinople. against Tout when no angel of that be etui eontlniiee to treat Cbronleyou relief. In no com bae tho auoThe news from Thessaly is grave with Private pteeaeea unparalleled Doctor Tailed of eucc.ee. Then le I not deepeir There has been fighting near the fronwork upon your Imagination, bat avail younwlf iff the beneficial results of hla treatment before tier. The Greek .corps of observation is caee Is beyond the reach of medical skill, Ladies and Centlomen your almost sure to be drawn into the strugor before grim death harries jrou to a premature la thethlaf ef Bemember that piocraatlnaUen ; grave. gled Sultan does intend ' v to to go to The Middle-Age- d Men. Broussaif the Russians enter ths city Healed. be Come and There are many of the age of thirty to etxty Luyonl has sent a telegram to Derby It matter, not what your troubles maybe, bo ere Lroubl with too fnquent evacuation stating that the ' Czar has telegraphed come end let the Doctor examine yoar case. It of the bladder .often accompanied by a alight that he will occupy the environs of Con- will coat yon nothing for ecneultatton, so pleeee smarting or horning sensation, and a weakanini fleet: enters, call ana eatlafy stantinople if the British younelvee wbetlwr the Doctor of tbeaystemlna manner ths patient eanum even if the object of the fleet is the pro- nndenttanda yoarcaee. If ha can cure you be account for. On examining tho nnnsry dc.olt. e will tell you so; If not, he will not undertake a ropy oedlmont wi1 often bo found, and tection of Christians. -- mail particles of albumen wllbappear, cure. The Porte Las telegraphed the neces- a case nnf.ee be le conOdent of effecting s or the color be of a thin and mllkiah bus, again chanKing to a dark and torpid appearance. sary orders for tho evacuation of Bast-chu- k. YOUNG: MEN quence of orders from Government for coat steel tubes for large ordnance, the Works at ' Slnifirld V. ave 'resumed full time, with uu increased number of hands; Government hits also ordered a large number of rifle barrels at Sheffield. Same of the forges iii Woolwicli Arsenal are going day un.l night. The outer basin of the' Woolwich dock yard is being cleared so as to ..be ready to receive' vessels requiring repair in emergency. The Admiral Superintendent at Molts lias been ordered to report as to ths vucant barrack accommodation, it may become desirable to station reserve seamen at Malta ready to draft to the fleet as required. 4"i. TO 3'J ' , - It n.1 ; - l.iu,l.Miiu w, SilrerwarelNlenein are roiiur! to wbiub- modification of a line of demarcation which would briqg them nearer the Doaphorus and Dardanelles, and might allow them to occupy the forts situated thereon. It is believed that if Russia takes this course it will be. in consequence of the moderating counseleof War "Prepniwtlens. English ' London, February 15. In conse- 7-- lt-K- nr lcv on l some-Unie- 23 A:.fr-,i- i d . 1-- t, t.jM-i.- bile Ctnfd ,hN "u and - lium, u Prize, lit; Argeuta, Vi 1, 97e, liuwif, 4.1, M Deirt 30 lou.i'j lect - Board. ICO 195 with the afd eNtabliaheirand re.lSMe vfz aissKS SILVER TEASPOONS AND BUTTER-KNIF- E . 60 Axdra, 75c 1155 Cakfwruia. 37. 2Ci 10 Savage, 10 S 360 Ophir, 03, A!al0 5 Eureka Cm, 45 310 Con Virginia, U0 Juatiee, G-- . 120 Benton, 1J0 50 8 Sliver, 5 70 Skates, s3c 860 fct Bouts, 25o 20 BAB. 17 loo drown Point. that rMail at I wihliri made unnsfimiti K-- 1270 Bsviatban. 15c, 20c 200 X Cua Virginia, 50c U 3 GIFT S of an ESvaetB V 150 Andes, 7oe 96u0 Walls, Fargo k Co. 100 95 Julia, 22)5 SCO Caledonia, 2.20 ISO 8 Hill. 2.70. 2.73, 3.90 10 Dayton. 2oc 825 New Turk. 1JH), 1.75 S57S NEW-YEAR- ; 3. i .: nnTlvvFUn tliiit Bn mliltfu vKbhn;h' r Yt" of a vateai.h ane-IrndfriWilUiilfr Trenyenm 3tawwXenralilfk te every mibaarlber wf this ser, and a tt that all aiioiilil 4Wna.Nl.6ji Y J&i the The Phuningu stay communication maintain to Biikphorns between Layard nud Admiral Hornby. The PJud.iio went to meet tlw fleet with sealed orders. ' No smuts is to bu fi eu or formal notice taken of the arrival of the fleet. The Lu&lish ' consul at' Cansk Culessi mode a demand for the free entry of 3.UUU tons of coal for the fleet. A Vienna dispatch says: The Sultan has requested Queen Victoria to relinquish her intention of sending her fleet to Constantinople, and strenuously requested the Czar to defer the entry o Russian troops until Queen Victoria h s replied. ' The; Czar, iu reply, meireiy iouflrmed Prince GortsvliakolTa decimation of the lUlli, to the Powers, that the sending of the liritish fleet to Constantinople obliged Russia to contemplats entering the city. ... Queen Victoria replied that the fleet entered the Dardanelles with a pacifie object. It is hinted at Vienna that the Russians may content themselves with the Bu per ton currency ta ,":' if Island. ' M H;.: inmritfrTn ?ra $ v. TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER OF THIS PAPER! Hw Baitora Hatten Stand manufactured. lit 26 U; JL SUM 7.s d li-- .Mi.il - coif ' " BMnl . B.for.,li. r. m Faaxcuco, libruary tdl CallfornU. 'iti. 'Jii ; Mexicsn, IS; AavaJo. i v..,;: ;.v- ', being rapidly CorrecUil daily by McCoraiek A Co., ltankere. at Princes atautihople lieet is ekpt-cteCULD. j.lbhl'ud Uiis e veiiiu, unless compiiled to hUVi cast anchor at Maruioia in consequence 102 ii Buying Opened Cliaal.... ...... .102?. belling ...... o. tempestuous weather. Two iruiiduda blliVBB. have been lcit nt Galiijwli to protect the eurmney outlet. Pour will bo Sew Turk... gold; l.ltli niationed at Princes 1.0 currency. ball Bake will in .' -- i A $6.00 ; London, Febraarj 15. The Woolwich AneiutI ie duily. increaaing in activity, New gniis of nearly every deacription, and military transports and wagons are I bDErnoni, U, U78..) Kalt Bake il'.i ; y' V .S,1 ENGLAND; MONETARY AND STOCKS. Sew York ' 'iy-.L-- lions of England. - BEAD. D. e4r,ifriif ,, jt iiiti tftnaxrtHtfiWii .AS. at Sbcfflcld and the -- l)iu till Uxt Cxxx. .;. -- 1-- . ' How the Czar Views the Ac . Orrica ..:r. .N'Vi-s- tt' 4'11 ( :.:4 i . r-- The SullnnaProtent Treated Willi Silent Gontesnapt, T ikimtell Hurr.jror Uuurml ftl .0. J.lIotitaUr, U.8. Collector 111 Beceiver V. 8. Lend Ofllce..Moeee M. Buie, Teas Ltwta, Ottce..Bwiwtr VALud IMgUter TECClTOUIAIi OITICEB8 : Delegate a Congreee......'.. ..Oeo; Q. CsaiMm tJliytou Auditor Juinti Jick Tituurtr. O. U ttiKRE ttupcriuteudcxkt of libit, hciwoli.. - ' V-'. V y : WoolwiriiAnenal. raiTKD fiTATEi GFFICBB9 TO 8 UTAH! Governor. ...Of- y- W. Bwckyy, Secretary.... CkU(JiiUe.........MIfliMj gttacffcr.llMnola Allen SSSTA JtoEnuan. WV. Associate luttMi V. 8. Attornej. - , ' England SSaklne, Eixtenalve War Preparations. DIRECTORY. U1 - t;,;-v't,- . SATURDAY .... .FEBRUARY 1C, 1878 OFFICIAL ., ('i1 "'' .' -: ' thetr6ubled east. independent the daily Utah. Lake Salt '..iV'- ' '; ;v"l , . :; R. PCLTO.Y, Pabllfflior i Address all huaineaete mmdfxHeif sad laHem of nil zxBirxxDm, alt letofiUr. i-:- ' v A - - - C ! : FJ emi 4 4 ' 1 ''0S atwys i&.Wr. j A 14 A AK'- dff am |