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Show THE DAILY INDEPENDENT Balt Lake City, Utah . FRIDAY.....--- ... Sefendtat Still Stand. ' .JANUARY 11, 1878 WHAT HE DID FOR THE COMPANY WHEN IT WAS M DIFFMOLHES. : DIRECTORY. OFFICIAL UNITED STATES OFFICERS TOB UTAH t Goo.' W. Emery.Tenn 3 orrmor... Levi F. Locker. IUinoto Secretory Bbaeffe Mltaoi. jhlct JnUN....... ..VkhMl I Philip K. Jfmeroon.MIch SUodate Justices,. Btrmi, WT Wm. XeJaon, Wisconsin Marshal.... 11.. V. 8. Attorney....: Howard, Mick 8nmcrHath an Kimball 'fnrveyor General J. Holllater, Cal V. 8. Collector ,,.0. Kecctver U. 8. Land OSao..Moaea M.Bane.01 Register LT.8.Laxsd Office.. Barbour Lewis. Tan "ll TERRITORIAL. OFFICERS Geo. Q. Cannon Relegate to Congress,... ...... -t ITEMS ABOUT TOWN. - v- TnUriar!District I. (1m Third PmnAl.gi Crart. -- It'.qosts the tit; $1,107.50 per month to light up the streets with gas. Selves wain quoted in the London apnrket yesterday At 53Jjd.per month. Th Theater box office will he open at 10 oclock this morning for the sale - gf tickets for the opejja. Seventh Warders The had a dance in , new Booms 'their last night. Assembly r Opened and dosed with prayer,. Thk names of forty-si- x new suhscrihors were' added to pur i city list yesterday. No objections were raised on our port. Yoc can lake the runners off your lmggy and carriage bodies.: now, and fix on the wheels ' again. Sleighing is over until the next snow falls. . - . ; Court opened n& halLpast 9 o'clock yesterday morning, and defendant was called to the witness stand. When our the .Court-roo- m reporter-enterethe witness was testifying with regard to the visit of the officers of the Old Telegraph Company to the mines in April, 1876, as one-report- . Mnin k Co th enterprising news-- , dealers, base the thanks of the Inde-Udk- st for copies of late Western papers supplied the office. ; Dsnkalteb and three other Nina rods went over ' Jordan to hunt yesterday, and in ihe evening returned with 150 rubles. It wasnt a good day for rabbits. : Cither. n. ' Texes were received yesterday at the office of the Union Pacific Express Commine. pany in this city, from the Ontario ' Parleys Park,' four bars of bullion,' valued at$586.48. ; , Dxfhxekbxa has .been very prevalent . in several Utah : towns this Winter, and rntny 'children have been carried off (by it: A number of fatal cases hav. also been reported in the city. - Only three hundred aspirants for the vacant official shoes of District Attorney Howard I Who says that pairiot-.- . tsm and a desire to see the laws of our country executed is no more made manifest I v- - v: ScBSCBTBZns failing '. to receive their papers regnlorly will confer a favor upon us by making the saQe known ait this of-See without delay.. It takes some little time, anyway. for the carriers to get througi their work without making mistakes. '. JA editor's "Tee report for the quarter Ending November . 33, - 1877, as pub- lished in the Church papers,' shows the total receipts of this city to have been $55,881 .34. 'The disbursements were $47,269.61; balance in ' t.e Treasury, ' - - $9,779.82. Last week. Manager Harris had at work a force of men cleaning up things - generally in, and. aronnd the. Theater. WhetiJha doorsord thrown opca on evening next, the public will discover everything looking bright and TUmnLy , new inside the building. Cuirr JusTicx Scuaetteb who, we tliink, does not smoke; mast be n good iat uireAmkn toaUow the lovers of ths weed the privilege of using bis law chamber ns' a sacking room. Justice is usually represented with bandaged yes. Being blinded by tobacco smoke, we suppose, is equally efficacious. BxraxisxirrATxva LcmstL, of California, yesterday,; introduced , in the Ilona Jt a hillfor tho suppression of ' He polygamy in the Territories. ' have done ! was be it, only i'Pjoidnt made' acquainted with the Salt Lake Tribme't Utile tcaadal man, John C. Young," and immediately afterward resolved to himself that if that was the kind of homo polygamy produce d, the sooner a stop was pat to it the better. Chicago's Mining Stock Itoard pro-icet seams: to have fallen through. If any body wants to stqrt an institution pf this very ba, the field'1 for it 'is hi Salt Lake City. We have righj. hcr minea'without end within a few miles of town, i and ' properly 'managed-- , a Stock Board ought, end no doubt would do, a land office business. In the Spring we hoiic to see something' of this'kiipl pat . - : . ?n foot., :i'A r 7F Mlihap to Chine, ;. . mines sustained to the Montreal land other claims on the hill, together with the importance of obtaining patents forj the Homan Empire, Montana, etc. I do not know whether ' they examined the maps and plans of the workings or not. I told them the conditions of the mine.'and off the. lawsuit in which we would be involved; that I was fighting the battles of : the company and hoped to be able to put A CACnB COUNTY RAPE CASH- the mine in shape to selli that I was Accused Habeas Cerpused a ad prepared to br.y up the stock; and that Behacffcr. Difekargal it any money was to be made out of it I In the Third bjrdadgw District ' Court, yeste thought I had a right to make it. ; They day morning, before the calling of th; ; ;f. agreed with me that 1;-- ': case of Ford vs. Holden, which has ocI BAD EASE ED SUCH A EIGHT. cupied the attention of the Court for We talked together very and about a fortnight past, Judge Schaeffer they, promised to .consult .with' other rendered a decision in the kabeat torput stockholders on their return to Michi- case of Alexander Baonshaw. Bean-shagan and inform me of .their determinait appears, bod been held in tion as to selling out. Mr. Wallace had $3,000 bonds on a preliminary examinahandled and shipped the ore'' and he tion by a Justice of; the. Peace, at made c out ' for ., them.. ; a state- Simthfleld, Cache connty,' and in default ment . , of ore shipped and ;. receipts thereof was, committed, to!. the county therefor month during : the jail at Logan, to await the action of the March, 1876. Estimates for the pay-ro-ll Grand ; Jury, on a charge of raping an for the month amounted to $3,000. The 11 year old niece of his wife; Having bad condition of the roods ' prevented been ' in durance vile for idxut two shipping to much extent in .the month of months, he applied , for and obtained, April. I gave then a statenymt of the through his counsel, H B. McKean, a expenses for obtaining: patents and for writ of kabeat eorjmt and. was brought to legal oosts, and also of the balance thfn this city on Wednesday night. It apIn the banki, some $2,500. Mr. Doane pearing at the brief examination yesterkept the books; he .was then in ; the. day morning that the proceedings in the East, ami the books were at his office, Justice's court were irregular and that in Rondy, and I told him when he re- the evidence in the case was insufficient,1 turned that reports could be mode out the prisoner was discharged. V ..'.Z monthly. Business accumulated, and ; A Weald jr Question-the books were not written .up, till the ' Samuel Stewart and Joseph .Stewart 1st of June. .1 kept a pocket diary-o- f were yesterday fined at the Police Court my expenditures . The cheeks drawn $2.50 each for taking too much--wat- er! by nia were retnrned the first of the A hovel offense, that, at .'this season1 of succeeding month. I,. received no de- tlio year, even in an irrigating region. tails of work until June.-- When I came other city, it we.uld bo (hs nearIn any to Utah I Lad a large interest in the est thing imaginable to. a oa ei in mine, and-- ' determined to do all thatJ code. Bat it was plain, nev,p, could to bring ;; in the caso in question, that ertheless, OBDEB OUT or CQSFTSZOS ths infraction, of , the ordinance liod no Ami make, the1 thing a success. reference whatever to the amount of Law snits were pending ; and water imbibed the Messrs. Stewart heavy expenses, were to be incurred in their toddies. by ; ; ' ; in order to establish the rights of the r 1 ' The Tempi of Honor. company, 1 1 set men at .work oq .the On Wednesday evening the following level, tracing incline from the 310-fowere installed in the Teinplo of officers and feeling the importance of getting vitles, I work (early and late with hand Honor, with Very imposing ceremonies: and brains, going with the ' surveyors ? n James Gdrilon, W. C. T. ; Henry T. the now,; besides looking well often Williams, W. V. T.; Louis S. Kelsey, W. the general business yf the mine. B.; John Thomas Buckle, D.WB.; J. Buckle, W. F.; W. B. Wood, W. F.B.; I spent neatly all the time at the niine. Alfred Carlisle, Shires, W. U.; S, Mr. Wallace took. chargE of ewe shipS. W. W. W. I. G.; B. U.; Martin,; ments and receipts.' Pefore I came to, orJamcs This W:,CU -. Mojrganson, Q. esUtah I had, been engaged in the real eolddiffers from the ganization' regular tate business, buying and selling bonds is water a os it in benevolent that orders, and mortgages in Cleveland," OhioA: q. business that had been worth to me will as a temperance association. from $30,000 to $40,000 a year. I was . New suit Choice Heeds. worth over and above my indebtedness T: C. Armstrong is receiving - a choice when I cams to Utah in. '1876, rat, least election of Oiscnr. Funru exul Field Stoll. general dealer b Orr.ln, Floor and Ucuer-s- l $210,000. I '' cannot tell exactly the A I nomerchaadiae. Caali paid ov ktnila ef ' amount of. my indebtedness and incumgnta sod aceda. Bcllcra will And It to their brances. In Cowles affidavit th? state--; advantage to aonaalt him before dlapoalngof their prodTjr. ' F. O. addreaa. Box 310, Balt most of my indebtedness '. cat - 1 ! ; : : . ' ,: l : - .of -- . . . . .. . : . the-municip- ' '- -i ; . ! . - . 1 ?! n XT OPIJflOJT ZS Lake ' FAXJCH. He makes no mention of the collaterals 1 . hn-deposited with the bonk hud which were satisfactory to them as security fey. my indebtedna$. On February 2, 1876, I paid os interest on Fords note $175 addifiomd by me. r Mr. Holdens , attention wna called to the map, and he . pointed out in detail the direction and progress of the work in the mine and the discovery in Jane, - . - CHr;- - j'" , the Valle? Honae, reapectfnll? auUcltlng cua tom from new, and a coutlnnance of favors from old acquaintances, 1 am truly yours,'; ; ' Jons P. Bobswkm, Propriator. To Oar Prleudi and Qaanal Fablie. We wish to call your attention to the ; fact that weave selling all of onr choice and at A KONDAT, ! Lovsoh, January 10.-- In connection with the reported coumenoemeut of hostilities between the insurgents and, Turks in Crete, a recent Athene letter rays the Greek revolutionary committee,' of which Bulgaria is chief, had (invited the Cretans to send deputies to the national assembly to ride th question of annexation to Greece. Bevolntion- ary battalions were to be raised, but only two were actually formed. The Turkish Government bad only fire battalions of reliefs, but ; intended: to . organize the Muhometan inhabitants. The Turks seem decided to only hold towns on the coast and leave the interior to the insurgents. .If all Christian men join the insurrection ' will ' number about 15,000 rising Cretes. There ; is immense excitement at Athens, and the revolution- -' ary committee is urged . to orderthe rising in Thessaly , bat the Government has dissuaded. Bulgaria ' from, precipitate y ?. l! ! action.1- - - have defeated the Montenegrins at Spuz and Malissouri, pjad driven them to Yenihol. : v : - s : - , or rBEVXOUS TO BUTXXO FOED. ; my private property. ; A portion of let.Wli FEIMQKAi; ters received was left in my safe ..At I dont 'JqijflE P. H. Ememom gob back hist Cleveland with ' my' clerk. his bls-tri- p think the contains to all the East, looking description nigbt frosx leaves think was I there one j letters received; nad fading well and lienrty. lie - court at Provo, from Mr DraoM There boWother to' in the morning Will retimi tn time to take Lis seat information recti vel than, what is here wrote to Trask tbat l Court presented.' ura 9a the bench .wiiJo prrjwibly need tdrnw op, tbr-- i . . - , '' QBAVD; INOUSH OPERA CARPETS. CL0T8IHQ, HATS & GEHT8' FURNISHINGS, ' - w j COMPAHY.I : ' TElsEGBAPUXC BUHVITIEJS. At. a meeting of the Western;. Nail Association held at Pittsburgh yesterday, the cord rates on hails were advanced to $2.50; terms, sixty days. A farther stoppage, of mills to reduce production was agreed uxoa. v The Iowa Legislature meets next Monday. For U. S. ' Senator there is no candidate against Senator .Allison, and it is probable he will have no opposition. The Great Barrington, Ilnss., Savings Bank Los suspended, pending an investigation by the Rtate Bank Commissiontotal liabilities, ers. Deposits, $407-00$414,0iM. Among the assets are $108,-00- 0 in bank stock, $250,000' loaned on real estate, $45,000 on personal pro- eyty. $30,000 in other loans; $1,846 cash and $5,879 in real estate. An official Faria journal, announcing King Victor Emanuels death, ! says; The loss of a sovereign who held so great a place in Europe will be strongly felt in France. The President ol the French UqmUie, In the name of the French nation, has already expressed to he new King ' bow folly ho shares the ; grief of Italy. The ' resolntiqn in opposition to the of the ULind bill was called np pw!) the As'tembly at tUxr York yesterday in v; to lO. q id parsed byi vote of The lito.uuey VictorLi frora 'New York hna.arrived at la.do.u, 0; . - - - ! . I-)- - J , .!'!:' -- v ij . rf-- La vita-th- : .kd-- ; sionda r xrEiro, Lncia, MUmDiMozaka. . In this Opera Una DlMurska has achieved her ' as greatest triumph in Europe, having many as ll) recalls (or her woo- - j, ' T ; dcrfnl Med Scene. ' 'fU' S. M ' ' v a n Cl r : ' Leonora, OCX IMMENSE ThelrBstabliihment, and . J&aipsctflilly SoUclt an Inspection and Com xison ''.r, - . ' . of Qualities and Prices. ' - ' AGRNT8 The Pabis, January : King Victor Emanuel produced great FOFULAR ADMIS8I0X PRICES; The here. sudden disapimpression Season Ticket, Reserved .Seat. ft. Reserved tl.fiO. First Circle, Reserved Heat, f L pearance ' of ' the ' patriotic pro- Seats. Second Circle, Ode. Third Circle fie. moter,- of ' Italian unity, creates fresh ' anxiety in the minds ' of the LIQUORS, ETC. French - politicians. Victor Emanuel, despite- every influence brought, to bear, on him,' had remnined the friend of France, and, notwithstanding the': cos-- , sion of Savoy and Nice, and the hasty r JNT I peace of Villa Franco,' he deemed himAlself under! obligations to France. ."Jr..xxxrs a. though Italy, made distrustful by had latterly formed, such relations with Germany ns to pass for her docile ally, it is known, and was proved LARGE, AUl F ULL ST OpK Gvaiabetta, by his recent interview-witthat Victor Emanuel would not. except Of the very best brand tfat a last extremity, have acceded to any enterprise menacing France. His death voxtsioar AMD DOMESTIC deprives this country of the moral, seon based the curity King's perentirely sonal feeling, and effaces the tost trace of on individual gratitude which in- WINES AMD,, LIQUORS spired the French nation with instinctive confidence The prospect of an early conclave, coupled with this event; excites anxieties which Victor Emanuel Tiro might have warded off, ult hough the Pope . ; often declared that lie should live long see to on the his enough King repent Always on hand. " death-be-d. 'The men, it ia : known, eonld not help liking each other, and the King had often to prevent his advisers from taking too seriously to heart JI4T STTrj. sjl judge tor youratlves. attacks which the Pontiff, took t pleasure in heaping on him. II ere. too, individual goo 1 will and respect disappear with the King, and there is no telling how far .Italy will, now be willing or able to protect the deliberation of the conclave. Happily the imsne of the late rl;.AND orvsptAb j crisis will have served to considerably attenuate the consequences of the Kings v 'tdeath, laud liberal Italy, under whatever sovereign, cannot regard Franpe as capALE VACLTH S able off rherishing hostile views towards her. q,he liberal majorities in Frapce I'" and It.ly will soon have dispelled every misunderstanding, and the appointment of M. Haddington as French Alinister of Foreign Affairs is peculiarly fitted to farther this unreserved accord. K Rtill Victor Emanuels death in existing All ;v Circumstances, justifies the painful impression it has produced here, for irres: relations, it pure Wines an d Liquors? pective of Franco-Italia- n creates a vnidfin the councils of Europe In any quantity under five gallons. which will be cpnetactly apparent In impending crents For Gala. Powder Company n AENfS Blast-In- g; and Sporting Powders. For Strauss Genuine Riveted Blanket Lined Coats, Hunt- s Ing Coats, Vas -- .r ' v v V?- . rid Ovaralie,.; OR IEH.TAL ! .. Powder. Fuse. Fuse Bleating Myers' Mining Ligntiri, Candles. Etc. - white house V1 UARyeVILLE raU-h- S California Blankets, Undershirts, Drawers and Flannels. . . : FULL LINE A - - ultra-montanis- - I:- - ''. Coffees. Sugars. Tobaccos. Spices, Sauces, Pickles, Of Blankets, Shawls, Ladles Coats, Flannels, Linseys . Waterproof 3. Furs, Nubias Hams, '' Bacon, Lard, Currants, Reps, Knit Qooo, Scarfs, Nlana Raisins, Extracts, Candles, and Boys Clcthlng. and Canned Goods Etc. ! , . of Eveiy Kind, Etc.,: WE HAKE A SPECIALTY OF FAMILY TfiA&l; Finest .Cigars i'V-- . .v : , 1 - AFULL STOCK Of Staple and Fancy Goqde. Teae. .r to XdlQLUOiSltore 02.BSAS B7 D. DAY PBOSXVTXiX Estate. D. L. DAVU. JOHN X. DAKNES. taatasaaaairetttaatataaaaMaM,4,ll(f has SO. AIllZ3p29 atiaataa m .. - - pqLDfU . . . GENERAL ME RCHANDIS E l Onr Stock roupriaca x foil assortment of - y-- Groceries, Dry Coeds, BQQts & Shoes, Hats '& Caps, Hardware, Etc., Etc.' ' tho Jobbing and Family Trodo to onr lmmcnoo Stock and Low WoraUsperial attention of l'riceo. Coll and examine for yourselves, and save money. 7 Agency for Mni. Demorcats Reliable Patterns. ...... R peaks. .... MV Paris, January1 10. Gsmbetta has jnst delircred a speech at Marseilles in which he sailr "It Is now advisable for to make a halt until 1880 to fortify positions already conquered, and to support the present ministry until after Ihe senatorial elections next year, when they will Lave a majority in tin Senate; also, till then there should be no rashness, no discussions, no mis: takes,' ;iV v r, The appointment of General Gamier to command the iighth corps of the army in place of General Ducret, is gazetted. General Ducret is appointed, a member! of the Mixed Commission of Public Works. - K jr Oppoelte Welle, Fargo A Co y V ' Tlae 'lost King AX AND ' WAGNER'S ALE UARGRTTd' .For fainllr naa i v- BREU - At onr Store, opposite th Post once, wo have th typest stock of - Ever ahowaln thla region. Onr prices are as low aa Is eonslatent. and onr goods cannot bo of THE INDEPENDENT, and ... excelled. W cordial Ay invite th toreaders all th rest of mankind, call and examine onr stock. -, Vi 'i. ' SA TISFA CTION. WE WALKER All kinds of HOT & FANCY DR INKS At the bar. 0. IP r--- -- . to-da- BUSINESS MEN SHOULD. ten cents per glass or fifty emits per quart.. ,y o 0BT ENGLISH ALB V Od Kiuhall Bloeh, . F. MAUOSTTS, Proprietor. ' yi-K- ' Whoiecal . - . teSVe ' J9-l- m m The Dally Independent ! ; Main Bf., Oppoalta Walker House. 8U1MCBIBE FOB THE THE PARKER CUN. . and Ratal 1 Dealers in Utah aad . California n-'- - Try BUCKLE A BOYr MC O:, THOMAS ADVERTISE THEIR WARES s AND ; LIQUOR STORE. PARLOR City. n ' ! ,j " Advertlalng la Iho F.igchce - of Pablleity.H WHO S YOUR TAIIpQR T - JQ BROTHERS & COMPANY Opposite Poet Cfflce, Salt ' ef Italy. Boxe, January 10. Amadeua, the late Xing Victor Emanuels second son, and the Prince of Curiguius this moxa-in- g went with King Humbert to the ' Chamber where laid the body of King Victor Emanuel and .remained there twenty ' minutes. Queen MargueriMa then entered the raonvto pay a lost salute to the remains of the deWsed monarch. The of the new King is very proclamation ' his Majesty had received; favorably telegraphed to General Cialdiui and Count Relopies, begging them to ; conva to Borne as be wishes to have them whh him.' ' All the sovereigns of Europe and President .McMahon of Franco have sent telegrams to King Humbert, expressing terms of affectionate sympathy. y deA council of ministers held cided to summon parliament immediately. The funeral is fixed for Tuesday, will and it is stated that King Humbert ' tAke the oath on Wednesday. , . ; ITALY. . 33 WALKER BROTHERS & COMPANY. . . TECH - , ' , . :.t- St. Existing betvttfi Turkey sad Bnrots was never prod need by the nao of any raeh Wlaes inR Liquors as are kept la stock at y . u , SPIHLIT tto O O 321 4Y : Osmbslts ' Wli'lcrale and Retail Dealmrs In PA1LY INDEPENDENT I Which to th Traits,' Vogetablss, BEST NEWSPAPER IN .UTAH YALLBYHOU8 OFPOSITE THS yj Batter, -- Arrested. , BEND STAMP FOR C1BC If LAE TEMPLE, ' w Bebust, January 10. Tliirteen per. notu. have been arrested on a charge of complicity in. the Bishop affair, and other arrests are expected. It is said Ctener$ t I and ! onlirrt Oro eerie s. i House, where the traveler; and tourist can find rest. Qne block from Main street and thttf blocks froth the Railroad Station. Either street earjar cmnibns trill SZSS Floor. the existing fortification of Metz. to" the Iionse.' ; BXIATXJS. VQJb IBS. yqj Alexandria,' the Marquis of Ahtinoii, 01.66 TO SS. PEQ DAY is at Zrila, East Africa, preparing to Rates by the Week. HWm Lake'(Sty. ;Vs pedal FlratSonh .,'. turn to Europe, lie ho been believed ri- ;:v ' J1RU ' JOSE! 1. Q, Itok. 1U5L Ppprw. ; PARKER BRtfS f Balt Lake Cm, Utah, It la a quiet, dam, dry, comfortable - . i. WEST MERIDEH.CT. W : ' . I TAKE YOUR JOB WGfl ii.. . ... ; QFFJCl npEPSDfr bell oiatyit M pi it dr no In the And t& 1 J t t! V : . '- - - i'v1' j? ; 1 ' f.f .V1 4? f . ijfs;.1, ' - ' Mile Hmi Bichinga-Bctnar- d - STOCK If Vniiid In . Ve.Ml'a Grand Opera, death of Azucena, 10. IMMENSE JLm; MENSE 1 1 T KB I LX K O YA Dma DlMnraka X - 1TOCK f TOCK 2 ! U :Balfe'a ifasterpieoe,! I TheBoi e m ;nsi EKSE Always to bs 'i ' TUESDAY EVEN Ot JAE. 15., -- L jan ii.. XMRSR;: ! ISSAM-- - Vleto. EmenaeL to'At - WEDNESDAY EVEN Gt Jan. 16, ''- (He Death attention of caaafal hnyars far ths Retail or ramljy Trade e : . ; .r-- : . FRANCE. Fnsch Oplalea ex D r Memtenegrrlaa.' January 10. The Turks Lpsnxjif, m Godds, Grocorl8f Minors9 Dry TCLL CHOJJC AMD OUCBXBTSA T .. The llnalcal Department under the. ante anpeiw Tidoa ef the distinguished niahf VI-" ollnist and Musical Director, Maestro JoHa T. H1U, : ' K. 8. B. A. M. ' - , Dchat of ' IW CABO LINE TJ ,! 1 AHDtaaa r 1 BICnorOS-BERKAB- . tfas - Dl BUR8KA1 ILL1A . !' v.y r 'r - lS Q&atat Combination m tkt JFerW. t at Athena. Great Hxclteaaent e - tr, ' JANUARY 14, 15, 16. ENGLAND. BALtRfi AND RETAIL WHOLlBUXJB TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, . ; been known to any one by .any means or indications except as it opened up ss the result of persistent work in tracing and exploring.' Bcturning to Fords sale of to questions stock, the witness in reply ' : he had rebelievbd he that scd that two ceived telegrams only from Doane Bnaiaaaa Manager'. ' 'j ' t v.y y!" Three Kighti Only. O ; B.--X- ot nolden declared could not possibly have . ' Q WALKER BROTHERS, . ?.trKoafesl Dixectpr. vf. Beat Family llotel At $1.50 to $2.00 per day in the city is Republican Warranted Part articles of Whiskies, Brandies, Glus, Bums, Cordials, California and Imported 1876,.--. of the'- immense body. of. ore Wines of the finest brands, pot up expressly use, at the lowest possible figure. known as the black stope. which bojy forfunfly Call at the Occidental" and sample our Botof ore wee not known till after the 7th of tled Goods and be convinced.-- . to on took our jobbing H, having depend charge of the Jane, whm McQueen mine, and after the purchases of most of trade altogether w can sail cheaper than the quality considered. stock woe made. This body of ore Mr. cheapest, AUER It MURYHV: ., ; 1- 4- The Peps Geqlljr Grieved el's Death. . -- x . ot : 4 j - 1-- 25 ... s . ? . , w, : seri-rjisl- ij fiurSaiid, ... ... JOHN T. HILL, TORES. AND! McKAf. ' a Jr THEATgR. ' of Tntki . An unfortunate Chinese washman, The: first was, Have got the ledge; whos place of business is on Plum street, want $1,000. This I showed to Ford; shehis fell of roof from the yesterday then:! telegraphed to Doane, Asking outlines ih. him if it would be wise to bay stock, banging eugjlged bang wlji;. 1 ' y, not him hart fall.did The Doane to me that telegraphed todjj lpt tlje sight of the fifty or sixty it was safe to buy at old figures'. interest in pieces of linen which be took with him I had wld to Mr. Doane in his descent, and which, along with the my'stook for $1,000, and by. 'old heathen, were all bespattered with mad figure he meant that it would be safe ymi slush, banned his'; face to aasnmc to bay at the same figures. .This last fimt interesting look which tells munis-taiabl- y tefegmiq was dated January .27, ; 1873, of bottled profanityand a desire and it wq? npt shown to Ford, as I considered it an answer to a question and to hurt something or somebody. ; : -- . could the relation the Nex Forces and b-- SALT Ciptnre XJorty - - t. r1 r ' '!;'as l I pointed out to them as plainly . ZLmfiiaiui- Zlattalftons 68ETESRKIH IR ARMS ARAIRH THE . ' 1 . Uha ore-snffide- Auditor ..M..Fn. Clayton Treasurer. ....damea Jack Superintendent of DbL Schools... .0. H. Riggs follows: i- .... for an assessment. Tej large ; expense attending ujiti; obtainiiig : patehts,;pay-in- g the companys nofeu- aside from ipy own individual share; required new money than I : was : sure off, and I; felt that the company would help me out: but I' found after writix: g that I could probably obtain advances on the to meet ail demands, and; did not send the draft.. Up to; the, 9th of June the receipts would amount to about $55,909. I do no t . reuember exactly the . condition of the accounts.? ' 1 have tabulated statements axd wi$ produce them if required. ' At this point the Comt . took . a recess until x oclock f. x. i;As fat the did not enter the Court-room morning till after the hearing had commenced; and was unable to be present in the' afternoon, an arrangement washed upon .which, we relied' to obtoin from other aourecs, the . testimony : at the commencement of the morning mid in the afternoon session. This arrangement, we regret to say, failed us. We shall, however, endeavor, to gather up isthese "missing links' in sue of the Ikdepkepeht; making our report in the future, what ; it has been thus far, as full and ecmplete as our : , limited space will allow. . O.T. SUITS. THE :' ' ' , ;;'i :i(:A '.'Jcj. ' 'tf, ,.'l i " I - Vi y. ;,,v - " , ' ' - r ri i : - ;i -! ' ' t :Y! 3-4- ' :; |