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Show : - rf..1 ,rM ' i i ' . . v t i. . - , ' , - . '. k. - v4 v ;';v? .: w - "' ' .' --'- :. ;'x? 5' r - WllY EXCLUDED THE DAILY INDEPENDENT t;- - gj'i - JM v V-- ? SPIRIT OP TOR PRKSF. VTiW...-- ;., rr ; The Tribnc of yesterday;: in it iai resti from the ,u --- : r I H: v 5. r - it boniharda the man -- s I for-tnna- articles with which of sin; and with a Latter-da- y ponderous id , &. cdito-cdlnmn'glT- paragraphical - agility betokening a change of tactics, takes ns with hop, Kkip and jump anti nearly out of breath, Trc Yfnwi the sublime1 er to the ridiculoas. I s the ont of order so that lores thnnderbolts cannot le forged and launched at friend and foe? : Or fs our modern Vulcan rest ing from his labors ' and banking his fires joaly to ; astonish the1 natircs by breaking out tin a new place, thus add Ing the spice of Torietyto Weight of metal?' A Washington correspondent in tho TVitwr avails himself of the calm to buck against ,Jho telegraph; and . under data j of January, 1 , 1878, asserts, that District Attorney Howard was' iu Wask-ingto- n a few days Wfore, and intends 'to return to that city dnring the first week in January, and that There is no real foundation for the rumor that he intends to ' rosignt ;hfs v p'ositioh blimles jf - Ossisn! "Won't the fur .fly when - Greek meets treacherous Greek in ' tho Tribnae sanctum? The same correspondent asserts what all feel to- be true,' that the absurd rumor about charges preferred against Judge Schaeffer.ba no basis of ' fact, and tbe.t the charges against. Unifed States Mas- shal Nelson will, ic i believed,' be found to originate from interested parties and of no account. he Herald alludes to a disposition on the part Of Congress to consolidate the eight Territories jnto faqx, or . thereabouts, byproperassignmentof terri-ter- y to population, established centers of trade, linepof communication, artifl-cior otherwise, and . natural bound- ;Tt favors the proposed nnion on the ground of economy and for the pur pose of expediting die admission of the enlarged Territories into the Union as States. ' The Herald also very, forcibly mirth-provok-i- trip-hamm- .; ; . : T - : ; ippsar: :, ' Fanl's injunction, V Suffer not a woman to sprak in ths Church,. .was . . - . : ; . - ;. - insirtsthstintheselectionof a site for a U. Hi branch mint, Salt Lake City offers inducements and has claims which ought not to be disregarded. Occupying the third place inFhelist of Statesand Territories producing precious metals, c , Utah . rightfully "claim what California and Nevada have already ' ' S .- '- 4 s 7 . ' ,W t .3 Tho Acre, that good eld soul, informs ns that in Lsipsig tho ladies arc farid-de- n to. wear a dress Cner of from five to fifty maxks.j Whythat is nothing.w Lave sectf Imlic dresses bcre in Ziou which mors than fifty marks had upon been street-sweepi- ng - . inflicted. The Xeict buttasgnst the 1 ove,b ' OtBee third door Deaeret Bank. J5.tr - V.J.I' , - I s ' 'i it sfl - C!TOCX of cazefnl buyers fur tb Detail or Eamily Trade tothh ! otock - m' s- . TMlimE JLvhehss TXHEK8K C QTOCK QTOCK Ahhkkse Dtdck I otock Ails Blanket Lined Coats, Hunt" ing Coats;. Vests ' anjt Overalls. : . t ' - w ' . Rri - ' ' - ' V r . v i ' . IharVsville Powder, Fuse,' Fuse Blasting; . Llgnters, Myers Mining- .. Cendles,Eto.: ' . I eMtalS;' y y ' l California Blankets, Undershirts, :: Drawers and Flannels. -- : J 1 Uifafes i . VVY -i .r- A to i CL &-- t : - e 1 6NT8 for Strauss Conulhe r Riveted - Blast-in- ft and SportlnB Powders. L. VAN & CO.e e 2 - ForCala- - powder Company ESTATE AGENCIES: -- '! 5 Supplies. . ACEiNtS Coffees, Sugars, Tobaccos, 8pioes, Sauoss," Plekles, ; ; ' PULL LINE ; v STOCK A FULL- Of Staple and Fanoy Goode, Teas, JH. ' Shawls, Ladles Coats, Flannels, Llnseys , Of. : Blankets, ; - Ilubfas, Hams, Bacon, Lard, Currants, Reps, Waterproofs, Furs,.Mens , KniLCoods, Scarfs, Extracts, Raisins, Candles, ' End afid BoysVCIothlng. Canned Corids Etc., bEto. v; of Every Kind. ,v. . . a : ; 4'.:; Have the offiw to their patrons a choice aclcctUm of ' I tn h5 r' ' r 5,. iX' -- v-i -- . is Chcapdlonscs v V H ' ' J Etc., , i. At pricM that defy competition. ' - - - M ft . MERCH AN D ISE Onr Stork comprises a ! tall assortment of . fEU flfATf t . t On ft to onr Immense Stock and Low and rxamine bstb money. and .Call foryoureelvre, rrjrce. Agency for Mine, Demorcsfe Reliable Patterns. ' I..-- " a few piece or yp. . ay ;cihiOoiiipanr Opposite Wells, Bargo dt Co., Main Bt. r FOR SALE CHEAP, ft r . We call special attention of tbo Jobbing and Family Trado ' - We have a'eo- yjJ .r f- . ft ft - Wholcrsle ami Retail Dealers in . l ed DAVIS. X hoes, Hats & Cffps, Groceries, Dry Goods, Coots ft 8Etc. Hardware, Etc., n I 1 i..-'. " - ft 1 stee,eei ' ' E N.ERAL G ' , D. R. BARNES. a a m ! - :,'t - bueeaeo-.e- " ' . and Tf sons D. DAT fMitm. T' - r.S TO. PSOSSBZET BY ItCMiucnccM, Fine Coltagm, . f w . Elegant ft FAtilLY TRADE A SPECIALTY OF iOt'iJ ens r; VE MAKE petfSre to BiulneM Properly, . I : f J - hnti-Morm- aaf Exlellng between Turkey and Brims erasas never produced by the use of any anch Wines Liquors ' (lit lnitiOnraftplin.' WALKER BROTHERS & COMPANY. - 13 red-hair- ed par-boile- d, lh re-hash-ed . I-::- ' Loaa and Xfegotiais BZoney et . nt - t ; 'i . , On Real Eetete at loweet rates. .1 - ,'x , Kt I n it CFB T9 T ; ' ' A the public ' . , . d ' . ' Pre-em- & TOD '''' lou'a-- pt WfriT: , ' - y ; Y ' . . m isiaac!Oooco f Try BUC1LE & 0Y, Main St, OppoHts Walker House. . ; ' Which la tho T ; APintdtldk1 Salt Laki Cm, Utah. - y ? .? . j , : -j' 1 -- ' 1 ..7 i"J. yn ,;- - t i ' Altorflii foFdie ; r V iwvis s .W : , r. m i , . . ! u i ; . ? I - anib STAMP FOR CfRCUUU1 -- ' Parker bros;; WEsfMERtDrit.CU' - .i-- -- - - '.V TAKXVOU&JOBWOridt' ; r( " V-f: fffiTO "SQEo ;'. oiriiis fpccisl by the VVrck. JOHN- Iif SOREN8O Vi : Proprielot Rstfcn ' - ' FAY cg fix-;'-.- " . ! . , M-- airy, comfortable House, where the traveler end tourist can-fla- d rest. V ' ' i One block Main atxct and three from ' Meeks from the Railroad titedion. it Either street car or omntihu .will take r i, yon to the House.4 . - ; : . ' to . t ik'a quiet, dean, t.v . THE PARRiR (!iyy. 8E, U t.i m--t.-m - IN UTA VAt L EYH-O- " GPrOftKrtS TkE TEMPLE' . iV. - ::i;- - ewapripep' ' ' V. I di- i BEST NEWSPAPER J;.r . ' : i. . lit D E PENDENT DAILY f-- I 1 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE s'-'-- ' Z1 ; D VER TISE 1 HEIR ITri The Dally Independent a . - s ; OY ' .:' if s - BUSINESS HEN 8HQUCD , ,,i CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE SMOKER LAND - AGENT ;; h V and ATTOBNEV. ' . - ; Jl-t- f. OT Surveyor right roar. ; r ' . Homo, stead Sling and mineral applications; per, end. deed of all hinda-pay- a pants nape, tracings tuxes, eearenea title, maken collection it, conteatsland cases, rents houaea and land; loans made and negotiated, answer alt letters land matter, when stomp la sa concerning fiPMfd- - " t Office Hain street.. Scat door south U. 8. Lake Clty. Utkh. land Office, (np statvsK-Salt- - Mr.:, I f lata chief rletk la Purveyor TC. office of. IfoOoina apd ttih, and United Slates lands of dh - , floor Wasatch Building. ZeA-H- Ifiw oooeooo-ooowo- m " . :: ! - " h' omibiirHr. , , Otfrt.-- l - ..r'-;. klade a specialty. v : Advertising Is tlie Exscnco' of Records:"z WHO IS YOlfa - ... - J- 64 dtiMfchlvug richly-freighte- aMe-spot.-ts5srI',.- 4 - and-whe- - - j rod-head- ed j " X' I.' - ,rW.- - . on-comi- dg TT'Tr'T Our prices ,re as low as t eonalatent. and rar good cannot ho Ever ahoirn In this region. excelled. - We cordially iflvlte thr readers of THE INDEPENDENT, and all the rest of mankind, to call aad aumiue onr stock. IJrWH GUARANTEE SAT1SFA CTJOX. COMPANY y y WALKER; BROKERSPost Owe, 8altuSaha Wty. ir Opposite :iv; rv? - r ed - 'f.H'Fv. w w - j e , nt At our Store, opposite the Poet Office, we have the finest stock of w. . -- red-hair- .. . . s. t!'. fy: . " ..ye . I Mftidrs - s FRANlC FGcTtE 8. ' '? '.v! .v 'v,1 luma- riSaTEB. Mala street. 8Ut Xaka City, three doors north of Salt lake House, ftaeelsl paid to asampl bottles and all gtnfhS kinds bullion. Sample rent from dla lance Sramptly attended to; and returns mads on followin day Charges reasonable, i Jl-t-f BAL pArti-color- ed . - . , ex-offic-ial ' 7; . lu ne and oonie In taqa. And ecu lu velvet gown. way We can imagine tho artistic eye of the proposal. future royal poet scanning the ranks of PRANCE. followers with an ' aphis ; with which Death f sN mlmd Fmaehnaia. preciation similar to that Pnncois Vincent , Paiuh, Jannary 8. Fsbtaff reviewed his ragged regiment. It is fair to suppose that Sitting Balls Rospail, the French chemist and point New Years reception was a grand suc- tian, is dead. The Senate and Chamber of Deputies cess, especirily, if the ..debtor. class mis reassembled this afternoon, T& elecproperly xepreseritod among his visitors. tion for President is fixed for Thursday Upon the assumption that his callers next were., not confined to tbo members of ITALY.: the ten, tribes, but included also tho re-ctn- ily :i" - f 0 El CXTIIXj SEALEB8 AKD Jl--tf and who holda njrpowesof atlorney. Jl-t. ' v'' All persona Indebted to ns will NOTICE. settle aeeoants with Hr. M. Bnakaf-n- r oCBeeon Hia street, nearly oppostt the Clift House, vhaat I taro appointed ray agent, 0 . ' .... s; j, j Always to be Pound in Their Establishment, and ILeepect iiV-frilly ftoiieii an Inspection and tom rison ' ; rif finalities and Ptieeff. Vf . - Try M 9 ; 8ARPET8, CLOTHING, HAT8 & GEtfTS FURNiSHIHGS, S' OOT HAEEB. The beet h th elty. J. B IJoyd wuowd to dot north of Con non LlodS Mfi. bnildlBS. . Pott (a established Democratic paper in VWshingtofn) i for; pnblishingan article headed, Mormonism Unmasked,, in which the writer asserts, on the authorof this Territory, ity of an that tlio Mormon people sow control fonr . lefioi snbdivisioni of; the United a??9lwtcJy-and Idaho, Montana' end Arizena by holding the bnlnnco of power in thoso Territories. Thu tlie A a re styles roVictor EuumI'i Btsltb. Anglo-Saxofraternity, uffese distinmance, but nevertiu less it . is founded . Boats, January 8.King Victor guishing characteristic is to' bo always in fcrgely on fact, Emonnel a less satisfactory night debt, we; may suppose that his list of than was passed for. His fever is slightcomes the inevitable hoped Finally Turkey!I visitors outnumbered tho ths sands upon increased. r . ' ' The Westminster ly ' caircism- - asks: seashore.: What is the chief entl of man? ' Owe Way mt Csrvlsf a Tarkar- The Only keep Sitting .011 yonr ride aanch-gobbli nothing a young ; unmarried There editor will net hesitate to of the line, Mr. aife welBall, rind answer To talk Turkey; Talk it, come to ; the chaff blown you man likes better than to go to dinner at by the the house of amanied friend not eat it, mind you; that would be' too' winds of discontent and illthither; and to be lack:;.';' asked to carve the turkey.- - Nib driver good few an editor.;;. It is Turkey in Eu' ' ... .' carved a turkey in his life, and with an rope, Turkey in Awa, Tnrkey on ths t'RIGUTFUl. DISCOVERT. Black Sca fwfiy notf at the bottom of maid on one side of him, watching old it?), ' friend at our elbow suggests that him A Zion Turkey in closely, and on ths other aide a Turkey roasted, Imiled the enters and . factor, largely fair girl for whom he Los a tenderness, fried, frizzled, bourd, ' hashed and ! We throw into the Mormon Problem,: and that he feels embarrassed when he begins: wide the AW arid --caefe for the Ogden until itjs eliminated, the solving bf the First he pushes the knikh down towards Junction as an antidote, He cannot-find-thand, great vexl rpcjdioii ovfer wluch there' js much ono of the thigh-joint' and he ! of be joint, berels Mousicty Tonsou come expenditure plunges (1IT ibillb gans midnight oil, may oronud search of in it until he makes no insists that wince-meagain,'! in the" shape of a gobble a col- considered impossible, ont of the ' whole quarter of umn in length. ; We will give the Jnc-lio- n the intellectual pilots at the helm of all the fowl. - Then he sharpens hisknifs credit for a sh'ght variation from the three of .our partisan daily papers, are and tackles it aguin. - At last, while and tlint as a red making a terrible dig, he hits the joint stereotyped- - cry that reaches ns from actually into tiro : ' in the. face, of a wild brill in suddenly, and the leg: flies; very quarter;" The extromd cold wtri- - flag shaken dress-fromaiden her while, lap;' ladys' ther rin the Danubo makes tbo 'drunken furiate hfm to maduess, so therad it covered with a shower of stufffore-froRuss and Cossack as lively as fleas, but ligLts in iLe of our party or- ing. Then he goes for- another leg, has a-- contrary effect on ths polygamous gans incite to frenzy and distraction1 and- - whfcn . the ybllhg lady tells-hihe looks warm, the weather seems the; magic circle of, their lurid Turk, and, stiffens him iritor a useless all within a , a ' to him suddenly to, become 400 degrees i, icicle,; Bat,.0apient Jwrio, turn lht. warmer..:'!; This leg he finally pulls loose Is . it possible ! thrvt the , alxmt is a gofKl word, nndss one extreme with his fingers. He lays it on the edge Jonahs on ' board of he good sli Zion of the plate, and while he is hacking at follows another, so wilt the wing, he gradually poshes the leg t'inmnicr tho frozen Turk vrill'fhnw into are , reap c risible for fistxm and 'tern-je- the n over on the table cloth,, he that ihreateris V drive our d good fighting triiai- and' the riicei : picks it up it slips from bark in Hpliritered fragment the gravy dish and splash skiiuied Cossack will tho gravy in a around six for lee shore? as he ?Can a Just cuch t upon square yards. thing ,. ' made up his mind (hat the tnrkey be,, and overcome ns Jilla a rammer hns ha joiris to his wing, the host iloud without our; special wonder?.! oak no UnktltPp or (quit. him if he thinks the war with New; Yoke, Janiiaiy 8. Hie Frank- Tlint some misgivings ns to the baneful Tnrkey will soon be over. The girl next to lin Fire Insurance Comimny lias sriffi-miitilncjice of this capiJLiry manstriority in him laughs, and he says he will-eplain an dotpairnjent'of ftipiUlrof 82Tfl00, Lnnian affairs - linyo stirred ike inner his- - views "Upon tho subject after dinner. ud lfas been: notified by the Insurance consciousness'' of :socrs amVrevelators Then ho sops his brow with his handkerchief, and prenes the tnrkey so hanl Department to make up Ibis amount or lb cease' business.; "?x.days gone, by, is evident from ; the with his fork that it slides off the following ; chunk of wiadom extracted and upsets a glass of watenon the girt A Denlol from' Hr.SIads. from that readable' "book entitled, Sid- next to him. Nearly frantic, he gosges Nzv.vYobk. Jiiunary 8!. S;i-cia- l away again at the wings, gets them oil Agent ney' KmitL's AVit and )Visdom: a mntilate d condition, and in into Mndge of ; tho Tresury Deportment dc--h I liave oft-'- thought, if the wisduni the breast. ' Before he can cutdigs off, any lscn'ircviously stated, of onr ancestors had i excluded all per- the hast asks him why he don't help out hs chart iiieonijwlcucy or dlfihoncstir sons with red hair; from the House of tho .totkey. . Bewildered, he puts of the throes luuloonvnlriqns both legs on a plate and hands upon an; Cloyerrimcnt officers at- - Now Commons, would occasion to restore tHcm to them to the maiden lady, oriel then it .. York, ai: said that , he mode no state-rte- nt tbeir nat nral i "What' mobs and helps the young girl to a platefnll of to the rAeft that tho Govcrntnent riots it wonM rif Lts. . To what infinite luce! while taking her plate in pro stnmng,and was defrauded. No rvflection was nbnse and , knock wonld the return over the obloquy dish. ' marie upou ccy inspector, with one ex- -. capillary be ' exposed! What .wormwood' Then he sits down with the gravy latriot calmness of Umt in. and case the man liad would distil from oeption, what froth-woul- ' despair and fans himself with a napkin, the potition few only a single year how;? Lord while the servant gill dears np and-takedrop from Mr :: und ,waa not- familiar thi duties n would talk nbout ' thcr hair of the turkey to the other end of the 1 qu' i red. rif him Winiaui : arid ths authors of table.' He doesn't discuss the Eastern King ?oa, deidi'rs loliacco, thn . find Ravn question that day, lie goes right heme glorious ikvo lcir ridjiulicHted : tolnur ry b.ml:-.rupt-s. lntion: great h iw Lonl an- - after dinner and- Spends the would; night try--iftlabljltis, SZ8O,0G8; aus."ts, peal (othV Drily ard bis own virtue, tb decide whether to commit h 8l7,CCCI.:;;v i'v. aril to tb v luiir of his chili ten; tom on take ieseons ineeving i r . it; v v. J 'It4-,: . 'i:- '. y 'jtTKHmZ t M eXN IOH v-- 1 ' f XnvIU tho attentioh DwUA B.eond gstk St. JB. CBAWnKP. the FMtofflce. J34f Some - - HARKHE88, : ''" L,; A 'K'W i OUea B. Icon, KiianM, ATTOBNET-AT-LA- C WHOLBSAXS : - p ETC. 4 e j " V--:- ' KAlNH R - Iri BENNETT-dr- i W. t . at-nUt- oa j r O' '"S ! 1VU za i LIQUORS, - j . Ink CUy. Utah. ' Ko.U V emeist Iaw Bnritim. Gtv iptdil toXead aad Klning Hasten. Notary Do , . J Hum U. Euan ILOHRINT G - Groeerles Mv Dry Goodl) I . al ' - ; Cui..E Oaensr. . - - r'-:- MCHAND ISE, 0' et Xe eiii w. ay , ." V'v'-'" y IIWMBWSaMiMraO "'.Lxr TnSM!lliMI5agSH6flMWMMMM T ;C : .. .c-'-tm4- ''S&OHDESEt' HAGAN, - w-uoom i ttow ArroBinevgKala 8t., ever Western VbIod lutfrtph Offle. JMB : . i- - . ;,v -- - Jl--tf Mixer Emu. TILFORD ' supplemented by the mandate of ..the Apostle Ho ughton to the intellectual church convened t at Boston in the golden days of this nineteenth century.: Vl . nuffer not a woman to sit at tbis table. Fossibly it was only :: a nice perception of the proprieties of the occasion, and .. a Jceenf appreciation of the purer' instincts said "tastes of woman which prevented ;Mr' Houghton from inviting the. fair sex to join in festivities perfumed, with wine' and clouded .with tobacco smoke.- . If such was the case, and a knowledge of the dominant habits and tastes of i his guests led him to huiricnr their weaknesses ; by admitting ine and cigars arid excluding the ladies, then the blame is shifted from . government. the host to the guests. A Bucharest dispatch says the ice has ceased moving in the Danube The river is olfeady' IroicA Ovcf near Cfafsfz, SITTING SUECKPTIOX,. BtLLl " and is expected to freeze as frit as Sim-nit' . ,r i. immediatelr f Ws are informed that Sitting Balls A St. Petersburg dispatch says the camp in the Queens dominion is the re- hopes of an armistice are rapidly disapsort of straggling bands of disaffected pearing. . The strictest seereey is mainIndians from our ride of the line, whose tained os to the terms Russia would is arid even the Command-er-in-Chi- ef yearning hearts with true '' poetie; fire cry propose. Ithe not been instructed on orii r this points . .i; O fo a loSa la some root wilcUrneM, A Vienna COfMroondefii febgftjln: In olden time, the malcontents from It ie announced from Cohstoitiriople that the Porte hoe informeifEngland of the tribes of Israel gathered to the cave its readiness to enter into in Jhe wilderness where David held his with Russia, but intimated negotiations that.it did court, and as those.who were iu trouble, not think negotiations between the miliarid those who were iri debt; came troop- tary commanders, as proposed by Russia, suitable, a much preferable method ; camp ing into ' - .. - yd 36 j; JONA88ON, TToiinJur-uv- ; oaee oppostt Tn. Bazardjik says Baker Pasha has been promoted; to the rank of Lieutenant- ' General. ., In Constantinople the enr is brihg raised. for a recall of Midhat Fsshs ; ' The .occupation of Sofia ia of great advantage to the Busrians, giving them a base for operatume in Ronmelia, opening Up the resources of the C tnfntiy and making them to h certain extent independent of supplies from Boumania. Despite the pressure from the Palace and threats of dissolution the Turkish House of Bepreeentatives hrive been assailing the Government with great freedom. They probably have-thpopulation of Stamoonl on their ride, arid it is doubtful whether they weald obey a decree of dissolution evefl H the Government ventured to take such a step. The .Standard says: Correspondence between London and St. Petersburg respecting the point raised by the British Government has not yet terminated, and we shall probably have to wait until the opening of Parliament before a full et planation is given of the subjects nfidef discussion between the Governments. The Daily Kevin says: Tho Earl of Carnarvon has not resigned the Colonial Secretaryship. Midhat Fosha left Paris to-dfor this city.-'Ttis said the Basrians found 8,00ft Turkish wounded at Sofia. A telegram received in Paris from Constantinople reports that . Mahmoud Damah Pasha's resignation has been refused. He attended . the council of ministers on Sunday last. A Vienna special says : : England has informed the government at St. Pejero-burg- b that she has no objection in principle to the conclusion of an armistice in the mode proposed by Russia, but as regards the terms of peace no new European programme mnst .be drawn up without the sanction of Her Majesty's . ' GENERAL 8; . - '?-- ? - Otrice over Eta, pTOSXEr.AT.IAYr. Oorukka CoS bank, Salt Lake City. JMf A special from Loxnox, January. 8. m JAMES N. Kiln BALL. GREAT BRITAIN. . H: 'y-- tateh BoUdlns, Balt Lak Clfr. L r.Tum Wsr-Xet- a. . - w. o tmKnT.AT.iaw. v FOftEian NEWS. aeosi at-la- , 4 , vviM.s ng - , . . ' . ; . 2XlaclUi 3; ". . --- V,:.-i.;- ' ' . t.'.-::.- v tv totftf was persecuted, would be driven to the falsehood of wigs, or the hypocrisy of the Circassian Fluid." : , - ' v-- - - 1 ''ll . , I tei ... ? . net-haire- r Salt; Lake City," Utah.'" WEDNESDAY . X . JANUARY 8.: 1878 . ;attobne$s - men would say that sous scold prffte superstitions; r they were atheists; they srowd be peti lioued agunst as the advocateeof tor volt; in short, such a eorrnpterof the heart and,the understanding la the spirit of persecution, that thfse unfortunate their fellow of ; the Mr. Honghton, the publi-dieAtlantic- Monthlyf: recently 'furnished a. feast of fat things I fOr the contributor to that magAzine. in honor of the tOth ; birthday of J. 0. ;Whitiier, : a most worthy member of the gtiild. In return for the substantial vtiands tinder which,';, as the sepofters eayr;: the , table, if not the partakers,' groaned, the . ' guests furnished their, host 'and the hungry public with a feaat of reason and a flow of eoul. The speech of Mark Tis ain on that occasion, transferred to the columns of the first Bnmbri of the IxDKPJcDjnr, con veyed to bur readers one of the broader and, we mav. say, coarser phases of that brilliant entertainment. Wit. and wine sparkled, sentiment and pathos malted and subdued, thought and .eloquence in chastened, and elevated prose tod poem the chosen ' few. who listened, no lets than the undistinguished mart?,- who waited in the outer coart for the Ariel of the preas to echo the glowing words oer they .died away in the halls 'of festivity, Dut, hold all (be splendor and brilliancy1 WC can 'imagine pf that . notable feast, ' b! the Quaker poet the clear gray eye on the pictured wall these sigtracing nificant words ; Weighed and found V. Hamlet was bfing played wanting. with the part of Hamlct" left out by whoso partid&lor .request it 'docs riot . ,,Jfc. I 1 V- ' :y '&t;'. :iv? - .''A.:U-;Y-r-. i!;: :?;. ".' f,- J - ; AM leMUULNBl'lUeB- , - ' r-- J .v ' .,& I f . . ' Hwv. .. . .Vh-i- , M- ; : ' V'r; ' " - ' v w - . 5?- .. . y. i t'" 'V ' ...j sr1 ' ' - ... : . ' . ; v. ' -- J i :;-- : - : .' - r'. JAf A'l-. v, -i i r'-- 'i . ' . Jt ' 1 - ,? |