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Show ii n t fiyrrAdfwr.nitr jr. -. . . - fii iesb, . 3 Y.Vnftrtlnn; , fjTrj-- ftl.fel petti-- 3 Tequer. Epaxeely fjain our cenerdUs Host en obir u.7.1 . I 1 I Oootuo t. 4du oTtoiiidci .v affoud (shoaV ta ipre heard I vatU" I'j Vooking - Al$. "fjS Year, and jt)ck, BnjW no If jfjom (SY - T - ujr; . 1. I m '. at) Si. Ucors oirricld tb U. on j nc 10-e- t. an ' PQD$R!W? Jf-ltsi ibo iHato o! ithiss . mill ir Hi xJkhjOtokip oTt Lake . City with a young bepriUe, was hy sutne ccc y. ,;COMlESPONDENCE. Indy, ooming as fast 11s whip dfiii, caught between th s To ToQgjr horse and'fpnreould-mnfce'hiand otVeof tlie .posl On; Monday the 21stx iot?v rjkaiVffiwiutd 'ffliitii.stoueaftfo ifoop crushing liis head' 30 bad! I, stfrfrk! for geru 1 Ijq upv &hch.&vei.found 4hat he hud he died ijo a fw minntes. irtijrte&'Crdm iioihetwitb a baity-y.- i : - Jbuui, . v? is t th . le 1 'TrlSilifeMi. lb hturx'eiro Vtogi N on yu:GeorgeStpt. 21,11368. lOO, iuwl euuld ginojifarihcjv ricpdOgft nfyjj: IJfknFat31 f,B r ( tcbcail hubb eh 4ff h&'u : . dleunwished u to exehate I j jus ' fi mo on ,iJi:y .,,! ; iri , th uidjc Jlprso ;f or ione. of. fours Ysrheii.. r .ViVs vilfty.tpg,. nijt lYnj$ofnpanf on mado'he idi id ifferent .papers?,- old he eitr ri&iiimapi.ntd hif Vtiurrued tb large fruh and Igr iipeg, wide W his sweetheart rejoicing.,; As- j Ti '. iYe . rr i pliant . S r. G kfefcp inv e:U. F f eorga rnWiS?; Stilo Wfee' Staffifelf without furihejr. iKJrcavrfcdrOvcrtter TAitfibff MdT"nMtres J : fii;r.;r:a ka .v 'ithat hae comt? tander I,mvjj ob l id f .!)( ' AftMpagnonhd&v voyaglf flrtr a h servatioiu and that tho pen ;tfhrei 5SUft ihirt w.ta)ui6cb as frightening jDoen it.'AvIy Wh.Vuj wrgem.dy5h aye prpp . . M j?C ittL'dimrsunding jof thigg in geoci:Hl;vandftpe :ihlqg T .in Well , thenth ftr.iis-BenjnVi- -. 1 fi- , - r - f : njt-73- 0 1 I ? 1 ' ici - A :. - 1 (inr-iicvilA- ri ipeiehlth a( j tbirbrtha 1 j bsenr x much Thtf gen ' .'vtPlisUUeMii ofqToqnerji'Je L8pmiiUie tuneiHgn i:Villiaii 1 3 brother thi (Uentir hayo manifested' considrinbiit enterprise within, Uia; tost feW man mho resides in'lhig'reity D AVjre5g) have red Xtflfi amber hail of Home a,rpair of mules stolen froV year thjsvjiuit; Ipnl ; him ahqm fatty milekUhia id ouiHWf a flpse . ImeIriM of Pent on, He stitrte( ?Wfiel iirtf to" meahreBsnmh iVfurshiP Wdiiri iriidsSri7c,0t ih.se peaches, aud I founA t and ha ring been , gone iiir ier ( Mfiii1 vm re TiftTl dMFihti&i MM 0 ,'bmt ibyiiW r&eyirgd: and : expepoto) Jjrk3jilhr Uo nmlkWirie corifeluWed1, n mnit,? do he oneahd' Um ourib i inched "in circumyir I itinfcitM . encek Nowvt ;ROtu? wifi killeJ-'lih1 cha1hngeM ky 1 &?W$6HM tSBiti 'after' it.fi liinh longer ( upv 'b'av body xuirsido of Duie to lia i ;we naa uvea.in si ueiws cijhg, ihe:mulbs inrithihmi ill that. TRCthii rifJS the grape, 1 3 ciTdlS 3 4 Tobttppre--ciai- e lmd foilowel;utbeiiIfldifnrilOPjfttbat il Hcknawledge :;hi8.t to?de therxrxfr qi tjrocrlsny tuing, foot a hundrgdymihirfiUhopgl t;rp.it couitry .fof? grsesvfdi .that lacked ihcLtastt 'tef.,tlw nearly Mare, .haii j'np AyJHifttf1 jeifdi kbhfch t.MBnwil,ttii wag atf,iWj(je, turid bs muleilo iieiAbou ffrii Wnd f fi? Ji Xbiit -- m ? bo-turh- sd - 1 dud 5 twenty-on- e jcqt-lqo.iq- ' ihc v w ifbaVkliV: , u J$i he sucn.melMif t. ..tJ c r;, P.i;mehiis.i t ! AKMVihWJlomOiO' Wilson dP.hd ofUitihy s iirntt .f the x Eiist llus fHiMGOge frum fit1 ! r. c )a i balfffdyzewit in youi and were fcuWhbiifoSysrd which Ws&ficfritlVfa rummQ ':2 . ,;U? ' 1 f t sfi.oLims fiiocol avM&tir f(siaojt vi v?to 5JJ frdATvVrwiAqht'edijari M twinr . '. 1 j nl 1 - lid Kdi.h 1 J sdi J . 1 1 ; |