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Show 7 . thr Ouk-UW!- P-' 'P-OtlTics- I f ri) liibeT! it c bet three termtdf; mmSSvcW IH-- I 1 1 YTtif fiTTT ;' band!ttlbof inkOW. D raou are sail dtobe 'rJfltpthru.AHe is I h small patera .of tin impede- - .UJ bo epUpKj<itntLbeatetiil'i SI. t 'tV&j&l tSrrfW Hbick jbnU3: ; talljpV M MiJii a i JL)l . N6?mlb.l ill Oirjjoij i .r.bl . rider ofitnbiH.hite&inkWVbiiv . xP . ilcUrih tire usuallyiinp of 8 a-- lwV ! Good-gtabl- tf. . 4 The QrAsshoppe ra ofi 1 $69 l.tf ul Jt';;S;nM Vt hi Odr. pmt wpsrwpce jrit i frififl) arid indulea rfn!jriiuch-thd probable speculittlbh dpoU .. . - f:- . m tbeseipests bastuught ur their nature!. This Mph j,tha .hop p err taycdepositcd; their' egc ) OEDiiE: 1 li 'O t't 1' ;' Flouring TbItIIM 6 f i ciu frofoV ihfii no? tberii1 -- pari ;or a dozenihinars; Grant might to south Territory iQ(ksplrndiJ v J iutheextrehje' .i jjv for5aa easily be elect a Fr&sittent lie ras j the settlements Ar ia 4l!l , in now, in compleuiioier V enumerates ?arid xplai&s "ilitt JrtiQn-a- t. I i ot ) ti ldnfbrderto !beelrothhjfa seer what- muat wedo in rirdeii candidate should.! tfttzg'weli 4 CEDAR CITY, IROI C6.J, 11 j devoui ibi fixniruiii tefprevent Grant never could run --worth ,a! ns Wd ..neifc' uabla io1 com isuipmei? TheWg Wtia TT ceht-didr- it n he kriovrHen ..wbi ch, havA bneu deposited :i) fable-- ' Willi tlie" Termor? ' i JT in M uvai! my whipped . the Var.jinj?j?,i5i!vjrtchott 2t Apresidentjiehould -- be . b S l tr iJ i.4 but; r. w M ThPf-abovene- w A- 1 . 1 i a 1( - 1 J 4- -n-4 -- t'Yi' - j mind,:.' - ho abletaget from Grants mind at all.' presiHenttf headlhuld be jpah of Mound . toneJiasi-yebbee- winter lull: but those, that hyc produced.'(Siirle n -- - ' ,li b ' iKMirrLll ft! tI Mii Mirer; adear and unclouded1 Grunts jM.tbough litwpuldbtf .wisdom ,i . . . is always clouded. With Sixuik1.1 t0; .80W Ell ?good ?Urid fcf Jfaf PIONEER- TIN SHOP,1 A k k"4 Vpresidbht5' jshbulii0 hi a wheatvYbis' should be (done as G. L4;Rfdint i iBy ftotesman- - GrilnVikvoiily,& polearly w October, he t Yirgen rv VWVVvivwvUilli itician and asoidierv " :, t Fieldmight all beTsown' to .i;.i .A, it.il i 5 v!A pr sideha muU bya'hu-3asWc Visited Union other, places wheat, ' farm a few I 1 .and ".use J h'upiin that coiild'be being fa'utl aiid vSf ' u' I Apcecbwhileull.Grnnt.suysis Vooia;ifCU.5bi. by, fabary rf$:A i.'tfi : ' Y lit i'cail!1'1 f . a - '. i- - M -- n: '1 and-nian- y ' 4 . 4.1 I 1 ,r. j f ;ep horsetalk ond.they.suy, ;he jurt Yrilhoat of one theownpls. and s iSqdJrei, thst irrigdiion,, ' is i horsei 4s some on a laugh.; !..torpat experience IIn were really astonished at tho ni a cordipg ' should vlfil Our Fresident thift W. r.iwe wquld iraite a sur- mount ,of work accomplished l, liaye broad capacity for tempo-ra- plus, i andi itrii rwould most by tli if gentleman and Bro, things a htlo Grants jsre be harrestfid before th Cowley hK partner, .,lnr .the A: ; decidedly 1 7; (i.am ket;a' great "many yJVesl but the democratic ; nominee will Cl1 : Seem m (8eymour)-I- u : vAbioy fromHhe n Jrth' try ing to Ascribe the beauty15 offcls jy our 1 i ( 1 opijpiop is ;toft a ibroadi . ,'is the suocesfr they anticipate. deep, clear and rapld for Granite ktesaiuH com yfaGardmerw ., adertut. fer, r Tin uaderkeUg the 1 Rt .'? t short time Jhey haye ben4en gagdd ip ihakihg the FaVm. Thej have seraped down, hills,' f ilr k led up hollows and t Irbught t OQnsiuerable land1 under Vud cessful cultiyation which1 bin i been hithortoconsidored useless, :i j They have yeJ a great deal of work to do if ;hey carry outtlreif i plans ag stttSid by Bro Squires. THey have a fine young jrins- - m , r.. j minds eye liorati o. PH7 8 .Grant is unpopular, and ac a Chicarger wagon9 naht be .eleotedftbat is so. Cold facts. (OolfasYis ,9 Vyhaijias LbccQme'of the ' tou muoh for Grant. v anal Hat was to bring1 life rlOV Grapts friend fuller has Datneron m ngie.bniytpthespobps . ptaivCbrahrtiugU i e.il u t rtii i it o f ui'iiii yird startedjwhich'ldokstert alley wieh them - all l(fad iMtTheJirBPOtpubi? pWiliPSr-W- d ! . 7s . likely i from thA Colder to get elected must rhoppers imates would reach tis.v , ;T spifif-ua- j- AS1 r Club Halltt - rv : ' 1 '.A i s t - r nr itit I i i1 .I. i 1 - -If .at. .. t J.' ! 1 ( : ' ' ' 1: I '.'' 'Iff " J iirX it mer : si lftcl) I I J'frf'B I'm ' |