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Show i '- febU'i'uniiN t. ..T y - - -- dbu 1 fr(M, ilftf I ttli iml e llc uln I'ttklcf. eo Mi (itfc. . is lip liaf Iriiferf. f le a iUf iiH Cnieltr. I . ':J 1 IfitKM n Jlllv'Cr.'VfSi tf )Ckf IMIil WIIVII.W f nut lU I in met 'fivrIte tresarve and wm!4 Bmbat plaiii roia ilii) ltuk toi cujv (tr I vr I Im le fit weir ?lei- ttuuaiiii. cm If - --t u jlMrKQVEMENT-- (- l inRiiy tfitteredi-- f incnglhc Difikonql iHfliVr fitTratiol EiiikVUs lMl4l'i iiltt t; Bill irliicli U ni rretkfiiend ultaii lltlieie; llrklM s wllck tile If Immii'P OJijrjMa rrrpershcip; wlucji liu I ei tW til itifticr. vW ui of IpntiDA ttlili iiick iiitHb -- - lbjiiiiUwie ducks, "ktin Me to liiifk H I je i be jUv t nitlVt t -iT.lie bi ii.4 Jick r gratshtif priaVsntf' to ; till Cjr .lai-ftfi- V " -- . 1 ir-- W 4 a red el ; -- a- iiii t . iMBdl:itkktiifloart(itU iatid U ii fjlfliijd, BSid ; COVfrMii With ft froiihhtt cktiiUiuv , tropltrakM. . piece of.shetliiJB.'uq;. iitl H.TIlES I!rKInT'f- - V iWespaidnP.'i:Yitl1ia. - it--w, It! Hr. iKnur 'Bilir tia vleat field Clhct 8T tlld M(. tiftd ii slllh w the follow gle Knrg out vISil Yi (lie, li. piW gct;rtU teg iiioict; upon ' ' - s. rent, bKK li by pIlliGII) the; upper, aiory of this , bull- -, I .tout uokstn a U! f n ctjlar for. storms la aiso ;dli; diner, mdiKffcntfrdtTi' iiaiud e', itoiiuif .buwhalkm ii iph 1 tbOa Txa Witlicnt efflcial aid UtUa .lb". Wj tJiin Cov'fliivc! aak iket abatj Coart to laitract tleiyts .XrJrnc?i!9et all iti needsi ia wty iia m it awiia; Iti tlctaJliMtUa ad hotiid irtkjItU Utiliav biH liity B:a. Iviuirrd nd liftr. Ilia b ill inenaee (k jiMNat foritid ' ilicOitl iar.tle tlrctMeg ad l afvcatiag lilla, lha may pfefiULlj nidpvBW ltli oOr iilla. Ittfiim iroenre liiF , lt ; giut; aafor tojdo.kia ova diBtrftia5BK.fLct bin f row cotloa ttivghit, Irart to F7 WHi e diataate aad iaatccd of 'lilla ip. tba an emalo Uiac larnaatd,. fb will fcademiB-.alj- ill 1 Lottie !) teUhV.lbLu, tii r fUDtlht Ci'UH bthlfcj 4lf):kYk' iii iiacfit)l j w Tioli' ;;A I ' ed kmi tddtil t tia will A ftiendof v Dr-e-a-d-f-- uV8 now iiii wiih,Ufa)iu i heir lie; Hrnthcin PiateF,' wriVes oei a fill) bt e,liiuj ui d ihe i un hme hi. ho has received llo go dow Me-b- li ihir ki t tb nou 'tTer,lltiteraiid yrm. a: jLecimb t s ' - ' ' 1 4T .5 fSi'li-- i M1 U'l 1 wewill inform; our uaders fa our Iht-Y:!.trsi) ';rv'iVi bnii'U , : f ; . V V Onr Bevil,iulo catting; a had Ud jnitfof tuna to cat :hiF lister. It any ; serious evs sequences follovr, ' e ? itTo .. digging. outJi; c j,.: mm ' j iiJ 'ti? j . ltaal aao laadrad fcaab ' .. . a ; ! Y) lj.ia,an elephant .. ' lodking through haby epeciatles, like a akan-Uat? DonV ir.ejiiir.ptheMixxBAL know do ycuf.7 V: 4i it d I bt OACTUliei i iMul old Friend All.lhr i fu Proyf ntion is hetter than curo'u starve ton, r ml the limb ithe B.BTVdont prick the pig said wten'he ran away from ' ... the lutcter were chWtd to emigrate. ycur Crgci. A collier, with a huge pair of , Bui Pi 'L ie Couniv As. tax called a boot black beat lioiilhtfi liie Yiid i WHliiii (haat Ifw diys onr the othcr day to upon shine hoots, to sttriV (hat whiii l!:t. wiiu) Towit MM lccoine very lonttore lha urchin contemplatedupLis the size'' of d the ai for moment a l.ecr and then' hiive job called lo liejthe; onV,a fo'iflrurctliliigto blow8,iiiiy I erftl)iil tl'e : out to a' a cornrdd I of kud Bill,' us ehirpirg say, children if.; keep l V in ii em ItW' arrovV a. spit, wont or iLe d l'Te j an pi) Ui i f .. . ' , ' . r 4 f ' $ under-rtandin- gsf , 1 ; .. Cow-her- yerr got hom contr&ot, l;ikij cumplalrs that ?ffdiix:jruiB-iriftivuifc ci&k; it ifc'thetluHest time heever wit- - - it f. bud ' whim lhi; logs bi.i k ihVy tifHs d; io tbls,. country ; be t ays Ladies we Vinvito all of you to coma itl.ai oolo(!y cornea to getcliaYed, rud spend the afternoon with our wife B'Hve toleah ft .and He feels likehatgii g :Mly biing jcur knitting,' and bo kind of i 110 so thin t Vast s t r Ccuie -- ihiewinawiiihere i ,fw. lh?-B:irW- r 4 . he-horse- ;guiilto d wilve o h iii ip initon tha inveKliate ibe hip. more. fully, ayd when ; they kill; n fiuV iiJ fertixe ttf itwy lu ve to l : knockiliiln down! . vli t.i ,;. :t: .. NSriheincr. -- U f nn? Ml ,, i i.iFArw hit YjmIiVmY ir 7 1 Firww1? ttyw 1' 1 I Ml : ili. lie lAVe I . . J ; eked , aintcr who advertised in the 7iWt, hat ko intended to. lemaini'ih sl Mm2 .1. S. Sir ro writing th'dahoVcwe trel fBK f,v: InliJt, kd Ir init, eor.rt cmU muquU to five ijotica his edvi rile m i.t In tlerciiftVr i.ThfaaindrrlN bcihds. Ir .rct Ur?ca ltirrr. i, .7 t U Ji'.ii hr! young lady wl jit . shoitkoft- j oftjua; ask what' hai hccimoof our ? dee Uxea . thats what makes' our wife discuss eo heavily,': tecnr.se she says .that .W spend too much of lour t:xnowitb 1.4 y v, i slowli , widening; or tho PoLLI.'f A genteman the other day at fiftJ.l'Mttli eiwLtfctt fit! ilUiJiil . dni ok bMt lthui;d i e , i ,wTJ fM flyV " Tbo lonely spiders thin. gray V .v v? 3 -'r. i pall W aft j. Con- : l o ?S?r jWKin, ,J" fl t yi eyrry-iHK.- y Jisa gone oi is gi ing to 0W; i-li- ue fi.id lhat mat-;i- together, xould 800hivfty6UieL. 1 i) nate answer. :vl iuqn' La Ml jumped our rerZ;in4o:(ciHJ jEUp to set (bur lines to 11 ibis y bio rage age1. SfrThe last line. nsaasw " w y- |