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Show V .. ro P1 is Tbesunlipht of ourjpar 3y days! FrienJslyoja are. now surrounded :: with Sat hath and doj V a f ' 4 ,t.Ti -- schools where? y tt can go- - eiid learn all brancufs of education, j and listeeQ totbeiiuBtvuctibhs ofi wise teach, rs:; by so doing, vou; will prepare yourselves to rged, becomcusef ui i members if sb-- TaAtDTaTuBY. .S ii! fclili-' Locals. j.: . Th Ft, Cerrjif f tbf 1cfnirps ! ill JiPiiVcMl rp h ihr lJiiM. Bojs Vel tl; . .ftenMK$h. M ' 2'Prr st E eietv. riUanuut the m V : !ob ,-- ,Ih , : the propel, tht would and ally saj peaches 7 V comi ?.f W?J?y;! OHTe' k i frv I ate. ah ctdyfct mine i.cedBi wiue.makiig. f j ' . a.i . J. .'-- i i 1 I InffcU Gfoige - " i. S - ( V k. ! , on 'll t ; ; 1 18ln. bite VV 1 V tp Dcccami baf lived a 4vd'tf laitli;ul uuuiUr; cl ,.Ui. CiiiKCic cir Juv$) Cumiet cf LanuDM tAiMali r niuny . footsteps C compelled; to gobyWitktU ritn, To'Ruide our youtfcital ; f shd truth right. . , ' orf eJe' Iteing .antebgtboati dnJ rirtue with wiicm; wodid7hot wifeh to I pray thee Heavenly Father, m ingl ey aoiitklqueut iy we coulil; -- Ut Inoaj.never sin, Illl - (lie iFC tl 4aM.fl Y . yg in walk paths ofoutj, notattendSalhatiicLoolstner ButXLat win. ' ,v SAiuUJaH (h;pfmbBticirCyi Ithe prise. mpj. I i mi ri lAtid when my courseis ended, V. ;)ro ; Irequoatljr reflect on the Yd iy;tti. body ,Bbw X: H&i it. lcrJc ; wish and v haChaii e that; pwt, , I-.- - . -- : ..'4. i ji8i; SUitr A ibtah rVd CUU cars b aiof tlit ii il ' , ....I; t -- s $ - DlPl s VTU jalunl bl A . f. 10 lCIW UI fag piiTilfga ,c 6 .iws are tliat-wCii6- ir ft 4 wftftyrV 1 f ex's! &X I v1 - Akii$u m.C- - ' - ; 01 ;oft our (itiuns anle) jLkUiral .Confciibie.7f . 1.( ow wHaerrieed where we had7 been' 1 , toil jt 1 , rt jil t many ;;A,;pki to tLe , 1 priti-legestbtou.n- v laa lafelyl in.thia ,Cityf titUiauitijaiJl therein And lcani;tbfcer To ; ,Thx; Yaunua i Jp c 1 lore toh earnij ltachers V" .. : sroi d : A lilstruet me ihMs word, v 7 i of encouragement to ' to learn the GUpel "J toiheyhUtb'willnbt ."perhaps -lldvo in latttr ua s; . bo oul ollace, Yum.g Fria., Kevealed ' o' to learn- orJtsns, vhcu wo were off our igeawe llo And Join to stoyBis pnuse; . rwre not blest truth then ... ,'.i are During 1' ;loro tlie good old Bible, , Andllook'of kioluiontoo, tratwere either urY(mjht,ive t i ' ' WritUhbyini.;iriitioii, ling westward, j andj!' helping our parents make homes, jfri, the - Jj ipg Belief Foclcty irpihid all; oiler ?: . uuiiiiccd teiD , ; BC AJi inele . . 'h, k. a a ir lliei CNIptlltltJ St jpIStiT; - thV Loro: 11 fr'P ',)k:irsv'M , Ilofe togoto.iuLbay school. s ; The! e, is a; strong .corps ol W 01 krac n busily engagul- - ip rDy -- . il ,Lni rlsssinf jcun.oyMi.1 sate lilt rp c-- f .? i;cj i . l T hearty laugh pcte.Jn size and flavor, . with 1 hi Cactus yicdor nny produced in Italys sunny Vtiryded.aiiuitM ;'is.piper'tat i take. ;anu. every business man clime.' Many samples of homo h'K uhouIilidTei tie jin ts columns well as .the colic 1 as TCHtt the vuy last that it not credible, iliou of .antiiquitiiS.Webave cne Kil .Biinixienehecirculntion ' question to a!: why did npt f. thru uii b ui t I e f T ei iri tut all tory . ,,if the Awarding Comniiitco ) left dftcr- tuuUniui.AYe. therefore 9 tllb iikv our ,1 ri eV dsf for their iiid ard decide the quality of the T on exhibition? f ,; a J a ndy" hope unity m re will add wine ftheir'ni.Uies to bur already x-- FOR TUX 8l. CLOBGE 8UKDAT SCBOOL, fgi bon mW fj :h fWf.oie, irfrrirfd.ikstrfifrkl M .6!?v A y ti tw e to .Cotiery, a 'Mw'dsy xti M e v fig poors M1 17f hv - 1 nft'sit dbwn jw;ih iiAi& h uV e. a ted imrih m p fi fV i-- acccmpa i.iri! by Bio? J ijl G. l lefk si d cil trs c ilig t ir ba Lake Clfy.voati, ud r(i.fcTfucn Iff.tn i5rritaiid Bio. 8i rw vyirctl , teiPMt p t VouLg.A I ForliGiii.l U jdgVcWith Mii);lo, Ctl U . ?;Vl5ir,fl vXJVt-- fvuhd tense as jrell , lAKBlJAL FAIE v ( ? r r roif et b calculated .U ' to .The Gardener's Club, annua t' '. tf!. ; , issfy fe fairwas held at the Gardeners to to.lauch all ojVnol :ythe timt can. rrlicct .Club IiaUr.on the 12th. inst; fA raxiu;tome fine variety cf ifruit .waa eahi-- f . white otters ars cry, Hjtau l i ft i I 4" ' getting ibitedand woniayi very truth j ; Fi |