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Show I 9Fi 1 HvbileiBett Lakpifra its mfa eter,tt.c:rtoAf ,Jf je haeials A dtlciilationi rf of ours tells; ufc ihath friendqW its" 1 x hits seen t--w ldenee oh the:goo'd hea1th:rortheA jpeopl st lhe proprietor & o the ; tbs tkhoeakbdi JSU PeoferDrugibStorq ;? Was uibngit al5riiselJdripK some six miles , up that'pVefir Wjim somelkte iiiinVetioiiii prospepting-foffOCffttht- 1 in M whiil tt hat sh&lhtf d call it? A.ea'loaslooklhquadfupdl 1 This monster1 his a Jbuman.L head? which reScmblcf k heaji j tiful young lady, a bodv abou thesistof ail dlephinti butsha drug.. pdd .like' ad 'ofctri fch; ts le&s am an b'utv 1 f et are lifceftbose, of Vdonkey and its it ff' the a ppeaapa Mil tiiU ! ill ti 1 TiJm -- m - bn Observer. 1 K j f? is f light on the'Sfrgar Xtihlj hen! acat,1 jit' one, leaps lrkd :lhAtl ol Which! r. V: s: on the summit .is about 42 fecthigh;' where it Which is perfectly1 trip Sits on its haunches, fnnd cries iT f sot r j ibi tterly, like A child in ticuble? This is a strange story. )ai Wtf me a deputy, sheriff a. few irfriend is willing totako'an oath respecting its' veracity' for aya ago, who exclaimed; I am bound to naye0 my ahorse, . shod a gallon ofsorgum I fM K before night, blackorwhlpa. CORRESPONDENCE. smith. At night we sga fn.met Mr. Kditor'CiCTuir ePty5 wdid you get yonr horse shod? we asked. ;Nb .Sir, bat I While readerg Iheto Virgen ha ve come 4te the , conclusion tiat h 7jrnes of tbetSih instO I! no the blacksmiths are, a set of ham pi pn the .Stealth of W e again asked hUn'i1)id A?fir;iV Wj rhave.jOh-8erve- bugs. whipouqoftheml WWp one jthe health of the' people you of themtl consider fhem beneath tr in th li 6o u therncl l mV was nev-e- V notice y Sjrj Welefl convinced so gobd ni ;ha i biien the ease that blacksmiths, were la no dkn us tho past apd present1 seafeoiibf ger 1 Casesf of sfekn&s t have joecin few,, and deaths x&ompari talgSllir IVaMnL ' Our ifyplji ,toqe.i t jf pjiysioi Ana . d, 4 v,:: . ,U :iA&yu jmyKtat tuei wain ty, jW. Tfie rftpiadr r i tb ihbkerviVakinuPstax . m An . It it.A t! bdr bois Wirereiiited. u When ebeagccl all who anti i pktf b iVing shoe-making to do liftthe Sext six rnnths tt go t and do iikewikb. ! ; takuigtlAm liway4 himHbakifiHher::1ob5 fhr hk&'mbhth!henie?kn t A t ,.S. Hi l ;f ' : f tut) h Jw.. i.rThij, following j:hfy inay serve as a useful guide io the young ofbothfsex6sw.Hosre nmbitinHs to acquife thirele- - . : -- ! gantccohriplismhnt. Us pqUIaiee. ftvfewl4t?r tirou' the;jfSH kWlri t v3:Wrtlmri2SlfJ Jtht ii ,1$$$,. assbi 'a claiirf, nnd wWUtf td Jbef6fh i B tohklliiiiy: m ole 'wHv feiys 'hl, vfdrk 1 Y&, ftshtegtoh; Washington Co. nitnsd jfer hot there etaer 4floJdii4 tie rightly ta HtUuV Mi.. -- Wn.lj nly when the mdon ttirotrs Iti it springs flext da v'We tfefiiiiqe g2S3Sffe., cwpot thu na only !. t IkMe In. M7 rtM f - . 11 1 jo?tVK-S-' . I 5 i 1' |